Bullitt County History

Bullitt County Deed Books A-R Index
Grantees - W-Z

Local historian and researcher Betty Darnell has indexed Bullitt County Deed Books A-Q by grantors, grantees, and deed book pages, and allowed us to share her work here. We have now added Deed Book R to the index. You may find some of her other works on our publications for sale page.

W. S. & J. H.Barclay, D.N 5441854
Wade, M. O.Travis, F.M 2461850
Wade, M. O.Wells, WilliamM 2571850
Wakefield, JohnGore, JonathanF 4481827
Wakefield, M. W.Saunders, Nathaniel Pope HeirsQ 1581864
Wakefield, S.H.Bell, ThomasO 3821855
Wakefield, S.H.Burdette, PeytonP 1211861
Wakefield, W'mThurman, W'm (2)O 645-61854
Walden, W'mMiles, G. W.P 3321862
Walker, C.Stevens, W'm (2)P 0731862
Walker, C. C.King, B. F. (Error)O 7131854
Walker, GideonCrenshaw, Thos.C 2971815
Walker, GideonLashbrook, ThomasD 4731821
Walker, KateHornbeck, John C. HeirsQ 2471864
Walker, L. F.King, B. F. (Error)O 7131854
Wallace, HenryWilson, WilliamQ 2671865
Wallace, James H.Strother, W. D.R 0311866
Wallace, Jane E.Shanklin, John F.R 2621869
Wallace, ThomasThornsberry, S. B.K 0881843
Waller, Peter Jr.Miller, JacobL 2161847
Walton, MatthewSimmons, CephasC 2301815
Wante, Stephen P.Bastrop, P. H. N. TatA2 2861801
WarrenJohnson, D. J.L 4151848
Waters, ElenorGraham, AndrewB 6101812
Waters, H. B.Waters, Wm HrsM 1951850
Waters, J. M.Ashlock, SamP 4931858
Waters, Jno M.Waters, H. B.M 2651850
Waters, John M.Hoskins, W'mN 4031855
Waters, John M.Burch, F. A.Q 5961867
Waters, TalbottDebo, HenryM 2761852
Waters, W. & S.Waters, Wm HrsM 1981850
Waters, W'mSmith, SamuelC 4551817
Waters, WilliamWilliams, JamesA2 4081801
Weaks, ElijahMcGrew, JosephB 2281808
Weatherford, A.Weatherford H.N 0341853
Weatherford, H.Ash, Geo.M 3331850
Weatherford, H. M.Weatherford, A.M 3681850
Weaver, M. S.Miller, PeterP 5911862
Weaver, Mary S.Wakefield, M. W.P 5901862
Weaver, Mary S.Sanders, Geo R.P 6091865
Weaver, RichardMothershead, CharlesB 0891807
Weaver, RichardAlcorn, JohnR 2301868
Weaver, W'mRatt, W'm HrsM 3631853
Webb, R. O.Webb, R. S.I 2041837
Webb, R. O.Hall, JohnI 3971841
Webb, R. S.Wible, Ben S.I 2031837
Weber, George C. A.Oxley, B. F.O 3021857
Weeks, ElijahSparks, ElijahD 1731819
Welch, B.Steadman, W'mP 1281862
Welch, BasilGriffin, M.N 5481854
Welch, BasilRose, HenryQ 1421866
Welch, BasilGriffin, GilbertR 0531865
Welch, BasilGreen, WilliamR 0541866
Welch, Basil (mortgage)Cochran, TomQ 2791862
Welch, J.McHorney, JamesP 2881862
Welch, J. C.Samuels, C. R.P 3451865
Welch, James C.Welch, W'm HrsP 3451862
Welch, RobertHolmes, Martin G.H 3171836
Welch, ThomasWelch, William HeirsQ 2171862
Welch, W'mSamuels, James (Sheriff)G 2811831
Welch, W'mVaughn, JoelK 3361844
Welch, W'mCarter, CatherineL 0081846
Welch, W'mSmith, JohnL 0091846
Welch, W'mHolsclaw, W'm H.O 5661855
Welch, W'm & SamlCaldwell, W'm (Sheriff)F 3371827
Welch, WilliamHarshfield, JohnL 0101846
Welch, WilliamWelch, William HeirsQ 2201862
Welch, WilliamChaddic, Heirs of John Sr.R 1791867
