Local historian and researcher Betty Darnell has indexed Bullitt County Deed Books A-Q by grantors, grantees, and deed book pages, and allowed us to share her work here. We have now added Deed Book R to the index. You may find some of her other works on our publications for sale page.
Links to
| A |
D-E |
F |
G |
I-K |
L |
M-ME |
MI- NU |
O-P |
Q-R |
T-V |
W-Z |
Grantee | Grantor | Deed | Date |
W. S. & J. H. | Barclay, D. | N 544 | 1854 |
Wade, M. O. | Travis, F. | M 246 | 1850 |
Wade, M. O. | Wells, William | M 257 | 1850 |
Wakefield, John | Gore, Jonathan | F 448 | 1827 |
Wakefield, M. W. | Saunders, Nathaniel Pope Heirs | Q 158 | 1864 |
Wakefield, S.H. | Bell, Thomas | O 382 | 1855 |
Wakefield, S.H. | Burdette, Peyton | P 121 | 1861 |
Wakefield, W'm | Thurman, W'm (2) | O 645-6 | 1854 |
Walden, W'm | Miles, G. W. | P 332 | 1862 |
Walker, C. | Stevens, W'm (2) | P 073 | 1862 |
Walker, C. C. | King, B. F. (Error) | O 713 | 1854 |
Walker, Gideon | Crenshaw, Thos. | C 297 | 1815 |
Walker, Gideon | Lashbrook, Thomas | D 473 | 1821 |
Walker, Kate | Hornbeck, John C. Heirs | Q 247 | 1864 |
Walker, L. F. | King, B. F. (Error) | O 713 | 1854 |
Wallace, Henry | Wilson, William | Q 267 | 1865 |
Wallace, James H. | Strother, W. D. | R 031 | 1866 |
Wallace, Jane E. | Shanklin, John F. | R 262 | 1869 |
Wallace, Thomas | Thornsberry, S. B. | K 088 | 1843 |
Waller, Peter Jr. | Miller, Jacob | L 216 | 1847 |
Walton, Matthew | Simmons, Cephas | C 230 | 1815 |
Wante, Stephen P. | Bastrop, P. H. N. Tat | A2 286 | 1801 |
Warren | Johnson, D. J. | L 415 | 1848 |
Waters, Elenor | Graham, Andrew | B 610 | 1812 |
Waters, H. B. | Waters, Wm Hrs | M 195 | 1850 |
Waters, J. M. | Ashlock, Sam | P 493 | 1858 |
Waters, Jno M. | Waters, H. B. | M 265 | 1850 |
Waters, John M. | Hoskins, W'm | N 403 | 1855 |
Waters, John M. | Burch, F. A. | Q 596 | 1867 |
Waters, Talbott | Debo, Henry | M 276 | 1852 |
Waters, W. & S. | Waters, Wm Hrs | M 198 | 1850 |
Waters, W'm | Smith, Samuel | C 455 | 1817 |
Waters, William | Williams, James | A2 408 | 1801 |
Weaks, Elijah | McGrew, Joseph | B 228 | 1808 |
Weatherford, A. | Weatherford H. | N 034 | 1853 |
Weatherford, H. | Ash, Geo. | M 333 | 1850 |
Weatherford, H. M. | Weatherford, A. | M 368 | 1850 |
Weaver, M. S. | Miller, Peter | P 591 | 1862 |
Weaver, Mary S. | Wakefield, M. W. | P 590 | 1862 |
Weaver, Mary S. | Sanders, Geo R. | P 609 | 1865 |
Weaver, Richard | Mothershead, Charles | B 089 | 1807 |
Weaver, Richard | Alcorn, John | R 230 | 1868 |
Weaver, W'm | Ratt, W'm Hrs | M 363 | 1853 |
Webb, R. O. | Webb, R. S. | I 204 | 1837 |
Webb, R. O. | Hall, John | I 397 | 1841 |
Webb, R. S. | Wible, Ben S. | I 203 | 1837 |
Weber, George C. A. | Oxley, B. F. | O 302 | 1857 |
Weeks, Elijah | Sparks, Elijah | D 173 | 1819 |
Welch, B. | Steadman, W'm | P 128 | 1862 |
Welch, Basil | Griffin, M. | N 548 | 1854 |
Welch, Basil | Rose, Henry | Q 142 | 1866 |
Welch, Basil | Griffin, Gilbert | R 053 | 1865 |
Welch, Basil | Green, William | R 054 | 1866 |
Welch, Basil (mortgage) | Cochran, Tom | Q 279 | 1862 |
Welch, J. | McHorney, James | P 288 | 1862 |
Welch, J. C. | Samuels, C. R. | P 345 | 1865 |
Welch, James C. | Welch, W'm Hrs | P 345 | 1862 |
Welch, Robert | Holmes, Martin G. | H 317 | 1836 |
