Local historian and researcher Betty Darnell has indexed Bullitt County Deed Books A-Q by grantors, grantees, and deed book pages, and allowed us to share her work here. We have now added Deed Book R to the index. You may find some of her other works on our publications for sale page.
Links to
| A |
D-E |
F |
G |
I-K |
L |
M-ME |
MI- NU |
O-P |
Q-R |
T-V |
W-Z |
Grantee | Grantor | Deed | Date |
Gafford, Ben | Hall, James Hrs | P 313 | 1862 |
Gailbreath, J. P. | Garrett, G. S. | R 528 | 1870 |
Gaiter, David (land lease) | Martin, Thomas J. | R 386 | 1866 |
Gaither, Edward B. | Pope, John & Francis | E 264 | 1823 |
Gamble, James F. | Doom, J. M. | O 467 | 1854 |
Gamble, James F. & R. B. Hopkins | Taliaferro, Robert | Q 575 | 1866 |
Ganote, I. | Hall, D. | L 406 | 1849 |
Gapen, Zachariah | Clinton, Charles | A2 358 | 1799 |
Garrett | Carr, R. | D 539 | 1822 |
Garrett, C. | McGarrett, J. | P 129 | 1862 |
Garrett, G. S. | Hart, Squire | R 525 | 1869 |
Garrett, George S. | Masden, Dennis | Q 578 | 1866 |
Garrett, S. | Goodwin, Thomas | D 159 | 1819 |
Garrett, Silas | Carr, Moses & Caleb | D 474 | 1821 |
Garrett, Thomas P. | Field, R. H. | Q 518 | 1867 |
Garvin, F. | Troutman, B. F. | O 164 | 1854 |
Garvin, F. | Troutman | O 166 | 1854 |
Gasaway, Benj. | Crist, H. | I 454 | 1841 |
Gasaway, Samuel | Saunders, Jos | F 239 | 1826 |
Gasway, Benj. | Rammel, Nathan | K 039 | 1842 |
Gatch, Frederick | Shepherd, Adam | A2 312 | 1803 |
Gatewood, J. | Brower, A. | P 237 | 1861 |
Gatewood, John | Crooks, William | A2 305 | 1801 |
Gatewood, John | Foster, Bartlett | A2 307 | 1802 |
Gatten, Susan C. | Magruder, Archibald Heirs | Q 166 | 1866 |
Gatten, Susan C. | Magruder, Henry O. & Ezekiel E. Heirs | Q 340 | 1866 |
Gatton, N. W. | Kocke, G. G. (Mort) | N 186 | 1853 |
Gatton, N. W. | Craycroft, H. T. | O 309 | 1854 |
Gavans, N. L. | Froman, J. V. | P 379 | 1862 |
Gay, Ben P. | Gay, John | D 465 | 1821 |
Gentry Hrs | Hall Hrs | L 325 | 1848 |
Gentry, A. F. | Friddle, R. | P 079 | 1862 |
Gentry, A. F. | King, Y. & S. | P 080 | 1862 |
Gentry, A. F. | Fiddler, J. A. Hrs | P 100 | 1862 |
Gentry, A. T. | Tyler, D. E. Hrs | O 257 | 1854 |
Gentry, B. | Smith, Geo W. | O 653 | 1857 |
Gentry, Blackstone | Gentry, William T. | R 016 | 1867 |
Gentry, Blanton | Hall, David | B 018 | 1805 |
Gentry, Blax | Hamilton, H. C. | M 523 | 1853 |
Gentry, Blaxton | Collings, A. | L 442 | 1849 |
Gentry, D. | Hamilton, Susan | M 136 | 1851 |
Gentry, D. | Wright, J. | O 311 | 1854 |
Gentry, D. | Simpson, T. L. | P 236 | 1865 |
Gentry, David | Briscoe, Rufus | L 088 | 1847 |
Gentry, David | Moore, G. W. | L 089 | 1847 |
Gentry, David | Hamilton, H. C. | N 077 | 1853 |
Gentry, E. A. | Mothershead, A. | O 452 | 1856 |
Gentry, F. Tipton | Hamilton, W. B. | Q 333 | 1866 |
