Bullitt County History

Bullitt County Deed Books A-R Index
Grantees - A

Local historian and researcher Betty Darnell has indexed Bullitt County Deed Books A-Q by grantors, grantees, and deed book pages, and allowed us to share her work here. We have now added Deed Book R to the index. You may find some of her other works on our publications for sale page.

Abbot, JosephBohn, AdamR 3261869
Abbott, J. M.Thompson, William R.R 4911869
Abbott, J. M.Phelps, WesleyR 4911869
Abbott, J. M. (mortgage)Hoglan, NealQ 5211867
Abell, GeoSnapp, L.N 5521856
Abell, GeoStringer, JohnO 2101854
Abell, GeorgeJohnson, F. L. & L. SnappN 5521856
Abell, Jos. S.Harris, JohnI 1941839
Acres, George (apprentice)Troutman, MichaelB 0231805
Alcorn, JohnGraven, John J.R 3311869
Alcorn, John L.Harris, John T.P 4981865
Alcorn, JosephWigginton, H. B.Q 2601864
Alexander, Abigal (slave sale)Crist, HenryB 6471805
Alexander, F. G.Kalfus, H. F.G 1621829
Alexander, F. W. G.Caldwell, W'mG 1071829
Alexander, J. B.Patterson, W'mP 4581862
Alexander, J. B.Patterson Moore & Co.P 4601862
Alexander, JamesShanks, James (by sheriff)B 3381809
Alexander, JamesBrooks, JosephD 0051818
Alexander, JamesCaldwell, W'm (Sheriff)E 0041822
Alexander, James (herd of hogs)Daugherty, EdwardB 0661806
Alexander, JohnKennett, Joshua D.G 1551829
Alexander, JohnDrake, CharlesG 3731832
Alexander, JohnSheriffK 4041845
Alexander, JohnGraham, JohnM 2421851
Alexander, Junius B. (bond mortgage)L & N RailroadR 2081868
Alexander, S. S.Summers, John B.H 2911835
Alexander, Sidney S.Summers, Noah C.F 1481826
All, A.Hall, AustinI 2191839
Allen, BenEwing, A. C.N 3291854
Allen, JamesBerkley, Ann Hrs by AttyD 2451819
Allen, ThomasSmith, SamuelB 3331809
Allen, ThomasSanders, ThomasC 0351813
Allen, ThomasGrosse, JacobE 0411822
Allender, HannahCaldwell, W'm (Sheriff)C 1201813
Allender, HannahRobinson, JamesC 1231813
Allender, ThomasStansbury, ThomasA2 0771799
Allender, ThomasHaile, Nicholas (by Richard Haile)B 0811807
Allison, S.Foster, John M. (Regular L O)F 2341825
Allison, SamlFoster, John M. ( R L O)F 3651827
Alloway, JoelHall, ThosI 2101839
Alloway, JoelHamilton, H. C.O 6051855
Ambrose, JacobMyers, JohnA2 4471805
Ambrose, JacobMcGee, PatrickB 0111805
Ambrose, JacobFroman, PaulB 4191798
AndersonHolsclawH 1691834
AndersonHornbeck HrsK 1891844
AndersonWhitledge, W. G.K 1891844
Anderson, G. R.Brown, HughH 1851834
Anderson, Geo. R.Collier, Chas.H 3961837
Anderson, GeorgeCollier, Chas.H 3011836
Anderson, JohnBreckenridge, RobtE 0671822
Anderson, JohnHornbeck, JohnE 0671822
Anderson, JohnJacob, John J.E 0671822
Anderson, JohnPope, W'm & WordenE 0671822
Anderson, JohnPrather, ThomasE 0671822
Anderson, JohnCaldwell, W'mF 2001826
Anderson, JohnGraham, Samuel, Stephen & JohnG 0711828
Anderson, JohnSanders, JosG 1261829
Anderson, JohnWelch, WilliamG 2861831
Anderson, JohnWilson, Thos Q.G 3211831
Anderson, JohnWilson, Thos Q.G 3211831
Anderson, JohnLangsdon, JohnH 3641836
Anderson, JohnLangsdon, JohnH 4151837
Anderson, JohnSheriffI 0951837
Anderson, JohnBrooks, Jos. A.I 0971837
Anderson, JohnBoswell, T. J.I 1661839
Anderson, JohnLogsdon, JohnI 2661840
Anderson, JohnWilson, JanyK 4211845
Anderson, JohnMitchell, SamL 2051847
Anderson, JohnStarrs, M.L 2051847
Anderson, JohnHornbeck, I. (By Com'r)L 2061847
Anderson, JohnHornbeck HrsL 3181848
Anderson, JohnHornbeck, Solomon & MaryL 5191850
Anderson, JohnThornhill, Sara E.M 0641850
Anderson, JohnCollings, Ed. (Mort)M 2891851
Anderson, John & othersAlexander, S. S. (Mort)I 3751841
Anderson, John & othersHornbeck, Preston & others (Mort)I 4911842
Anderson, John & Sam B. WilliamsBoswell, Thomas J.L 2201847
Anderson, John A.Collings, A. P.R 1291868
