Local historian and researcher Betty Darnell has indexed Bullitt County Deed Books A-Q by grantors, grantees, and deed book pages, and allowed us to share her work here. We have now added Deed Book R to the index. You may find some of her other works on our publications for sale page.
Links to
| A |
D-E |
F |
G |
I-K |
L |
M-ME |
MI- NU |
O-P |
Q-R |
T-V |
W-Z |
Grantee | Grantor | Deed | Date |
Hart, Charles | Harrison Hrs | N 022 | 1853 |
Hart, H. & J. | Samuels, C. R. (Com'r) | P 098 | 1862 |
Hart, Henry | Stone, Celia (apprentice) | A2 194 | 1801 |
Hart, Henry | Stone, Jabe (apprentice) | A2 195 | 1801 |
Hart, Henry | Ray, William | C 169 | 1814 |
Hart, Henry | Ray, Elisha (Ex of John Ray | C 223 | 1814 |
Hart, Henry | Shain Hrs | G 337 | 1831 |
Hart, Henry Sr. | Walton, Matthew | A2 242 | 1802 |
Hart, Henry Sr. | Hart, Richard | C 055 | 1812 |
Hart, John | Hart Hrs | L 351 | 1848 |
Hart, John | Samuels, H. H. | L 351 | 1848 |
Hart, Mary | Hoskins, Joseph | C 286 | 1815 |
Hart, Mary | Hoskins, John | C 287 | 1815 |
Hart, Richard | Harris, Nathaniel | A2 338 | 1803 |
Hart, Richard | Hart, Henry | B 275 | 1808 |
Hart, Richard (slave sale) | Crist, Henry | B 441 | 1811 |
Hatterman, David | Taylor, James | D 086 | 1819 |
Hatzell, W. H. | Maraman, H. O. | O 241 | 1855 |
Hawkins, Henry & David | Tewell, Saml Hrs (by Com'r) | C 366 | 1815 |
Haws, C. | Tyler, Henry | O 545 | 1854 |
Hayden, Edward | Greenfield, Thomas G. | A2 249 | 1802 |
Hayden, Edward | Higdon, Erasmus | C 156 | 1814 |
Hays, James H. | Hays, Randall P. | M 325 | 1853 |
Hays, James H. | Carrico, Benedict A. | R 565 | 1870 |
Hays, R. P. | Harrison, C. Hrs | M 005 | 1850 |
Hays, W. H. | Hickman, W. A. | P 399 | 1865 |
Hays, W'm | Lee, Ignatius | N 005 | 1853 |
Hays, W'm G. | Hays, Randall, P. | M 324 | 1853 |
Hays, William H. | Wight William | Q 507 | 1867 |
Hays, William H. | Wight, Amos | Q 507 | 1867 |
Hazard, A. T. | Ciundiff, J. B. | M 301 | 1851 |
Hazel, William W. | Smith, William | Q 009 | 1865 |
Head, Benjamin | Maynard, John | D 289 | 1820 |
Head, Caroline | Green, A. J. | O 344 | 1855 |
Head, R. L. | Green, Henry | L 149 | 1847 |
Head, R. L. | Green, Geo. W. | L 427 | 1849 |
Headington, N. | McGee, Thos | D 331 | 1820 |
Heady, M. P. | Smith, B. F. | O 054 | 1854 |
Heady, Stillwell | Garrett, James M. C. | L 214 | 1847 |
Heady, W. J. | Shirley, F. | P 158 | 1862 |
Hecker, Geo | Straney & Field (By Com'r) | L 171 | 1847 |
Hecker, Geo. | Field, A. (By Com'r) | L 171 | 1848 |
Hecker, George | Flood, Westly | R 022 | 1867 |
Heddington, N. | McGee, Robert R. | E 129 | 1824 |
Hedge, Jos. & W'm Morrow | Grable, David | C 397 | 1816 |
Hedges, Elizabeth | Hedges, Saml | H 108 | 1834 |
Hedges, Geo. | Caldwell, W'm (Sheriff) | F 274 | 1826 |
Hedges, George & John Coyle | Peyton, Craven | F 165 | 1826 |
Hedges, John | Hedges, Geo. C. B. | H 059 | 1833 |
Hedges, Joseph | Crist, Henry | B 462 | 1811 |
Hedges, Thomas | Thornsberry, Daniel | C 389 | 1817 |
Heff, Henry | Orm, William | R 347 | 1869 |