Gentry, Fountain | Hall Hrs | I 199 | 1839 |
Gentry, Fountain Heirs | Hamilton, William B. | Q 081 | 1861 |
Gentry, Henry | Hall, Austin | D 322 | 1820 |
Gentry, Henry | Taylor, James | D 498 | 1821 |
Gentry, Henry | Taylor, James | D 499 | 1821 |
Gentry, Henry | Thornsberry, Daniel | D 518 | 1822 |
Gentry, James | Hough, Jos. Hrs by Drake | D 224 | 1819 |
Gentry, James | Buzan, John | I 385 | 1841 |
Gentry, James | Davis Hrs | I 529 | 1842 |
Gentry, James | Wheeler, John M. | N 199 | 1855 |
Gentry, James | Hall, D. | O 415 | 1855 |
Gentry, John | Crist, Henry | B 430 | 1811 |
Gentry, John | Crist, Henry | E 326 | 1824 |
Gentry, John | Leech, Enock | F 123 | 1825 |
Gentry, Joseph | Breckenridge, Robt | C 197 | 1813 |
Gentry, Joseph | Pope, W'm & Worden | C 197 | 1814 |
Gentry, Joseph | Pumroy, George K. | C 217 | 1815 |
Gentry, Joseph | Pumroy, George A. K. | C 337 | 1816 |
Gentry, Joseph | Gentry, W. & F. | K 068 | 1842 |
Gentry, Joseph | Gentry, W. & F. | K 206 | 1844 |
Gentry, Joseph | Gentry, W. | K 263 | 1844 |
Gentry, M. Hrs | Graham, W'm | L 460 | 1849 |
Gentry, Martin | Thickston, Jos | C 095 | 1812 |
Gentry, Martin | Merriwether, J. W. (As atty) | E 170 | 1823 |
Gentry, Martin | Thornsberry, Daniel | F 105 | 1825 |
Gentry, Martin | Moore, Nimrod B. Ex of J. F. Moore | F 203 | 1826 |
Gentry, Martin | Gentry, Wyatt & Nicholas | F 308 | 1827 |
Gentry, Martin | Hall, John | F 308 | 1826 |
Gentry, Nancy | Guthrie, James | K 171 | 1843 |
Gentry, Nicholas | Breckenridge, Robt | C 025 | 1813 |
Gentry, Nicholas | Pope, William & Worden | C 025 | 1813 |
Gentry, Pinah | Hall, Austin | E 128 | 1822 |
Gentry, S. & W. | Brown, W'm J. | M 092 | 1850 |
Gentry, Samuel | Hough, Jos. Hrs by Drake | D 099 | 1818 |
Gentry, Squire | Mothershead, A. | O 453 | 1856 |
gentry, W. | Gentry, S. S. | M 323 | 1851 |
Gentry, W. T. | Gentry, Blax | M 469 | 1852 |
Gentry, W'm | Gentry, John | N 283 | 1854 |
Gentry, Winkfield | Hall, Austin (admin of John Gentry; by sheriff) | Q 306 | 1864 |
Gentry, Wyatt | Woolfolk, Richard | C 204 | 1814 |
Geo. C. B. Hedges & John Coyle | Alexander, James | F 097 | 1825 |
Geo. E. Rogers/F & A M #180 | Burdette, P. | M 335 | 1851 |
Gibson, Henry | Buzan, John | E 283 | 1824 |
Gibson, Henry | Northern, Reuben | H 018 | 1833 |
Gibson, Henry | Hessey, Edward | H 279 | 1835 |
Gild, Andrew | Nusz, John Heirs | R 400 | 1868 |
Gillen, John (attorney) | Leitch, David (by James Taylor) | B 507 | 1790 |
Gillmore, Perry | Smith, George W. | Q 281 | 1862 |
Gilmore, James J. | Gilmore, Polly | L 091 | 1847 |
Gilmore, P. | Brown, W. J. | M 133 | 1851 |
Gilmore, P. | Bogard, C. K. | N 041 | 1853 |
Gilmore, Perry | Hundley, John T. | K 313 | 1844 |
Gilmore, Perry | Hundley, John T. | K 313 | 1844 |