Welch, Thomas | Welch, William Heirs | Q 217 | 1862 |
Welch, W'm | Samuels, James (Sheriff) | G 281 | 1831 |
Welch, W'm | Vaughn, Joel | K 336 | 1844 |
Welch, W'm | Carter, Catherine | L 008 | 1846 |
Welch, W'm | Smith, John | L 009 | 1846 |
Welch, W'm | Holsclaw, W'm H. | O 566 | 1855 |
Welch, W'm & Saml | Caldwell, W'm (Sheriff) | F 337 | 1827 |
Welch, William | Harshfield, John | L 010 | 1846 |
Welch, William | Welch, William Heirs | Q 220 | 1862 |
Welch, William | Chaddic, Heirs of John Sr. | R 179 | 1867 |
Welch, William | Cundiff, Richard | R 332 | 1869 |
Weldon, Jacob | Blanton, John | B 326 | 1808 |
Weldon, John | Weldon, Joseph | D 032 | 1818 |
Weldon, John | Weldon, David | D 033 | 1818 |
Weldon, John | Baird, Sarah | D 036 | 1818 |
Welker, Cara A. | Welker, Charles Heirs | R 391 | 1869 |
Weller, B.J. | Smith, B. F. | N 519 | 1856 |
Weller, D. | Byrne, W. T. | N 576 | 1854 |
Weller, D. J. | Dent, George B. | O 131 | 1854 |
Weller, Daniel J. | Mynett, Thomas (apprentice) | R 291 | 1868 |
Weller, Daniel J. | Dent, Georgia A. | R 616 | 1870 |
Weller, Geo. W. | Brown, J. J. | I 209 | 1839 |
Weller, George | Withers, Sophia | K 397 | 1845 |
Weller, George W. | Hager, John W. | Q 597 | 1867 |
Weller, George W. | Field, R. H. & W. R. Thompson (assignees of Westly Flood) | Q 601 | 1867 |
Weller, George W. | Thompson, W. R. & R. H. Field (assignees of Westly Flood) | Q 601 | 1867 |
Weller, J. P. | Congrove, W'm | M 464 | 1851 |
Weller, J. P. | Byrne, Robt | N 061 | 1853 |
Weller, P. H. | Lee, Philip | M 148 | 1850 |
Weller, P. H. | Weller, W. C. | M 186 | 1850 |
Weller, Philip | Shanks, M. A. | E 172 | 1823 |
Weller, Philip H. | Pennebaker, Fred | G 173 | 1829 |
Weller, Philip H. | Bowen, Jacob | G 370 | 1832 |
Weller, Philip H. | James, Elisha | G 370 | 1832 |
Weller, Philip H. | Bowen, Jacob | G 371 | 1832 |
Weller, Philip H. | James, Elisha | G 371 | 1832 |
Weller, R. | Barger, Geo. M. | P 456 | 1863 |
Weller, R. | Bridwell, Jos. P. | P 456 | 1863 |
Wells, Abraham | Smith, James | A2 386 | 1804 |
Wells, E. F. | Overall, John T. | P 358 | 1863 |
Wells, Jacob | Bowen, Jacob | I 130 | 1838 |
Wells, James | Bell, J. T. | P 381 | 1861 |
Wells, James A. | Wells, Peyton A. | P 006 | 1862 |
Wells, James A. | Wells, P. H. | P 504 | 1862 |
Wells, James A. | Kennett, Mahala | Q 317 | 1866 |
Wells, James A. | Kennett, Pius | Q 317 | 1866 |
Wells, Jefferson (land division) | Wells, Vardiman Heirs | R 462 | 1869 |
Wells, Jesse | Essrey, John | A2 251 | 1802 |
Wells, Jesse (mortgage release) | Stoner, John | B 163 | 1807 |
Wells, Louisiana (land division) | Wells, Vardiman Heirs | R 464 | 1869 |
Wells, Mitchell (land division) | Wells, Vardiman Heirs | R 468 | 1869 |
Wells, Peyton H. | Williams, Zealy | K 531 | 1846 |
Wells, S. | Crist, Henry | H 060 | 1833 |
Wells, S. | Simmons, G. W. | P 152 | 1862 |
Wells, S. D. | Mathis, G. W. | M 112 | 1850 |
Wells, Sam | Simmons, R. P. | I 374 | 1840 |
Wells, Sam | Temple, W'm | L 469 | 1849 |
Wells, Samuel (land division) | Rouse, James A. | R 591 | 1869 |
Wells, Samuel (mortgage) | Harris, William L. | Q 551 | 1867 |
Wells, Samuel & James A. Rouse | Field, R. H. & William R. Thompson | Q 622 | 1867 |
Wells, Samuel & James A. Rouse | Thompson, William R. & R. H. Field | Q 622 | 1867 |