Hefley, John R. | Duncan, H. S. | L 230 | 1847 |
Hefley, John R. | Hickman, Nelson | L 230 | 1847 |
Heiff, Henry | Boots, E. | P 429 | 1863 |
Helm, George | Helm, Thomas | D 355 | 1820 |
Helm, John | Shepherd, Adam | A2 211 | 1801 |
Helmus, Jacob | Oxley, B. F. | O 300 | 1858 |
Henderson, D. | Buckman, J. A. | P 346 | 1861 |
Henderson, David | Buckman, J. R. | P 578 | 1863 |
Henderson, Elizabeth | Maraman, Francis | H 111 | 1834 |
Henderson, J. H. | Oxley, B. F. | O 303 | 1858 |
Henderson, Knox | Moore, Moses | A2 184 | 1799 |
Henderson, S. J. | Samuels, C. R. (Com'r) | P 112 | 1862 |
Henson, Benj | Swearingen, Jos | G 209 | 1830 |
Henson, Benj | Swearingen, Jos | G 210 | 1830 |
Henson, Voldine | Simmons, H. | I 468 | 1842 |
Herndon, William (attorney) | Rogers, Edward | B 412 | 1810 |
Herne, Cephas | Froman, J. V. | P 078 | 1862 |
Herps, Casper | Stoner, R. J. C. | O 546 | 1856 |
Herps, Casper | Samuels, C. R. | O 616 | 1857 |
Herps, Casper | Crist, J. F. | P 167 | 1860 |
Herps, Casper | Johnson, W. P. | P 248 | 1854 |
Hessey, Ed | Bell, Robt & Sam | I 129 | 1838 |
Hessey, Edward | Brown, Saml | E 223 | 1823 |
Hessey, Edward | Northern, Reuben | H 196 | 1835 |
Hessey, Edward | Stringer, Edmund | I 120 | 1838 |
Hessey, Edward | Hall, Charles | I 522 | 1842 |
Hessey, Edward | Hough, Austin | L 040 | 1846 |
Hessy, Catharine (dower) | Hessy, Edward | Q 413 | 1866 |
Heth, Andrew F. & Isaac N. Halbert | Johnson, David I. | L 019 | 1846 |
Heth, Henry | Villers, Charlotte | R 197 | 1868 |
Hibbitt, Hilda A. | Hibbitt, James | Q 017 | 1865 |
Hibbitt, James | Hall, John | P 501 | 1865 |
Hibbitt, Joseph E. | Hibbitt, James | Q 017 | 1865 |
Hibbs, Cath. | Chaddic, J. | P 049 | 1860 |
Hibbs, Henderson | Crist, Henry | I 070 | 1837 |
Hibbs, Henderson | Crist, Henry | I 119 | 1838 |
Hibbs, Henderson | Cecil, E. S. | L 078 | 1846 |
Hibbs, I. | Goldsmith, B. | P 179 | 1861 |
Hibbs, Ike | Huffman, | M 159 | 1851 |
Hibbs, Ike | Goldsmith, J. M. | P 217 | 1861 |
Hibbs, Isaac | Goff, E. | L 542 | 1850 |
Hibbs, Isaac | Goldsmith, Ann | N 062 | 1853 |
Hibbs, Isaac | Goldsmith, J. D. | O 257 | 1855 |
Hibbs, Isaac | Goldsmith, S. | O 284 | 1855 |
Hibbs, Isaac | Goldsmith, John H. | O 334 | 1855 |
Hibbs, Isaac | Harrison, C. Hrs | O 345 | 1855 |
Hibbs, Isaac (land division) | Chappell Bros. (M. F., John, J. W., Thomas C.) | R 589 | 1870 |
Hibbs, S. M. | Harmon, John | M 503 | 1853 |
Hibbs, W. M. | Kinnison, W. H. | R 367 | 1869 |
Hibbs, William | Bogard, John F. | Q 063 | 1866 |
Hibbs, William | Hardy, John A. | R 254 | 1869 |
Hibbs, William M. | Hardy, James H. | Q 010 | 1865 |
Hibbs, William M. | Bogard, John H. | Q 011 | 1866 |
Hibbs, William M. | Roney, J. R. M. | Q 472 | 1867 |
Hibbs, William M. | Carrico, Benedict A. | R 368 | 1869 |
Hickman, Nelson & Hen S. Duncan | Stoner, R. J. | L 195 | 1847 |
Hickman, W. A. | Wilson, W. | O 642 | 1854 |
Hieatt, Jonathan | Page, William | A2 371 | 1803 |
Hill & Mayfield | Harrison Hrs | M 143 | 1851 |