Gilmore, Perry | Shirley, E. | L 196 | 1847 |
Gilmore, Perry | Shirley, Geo | L 197 | 1847 |
Gilmore, Perry | Scott, John | L 521 | 1849 |
Gilmore, Perry | Brown, W. J. | N 146 | 1853 |
Gilmore, Perry | Quertermous, Joseph | Q 373 | 1866 |
Gilmore, Perry | Smith, George W. | Q 452 | 1867 |
Gilmore, Polly | Gilmore Hrs | L 092 | 1847 |
Gilpin, William E. | Bunting, James W. | R 089 | 1868 |
Gist, Joshua | Shepherd, Adam | A2 155 | 1800 |
Given, G. | Hough, A. | M 394 | 1853 |
Givens | Miller, Alex | H 164 | 1834 |
Givens, Jos | Tyler, Preston | N 571 | 1853 |
Givins, H. I. | Taliaferro, Robert | R 084 | 1868 |
Glass, Elizabeth | Glass, Royal Hrs | N 480 | 1854 |
Glass, Royal | Shain, William | B 306 | 1809 |
Glass, Royal | Ray, William | B 340 | 1809 |
Glass, Royal | Shepherd, Adam | B 573 | 1812 |
Glass, Royal | Shepherd, Adam Hrs | G 534 | 1833 |
Glenn, Elizabeth E. | Thomas, Ann | R 619 | 1870 |
Glenn, J. W. | Crist, H. & H. S. | I 331 | 1840 |
Glenn, J. W. | Brammell, N. | O 041 | 1857 |
Glenn, J. W. | Greenwell, Amanda | P 116 | 1861 |
Glenn, J. W. | Hardy, F. M. | P 333 | 1862 |
Glenn, James (apprentice) | Glenn, John W. | R 563 | 1869 |
Glenn, James C. | Foster, Sanford | L 165 | 1847 |
Glenn, John W. | Chappell, J. W. | O 391 | 1854 |
Glenn, John W. | Froman, J.V. | P 547 | 1864 |
Glenn, John W. | Dawson, William | Q 558 | 1867 |
Glenn, John W. | Carpenter, Catharine | R 368 | 1869 |
Glenn, W. O. | Glenn, A. | M 348 | 1851 |
Glenn, W'm O. & J. C. | Harshfield, D. D. | I 477 | 1842 |
Goff, Edward | Bayne, Thomas | E 064 | 1822 |
Goff, Jesse | Bayne, Thomas | E 065 | 1822 |
Goheen, John W. | Goldsmith, Owen | I 232 | 1839 |
Goheen, John W. | Goldsmith, Owen | I 533 | 1842 |
Goheen, John W. & James Arnold | Pope, Nathaniel | K 401 | 1845 |
Goldsmith | Chalfant [indexed in supplement] | I 039 | [blank] |
Goldsmith | Goldsmith, N. | O 255 | 1855 |
Goldsmith Hrs | Chappell, Abram | N 438 | |
Goldsmith, A. B. | Goldsmith, Ann | Q 131 | 1862 |
Goldsmith, Ann | Ewing, A. C. | P 150 | 1862 |
Goldsmith, Ann | Goldsmith, Amandes Bluford | Q 261 | 1864 |
Goldsmith, D. R. & J. D. | Goldsmith, N. | P 698 | 1862 |
Goldsmith, John | Goldsmith, Saml | F 218 | 1826 |
Goldsmith, Matilda | Goldsmith, Samuel | I 111 | 1838 |
Goldsmith, Matilda | Goldsmith, Sam | I 180 | 1839 |
Goldsmith, Nelson | Sparks, John T. | I 071 | 1837 |
Goldsmith, Nelson | Yowell, Moses | I 071 | 1837 |
Goldsmith, Nelson | Harrison, C. Hrs | M 020 | 1850 |
Goldsmith, O. & S. R. | Greenwell, J. J. | O 134 | 1854 |
Goldsmith, O. & S. R. | Greenwell, Robt | O 137 | 1854 |
Goldsmith, Owen | Brammel, Nathan | G 065 | 1828 |
Goldsmith, Owen | Goldsmith, Sam | I 229 | 1839 |
Goldsmith, Owen | Jeffries, A. | I 231 | 1839 |
Goldsmith, Owen | Gasaway, Sam | I 318 | 1840 |