Wells, Thomas | Wells, Nathan | A2 224 | 1801 |
Wells, Thomas | Saunders, Thomas | B 408 | 1809 |
Wells, Thomas | Breckenridge, Robt | C 271 | 1815 |
Wells, Thomas | Sanders, Thomas | H 044 | 1833 |
Wells, Thomas W. | Ricketts, Jonathan E. | Q 102 | 1866 |
Wells, Thomas W. | Hoglan, Neil | R 353 | 1869 |
Wells, Thomas W. (land division) | Wells, Vardiman Heirs | R 467 | 1869 |
Wells, Thos | Pope, William & Worden | C 271 | 1815 |
Wells, Thos | Summers, Benj | G 055 | 1828 |
Wells, V. R. | Brown, W'm W. | K 213 | 1844 |
Wells, W. | Masden, J. E. | P 175 | 1862 |
Wells, W'm C. | Wells, Peyton H. | L 321 | 1848 |
Welsh, James | Welsh, John | C 023 | 1813 |
Welsh, James & William | Welsch, W'm Sr. | C 256 | 1815 |
Welsh, Mary | Summers, Benjamin | C 464 | 1818 |
Welsh, Mary | Brandon, Pete | D 161 | 1818 |
Welsh, Mary | Buckner, N. | D 238 | 1819 |
Welsh, Mary | Robards, Geo. L. | D 240 | 1819 |
Welsh, Sam | Lewis, H. T. | P 615 | 1866 |
Welsh, W'm | Green, S. S. | I 437 | 1841 |
Welsh, W'm | Green, W'm | N 188 | 1854 |
Welsh, W'm | Chappell, W. F. | P 560 | 1862 |
Welsh, W'm | Reariden, Jeff | P 567 | 1862 |
Wengardner, J. A. | McAhron, W. | M 386 | 1851 |
Werker, Charles | Trunnell, Henry | Q 583 | 1867 |
West, John W. | Birkhead, C. B. | Q 072 | 1866 |
Westfall | Goldsmith, Sam | H 095 | 1834 |
Westfall, John | Myers, John | D 262 | 1820 |
Westfall, John | Goldsmith, Samuel | F 226 | 1826 |
Westfall, John | Myers Hrs | I 291 | 1840 |
Westfall, John & Rich Joyce | Wilson, Daniel | D 282 | 1819 |
Wheat, C. M. | Oxley, B. F. | O 351 | 1858 |
Wheeler, Benjamin | Stansberry, Thomas | A2 143 | 1800 |
Wheeler, Harrison B. | Smith, William | Q 543 | 1867 |
Wheeler, J. M. | Hall, John | N 200 | 1854 |
Wheeler, J. M. | Wheeler, R. Hrs | O 182 | 1854 |
Wheeler, John | Bell, Robt | G 061 | 1828 |
Wheeler, John C. | Breckenridge Robert & others | B 594 | 1812 |
Wheeler, John C. | Pope, Worden & others | B 594 | 1812 |
Wheeler, John C. | Pope, William Jr. & others | B 594 | 1812 |
Wheeler, John C. | Breckenridge, Robt | C 372 | 1816 |
Wheeler, John C. | Pope, William & Worden | C 372 | 1817 |
Wheeler, John C. | Breckenridge, Robt | C 403 | 1817 |
Wheeler, John C. | Pope, William & Worden | C 403 | 1817 |
Wheeler, John Exor | Wheeler, S. J. | O 314 | 1854 |
Wheeler, John M. | Crenshaw, W. B. | R 276 | 1869 |
Wheeler, W. A. | Wheeler, C. G. | N 499 | 1855 |
Wheeler, W. A. | Wheeler, S. J. | O 314 | 1854 |
Whitcomb & Mather (lease) | Smith, William | R 579 | 1870 |
Whitcomb, D. F. (lease) | Smith, William | R 579 | 1870 |
White William N. | Joyce, Thomas | Q 283 | 1866 |
White, B. | Martin, Thomas | F 265 | 1827 |
White, James | Rickerson, John | O 026 | 1854 |
White, John (mortgage) | Wood, James B. | Q 535 | 1867 |
White, Rich | White, Britt | H 077 | 1834 |
White, T. P. | Brashears, R. Hrs (2) | P 415-16 | 1861 |
Whitesides, W. B. | Phelps, Wesley | R 343 | 1868 |
Whitledge | Ridgway, S. W. | O 175 | 1854 |
Whitledge, A. K. | Hall, Nathan | N 448 | 1855 |
Whitledge, J. M. & Jas M. | Whitledge, Francis | N 093 | 1853 |
Whitledge, John | Whitledge, William | A2 289 | 1802 |
Whitledge, John | Grant, W'm | E 256 | 1824 |
Whitledge, John | Crist, Henry | H 057 | 1833 |
Whitledge, John S. | Tucker, Caleb | R 505 | 1870 |