Hill, E. H. (power of attorney) | French, Heirs of Eliza G. | R 168 | 1868 |
Hill, E. H. C. | Hill, Tom A. | M 428 | 1853 |
Hill, E. H. C. | Hill, John R. | Q 358 | 1866 |
Hill, E. Henry Clay | Hill, W'm | M 066 | 1850 |
Hill, Edward Henry Clay | Pope, John Hrs | N 606 | 1856 |
Hill, J. A. | Smith, James | R 047 | 1866 |
Hill, J. R. | Lee, A. H. | N 125 | 1853 |
Hill, J. R. | Pope, John Hrs | N 605 | 1856 |
Hill, James | Garrett, G. S. | R 561 | 1870 |
Hill, James A. | Mumford, Robinson | Q 080 | 1865 |
Hill, James A. | Masden, James | R 263 | 1867 |
Hill, John | Lee, Robert | G 264 | 1830 |
Hill, Thos. A. | Hogland, James C. | I 430 | 1841 |
Hill, W'm | Hornbeck, John (Coroner) | F 166 | 1825 |
Hill, W'm | Caldwell, W'm (Sheriff) | F 233 | 1826 |
Hill, W'm | Pope, John & Geo. F. | H 350 | 1836 |
Hill, W'm | Harrison, C. Hrs | M 022 | 1850 |
Hilton, Alexander | Overall, Thompson | A2 426 | 1804 |
Hilton, Samuel | Arnold, James | O 294 | 1857 |
Hilton, Samuel S. | Myers, Henry (widow & heirs) | R 607 | 1870 |
Hilton, Stephen | Overall, Thompson | A2 097 | 1799 |
Hilton, W. F. | Magruder, L. B. | K 323 | 1844 |
Hilton, W'm F. | Burch, Leonard | C 299 | 1815 |
Hilton, W'm F. | Wilson, Jesse (Sheriff) | E 246 | 1824 |
Hilton, W'm F. | Leewright, John (By Com'r) | F 050 | 1825 |
Hilton, W'm F. | Ratliff, Charles | F 077 | 1825 |
Hilton, William F. | Riley, Michael | C 066 | 1813 |
Hilton, William F. | Carrico, James | E 060 | 1822 |
Hinch, Samuel | Stansbury, Benjamin | A2 285 | 1802 |
Hinderliter, Martin | Hinderliter, Michael | A2 208 | 1801 |
Hinkley, A. | Maynard, Joel | D 516 | 1822 |
Hinman, Asahel | Howell, John | A2 075 | 1799 |
Hinton, Jerry P. | Lamb, Thos. | G 044 | 1828 |
Hirsh, George | Whitledge, Overall | C 317 | 1815 |
Hislop, Joseph | Dozier, James I. | D 359 | 1820 |
Hite, A. | Gray, Silas & Quince | M 344 | 1851 |
Hite, A. | Turner & Gray | M 344 | 1850 |
Hite, Emily | Dunbar Hrs | P 265 | 1861 |
Hite, Emily | Hancock, Geo. | P 265 | 1865 |
Hobbs, Noah | Harman Hrs | L 335 | 1848 |
Hobbs, Noah | Sills, Elizabeth | L 335 | 1849 |
Hobbs, Noah | Waters, F. | L 335 | 1848 |
Hobbs, Noah | Jenkins | M 428 | 1852 |
Hobbs, S. M. | Hamilton, H. C. | M 520 | 1853 |
Hobbs, S. M. | Hobbs, B. H. | N 551 | 1855 |
Hobbs, S. M. | Griffith, J. D. | O 349 | 1855 |
Hobbs, S. M. | Black, M. | P 012 | 1861 |
Hobbs, Vachael | Crist, Henry | B 034 | 1805 |
Hodgen, John & Sam | Hodgen, James | D 435 | 1821 |
Hodgen, Julia | Simmons, E. | P 441 | 1866 |
Hoffman, Minna | Oxley, B. F. | O 430 | 1858 |
Hoglan, J. D. | Porter, Mary | R 009 | 1867 |
Hoglan, Lorenzo | Lee, W'm | I 408 | 1841 |
Hoglan, Lorenzo | Jewell, Stephen | Q 209 | 1862 |
Hoglan, Lorenzo | Thomasson, John J. | R 259 | 1869 |
Hoglan, Moses | Myers, John | I 339 | 1840 |
Hoglan, R. J. | Grundy, Thomas S. | R 037 | 1867 |
Hoglan, R. J. | Bowman, Heirs of John | R 170 | 1868 |
Hoglan, R. J. | Bowman, Heirs of Patrick H. | R 170 | 1868 |
Hogland | Cundiff, R. B. | M 367 | 1851 |
Hogland & Hurkamp | Mitchell, Sam | M 338 | 1851 |