Goldsmith, Owen | Davis, Tandy | L 048 | 1846 |
Goldsmith, Owen | Chappell, W'm F. | N 197 | |
Goldsmith, Owen | Froman, J. V. | O 697 | 1854 |
Goldsmith, S. R. | Froman, J. V. | O 697 | 1854 |
Goldsmith, Sam | Stephens, Henson | I 158 | 1839 |
Goldsmith, Sam | Shane, C. D. | I 228 | 1839 |
Goldsmith, Saml | Orm, Morris | H 373 | 1836 |
Goldsmith, Saml | Morgan, R. D. N. | I 027 | 1837 |
Goldsmith, Saml | Moore, Charles & James | I 039 | 1837 |
Goldsmith, Samuel | Logan, John | D 475 | 1821 |
Goldsmith, Samuel | Graham, John | I 027 | 1837 |
Goldsmith, Samuel | Graham, John | I 091 | 1837 |
Gonterman, Henry | Kennedy, John | A2 033 | 1797 |
Gonterman, Henry | Wells, Jesse | A2 325 | 1803 |
Gonterman, Henry Sr. | Mosley, Robert | A2 067 | 1797 |
Gonterman, Jacob | Gonterman, Henry | A2 061 | 1798 |
Goodman, E A. | Durrett, R. T. | N 299 | 1853 |
Goodman, E. A. | Tevis, L. | O 231 | 1854 |
Goodman, H. H. | Durrett, R. T. | N 163 | 1854 |
Gore, Abner | Gore, Sara | O 489 | 1855 |
Gore, E. W. | Cartmell, H. C. M. | H 040 | 1833 |
Gore, E. W. | Cartmell, H. C. M. | H 354 | 1836 |
Gore, Harriet | Saunders, Jos | I 299 | 1840 |
Gore, Harriet | Gore, Thomas S. | N 469 | 1854 |
Gore, Harriet | Gore, Thomas S. | N 599 | 1854 |
Gore, Harriet | Wells, James | N 599 | 1855 |
Gore, J. | Wells, J. | O 492 | 1854 |
Gore, J. Jr. | Kalfus, H. F. | G 212 | 1829 |
Gore, Jacob (bond) | Shepherd, Adam | B 336 | 1785 |
Gore, Jacob Heirs | Shepherd, Adam | B 334 | 1809 |
Gore, Jonathan | Halbert, James | C 457 | 1817 |
Gore, Jonathan | Grigsby, W'm (Attorney for Shanks Hrs | F 144 | 1826 |
Gore, Jonathan | Caldwell, W'm | F 402 | 1827 |
Gore, Jonathan | Wilson, Matthew | F 409 | 1827 |
Gore, Jonathan | Wilson, Matthew | F 409 | 1827 |
Gore, Jonathan | Alexander, S. S. | G 013 | 1828 |
Gore, Jonathan | Anderson, John | G 034 | 1828 |
Gore, Jonathan | Wilson, Matthew & Samuel | G 103 | 1829 |
Gore, Jonathan | Wilson, Matthew & Samuel | G 103 | 1829 |
Gore, Jonathan Jr. | Jones, William | E 042 | 1822 |
Gore, Jonathan Jr. | Caldwell, W'm (Sheriff) | F 069 | 1825 |
Gore, Jonathan Jr. | Kalfus, H. F. | F 072 | 1825 |
Gore, Jonathan Jr. | Ssearinge, Geo W. | F 362 | 1827 |
Gore, Jonathan Jr. | Shepherd, Sarah, Rachael & Charlotte | F 377 | 1827 |
Gore, Jonathan Jr. | Summers, Benj | F 390 | 1827 |
Gore, Jonathan Jr. | Morgan, R. D. N. | G 104 | 1828 |
Gore, Josh | Gore, Tom S. | N 611 | 1854 |
Gore, Tho. S. | Crist, B. P. | M 347 | 1851 |
Gore, Thomas S. | Gore, Harriet | O 478 | 1855 |
Gore, Thos. S. | Gore, Geo. | N 609 | 1854 |
Gore, Tom S. | White, James | M 329 | 1850 |
Grable, D. | Brown, Sam | C 479 | 1817 |
Grable, David | Ricketts, Jonathan | C 178 | 1814 |
Grable, David | Shain, John & Thomas | C 179 | 1814 |