Whitledge, O. K. | Summers, R. K. | O 423 | 1856 |
Whitledge, O. K. | Parris, W. C. | P 148 | 1862 |
Whitledge, Overall | Whitledge, William | A2 287 | 1802 |
Whitledge, Overall | Breckenridge, Robt | C 130 | 1813 |
Whitledge, Overall | Pope, William & Worden | C 130 | 1813 |
Whitledge, S. E. | Grant, J. L. | N 214 | 1854 |
Whitledge, Thomas | Whitledge, William | A2 287 | 1802 |
Whitledge, Thomas | Breckenridge, Robert & others | B 639 | 1812 |
Whitledge, Thomas | Pope, Worden & others | B 639 | 1812 |
Whitledge, Thomas | Pope, William Jr. & others | B 639 | 1812 |
Whitledge, Thomas D. | Whitledge, Overall | F 127 | 1825 |
Whitledge, Thomas D. | Whitledge, Overall | F 127 | 1825 |
Whitledge, Thos | Whitledge, W'm | C 417 | 1817 |
Whitledge, Thos. | Crist, Henry | C 216 | 1815 |
Whitledge, W. O. | Beaucham, R. A. | O 375 | 1857 |
Whitledge, W'm G., W. S. Brooks & Jno Clark | Whitledge, John | I 155 | 1839 |
Whitledge, W'm O. | Whitledge, Thomas D. | K 116 | 1843 |
Whitledge, William | Breckenridge, Robt | C 049 | 1812 |
Whitledge, William | Pope, William & Worden | C 049 | 1812 |
Whitledge, William Jr. | Whitledge, William | A2 288 | 1802 |
Wible, B. W. | Burdette, Peyton | I 328 | 1840 |
Wible, Benj. M. | Alexander, John | H 426 | 1836 |
Wickcoff, Nicholas | Panebaker, Wiand | B 091 | 1806 |
Wickins, Joseph | Wigginton, Roger (by Samuel Carrell) | B 269 | 1808 |
Wickliffe, Charles A. | Hall, Clifton (Shff) | F 210 | 1826 |
Wickliffe, Chas A. | Crow, Basil | H 046 | 1833 |
Wigginton Hrs | Wigginton, Seth | L 496-7 | 1849 |
Wigginton, Emily | Pratt, Richard | R 125 | 1868 |
Wigginton, Emily | Nutt, Robert | R 441 | 1869 |
Wigginton, Emily | Pratt, Richard & Nancy's Heirs | R 554 | 1870 |
Wigginton, F. | King, Nelson | E 055 | 1822 |
Wigginton, F. | Hobbs, Noah | M 070 | 1851 |
Wigginton, F. | King, Val. | M 462 | 1851 |
Wigginton, F. | Hibbett (By Com'r) | O 279 | 1854 |
Wigginton, Fielding | Bridwell, John | K 274 | 1844 |
Wigginton, Fielding | King, Elijah | K 275 | 1844 |
Wigginton, H. B. | Bumberger, E. | N 075 | 1853 |
Wigginton, H. B. | McCallister, W. J. | P 022 | 1862 |
Wigginton, H. B. | Cornell | P 270 | 1860 |
Wigginton, Hardin | Jones, Hardin | O 494 | 1854 |
Wigginton, Henry H. | Alloway siblings | Q 389 | 1865 |
Wigginton, J. H. | Hamilton, H. C. | O 603 | 1855 |
Wigginton, J. W. | Smith, B. F. | O 296 | 1856 |
Wigginton, Sam | Burdette, Peyton | N 112 | 1853 |
Wigginton, Sam | Gentry, David | N 583 | 1854 |
Wigginton, Seth | Stone, Davis | F 231 | 1826 |
Wigginton, Seth Hrs | Wigginton Hrs | M 164 | 1850 |
Wigginton, Thompson | Wigginton, H. B. | L 526 | 1849 |
Wigginton, W'm G. | Jones, Philip H. | D 045 | 1818 |
Wight, Benjamin J. (attorney) | Wight, Amos J. | Q 505 | 1861 |
Wiklinson, Obe | Bee, Rich | N 147 | 1853 |
Wilcoxen | Hough, Jos. | M 334 | 1853 |
Wilcoxen, L. | Summers, John B. | D 455 | 1821 |
Wilcoxen, Leven Children | Wilcoxen, Leven | B 060 | 1806 |
Wilcoxen, Levin | Froman, Paul | A2 040 | 1797 |
Wilcoxen, Levin | Chinn, R. | C 304 | 1815 |
Wilcoxen, Lewis | Fuquay, Nancy | E 169 | 1823 |
Wilcoxen, Thomas H. | Taylor, James | E 008 | 1822 |
Wilhoit, A. | Shain, W'm | C 502 | 1818 |
Wilhoit, Abraham (attorney) | Wilhoit, Tobias | A2 324 | 1803 |
Wilhoit, Mary | Armstrong, John | A2 400b | 1800 |