Hogland, J. D. | Porter, John | P 539 | 1862 |
Hogland, James | Hoskins, Aquilla | G 146 | 1829 |
Hogland, Jas C. | Samuels, Robt F. | I 429 | 1841 |
Hogland, John | Shepler, John | I 144 | 1838 |
Hogland, John | Shepler, John | K 435 | 1845 |
Hogland, L. | Chaddic, John | L 141 | 1847 |
Hogland, L. | Hornbeck, John | L 143 | 1847 |
Hogland, L. | Chaddic, John | L 144 | 1847 |
Hogland, L. | Craycroft, H. I. | M 282 | 1851 |
Hogland, L. | Shepherd, John B. Hrs | M 369 | 1852 |
Hogland, L. | Benthall, C. | N 243 | 1854 |
Hogland, L. | Nall & Benthall | N 243 | 1853 |
Hogland, L. | Weller, J. P. | N 348 | 1855 |
Hogland, L. | Hogland, Simp. | N 472 | 1855 |
Hogland, L. | White, James | O 025 | 1854 |
Hogland, Larence | Hogland, M. Hrs | O 444 | 1855 |
Hogland, Lorenzo | Chaddic, John | K 181 | 1843 |
Hogland, Lorenzo | Arnold, W'm | L 137 | 1847 |
Hogland, Lorenzo | Hogland, Martin | N 223 | 1855 |
Hogland, M. | Engle, John B. | L 379 | 1848 |
Hogland, M. | Shepherd, James | N 196 | 1853 |
Hogland, Martin | Cochrane, Elijah | I 101 | 1838 |
Hogland, Martin | Clark, John H. | I 321 | 1840 |
Hogland, Martin | Crist, H. | K 337 | 1844 |
Hogland, Moses | McGee,John | B 010 | 1805 |
Hogland, R. J. | Merrifield, S. & W. | P 028 | 1862 |
Hogland, R. J. | Crigler, James | P 210 | 1860 |
Hogland, R. T. | Bowman, G. W. | P 626 | 1863 |
Hogland, W. R. | Hunt, John W. | L 505 | 1850 |
Holder, David | Rose, Martin | B 115 | 1807 |
Hollis, Jessie | Lee, W'm T. | M 253 | 1850 |
Holloway, J. A. | Greenwell, Robt | O 564 | 1855 |
Holmes, Elizabeth | Harned, Joseph (Division) | G 500 | 1833 |
Holmes, Jas | Welsh, Mary | D 239 | 1819 |
Holmes, Martin G. | Thomas Hrs | I 161 | 1839 |
Holmes, Martin G. | Wible, Ben M. | K 018 | 1842 |
Holsclaw, Betty (apprentice) | Parris, David | B 118 | 1807 |
Holsclaw, James | Birkhead, Basil | G 422 | 1832 |
Holsclaw, Jane | Froman, J. V. | P 412 | 1864 |
Holsclaw, John | Zellhart, John | H 053 | 1831 |
Holsclaw, John | Sanders, Mary A. | I 447 | 1841 |
Holsclaw, John (apprentice) | Hall, Asa | B 119 | 1807 |
Holsclaw, John & H. F. Kalfus | Gore, Jonathan | G 212 | 1830 |
Holsclaw, Luellen | McCormick, E. H. | Q 459 | 1867 |
Holsclaw, W. B. | Sheriff | L 040 | 1846 |
Holsclaw, W. B., R. H. Field & Wess Phelps | Phelps, W'm (Mort) | L 377 | 1848 |
Holsclaw, W. H. | Beard, Thomas R. | M 087 | 1850 |
Holsclaw, W. H. | Froman,J. V. | O 299 | 1854 |
Holsclaw, W. H. | Briscco, Gerard | O 565 | 1855 |
Holsclaw, W. H. | Collings, Absalom P. | R 158 | 1868 |
Holsclaw, W. Hardin | Shelton, William W. | Q 156 | 1865 |
Holsclaw, W'm B. | Sheriff | K 455 | 1845 |
Holsclaw, W'm H. | Holsclaw Hrs | K 054 | 1842 |
Holsclaw, W'm H. | Glenn, W'm O. | L 224 | 1847 |
Holsclaw, William H. | Graham, Oliver | R 270 | 1869 |
Holt, Thomas | Blundell, Francis | A1 010 | 1797 |
Holt, Thomas | Blundell, Francis | A2 026 | 1797 |
Holt, Thomas | Blundell, Francis | A2 036 | 1797 |
Homan, Matthew | Cornell, Solomon | E 260 | 1824 |
Honsah, Theodore | Oxley, B. F. | O 268 | 1858 |