Grable, David | Caldwell, W'm | C 479 | 1816 |
Grable, David | Hall, Cliff | C 479 | 1817 |
Grable, David | Hedges, Jos. | C 479 | 1817 |
Grable, David | Morrow,W'm | C 479 | 1817 |
Grable, David | Simmons, Saml | C 479 | 1818 |
Grable, David | Collins, Isaac | C 481 | 1818 |
Grable, Lloyd | Napper, Elizabeth | N 223 | 1853 |
Grable, P. | Shain Hrs | K 012 | 1842 |
Grable, Philip | Grable, David | D 147 | 1819 |
Grable, Philip | Wilhoit, A. | D 147 | 1819 |
Grable, Philip | Grable, David | D 204 | 1819 |
Grable, Philip | Shain, Temperance | G 287 | 1831 |
Grable, Philip | Campbell Hrs | K 186 | 1844 |
Grafton, George | Quinn, William | E 324 | 1824 |
Graham, Andrew | Marquess, James | A2 350 | 1804 |
Graham, Andrew | Roger, Andrew Lewis | B 547 | 1812 |
Graham, Andrew | Roger, Andrew Lewis | B 549 | 1812 |
Graham, J. C. | Trustees of Shepherdsville | D 046 | 1818 |
Graham, J. H. | Weller, Jacob P. | Q 228 | 1865 |
Graham, J. H. | Weller, Martha A. | Q 228 | 1865 |
Graham, J. H. | Weller, Daniel J. | Q 228 | 1865 |
Graham, John | Graham, Andrew | B 622 | 1813 |
Graham, John | Trustees of Shepherdsville | C 290 | 1815 |
Graham, John | Griffin, Elizzabeth | D 340 | 1820 |
Graham, John | Graham, James C. | E 207 | 1824 |
Graham, John | Tuley, John | F 042 | 1825 |
Graham, John | Tuley, Wyatt | F 044 | 1825 |
Graham, John | Crist, Henry & Henry S. | F 180 | 1826 |
Graham, John | Lurton, T. R. | G 093 | 1829 |
Graham, John | Lurton, Sally | G 153 | 1829 |
Graham, John | Burress, John H. | G 195 | 1829 |
Graham, John | Crist, H. & H. S. | K 322 | 1844 |
Graham, John | Jones, P. H. | L 150 | 1847 |
Graham, John C. | Shepherd, Adam | D 042 | 1819 |
Graham, Oliver | Marshall, Humphrey (Atty for Collett Hrs) | I 009 | 1837 |
Graham, Oliver | Small Hrs | L 002 | 1846 |
Graham, Sam | Kilgore, Hiram | G 175 | 1829 |
Graham, Stephen | Graham, Saml | F 475 | 1828 |
Graham, W'm | Trustees of Shepherdsville | C 162 | 1814 |
Graham, W'm | Hall Hrs | I 352 | 1840 |
Graham, W'm | Hall Hrs | K 027 | 1842 |
Graham, W'm | Hall Hrs | K 028 | 1842 |
Graham, W'm | Gentry Hrs | L 315 | 1848 |
Grant, Ann C. | Carpenter, W. | P 217 | 1860 |
Grant, Elzy | Grant, W'm | K 138 | 1843 |
Grant, J. L. | Grant, W'm | N 020 | 1853 |
Grant, J. L. | Jones, P. H. | N 021 | 1853 |
Grant, J. L. | Stallings, J. | N 036 | 1853 |
Grant, J. L. | Grant, W'm | N 212 | 1854 |
Grant, John | Smyser, Lewis | L 407 | 1848 |
Grant, John | Summers, R. K. | O 043 | 1854 |
Grant, John | Summers, R. K. | O 422 | 1856 |
Grant, John L. | Grant, W'm W. | O 490 | 1855 |
Grant, John L. | Wheeler, John M. | R 534 | 1870 |
Grant, P. O. | Wheeler, R. Hrs | O 181 | 1854 |
Grant, P. O. | Gentry, F. Hrs | P 188 | 1861 |
Grant, Posey | Roby, L. | H 190 | 1835 |
Grant, Posey | Clark, W'm & Robt | N 185 | |