Welch, WilliamCundiff, RichardR 3321869
Weldon, JacobBlanton, JohnB 3261808
Weldon, JohnWeldon, JosephD 0321818
Weldon, JohnWeldon, DavidD 0331818
Weldon, JohnBaird, SarahD 0361818
Welker, Cara A.Welker, Charles HeirsR 3911869
Weller, B.J.Smith, B. F.N 5191856
Weller, D.Byrne, W. T.N 5761854
Weller, D. J.Dent, George B.O 1311854
Weller, Daniel J.Mynett, Thomas (apprentice)R 2911868
Weller, Daniel J.Dent, Georgia A.R 6161870
Weller, Geo. W.Brown, J. J.I 2091839
Weller, GeorgeWithers, SophiaK 3971845
Weller, George W.Hager, John W.Q 5971867
Weller, George W.Field, R. H. & W. R. Thompson (assignees of Westly Flood)Q 6011867
Weller, George W.Thompson, W. R. & R. H. Field (assignees of Westly Flood)Q 6011867
Weller, J. P.Congrove, W'mM 4641851
Weller, J. P.Byrne, RobtN 0611853
Weller, P. H.Lee, PhilipM 1481850
Weller, P. H.Weller, W. C.M 1861850
Weller, PhilipShanks, M. A.E 1721823
Weller, Philip H.Pennebaker, FredG 1731829
Weller, Philip H.Bowen, JacobG 3701832
Weller, Philip H.James, ElishaG 3701832
Weller, Philip H.Bowen, JacobG 3711832
Weller, Philip H.James, ElishaG 3711832
Weller, R.Barger, Geo. M.P 4561863
Weller, R.Bridwell, Jos. P.P 4561863
Wells, AbrahamSmith, JamesA2 3861804
Wells, E. F.Overall, John T.P 3581863
Wells, JacobBowen, JacobI 1301838
Wells, JamesBell, J. T.P 3811861
Wells, James A.Wells, Peyton A.P 0061862
Wells, James A.Wells, P. H.P 5041862
Wells, James A.Kennett, MahalaQ 3171866
Wells, James A.Kennett, PiusQ 3171866
Wells, Jefferson (land division)Wells, Vardiman HeirsR 4621869
Wells, JesseEssrey, JohnA2 2511802
Wells, Jesse (mortgage release)Stoner, JohnB 1631807
Wells, Louisiana (land division)Wells, Vardiman HeirsR 4641869
Wells, Mitchell (land division)Wells, Vardiman HeirsR 4681869
Wells, Peyton H.Williams, ZealyK 5311846
Wells, S.Crist, HenryH 0601833
Wells, S.Simmons, G. W.P 1521862
Wells, S. D.Mathis, G. W.M 1121850
Wells, SamSimmons, R. P.I 3741840
Wells, SamTemple, W'mL 4691849
Wells, Samuel (land division)Rouse, James A. R 5911869
Wells, Samuel (mortgage)Harris, William L.Q 5511867
Wells, Samuel & James A. RouseField, R. H. & William R. ThompsonQ 6221867
Wells, Samuel & James A. RouseThompson, William R. & R. H. FieldQ 6221867
Wells, ThomasWells, NathanA2 2241801
Wells, ThomasSaunders, ThomasB 4081809
Wells, ThomasBreckenridge, RobtC 2711815
Wells, ThomasSanders, ThomasH 0441833
Wells, Thomas W.Ricketts, Jonathan E.Q 1021866
Wells, Thomas W.Hoglan, NeilR 3531869
Wells, Thomas W. (land division)Wells, Vardiman HeirsR 4671869
Wells, ThosPope, William & WordenC 2711815
Wells, ThosSummers, BenjG 0551828
Wells, V. R.Brown, W'm W.K 2131844
Wells, W.Masden, J. E.P 1751862
Wells, W'm C.Wells, Peyton H.L 3211848
Welsh, JamesWelsh, JohnC 0231813
Welsh, James & WilliamWelsch, W'm Sr.C 2561815
Welsh, MarySummers, BenjaminC 4641818
Welsh, MaryBrandon, PeteD 1611818
Welsh, MaryBuckner, N.D 2381819
Welsh, MaryRobards, Geo. L.D 2401819
Welsh, SamLewis, H. T.P 6151866
Welsh, W'mGreen, S. S.I 4371841