Hook, Daniel | Sparks, Daniel | B 086 | 1806 |
Hoopengarner, Conrod | Simmons, Joseph | B 266 | 1808 |
Hoopingarner, Conerode | Johnson, Richard | A2 060 | 1798 |
Hopewell, Thomas | Crist, Henry & John Myers | B 442 | 1810 |
Hopewell, Thomas | Myers, John & Henry Crist | B 442 | 1810 |
Hopewell, Thomas | Farmer, Otho | B 617b | 1809 |
Hopkins, James W. | Foster, S. | P 433 | 1864 |
Hopkins, James W. | Froman, J. V. (2) | P 434-5 | 1864 |
Hopkins, James W. | Froman, Jeremiah V. | Q 378 | 1866 |
Hopkins, James W. | Collings, James F. | Q 430 | 1866 |
Hopkins, John W. | Simpson, Absolom (apprentice) | A2 436 | 1805 |
Hopkins, R. B. (release of dower; see p.302) | Taliaferro, Emma | R 392 | 1869 |
Hopkins, R. B. & James F. Gamble | Taliaferro, Robert | Q 575 | 1866 |
Hopkins, Robert B. (mortgage) | Taliaferro, Robert | R 302 | 1869 |
Hopkins, Robt B. | Clark, C.J. | O 620 | 1856 |
Horine, G. & J. | Dunbar Hrs | P 058 | 1861 |
Horine, G. & J. | Marshall, L. L. | P 058 | 1862 |
Horine, G. & J. | Marshall, L. R. | P 058 | 1862 |
Horine, G. & J. | Surget, F. | P 058 | 1862 |
Horine, Henry | Chaddic, John | H 380 | 1837 |
Hornback, I. | Quick, Alf | I 241 | 1837 |
Hornback, I. | Hornbeck, Sol | I 242 | 1839 |
Hornback, I. & J. C. | Anderson, Jno. | I 242 | 1839 |
Hornback, James | Brooks, David L. | F 029 | 1825 |
Hornback, John C. Hrs | Anderson, John | L 160 | 1847 |
Hornback, Sol. | Beckwith, John | C 430 | 1817 |
Hornbeck | Hornbeck, Susan | I 244 | 1839 |
Hornbeck | Hornbeck | I 245 | 1839 |
Hornbeck | Hornbeck (Deed of trust) | K 007 | 1842 |
Hornbeck Isaac (Heirs) | Hornbeck, Isaac (Last Will) | A2 079 | 1799 |
Hornbeck, Delia | Hornbeck, John C. Heirs | Q 248 | 1866 |
Hornbeck, Elizabeth (renounce will) | Hornbeck, Isaac | A2 142 | 1800 |
Hornbeck, Francis E. | Hornbeck, John C. Heirs | Q 250 | 1864 |
Hornbeck, I. W. & Co. | Small, N. B. | K 064 | 1842 |
Hornbeck, Ike | Hornback, J. C. & P. N. | I 269 | 1839 |
Hornbeck, Isaac devisees | Williams, Edward (By Atty) | A2 397 | 1802 |
Hornbeck, J. | Anderson, John | K 007 | [blank] |
Hornbeck, Jessie | Hornbeck, John C. Heirs | Q 245 | 1864 |
Hornbeck, Jno. C. | Hornbeck, Ike & Preston | I 268 | 1839 |
Hornbeck, John | Hornbeck, Neale | A2 201 | 1800 |
Hornbeck, John | Hornbeck, Neale | A2 202 | 1800 |
Hornbeck, John | Westfall, William | A2 280 | 1802 |
Hornbeck, John C. | Grayson, F. W. S. | C 200 | 1814 |
Hornbeck, John C. | Chaddic, John (By Com'r) | L 141 | 1847 |
Hornbeck, John C. | Hornbeck, John C. Heirs | Q 243 | 1864 |
Hornbeck, P. N. | Hornbeck, Ike & J. C. | I 270 | 1839 |
Hornbeck, Pres. N. | Hornbeck Hrs | I 243 | 1839 |
Hornbeck, Preston | Brooks, David L. | I 244 | 1839 |
Hornbeck, Preston | Hornbeck, John C. Heirs | Q 249 | 1864 |
Hornbeck, Preston N. | Summers, Rufus K. & Benjamin | I 087 | 1837 |
Hornbeck, S. A. | Lee, J. Lan | R 362 | 1869 |
Hornbeck, Samuel | Hornbeck, Isaac | A2 077 | 1799 |
Hornbeck, Samuel | Wilson, Jesse (Sheriff) | E 182 | 1823 |
Hornbeck, Samuel A. | Collings, James F. | Q 414 | 1866 |