Grant, Posey O. | Gentry, Franklin T. | R 620 | 1869 |
Grant, Sarah J. & Ben F. | Grant, Jesse M. | K 101 | 1843 |
Grant, W. Sr. | Grant, W. Jr. | I 460 | 1841 |
Grant, W. W. | Grant, J. L. | N 213 | 1854 |
Grant, W. W. | Hall, Clifton | N 215 | 1854 |
Grant, W'm | Whitledge,John | E 256 | 1824 |
Grant, W'm Jr. | Grant, W'm | E 312 | 1825 |
Grant, W'm Jr. | Hall, David | K 290 | 1844 |
Grant, W'm S. & Ann | Grant, Jesse M. | K 101 | 1843 |
Grant, William | Newkirk, Richard | B 304 | 1808 |
Grant, William | Smith, Robt N. | G 525 | 1833 |
Grant, William | Fundy, Fred | L 004 | 1846 |
Grarrett, James | Johnson, John (Mort) | N 356 | 1855 |
Graven, John J. | Hubbard, Albert E. | R 324 | 1869 |
Graven, Paulina | Phelps, Wesley | R 246 | 1868 |
Gravens, J. J. | Pratt, Richard | I 027 | 1837 |
Gravens, W'm A. | Pratt, Richard | I 025 | 1837 |
Graves, J. P. | Chick, W'm | N 151 | |
Graves, Jos. H. | Moore, Emma | N 505 | 1855 |
Gray, Jos | Trunnell, Eliza (Mort) | L 344 | 1848 |
Gray, Silas | Patterson, A. & James | I 015 | 1837 |
Grayham, William | DeRohan, William | B 212 | 1808 |
Grayson, __ (apprentice) | Ridgeway, Samuel | B 619 | 1812 |
Grayson, F. W. S. | Evans, Eliza W. | C 150 | 1814 |
Grayson, F. W. S. | Waters, Elanor | C 292 | 1815 |
Grayson, F. W. S. | Dunn, John | E 333 | 1825 |
Grayson, Frederic W. S | Shanks, James | B 629 | 1808 |
Grayson, Frederic W. S. (attorney) | Winn, Richard | B 046 | 1805 |
Grayson, Frederic W. S. & John W. Beckwith | Shepherd, Adam | B 670 | 1813 |
Grayson, G. W. | Beckwith, John W. | E 279 | 1824 |
Grayson, W. F. S. | Myers, John | C 152 | 1814 |
Grayson, W. F. S. | Myers, John | C 153 | 1814 |
Greathouse, Harmon | Stone, Elizabeth (apprentice) | A2 196 | 1800 |
Greathouse, Harmon | Greathouse, Isaac | A2 410 | 1804 |
Greathouse, Harmon | Buky, Rodolphus | C 398 | 1817 |
Greathouse, Isaac | Tomlinson, Benjamin | A2 382 | 1801 |
Greathouse, Jonathan | Myers, John | C 352 | 1816 |
Greathouse, Sam | Hall, W. W. | N 016 | 1853 |
Greathouse, W'm | Hough, Jos. Hrs by Drake | D 077 | 1818 |
Greathouse, W'm | Northern, Reuben | F 155 | 1825 |
Greathouse, W'm | Caldwell, W'm (shff) | F 398 | 1827 |
Greathouse, W'm | Lusher, Jacob | G 325 | 1831 |
Greathouse, W'm | Hall, Clifton | G 402 | 1832 |
Greathouse, William | Rose, Lewis | D 143 | 1818 |
Green Hrs | Green, Joseph (Will) | K 056 | 1842 |
Green, Elisha | Shock, George | C 110 | 1814 |
Green, George | Green, Joshua | E 286 | 1824 |
Green, George W. | Green, Robert | H 324 | 1836 |
Green, John | Caldwell, W'm (Sheriff) | F 151 | 1826 |
Green, Joshua | Crist, Henry | A2 172 | 1800 |
Green, Joshua | Crist, Henry | B 114 | 1806 |
Green, Leven | Shepherd, Adam | B 559 | 1812 |
Green, S. H. | Graves, J. P. | O 211 | 1854 |