Welsh, W'mGreen, W'mN 1881854
Welsh, W'mChappell, W. F.P 5601862
Welsh, W'mReariden, JeffP 5671862
Wengardner, J. A.McAhron, W.M 3861851
Werker, CharlesTrunnell, HenryQ 5831867
West, John W.Birkhead, C. B.Q 0721866
WestfallGoldsmith, SamH 0951834
Westfall, JohnMyers, JohnD 2621820
Westfall, JohnGoldsmith, SamuelF 2261826
Westfall, JohnMyers HrsI 2911840
Westfall, John & Rich JoyceWilson, DanielD 2821819
Wheat, C. M.Oxley, B. F.O 3511858
Wheeler, BenjaminStansberry, ThomasA2 1431800
Wheeler, Harrison B.Smith, WilliamQ 5431867
Wheeler, J. M.Hall, JohnN 2001854
Wheeler, J. M.Wheeler, R. HrsO 1821854
Wheeler, JohnBell, RobtG 0611828
Wheeler, John C.Breckenridge Robert & othersB 5941812
Wheeler, John C.Pope, Worden & othersB 5941812
Wheeler, John C.Pope, William Jr. & othersB 5941812
Wheeler, John C.Breckenridge, RobtC 3721816
Wheeler, John C.Pope, William & WordenC 3721817
Wheeler, John C.Breckenridge, RobtC 4031817
Wheeler, John C.Pope, William & WordenC 4031817
Wheeler, John ExorWheeler, S. J.O 3141854
Wheeler, John M.Crenshaw, W. B.R 2761869
Wheeler, W. A.Wheeler, C. G.N 4991855
Wheeler, W. A.Wheeler, S. J.O 3141854
Whitcomb & Mather (lease)Smith, WilliamR 5791870
Whitcomb, D. F. (lease)Smith, WilliamR 5791870
White William N.Joyce, ThomasQ 2831866
White, B.Martin, ThomasF 2651827
White, JamesRickerson, JohnO 0261854
White, John (mortgage)Wood, James B.Q 5351867
White, RichWhite, BrittH 0771834
White, T. P.Brashears, R. Hrs (2)P 415-161861
Whitesides, W. B.Phelps, WesleyR 3431868
WhitledgeRidgway, S. W.O 1751854
Whitledge, A. K.Hall, NathanN 4481855
Whitledge, J. M. & Jas M.Whitledge, FrancisN 0931853
Whitledge, JohnWhitledge, WilliamA2 2891802
Whitledge, JohnGrant, W'mE 2561824
Whitledge, JohnCrist, HenryH 0571833
Whitledge, John S.Tucker, CalebR 5051870
Whitledge, O. K.Summers, R. K.O 4231856
Whitledge, O. K.Parris, W. C.P 1481862
Whitledge, OverallWhitledge, WilliamA2 2871802
Whitledge, OverallBreckenridge, RobtC 1301813
Whitledge, OverallPope, William & WordenC 1301813
Whitledge, S. E.Grant, J. L.N 2141854
Whitledge, ThomasWhitledge, WilliamA2 2871802
Whitledge, ThomasBreckenridge, Robert & othersB 6391812
Whitledge, ThomasPope, Worden & othersB 6391812
Whitledge, ThomasPope, William Jr. & othersB 6391812
Whitledge, Thomas D.Whitledge, OverallF 1271825
Whitledge, Thomas D.Whitledge, OverallF 1271825
Whitledge, ThosWhitledge, W'mC 4171817
Whitledge, Thos.Crist, HenryC 2161815
Whitledge, W. O.Beaucham, R. A.O 3751857
Whitledge, W'm G., W. S. Brooks & Jno ClarkWhitledge, JohnI 1551839
Whitledge, W'm O.Whitledge, Thomas D.K 1161843
Whitledge, WilliamBreckenridge, RobtC 0491812
Whitledge, WilliamPope, William & WordenC 0491812
Whitledge, William Jr.Whitledge, WilliamA2 2881802
Wible, B. W.Burdette, PeytonI 3281840
Wible, Benj. M.Alexander, JohnH 4261836
Wickcoff, NicholasPanebaker, WiandB 0911806
Wickins, JosephWigginton, Roger (by Samuel Carrell)B 2691808
Wickliffe, Charles A.Hall, Clifton (Shff)F 2101826