Wilhoit, Tobias | Yewell, Simeon | B 242 | 1808 |
Wilhoit, Tobias | Crow, Basil | B 269 | 1808 |
Wilkerson, L. | Short, W. C. | N 248 | 1853 |
Wilkerson, Nathan | Buky, J. C. | N 114 | 1853 |
Willett, Richard | Mahan, William (apprentice) | A2 174 | 1800 |
Williams Hrs | Williams, James (Division land) | K 429 | 1845 |
Williams Zealy | Williams, James | H 346 | 1836 |
Williams, Amos | Sparks, Daniel | B 424 | 1811 |
Williams, Frank | Williams, J. B. | R 227 | 1868 |
Williams, Heirs of S. B. | Williams, Heirs of S. B. (deed of partition) | R 043 | 1867 |
Williams, Henry | Myers, John | B 607 | 1811 |
Williams, Henry | Simpson, B. G. | H 147 | 1834 |
Williams, J. B. | Summers, B. | I 262 | 1839 |
Williams, J. B. | Brooks, Annie E. | R 182 | 1868 |
Williams, J. B. | Brooks, Catherine L. | R 182 | 1868 |
Williams, J. B. | Brooks, James B. | R 182 | 1868 |
Williams, J. B. | Richardson, William B. | R 182 | 1868 |
Williams, James | Smyth, Samuel | A2 044 | 1797 |
Williams, James | Williams, Zealy Sr. | G 406 | 1832 |
Williams, James | McWilliams, James | I 012 | 1837 |
Williams, John | Miles, Nathan | E 164 | 1823 |
Williams, L. | Singer, William | E 130 | 1822 |
Williams, Mary V. | Williams, Heirs of S. B. | R 019 | 1867 |
Williams, S. B. & others | Simmons, H. | I 512 | 1842 |
Williams, W. | Chaddic, John | M 063 | 1850 |
Williams, Zealey | Taylor, William | C 181 | 1814 |
Williams, Zealey | Mitchell, S. J. | K 505 | 1846 |
Williams, Zealey Jr. | Williams, Zealy Sr. | G 405 | 1832 |
Williams, Zealy | Smock, James | H 183 | 1835 |
Williams, Zealy | Williams, Elizabeth | H 225 | 1835 |
Williams, Zealy | Williams, Elizabeth | L 271 | 1848 |
Williams, Zealy | Read, John S. | Q 397 | 1866 |
Williams, Zealy | Cornwell, Mary B. | Q 397 | 1866 |
Williams, Zelay | Williams Hrs | L 098 | 1847 |
Williams, Zelia | Alcorn, John | Q 396 | 1866 |
Wills, Peachey | Newland, Jacob | A2 084 | 1799 |
Wills, Peachey | Price, William | A2 084 | 1799 |
Wills, Peachey | Lemen, Robert | A2 084 | 1799 |
Wilson | Hall, Austin (Shff) | F 483 | 1828 |
Wilson Hrs | Hall, John | K 104 | 1843 |
Wilson, Daniel | Trustees of Shepherdsville | A2 014 | 1797 |
Wilson, Daniel (attorney) | Whitledge, John | B 180 | 1808 |
Wilson, David | Bowen, Thomas | G 258 | 1830 |
Wilson, David | Fox, Philip | H 332 | 1836 |
Wilson, David | Porter, Josiah | I 473 | 1842 |
Wilson, E. K. | Moore, Charles | F 059 | 1825 |
Wilson, E. K. | Rix, W'm | F 059 | 1825 |
Wilson, E. K. | Kalfus, H. F. | F 134 | 1825 |
Wilson, Emma F. | Wilson, John F. Heirs | Q 189 | 1865 |
Wilson, Geo | Wilson, W'm (mort) | M 287 | 1850 |
Wilson, H. | Oldham, J. W. | M 156 | 1850 |
Wilson, H. | Bowman, G. W. | M 226 | 1851 |
Wilson, J. M. | Benthal, C. G. | N 155 | 1853 |
Wilson, J. W. | Laswell, Uriah | R 417 | 1868 |
Wilson, Jesse | Reede, George | A2 185 | 1800 |
Wilson, Jesse | Phebus, John | A2 329 | 1803 |
Wilson, Jesse | Barber, Thomas | D 080 | 1818 |
Wilson, Jesse | Summers, Benj | G 297 | 1831 |
Wilson, Jesse | Sheriff | H 028 | 1833 |
Wilson, Jesse | Reed Hrs | H 083 | 1833 |
Wilson, Jesse | Wilson, Thomas Q. | H 234 | 1835 |
Wilson, Jesse (attorney) | Reed, George | B 657 | 1813 |
Wilson, Julia | Neill, Sam | M 497 | 1850 |
Wilson, M. | Hornbeck, J. C. | I 272 | 1839 |