Hornbeck, Samuel A. | Steward, Jeremiah | R 385 | 1867 |
Hornbeck, Sarah | Hornbeck, John C. Heirs | Q 244 | 1864 |
Hornbeck, Solomon | Taylor, W'm | C 427 | 1817 |
Hornbeck, Solomon | Neill, Solomon | G 388 | 1831 |
Hornbeck, Solomon (attorney) | Hornbeck, James | A2 154 | 1799 |
Hornbeck, Solomon (attorney) | Hornbeck, Abraham | A2 161 | 1800 |
Hornbeck, Solomon (attorney) | Hornbeck, Magdalen | A2 161 | 1800 |
Hornbeck, Susan | Hornbeck, John C. Heirs | Q 241 | 1864 |
Horrell, Thomas R. | Froman, Abram | M 308 | 1851 |
Horrell, Thomas R. | Shively, A. J. | Q 138 | 1864 |
Horrell, Thomas R. | Raymon, George | R 364 | 1869 |
Horrell, Thomas R., Dr. | Smith, James | O 630 | 1857 |
Horrell, Tom R. | Warren, W. H. | N 131 | 1853 |
Horrell, Tom R. | Stith, Felix | N 419 | 1856 |
Horrell, Tom R., Dr. | Goldsmith, O. C. | P 617 | 1862 |
Hoskins, A. Hrs | Hoskins, James | N 303 | 1855 |
Hoskins, A. Hrs | Hoskins, John | N 340 | 1855 |
Hoskins, A. Hrs | Harrison Hrs | N 346 | 1855 |
Hoskins, John | Hoskins, Joseph | C 180 | 1814 |
Hoskins, John | Hoskins, A. | K 107 | 1843 |
Hoskins, John | Harrison C. Hrs | M 487 | 1853 |
Hoskins, John Hrs. | Hoskins, Aquilla Hrs | O 238 | 1855 |
Hoskins, John Jr. | Hoskins, John Sr. | N 012 | 1853 |
Hoskins, John Jr. | Drago, L. | N 013 | 1853 |
Hoskins, Joseph | Middleton, Thomas | B 077 | 1806 |
Hoskins, Joseph | Hays, W. G. | Q 350 | 1866 |
Hoskins, Joseph H. | Chambers, Ahimaz H. | R 440 | 1869 |
Hoskins, Joseph R. | Brown, Lewis | C 379 | 1816 |
Hoskins, Joseph R. | Burch, Samuel | C 380 | 1817 |
Hoskins, W. | Waters, H. B. | M 265 | 1850 |
Hoskins, W'm | Waters, John M. | N 403 | 1855 |
Houck, A. | Casswell, J. A. | P 258 | 1860 |
Hough & Hall | Stringer, W. (Mort) | M 146 | 1851 |
Hough, A. | Newkirk, R. | L 133 | 1847 |
Hough, A. | Snapp, L. H. | O 395 | 1854 |
Hough, Austin | Wood, W'm E. | I 193 | 1839 |
Hough, Austin | Hardman, Squire | K 179 | 1843 |
Hough, Austin | Porter, David H. | K 179 | 1843 |
Hough, Austin | Allens Hrs | L 103 | 1847 |
Hough, Austin | Hall, John S. | L 133 | 1847 |
Hough, Austin | Collings, A. | L 439 | 1848 |
Hough, Austin | Smith, Peter Adm'r | M 109 | 1850 |
Hough, Austin | Hamilton, J. R. | N 148 | 1854 |
Hough, Austin | Hall, Asa | N 570 | 1855 |
Hough, Austin | Snapp, L. H. | O 235 | 1854 |
Hough, Austin | Hough, Robt | O 598 | 1855 |
Hough, Austin | Hall, John Hrs | O 609 | 1855 |
Hough, Austin | Harris, B. | P 003 | 1862 |
Hough, Austin | Sanders, C. | P 135 | 1862 |
Hough, Austin | Saunders, N. P. | Q 180 | 1864 |
Hough, Austin | Swearingen, W. T. | Q 449 | 1866 |
Hough, Austin | Swearingen, William Thomas | R 110 | 1868 |
Hough, Austin | Swearingen, William Thomas | R 112 | 1868 |
Hough, Austin | Swearingen, William T. | R 494 | 1869 |
Hough, Austin | Swearingen, William T. | R 582 | 1869 |
Hough, John | Brashear, Nicholas Ray | A2 281 | 1802 |
Hough, John | Brashear, Nicholas R. | A2 283 | 1802 |
Hough, John (attorney) | Brashear, Ignatius | A1 018 | 1798 |