Wickliffe, Chas A.Crow, BasilH 0461833
Wigginton HrsWigginton, SethL 496-71849
Wigginton, EmilyPratt, RichardR 1251868
Wigginton, EmilyNutt, RobertR 4411869
Wigginton, EmilyPratt, Richard & Nancy's HeirsR 5541870
Wigginton, F.King, NelsonE 0551822
Wigginton, F.Hobbs, NoahM 0701851
Wigginton, F.King, Val.M 4621851
Wigginton, F.Hibbett (By Com'r)O 2791854
Wigginton, FieldingBridwell, JohnK 2741844
Wigginton, FieldingKing, ElijahK 2751844
Wigginton, H. B.Bumberger, E.N 0751853
Wigginton, H. B.McCallister, W. J.P 0221862
Wigginton, H. B.CornellP 2701860
Wigginton, HardinJones, HardinO 4941854
Wigginton, Henry H.Alloway siblingsQ 3891865
Wigginton, J. H.Hamilton, H. C.O 6031855
Wigginton, J. W.Smith, B. F.O 2961856
Wigginton, SamBurdette, PeytonN 1121853
Wigginton, SamGentry, DavidN 5831854
Wigginton, SethStone, DavisF 2311826
Wigginton, Seth HrsWigginton HrsM 1641850
Wigginton, ThompsonWigginton, H. B.L 5261849
Wigginton, W'm G.Jones, Philip H.D 0451818
Wight, Benjamin J. (attorney)Wight, Amos J.Q 5051861
Wiklinson, ObeBee, RichN 1471853
WilcoxenHough, Jos.M 3341853
Wilcoxen, L.Summers, John B.D 4551821
Wilcoxen, Leven ChildrenWilcoxen, LevenB 0601806
Wilcoxen, LevinFroman, PaulA2 0401797
Wilcoxen, LevinChinn, R.C 3041815
Wilcoxen, LewisFuquay, NancyE 1691823
Wilcoxen, Thomas H.Taylor, JamesE 0081822
Wilhoit, A.Shain, W'mC 5021818
Wilhoit, Abraham (attorney)Wilhoit, TobiasA2 3241803
Wilhoit, MaryArmstrong, JohnA2 400b1800
Wilhoit, TobiasYewell, SimeonB 2421808
Wilhoit, TobiasCrow, BasilB 2691808
Wilkerson, L.Short, W. C.N 2481853
Wilkerson, NathanBuky, J. C.N 1141853
Willett, RichardMahan, William (apprentice)A2 1741800
Williams HrsWilliams, James (Division land)K 4291845
Williams ZealyWilliams, JamesH 3461836
Williams, AmosSparks, DanielB 4241811
Williams, FrankWilliams, J. B.R 2271868
Williams, Heirs of S. B.Williams, Heirs of S. B. (deed of partition)R 0431867
Williams, HenryMyers, JohnB 6071811
Williams, HenrySimpson, B. G.H 1471834
Williams, J. B.Summers, B.I 2621839
Williams, J. B.Brooks, Annie E.R 1821868
Williams, J. B.Brooks, Catherine L.R 1821868
Williams, J. B.Brooks, James B.R 1821868
Williams, J. B.Richardson, William B.R 1821868
Williams, JamesSmyth, SamuelA2 0441797
Williams, JamesWilliams, Zealy Sr.G 4061832
Williams, JamesMcWilliams, JamesI 0121837
Williams, JohnMiles, NathanE 1641823
Williams, L.Singer, WilliamE 1301822
Williams, Mary V.Williams, Heirs of S. B.R 0191867
Williams, S. B. & othersSimmons, H.I 5121842
Williams, W.Chaddic, JohnM 0631850
Williams, ZealeyTaylor, WilliamC 1811814
Williams, ZealeyMitchell, S. J.K 5051846
Williams, Zealey Jr.Williams, Zealy Sr.G 4051832
Williams, ZealySmock, JamesH 1831835
Williams, ZealyWilliams, ElizabethH 2251835
Williams, ZealyWilliams, ElizabethL 2711848
Williams, ZealyRead, John S.Q 3971866
Williams, ZealyCornwell, Mary B.Q 3971866
Williams, ZelayWilliams HrsL 0981847
Williams, ZeliaAlcorn, JohnQ 3961866
Wills, PeacheyNewland, JacobA2 0841799
Wills, PeacheyPrice, WilliamA2 0841799