Wilson, M. | Hornbeck, Ike | I 273 | 1839 |
Wilson, M. | Hornbeck, P. N. | I 274 | 1839 |
Wilson, M. | Sheriff (For McDowell Hrs) | K 365 | 1845 |
Wilson, M. & S. | Twyman, Isaac | F 273 | 1826 |
Wilson, M. & S. | Smith, R. M. | H 096 | 1834 |
Wilson, Martha T. Children | Wilson, Martha T. | Q 280 | 1865 |
Wilson, Mary V. | Wilson, John F. Heirs | Q 190 | 1865 |
Wilson, Matt | Reed, M. W. | F 380 | 1827 |
Wilson, Matt | Gore, Jonathan | F 382 | 1827 |
Wilson, Matt | Williams, Jno [indexed in supplement] | G 265 | [blank] |
Wilson, Matt & Sam | Simmons, Benj | E 218 | 1823 |
Wilson, Matthew | Halbert, M. R. Adm'r Jas. Halbert | F 251 | 1826 |
Wilson, Matthew | Wilson, Jesse (Sheriff) | F 269 | 1826 |
Wilson, Matthew | Wilson, Jesse (Sheriff) | F 269 | 1826 |
Wilson, Matthew | Beckwith, Mary W. | F 345 | 1827 |
Wilson, Matthew | Beckwith, Mary W. | F 346 | 1827 |
Wilson, Matthew | Bowman & Tilford | G 064 | 1828 |
Wilson, Matthew | Caldwell, W'm (Shff) | G 080 | 1829 |
Wilson, Matthew | Welch, William | G 284 | 1831 |
Wilson, Matthew | Welch, William | G 284 | 1831 |
Wilson, Matthew | Summers, Basil | I 358 | 1840 |
Wilson, Matthew | Summers, J. B. | K 268 | 1844 |
Wilson, Matthew | Summers, Benj | K 418 | 1845 |
Wilson, Matthew | Baker, John H. (By Com'r) | K 446 | 1845 |
Wilson, Matthew | Sheriff | M 055 | 1850 |
Wilson, Matthew & John Graham | Alexander, James | E 160 | 1823 |
Wilson, Matthew & Samuel | Summers, Noah C. | F 407 | 1827 |
Wilson, Matthew & Samuel | Rowland, Jonathan | G 087 | 1829 |
Wilson, Matthew & Samuel | Caldwell, John | G 363 | 1832 |
Wilson, Matthew E. | Wilson, John F. Heirs | Q 196 | 1865 |
Wilson, Sam | Miles, Nathan | F 396 | 1827 |
Wilson, Saml | Simmons, W. W. | F 396 | 1827 |
Wilson, Thomas Q. | Halbert, James | D 106 | 1818 |
Wilson, Thomas Q. | Glenn, Elizabeth | E 061 | 1822 |
Wilson, Thomas Q. | Grayson, F. W. S. | F 081 | 1825 |
Wilson, Thomas Q. | Alexander, S. S. | F 354 | 1827 |
Wilson, Thomas Q. | Wilcoxen, L. | G 198 | 1829 |
Wilson, Thomas Q. | Wilcoxen, L. | G 198 | 1829 |
Wilson, Thomas Q. | Sale, W'm | G 316 | 1831 |
Wilson, Thomas Q. | Guthrie, James | H 451 | 1837 |
Wilson, Thos Q. | Rouse, William | E 190 | 1823 |
Wilson, Thos Q. | Summers, Benj | F 354 | 1827 |
Wilson, Thos. Q. | Crow, Saml & Basil | D 148 | 1819 |
Wilson, Thos. Q. | Graham, John | E 190 | 1823 |
Wilson, Thos. Q. | Chalfant Hrs | G 158 | 1829 |
Wilson, Thos. Q. | Moore, Jas. L. | G 409 | 1832 |
Wilson, Upton | Rogers, Geo. L. | O 489 | 1854 |
Wilson, Upton | Wilson, John F. Heirs | Q 172 | 1865 |
Wilson, W. | Field, A. H. | O 398 | 1854 |
Wilson, W. | Wilson, G. | O 551 | 1854 |
Wilson, W'm | Oldham Hrs | L 222 | 1847 |
Wilson, W'm | Purdy, A. S. | M 266 | 1851 |
Wilson, W'm | Graff, Henry | M 414 | 1851 |
Wilson, W'm | Simcoe, R. B. | M 505 | 1852 |
Wilson, W'm | Simcoe, H. W. | N 106 | 1853 |
Wilson, W'm | Morrison, W. M. | O 168 | 1855 |
Wilson, W'm | Samuels, R. F. | O 536 | 1856 |
Wilson, W'm | Chapeze, Ben & Adam | O 558 | 1854 |
Wilson, William (services mortgage) | Crenshaw, Alison | R 401 | 1869 |
Winn, Richard | Kimberland, Jacob | A2 227 | 1801 |
Winn, Richard Albert | Winn, Eleanor | B 661 | 1813 |
Wise, Caleb | Wilcoxon, Levin | A2 308 | 1801 |
Wise, Caleb | Leewright, John | C 033 | 1811 |