Hough, John (attorney) | Brashear, Ignatius | A2 055 | 1798 |
Hough, John (mortgage) | Brashear, Nicholas | A1 040 | 1795 |
Hough, John (mortgage) | Brashear, Nicholas | A1 041 | 1797 |
Hough, John (mortgage) | Brashears, Nicholas | A2 132 | 1800 |
Hough, John (mortgage) | Brashears, Nicholas | A2 133 | 1800 |
Hough, John Q. | Swearingen, William T. | R 494 | 1869 |
Hough, Jos | Wilcoxen, G. W. | M 364 | 1850 |
Hough, Jos | Wright, James | M 514 | 1850 |
Hough, Jos. | Hamilton, J. R. | N 345 | 1855 |
Hough, Jos. | Hall, Asa | O 147 | 1854 |
Hough, Jos. Hrs | Hall, Austin | D 082 | 1818 |
Hough, Joseph | Irons, Jonathan | B 627 | 1812 |
Hough, Joseph | Kerr, Enos | L 131 | 1847 |
Hough, Joseph | Laureal, A. | N 414 | 1853 |
Hough, Moses C. | Hough, Joseph Hrs by D. R. Drake | D 021 | 1818 |
Hough, Moses Sr. | Conder, Daniel | D 299 | 1819 |
Hough, Nelson | Hough, Joseph | N 090 | 1853 |
Hough, Robert | Hamilton, H. C. | M 519 | 1853 |
Hough, Robt | Lloyd, Jos. | N 309 | 1853 |
Hough, Robt | Evans, W. H. | O 479 | 1854 |
Hough, Tabitha | Stallings, Samuel & Ann's grandchildren (land division) | R 472 | 1869 |
Hough. Austin | Gentry, Blackstone | Q 141 | 1863 |
Housley, Robt | Brown, Saml | C 499 | 1818 |
Housley, W'm M. | Caldwell, W'm (shff) | G 046 | 1828 |
Howard, George | Allen, Thomas | B 640 | 1813 |
Howell, George | Mockbee, W'm | C 318 | 1816 |
Howlett, John | Shain, William | B 073 | 1806 |
Howlett, John | Harrison, Cuthbert | B 191 | 1807 |
Howlett, John | Boots, Isaac | F 125 | 1825 |
Howlett, John | Hamilton, George Hrs | H 078 | 1833 |
Howlett, John | Hamilton, F. G. | I 327 | 1840 |
Howlett, John | Thurman, Prior | I 386 | 1840 |
Howlett, John | Hoskins, A. | K 105 | 1843 |
Howlett, John | Harrison Hrs | K 411 | 1845 |
Howlett, John | Pittman, James P. | L 112 | 1847 |
Howlett, John Jr. | Howard, George | C 437 | 1817 |
Howlett, John Jr. | Howlett, John Sr. | L 329 | 1848 |
Howlett, L. | Hoskins, Aquilla Hrs | O 327 | 1855 |
Howlett, Luke | Harrison, C. Hrs | M 013 | 1850 |
Howlett, Luke | Howlett, John | M 059 | 1850 |
Howlett, Luke | Hart, Squire | M 210 | 1852 |
Howlett, Luke | Hoskins, A. & M. Hrs | N 341 | 1855 |
Howlett, N. | Magruder, A. F. | P 159 | 1862 |
Howlett, W. M. | Howlett, Isaac | O 194 | 1854 |
Howlett, W. M. | Smith, James | O 629 | 1857 |
Hubbard, A. E., Hamilton & Lloyd | Swearingen, Jos | L 464 | 1849 |
Hubbard, Albert E. | Debo, Henry | D 319 | 1819 |
Hubbard, Albert E. | Taylor, James | E 077 | 1822 |
Hubbard, Albert E. | Bristow, Gideon | F 307 | 1827 |
Hubbard, Albert E. | Hall, Austin | K 294 | 1844 |
Hubbard, Albert E. | Phelps, Wesley | R 323 | 1869 |
Hubbard, E. | Hough, Jos. Hrs by Drake | D 121 | 1818 |
Hubbard, Simon Miller | Stibbins, Benjamin | A2 193 | 1801 |
Huber, J. H. | Brooks, Joseph A. | R 199 | 1868 |
Huber, J. H. | Brooks, William W. | R 200 | 1868 |
Hudson, L. R. | Gilmore, J. J. | M 307 | 1851 |
Huffman, B. | French, Benj. | M 322 | 1851 |
Huffman, Burr | Fench, Ben | O 584 | 1854 |