Green, W'm | Moore, R. L. | L 527 | 1850 |
Greenfield, Thomas G. | Shockency, Richard Willis (apprentice) | A2 164 | 1797 |
Greenly, T. D. | Harrison Hrs | M 097 | 1851 |
Greenwell, C. & R. | Casswell, D. | P 206 | 1860 |
Greenwell, Charles | Greenwell, Robert | R 026 | 1867 |
Greenwell, Chas | Froman, Abram | M 307 | 1850 |
Greenwell, Chas | Collings, Alfred | O 496 | 1854 |
Greenwell, Chas & John | Wooldridge, Dan. | N 127 | 1853 |
Greenwell, John | Crenshaw, James | A2 210 | 1801 |
Greenwell, John | Froman, Abe | H 262 | 1835 |
Greenwell, John | Greenwell, Ralph | H 295 | 1836 |
Greenwell, John | Moore, G. W. | N 128 | 1853 |
Greenwell, John | Warren, W. H. | N 128 | 1853 |
Greenwell, John J. | Brewer, John | K 541 | 1846 |
Greenwell, Jos. | Greenwell, John | E 006 | 1822 |
Greenwell, R. | Brewer, J. Exor | M 492 | 1851 |
Greenwell, R. | Collings, S. W. | P 365 | 1862 |
Greenwell, Rich | Wells, Jacob | I 142 | 1838 |
Greenwell, Robert | Harmon, J. L. | N 133 | 1854 |
Greenwell, Robert | Greenwell, Charles | R 158 | 1867 |
Greenwell, Robt | Brewer, F. X. | N 132 | 1853 |
Greenwell, Robt | Snellen, Z. P. | N 132 | 1853 |
Greenwell, Robt | Greenwell, John | N 134 | 1853 |
Greenwell, W'm | Lee, Robt M | L 184 | 1847 |
Greenwell, W'm | Horrell, Tom R., Dr. | P 356 | 1862 |
Greenwell, W'm | Burch, T. J. | P 524 | 1863 |
Greenwell, William | Norvell, Joshua | C 112 | 1814 |
Grier, Jos. | Harman, John T. | H 202 | 1835 |
Grier, Jos. | Harman Hrs | H 204 | 1835 |
Grier, Jos. | Harman Hrs | H 205 | 1835 |
Grier, Jos. | Harman Hrs | H 207 | 1835 |
Grier, Jos. | Moore, John H. | I 013 | 1837 |
Grier, Joseph | Harman, Lewis | I 014 | 1837 |
Griffin, G. | Rader, S. | P 198 | 1862 |
Griffin, G. | McAhron, F. | P 212 | 1862 |
Griffin, G. | Applegate, W'm T. | P 514 | 1858 |
Griffin, Gilbert | Chappell, J. D. | P 514 | 1862 |
Griffin, Gilbert | Griffin, Merit | Q 375 | 1866 |
Griffin, Gilbert | Griffin, Jesse H. | Q 375 | 1866 |
Griffin, Gilbert | Griffin, William | R 086 | 1867 |
Griffin, Gilbert | Lee, William H. | R 114 | 1867 |
Griffin, Gilbert | Lee, William H. | R 585 | 1870 |
Griffin, James | Fuquay, Henry | A2 177 | 1799 |
Griffin, John | Scott, John Jr. | B 382 | 1810 |
Griffin, John | Summers, Benjamin | C 047 | 1812 |
Griffin, Merritt | Jones, P. H. | L 476 | 1848 |
Griffin, Tho. | Hall, Chas | L 419 | 1849 |
Griffin, W'm | Henson, Verlinder | K 183 | 1843 |
Griffin, W'm | Simmons, Hump. | K 183 | 1843 |
Griffin, W'm | Miles, Geo. W. | L 136 | 1847 |
Griffin, W'm | Shackelford, G. D. | N 193 | 1853 |
Griffin, W'm | McAhron, J. L. | N 408 | 1853 |
Griffin, W'm | Stibbins, W'm | O 310 | 1856 |
Griffin, W'm | Pratt, R. | O 461 | 1854 |
Griffin, William | Chappell, Abram | Q 048 | 1860 |