Wise, Caleb | Irwin, Joseph | G 407 | 1831 |
Wise, Caleb | Simmons Hrs | K 449 | 1845 |
Wise, Caleb | Welsh, W. H. | N 579 | 1855 |
Wise, John A. | Brown, W. J. | N 076 | 1853 |
Wise, R. A. | Wise, Caleb | L 120 | 1847 |
Wise, R. A. | Muir, J. W. | N 029 | 1853 |
Wise, R. A. & C. | Greenwell, Jos. | M 046 | 1850 |
Wiseman, Judith (for Sampson) | Essery, John (deed of emancipation) | A2 437 | 1805 |
Withers | Thompson, Grayson | F 409 | 1828 |
Withers, B. | Briscoe, G. W. Hrs | O 292 | 1857 |
Withers, John | Fuquay, Henry Hrs | H 170 | 1835 |
Withers, S. | Wilson, E. K. | G 083 | 1829 |
Withers, S. | Wilson, E. K. | G 083 | 1829 |
Withers, S. | Troutman, Leonard | I 215 | 1839 |
Withers, S. L. | Overall, W. | F 457 | 1828 |
Withers, Sophia | Fuqua Hrs | K 126 | 1843 |
Withers, Sophia | Sheriff | M 121 | 1851 |
Withers, Sophia L. | Fuquay, Isom | I 001 | 1837 |
Withers, William (attorney) | Withers, James | B 386 | 1810 |
Wlaker, Jos. | Donalson, John | F 221 | 1826 |
Wolf, G. | Hamilton, J. R. | O 223 | 1854 |
Wolf, G. | Riley, S. W. | O 401 | 1854 |
Wolf, G. | Brentlinger, P. Hrs | O 440 | 1855 |
Wolf, Godfrey | Showalter, J. W. | O 550 | 1856 |
Wolf, Godfrey | Brentlinger, Peter Hrs | O 674 | 1857 |
Wolf, Godfrey | Brentlinger, Benjamin W. | Q 372 | 1866 |
Wood, James B. | Wilson, Upton | Q 433 | 1866 |
Wood, James B. (deed of release) | White, John (trustee) | R 180 | 1868 |
Wood, John | Sherley, William | B 357 | 1809 |
Wood, John | Crist, Henry | C 001 | 1809 |
Woodard, Richard | Markus, William Kid (by constable) | A2 356 | 1804 |
Woodridge, Joseph | Hibbs, Isaac | O 654 | 1857 |
Woodridge, Simon | Magruder, William E. | Q 023 | 1865 |
Wooldrdige, Jos | Williams, James | M 125 | 1850 |
Wooldridge, Daniel | Neill, Samuel | I 484 | 1842 |
Wooldridge, Jos. | McWilliams,l James | M 125 | 1850 |
Wooldridge, S. | Magruder, J. F. | P 227 | 1862 |
Wooldridge, Simon | Masden, James | Q 357 | 1866 |
Woolfe, Godfrey | Alcorn, John | R 074 | 1867 |
Wrench, Mike | Miller, Geo. | F 229 | 1826 |
Wright, Ben | Shanklin, A. | N 512 | 1856 |
Wright, E. | Hall, Asa | O 230 | 1854 |
Wright, Elijah | Hughes, Jesse | A2 124 | 1800 |
Wright, Elijah | Taylor, James | C 212 | 1814 |
Wright, Elijah | Hough, Moses C. | C 503 | 1817 |
Wright, Elijah | Ruby, Lawrence | E 075 | 1819 |
Wright, Elijah | Crist, Henry | G 468 | 1832 |
Wright, J. H. | Pratt, Nancy | P 447 | 1862 |
Wright, J. W. | Harris, Felix | R 255 | 1869 |
Wright, J. W. | Sells, Edward | R 255 | 1869 |
Wright, James | Hubbard, Albert E. | K 178 | 1843 |
Wright, James | Halderman, D. | M 036 | 1850 |
Wright, James | Hundley, W. A. | M 262 | 1852 |
Wright, James | Keller, E. | M 262 | 1851 |
Wright, James | Hundley, W. A. | M 264 | 1852 |
Wright, James | Hamilton, H. C. | M 521 | 1853 |
Wright, James | Bridges, Smith | O 341 | 1857 |
Wright, Jos. & James | Polk, W'm | O 001 | 1854 |
Wright, Joseph H. | O'Bryan, T. H. | R 071 | 1868 |
Wright, Mitchel & Woodford (minerals lease) | Stallings, Thomas | Q 318 | 1865 |
Wright, Mitchel & Woodford (minerals lease) | Smith, William | Q 319 | 1865 |
Wright, Mitchel & Woodford (minerals lease) | Smith, George W. | Q 321 | 1865 |
Wright, Mitchel & Woodford (minerals lease) | Moreman, Augustin | Q 322 | 1865 |