Wills, PeacheyLemen, RobertA2 0841799
WilsonHall, Austin (Shff)F 4831828
Wilson HrsHall, JohnK 1041843
Wilson, DanielTrustees of ShepherdsvilleA2 0141797
Wilson, Daniel (attorney)Whitledge, JohnB 1801808
Wilson, DavidBowen, ThomasG 2581830
Wilson, DavidFox, PhilipH 3321836
Wilson, DavidPorter, JosiahI 4731842
Wilson, E. K.Moore, CharlesF 0591825
Wilson, E. K.Rix, W'mF 0591825
Wilson, E. K.Kalfus, H. F.F 1341825
Wilson, Emma F.Wilson, John F. HeirsQ 1891865
Wilson, GeoWilson, W'm (mort)M 2871850
Wilson, H.Oldham, J. W.M 1561850
Wilson, H.Bowman, G. W.M 2261851
Wilson, J. M.Benthal, C. G.N 1551853
Wilson, J. W.Laswell, UriahR 4171868
Wilson, JesseReede, GeorgeA2 1851800
Wilson, JessePhebus, JohnA2 3291803
Wilson, JesseBarber, ThomasD 0801818
Wilson, JesseSummers, BenjG 2971831
Wilson, JesseSheriffH 0281833
Wilson, JesseReed HrsH 0831833
Wilson, JesseWilson, Thomas Q.H 2341835
Wilson, Jesse (attorney)Reed, GeorgeB 6571813
Wilson, JuliaNeill, SamM 4971850
Wilson, M.Hornbeck, J. C.I 2721839
Wilson, M.Hornbeck, IkeI 2731839
Wilson, M.Hornbeck, P. N.I 2741839
Wilson, M.Sheriff (For McDowell Hrs)K 3651845
Wilson, M. & S.Twyman, IsaacF 2731826
Wilson, M. & S.Smith, R. M.H 0961834
Wilson, Martha T. ChildrenWilson, Martha T.Q 2801865
Wilson, Mary V.Wilson, John F. HeirsQ 1901865
Wilson, MattReed, M. W.F 3801827
Wilson, MattGore, JonathanF 3821827
Wilson, MattWilliams, Jno [indexed in supplement]G 265[blank]
Wilson, Matt & SamSimmons, BenjE 2181823
Wilson, MatthewHalbert, M. R. Adm'r Jas. HalbertF 2511826
Wilson, MatthewWilson, Jesse (Sheriff)F 2691826
Wilson, MatthewWilson, Jesse (Sheriff)F 2691826
Wilson, MatthewBeckwith, Mary W.F 3451827
Wilson, MatthewBeckwith, Mary W.F 3461827
Wilson, MatthewBowman & TilfordG 0641828
Wilson, MatthewCaldwell, W'm (Shff)G 0801829
Wilson, MatthewWelch, WilliamG 2841831
Wilson, MatthewWelch, WilliamG 2841831
Wilson, MatthewSummers, BasilI 3581840
Wilson, MatthewSummers, J. B.K 2681844
Wilson, MatthewSummers, BenjK 4181845
Wilson, MatthewBaker, John H. (By Com'r)K 4461845
Wilson, MatthewSheriffM 0551850
Wilson, Matthew & John GrahamAlexander, JamesE 1601823
Wilson, Matthew & SamuelSummers, Noah C.F 4071827
Wilson, Matthew & SamuelRowland, JonathanG 0871829
Wilson, Matthew & SamuelCaldwell, JohnG 3631832
Wilson, Matthew E.Wilson, John F. HeirsQ 1961865
Wilson, SamMiles, NathanF 3961827
Wilson, SamlSimmons, W. W.F 3961827
Wilson, Thomas Q.Halbert, JamesD 1061818
Wilson, Thomas Q.Glenn, ElizabethE 0611822
Wilson, Thomas Q.Grayson, F. W. S.F 0811825
Wilson, Thomas Q.Alexander, S. S.F 3541827
Wilson, Thomas Q.Wilcoxen, L.G 1981829
Wilson, Thomas Q.Wilcoxen, L.G 1981829
Wilson, Thomas Q.Sale, W'mG 3161831
Wilson, Thomas Q.Guthrie, JamesH 4511837
Wilson, Thos Q.Rouse, WilliamE 1901823
Wilson, Thos Q.Summers, BenjF 3541827
Wilson, Thos. Q.Crow, Saml & BasilD 1481819
Wilson, Thos. Q.Graham, JohnE 1901823
Wilson, Thos. Q.Chalfant HrsG 1581829
Wilson, Thos. Q.Moore, Jas. L.G 4091832