Huffman, E. | Hibbs, Isaac | M 159 | 1851 |
Huffman, Elizabeth | Lee, Wilford | I 298 | 1840 |
Huffman, Hiram | Harrison Hrs | K 413 | 1845 |
Huffman, James | French, Samuel H. | Q 519 | 1866 |
Huffman, Noah | Huffman, Ben | N 298 | 1855 |
Hugh, John | Trustees of Shepherdsville | A2 017 | 1797 |
Hughbarger, Jacob | Hough, Joseph Hrs by Drake | D 073 | 1818 |
Hughbarger, Jacob | Sarks, Val | D 147 | 1819 |
Hughes, Benj. | Halbert, James | D 010 | 1818 |
Hughes, Benj. | Crow, Edward | E 137 | 1823 |
Hughes, Benj. | Crow, Basil | I 224 | 1839 |
Hughes, Benj. | Hogland, James C. | I 433 | 1841 |
Hughes, Benjamina | Beckwith John W. | E 187 | 1823 |
Hughes, Henry | Hughes, Nancy | M 042 | 1850 |
Hughes, Jesse | Taylor, James | A2 168 | 1800 |
Hughes, Jesse | Taylor, Keturah (Leitch) | A2 168 | 1800 |
Hughes, John | Brend, Thomas | A2 218 | 1799 |
Hughes, W'm | Heady, M. P. | P 133 | 1862 |
Huline, John | Powell, L. | O 064 | 1854 |
Humphreys, John | Buzan, W'm | I 174 | 1839 |
Hundley, J. S. | Craddock, P. D. (By Com'r) | K 299 | 1844 |
Hundley, J. T. | Kirk, W'm | L 380 | 1848 |
Hundley, John F. | Hamilton, W. B. | K 157 | 1843 |
Hundley, John T. | Brown, W'm J. | L 074 | 1846 |
Hundley, Sherwood W. | Hundley, John B. | D 287 | 1820 |
Hundley, W'm A. | Craddock, P. D. (By Com'r) | K 212 | 1844 |
Hunt, S. B. | Settles, Kate | R 488 | 1869 |
Hurst, W'm | Samuels, C. R. (Com'r) | P 331 | 1865 |
Hurst, W'm | Stansbury Hrs | P 331 | 1865 |
Huston, Jos. | Halbert, James | D 251 | 1819 |
Huston, Jos. | Jones, Henry C. | E 294 | 1823 |
Huston, Jos. | Jones, Henry C. | E 296 | 1823 |
Huston, Jos. | Jones, Henry C. | F 404 | 1827 |
Huston, Jos. | Jones, Henry & John M. | F 436 | 1827 |
Huston, Jos. & Geo. F. Pope | Hall, Shadrack | E 151 | 1823 |
Huston, Joseph | Sanders, Geo | D 478 | 1821 |
Huston, L. | Gilmore, J. J. | L 451 | 1849 |
Huston, M. | Huston, Joseph | D 480 | 1821 |
Huston, William | Brooks, Joseph | C 081 | 1813 |
Hutchings, E. | Patterson, W'm | O 607 | 1854 |
Hutchinson, Hiram | Moore, James F. Executrix | G 347 | 1832 |
Hyatt & Moreman | Howard, W. H. (Mort) | N 371 | 1855 |
Hyman, Samuel | Oxley, B. F. | O 248 | 1858 |
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The Bullitt County History Museum, a service of the Bullitt County Genealogical Society, is located in the county courthouse at 300 South Buckman Street (Highway 61) in Shepherdsville, Kentucky. The museum, along with its research room, is open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Saturday appointments are available by calling 502-921-0161 during our regular weekday hours. Admission is free. The museum, as part of the Bullitt County Genealogical Society, is a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization and is classified as a 509(a)2 public charity. Contributions and bequests are deductible under section 2055, 2106, or 2522 of the Internal Revenue Code. Page last modified: 20 Mar 2025 . Page URL: bullittcountyhistory.org/bchistory/deed-index/grantee-hart-hy.html