Wright, Mitchel & Woodford (minerals lease) | Bell, Charles | Q 325 | 1865 |
Wright, Mitchel & Woodford (minerals lease) | Smith, Denton | Q 327 | 1865 |
Wright, Mitchel & Woodford (minerals lease) | Stallings, Jeremiah | Q 328 | 1865 |
Wright, Mitchel & Woodford (minerals lease) | Summers, Rufus K. | Q 329 | 1865 |
Wright, Mitchel & Woodford (minerals lease) | Wilson, Upton | Q 331 | 1865 |
Yates, James | Blanton, John | B 318 | 1808 |
Yates, James | Taylor, William | C 183 | 1814 |
Yates, John H. | Chaddic, John | D 356 | 1820 |
Yates, Thomas | Shepherd, Adam | A2 211 | 1801 |
Yenowine, Henry | Yenowine, J. | O 653 | 1857 |
Yenowine, P. H. | Mitchell, Dennis | O 634 | 1856 |
Yewell, James | Standiford, Ephraim | A2 121 | 1799 |
Yewell, James | Standiford, John Whitaker | A2 121 | 1799 |
Yewell, Simeon | Wilhoit, Tobias | B 067 | 1806 |
Yewell, Simeon | Wilhoit, Tobias | B 243 | 1808 |
Yocum, Amelia | Myers Hrs | L 400 | 1849 |
Yocum, Amelia | Allisons Hrs | L 420 | 1848 |
Yocum, Emelia | Allison, Saml Hrs | I 464 | 1841 |
Yoder, Jacob | Shepherd, Adam (by sheriff) | B 068 | 1805 |
Yoder, Jacob | Shepherd, Adam | B 561 | 1812 |
Yoder, Jacob | Mitchell, Fred | C 320 | 1816 |
Yoder, Jacob | Osburn, John | F 214 | 1826 |
Yoder, Jacob | Polk, Edmund | F 306 | 1827 |
Yoder, Jacob | Caldwell, W'm | G 112 | 1829 |
Yost, Jacob | Oxley, B. F. | R 432 | 1869 |
Young & Field | Shepherd, James | P 540 | 1865 |
Young, John | Davis, Moses | B 135 | 1806 |
Young, Joseph (attorney) | Grayson, Frederic W. S. | B 533 | 1812 |
Younger, E. S. | Halbert, Dan | D 231 | 1819 |
Younger, Harriet | Younger, Isaac | L 386 | 1848 |
Younger, Harriet | Phelps, W. | P 570 | 1862 |
Younger, Henry | Walton, Matthew | A2 246 | 1802 |
Younger, Henry | Samuels, Robert | A2 346 | 1804 |
Younger, Henry | Simmons, Jonathan | B 127 | 1804 |
Younger, Henry | Glass, Royal | B 307 | 1809 |
Younger, Henry | Crow, Basil | C 037 | 1811 |
Younger, Henry | Hart, Henry | C 106 | 1814 |
Younger, Henry | Hart, Richard | C 117 | 1814 |
Younger, Henry | Hart, Dolly | C 269 | 1815 |
Younger, Henry | Crow, Basil (By Atty) | C 279 | 1815 |
Younger, Henry | Jenkins, G. W. | O 475 | 1854 |
Zahn, John F. E. | Crandell, William | R 224 | 1868 |
Zellhart, John | Cooper, Jesse | E 117 | 1823 |
Zellhart, John | Thixton, W'm | G 270 | 1831 |
Zellhart, Philip | Hough, Moses C. | E 011 | 1822 |
Zellhart, Philip | Peyton, Craven | F 130 | 1825 |
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The Bullitt County History Museum, a service of the Bullitt County Genealogical Society, is located in the county courthouse at 300 South Buckman Street (Highway 61) in Shepherdsville, Kentucky. The museum, along with its research room, is open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Saturday appointments are available by calling 502-921-0161 during our regular weekday hours. Admission is free. The museum, as part of the Bullitt County Genealogical Society, is a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization and is classified as a 509(a)2 public charity. Contributions and bequests are deductible under section 2055, 2106, or 2522 of the Internal Revenue Code. Page last modified: 20 Mar 2025 . Page URL: bullittcountyhistory.org/bchistory/deed-index/grantee-w-z.html