Wilson, UptonRogers, Geo. L.O 4891854
Wilson, UptonWilson, John F. HeirsQ 1721865
Wilson, W.Field, A. H.O 3981854
Wilson, W.Wilson, G.O 5511854
Wilson, W'mOldham HrsL 2221847
Wilson, W'mPurdy, A. S.M 2661851
Wilson, W'mGraff, HenryM 4141851
Wilson, W'mSimcoe, R. B.M 5051852
Wilson, W'mSimcoe, H. W.N 1061853
Wilson, W'mMorrison, W. M.O 1681855
Wilson, W'mSamuels, R. F.O 5361856
Wilson, W'mChapeze, Ben & AdamO 5581854
Wilson, William (services mortgage)Crenshaw, AlisonR 4011869
Winn, RichardKimberland, JacobA2 2271801
Winn, Richard AlbertWinn, EleanorB 6611813
Wise, CalebWilcoxon, LevinA2 3081801
Wise, CalebLeewright, JohnC 0331811
Wise, CalebIrwin, JosephG 4071831
Wise, CalebSimmons HrsK 4491845
Wise, CalebWelsh, W. H.N 5791855
Wise, John A.Brown, W. J.N 0761853
Wise, R. A.Wise, CalebL 1201847
Wise, R. A.Muir, J. W.N 0291853
Wise, R. A. & C.Greenwell, Jos.M 0461850
Wiseman, Judith (for Sampson)Essery, John (deed of emancipation)A2 4371805
WithersThompson, GraysonF 4091828
Withers, B.Briscoe, G. W. HrsO 2921857
Withers, JohnFuquay, Henry HrsH 1701835
Withers, S.Wilson, E. K.G 0831829
Withers, S.Wilson, E. K.G 0831829
Withers, S.Troutman, LeonardI 2151839
Withers, S. L.Overall, W.F 4571828
Withers, SophiaFuqua HrsK 1261843
Withers, SophiaSheriffM 1211851
Withers, Sophia L.Fuquay, IsomI 0011837
Withers, William (attorney)Withers, JamesB 3861810
Wlaker, Jos.Donalson, JohnF 2211826
Wolf, G.Hamilton, J. R.O 2231854
Wolf, G.Riley, S. W.O 4011854
Wolf, G.Brentlinger, P. HrsO 4401855
Wolf, GodfreyShowalter, J. W.O 5501856
Wolf, GodfreyBrentlinger, Peter HrsO 6741857
Wolf, GodfreyBrentlinger, Benjamin W.Q 3721866
Wood, James B.Wilson, UptonQ 4331866
Wood, James B. (deed of release)White, John (trustee)R 1801868
Wood, JohnSherley, WilliamB 3571809
Wood, JohnCrist, HenryC 0011809
Woodard, RichardMarkus, William Kid (by constable)A2 3561804
Woodridge, JosephHibbs, IsaacO 6541857
Woodridge, SimonMagruder, William E.Q 0231865
Wooldrdige, JosWilliams, JamesM 1251850
Wooldridge, DanielNeill, SamuelI 4841842
Wooldridge, Jos.McWilliams,l JamesM 1251850
Wooldridge, S.Magruder, J. F.P 2271862
Wooldridge, SimonMasden, JamesQ 3571866
Woolfe, GodfreyAlcorn, JohnR 0741867
Wrench, MikeMiller, Geo.F 2291826
Wright, BenShanklin, A.N 5121856
Wright, E.Hall, AsaO 2301854
Wright, ElijahHughes, JesseA2 1241800
Wright, ElijahTaylor, JamesC 2121814
Wright, ElijahHough, Moses C.C 5031817
Wright, ElijahRuby, LawrenceE 0751819
Wright, ElijahCrist, HenryG 4681832
Wright, J. H.Pratt, NancyP 4471862
Wright, J. W.Harris, FelixR 2551869
Wright, J. W.Sells, EdwardR 2551869
Wright, JamesHubbard, Albert E.K 1781843
Wright, JamesHalderman, D.M 0361850
Wright, JamesHundley, W. A.M 2621852
Wright, JamesKeller, E.M 2621851
Wright, JamesHundley, W. A.M 2641852
Wright, JamesHamilton, H. C.M 5211853
Wright, JamesBridges, SmithO 3411857
Wright, Jos. & JamesPolk, W'mO 0011854
Wright, Joseph H.O'Bryan, T. H.R 0711868
Wright, Mitchel & Woodford (minerals lease)Stallings, ThomasQ 3181865