Anderson, John's HeirsAnderson, John (by Thomas W. Riley)Q 2691863
Antle, George W.Pierce, JohnR 2331868
Antle, JamesBridwell, J.P 1691861
Antle, JamesSanders, JamesP 5841865
Applegate, JesseJoyce, TomI 1561839
Applegate, JesseSimmons, R. P.I 1561839
Armstrong, C. Q. childrenAnderson, J. ExorP 1621858
Armstrong, K. M.Wise, J. A.P 3621862
Armstrong, V. P.Chappell, StewartQ 1081865
Armstrong, V. P.Croan, JohnQ 1101865
Armstrong, V. P.Vaughn, WilliamQ 1121865
Armstrong, V. P.Greenley, T. B.Q 1141865
Armstrong, V. P.Ridgway, J. W.Q 1151865
Armstrong, V. P.Rawlings, DeliaQ 1171865
Armstrong, V. P.Key, GeorgeQ 1201864
Armstrong, V. P.Stivers, JuliaQ 1211865
Armstrong, V. P.Skinner, IsaacQ 1231865
Armstrong, V. P.Chappell, James D.Q 1241865
Armstrong, V. P.Goldsmith, James D.Q 1261865
Armstrong, W. D.Oxley, B. F.R 6131858
Arnold, J. & Chas MerkerSkinner, E.P 0821862
Arnold, JamesSheriffI 3361840
Arnold, JamesChappell, Abe & W'm T.L 0151846
Arnold, JamesGoheen,John W.L 0151846
Arnold, JamesMiles, George W.L 0151846
Arnold, JamesSkinner, RichardL 0151846
Arnold, JamesStibbins, W'mL 0151846
Arnold, JamesArnold, W'mO 0191857
Arnold, JamesSkinner, ChasO 0461854
Arnold, JamesBrammell, Z.O 1391857
Arnold, JamesGarrett, C.Q 0981866
Arnold, JamesMerker, CharlesQ 4781866
Arnold, JosiahDexter, IsaacA2 0421797
Arnold, W'mChaddic, JohnH 1421834
Arnold, W'mBrammell, NathanH 1521834
Arnold, W'mBrammel, NathanH 3281836
Arnold, W'mJenkins, Geo. W.H 3591836
Arnold, W'mSummers, Rufus K.H 4451837
Arnold, W'mJenkins, Geo. W.I 1221838
Arnold, W'mAnderson, JohnI 1641839
Arnold, W'mHornbeck, I.I 1641839
Arnold,JamesSmith, R. M.P 6241866
Arsmtrong, V. P.Fisher, J. G.Q 1091865
Ash childrenFriddle, JacobK 4701845
Ash, Cath.Roby, J. A.P 1771862
Ash, Geo.Connell, JohnL 4151848
Ash, Geo. M.Crenshaw HrsL 0361846
Ash, JohnCrist, HenryC 3121815
Ash, JohnMcGrew, Geo.E 1091823
Ash, M.Showalter, J. W.M 2991852
Ash, M.Roby, JasP 1071862
Ash, MathiasSnapp, James H.K 0901843
Ash, MathiasRoby, Owen HeirsQ 5931867
Ash, NichConnell HrsK 2961844
Ash, SquireRaymon, F.M 1631850
Ashby, Charlew D.Croan, JohnQ 4851865
Ashby, PresleyMonroe, WilliamR 3941869
Atcher, G. C.Masden, Jon (Mort)L 4121849
Aatcher, G. C.Masden, JonL 4511849
Atcher, G. C.Masden, JonathanN 4501855
Atcher, Geo C.Masden, J. S.N 4291855
Atcher, Geo. C.Masden, Huston & John S.K 0021842
Atcher, Geo. C.Cundiff, RichK 1691843
Atcher, Geo. C.Masden, J. S.K 2921844
Atcher, Geo. C.Masden, JonathanK 4211845
Atcher, Geo. C.Masden, T.L 3731848
Atcher, Geo. C.Masden, Jon (Mort)M 2681851
Atcher, Geo. C.Masden, Thos M.N 3151854
Atcher, Geo. C.Kavanaugh, JamesO 4191854
Atcher, George C.Masden, Huston & John S.L 1761847
Atkins, WilliamGatewood, JohnC 2941816
Aud, JosephCrist, HenryB 5561811
Awl, A.Lovelace, ReasonD 0811818

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The Bullitt County History Museum, a service of the Bullitt County Genealogical Society, is located in the county courthouse at 300 South Buckman Street (Highway 61) in Shepherdsville, Kentucky. The museum, along with its research room, is open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Saturday appointments are available by calling 502-921-0161 during our regular weekday hours. Admission is free. The museum, as part of the Bullitt County Genealogical Society, is a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization and is classified as a 509(a)2 public charity. Contributions and bequests are deductible under section 2055, 2106, or 2522 of the Internal Revenue Code. Page last modified: 20 Mar 2025 . Page URL: bullittcountyhistory.org/bchistory/deed-index/grantee-a.html