Griffin, William J. | Riley, Seth W. | Q 391 | 1866 |
Griffin, William J. (guardianship ended) | Griffin, Jessee | R 414 | 1869 |
Griffith, C. | Shadburn, R. A. | O 366 | 1856 |
Griffith, W'm | McAhron Hrs | O 685 | 1854 |
Grigsby, Calvin | Braithwaite, Johnathan | R 165 | 1868 |
Grigsby, J. C. | Swearingen, O. W. & W. T. | P 060 | 1862 |
Grigsby, J. C. | Hall, Lewis Q. | Q 235 | 1866 |
Grigsby, J. C. | Abell, George Heirs | R 451 | 1869 |
Grigsby, J. C. | Hough, Joseph Heirs | R 492 | 1869 |
Grigsby, W. R. | Crist, H. S. Hrs | M 082 | 1850 |
Grigsby, W. R. | Hogland, L. | P 136 | 1862 |
Grigsby, W. R. | Field, R. H. | P 204 | 1862 |
Grosse, Eve | Allen, Thomas | F 011 | 1825 |
Grosse, Jacob | Bailey, Randolph (by Atty) | D 335 | 1819 |
Grosse, Jacob | Swigert, Jacob (by atty) | D 335 | 1820 |
Grosse, Jacob | Wigginton, W'm G. | D 335 | 1820 |
Grubb, Samuel C. | Osburn, Benj. | G 121 | 1829 |
Grundy, Felix | Grundy, G. [indexed in supplement] | G 233 | [blank] |
Grundy, G. | Pope, John | F 293 | 1827 |
Grundy, G. | Lowery (U. S. M.) | G 211 | 1829 |
Grundy, Gardom | Bird, Samuel | B 150 | 1807 |
Grundy, Gardom | Harris, John | C 072 | 1812 |
Grundy, Gardom (slave sale) | Wood, Mary & Thomas G. | B 057 | 1805 |
Grundy, T. B. | Rawlings, Delila | P 566 | 1862 |
Grundy, Thomas S. | Cox, A. K. | P 357 | 1862 |
Grundy, Thomas S. | Blackstone, Harry B. | Q 500 | 1867 |
Guthrie, J. | Congrove, E. | M 355 | 1851 |
Guthrie, J. G. | Hamilton, W. B. | N 477 | 1855 |
Guthrie, J. G. | Swearingen, W. W. | N 477 | 1856 |
Guthrie, James | Alexander, James (Sheriff) | F 094 | 1825 |
Guthrie, James | Shanklin, Thos | F 333 | 1827 |
Guthrie, James | Hall, Austin (Shff) | G 165 | 1829 |
Guthrie, James | Mulliken, Thomas | G 327 | 1831 |
Guthrie, James | Nutt, William | G 327 | 1831 |
Guthrie, James | Simmons, H. | I 108 | 1838 |
Gutzahr, Nicholas | Oxley, B. F. | O 431 | 1858 |
Guy | McDowell, John | [blank] | [blank] |
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The Bullitt County History Museum, a service of the Bullitt County Genealogical Society, is located in the county courthouse at 300 South Buckman Street (Highway 61) in Shepherdsville, Kentucky. The museum, along with its research room, is open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Saturday appointments are available by calling 502-921-0161 during our regular weekday hours. Admission is free. The museum, as part of the Bullitt County Genealogical Society, is a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization and is classified as a 509(a)2 public charity. Contributions and bequests are deductible under section 2055, 2106, or 2522 of the Internal Revenue Code. Page last modified: 20 Mar 2025 . Page URL: bullittcountyhistory.org/bchistory/deed-index/grantee-g.html