Wright, Mitchel & Woodford (minerals lease)Smith, WilliamQ 3191865
Wright, Mitchel & Woodford (minerals lease)Smith, George W.Q 3211865
Wright, Mitchel & Woodford (minerals lease)Moreman, AugustinQ 3221865
Wright, Mitchel & Woodford (minerals lease)Bell, CharlesQ 3251865
Wright, Mitchel & Woodford (minerals lease)Smith, DentonQ 3271865
Wright, Mitchel & Woodford (minerals lease)Stallings, JeremiahQ 3281865
Wright, Mitchel & Woodford (minerals lease)Summers, Rufus K.Q 3291865
Wright, Mitchel & Woodford (minerals lease)Wilson, UptonQ 3311865
Yates, JamesBlanton, JohnB 3181808
Yates, JamesTaylor, WilliamC 1831814
Yates, John H.Chaddic, JohnD 3561820
Yates, ThomasShepherd, AdamA2 2111801
Yenowine, HenryYenowine, J.O 6531857
Yenowine, P. H.Mitchell, DennisO 6341856
Yewell, JamesStandiford, EphraimA2 1211799
Yewell, JamesStandiford, John WhitakerA2 1211799
Yewell, SimeonWilhoit, TobiasB 0671806
Yewell, SimeonWilhoit, TobiasB 2431808
Yocum, AmeliaMyers HrsL 4001849
Yocum, AmeliaAllisons HrsL 4201848
Yocum, EmeliaAllison, Saml HrsI 4641841
Yoder, JacobShepherd, Adam (by sheriff)B 0681805
Yoder, JacobShepherd, AdamB 5611812
Yoder, JacobMitchell, FredC 3201816
Yoder, JacobOsburn, JohnF 2141826
Yoder, JacobPolk, EdmundF 3061827
Yoder, JacobCaldwell, W'mG 1121829
Yost, JacobOxley, B. F.R 4321869
Young & FieldShepherd, JamesP 5401865
Young, JohnDavis, MosesB 1351806
Young, Joseph (attorney)Grayson, Frederic W. S.B 5331812
Younger, E. S.Halbert, DanD 2311819
Younger, HarrietYounger, IsaacL 3861848
Younger, HarrietPhelps, W.P 5701862
Younger, HenryWalton, MatthewA2 2461802
Younger, HenrySamuels, RobertA2 3461804
Younger, HenrySimmons, JonathanB 1271804
Younger, HenryGlass, RoyalB 3071809
Younger, HenryCrow, BasilC 0371811
Younger, HenryHart, HenryC 1061814
Younger, HenryHart, RichardC 1171814
Younger, HenryHart, DollyC 2691815
Younger, HenryCrow, Basil (By Atty)C 2791815
Younger, HenryJenkins, G. W.O 4751854
Zahn, John F. E.Crandell, WilliamR 2241868
Zellhart, JohnCooper, JesseE 1171823
Zellhart, JohnThixton, W'mG 2701831
Zellhart, PhilipHough, Moses C.E 0111822
Zellhart, PhilipPeyton, CravenF 1301825

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The Bullitt County History Museum, a service of the Bullitt County Genealogical Society, is located in the county courthouse at 300 South Buckman Street (Highway 61) in Shepherdsville, Kentucky. The museum, along with its research room, is open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Saturday appointments are available by calling 502-921-0161 during our regular weekday hours. Admission is free. The museum, as part of the Bullitt County Genealogical Society, is a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization and is classified as a 509(a)2 public charity. Contributions and bequests are deductible under section 2055, 2106, or 2522 of the Internal Revenue Code. Page last modified: 20 Mar 2025 . Page URL: bullittcountyhistory.org/bchistory/deed-index/grantee-w-z.html