Bullitt County History

Bullitt County Deed Books A-R Index
Grantees - G

Local historian and researcher Betty Darnell has indexed Bullitt County Deed Books A-Q by grantors, grantees, and deed book pages, and allowed us to share her work here. We have now added Deed Book R to the index. You may find some of her other works on our publications for sale page.

Gafford, BenHall, James HrsP 3131862
Gailbreath, J. P.Garrett, G. S.R 5281870
Gaiter, David (land lease)Martin, Thomas J.R 3861866
Gaither, Edward B.Pope, John & FrancisE 2641823
Gamble, James F.Doom, J. M.O 4671854
Gamble, James F. & R. B. HopkinsTaliaferro, RobertQ 5751866
Ganote, I.Hall, D.L 4061849
Gapen, ZachariahClinton, CharlesA2 3581799
GarrettCarr, R.D 5391822
Garrett, C.McGarrett, J.P 1291862
Garrett, G. S.Hart, SquireR 5251869
Garrett, George S.Masden, DennisQ 5781866
Garrett, S.Goodwin, ThomasD 1591819
Garrett, SilasCarr, Moses & CalebD 4741821
Garrett, Thomas P.Field, R. H.Q 5181867
Garvin, F.Troutman, B. F.O 1641854
Garvin, F.TroutmanO 1661854
Gasaway, Benj.Crist, H.I 4541841
Gasaway, SamuelSaunders, JosF 2391826
Gasway, Benj.Rammel, NathanK 0391842
Gatch, FrederickShepherd, AdamA2 3121803
Gatewood, J.Brower, A.P 2371861
Gatewood, JohnCrooks, WilliamA2 3051801
Gatewood, JohnFoster, BartlettA2 3071802
Gatten, Susan C.Magruder, Archibald HeirsQ 1661866
Gatten, Susan C.Magruder, Henry O. & Ezekiel E. HeirsQ 3401866
Gatton, N. W.Kocke, G. G. (Mort)N 1861853
Gatton, N. W.Craycroft, H. T.O 3091854
Gavans, N. L.Froman, J. V.P 3791862
Gay, Ben P.Gay, JohnD 4651821
Gentry HrsHall HrsL 3251848
Gentry, A. F.Friddle, R.P 0791862
Gentry, A. F.King, Y. & S.P 0801862
Gentry, A. F.Fiddler, J. A. HrsP 1001862
Gentry, A. T.Tyler, D. E. HrsO 2571854
Gentry, B.Smith, Geo W.O 6531857
Gentry, BlackstoneGentry, William T.R 0161867
Gentry, BlantonHall, DavidB 0181805
Gentry, BlaxHamilton, H. C.M 5231853
Gentry, BlaxtonCollings, A.L 4421849
Gentry, D.Hamilton, SusanM 1361851
Gentry, D.Wright, J.O 3111854
Gentry, D.Simpson, T. L.P 2361865
Gentry, DavidBriscoe, RufusL 0881847
Gentry, DavidMoore, G. W.L 0891847
Gentry, DavidHamilton, H. C.N 0771853
Gentry, E. A.Mothershead, A.O 4521856
Gentry, F. TiptonHamilton, W. B.Q 3331866
Gentry, FountainHall HrsI 1991839
Gentry, Fountain HeirsHamilton, William B.Q 0811861
Gentry, HenryHall, AustinD 3221820
Gentry, HenryTaylor, JamesD 4981821
Gentry, HenryTaylor, JamesD 4991821
Gentry, HenryThornsberry, DanielD 5181822
Gentry, JamesHough, Jos. Hrs by DrakeD 2241819
Gentry, JamesBuzan, JohnI 3851841
Gentry, JamesDavis HrsI 5291842
Gentry, JamesWheeler, John M.N 1991855
Gentry, JamesHall, D.O 4151855
Gentry, JohnCrist, HenryB 4301811
Gentry, JohnCrist, HenryE 3261824
Gentry, JohnLeech, EnockF 1231825
Gentry, JosephBreckenridge, RobtC 1971813
Gentry, JosephPope, W'm & WordenC 1971814
Gentry, JosephPumroy, George K.C 2171815
Gentry, JosephPumroy, George A. K.C 3371816
Gentry, JosephGentry, W. & F.K 0681842
Gentry, JosephGentry, W. & F.K 2061844
Gentry, JosephGentry, W.K 2631844
Gentry, M. HrsGraham, W'mL 4601849
Gentry, MartinThickston, JosC 0951812
Gentry, MartinMerriwether, J. W. (As atty)E 1701823
Gentry, MartinThornsberry, DanielF 1051825
Gentry, MartinMoore, Nimrod B. Ex of J. F. MooreF 2031826
Gentry, MartinGentry, Wyatt & NicholasF 3081827
Gentry, MartinHall, JohnF 3081826
Gentry, NancyGuthrie, JamesK 1711843
Gentry, NicholasBreckenridge, RobtC 0251813
Gentry, NicholasPope, William & WordenC 0251813
Gentry, PinahHall, AustinE 1281822
Gentry, S. & W.Brown, W'm J.M 0921850
Gentry, SamuelHough, Jos. Hrs by DrakeD 0991818
Gentry, SquireMothershead, A.O 4531856
gentry, W.Gentry, S. S.M 3231851
Gentry, W. T.Gentry, BlaxM 4691852
Gentry, W'mGentry, JohnN 2831854
Gentry, WinkfieldHall, Austin (admin of John Gentry; by sheriff)Q 3061864
Gentry, WyattWoolfolk, RichardC 2041814
Geo. C. B. Hedges & John CoyleAlexander, JamesF 0971825
Geo. E. Rogers/F & A M #180Burdette, P.M 3351851
Gibson, HenryBuzan, JohnE 2831824
Gibson, HenryNorthern, ReubenH 0181833
Gibson, HenryHessey, EdwardH 2791835
Gild, AndrewNusz, John HeirsR 4001868
Gillen, John (attorney)Leitch, David (by James Taylor)B 5071790
Gillmore, PerrySmith, George W.Q 2811862
Gilmore, James J.Gilmore, PollyL 0911847
Gilmore, P.Brown, W. J.M 1331851
Gilmore, P.Bogard, C. K.N 0411853
Gilmore, PerryHundley, John T.K 3131844
Gilmore, PerryHundley, John T.K 3131844
Gilmore, PerryShirley, E.L 1961847
Gilmore, PerryShirley, GeoL 1971847
Gilmore, PerryScott, JohnL 5211849
Gilmore, PerryBrown, W. J.N 1461853
Gilmore, PerryQuertermous, JosephQ 3731866
Gilmore, PerrySmith, George W.Q 4521867
Gilmore, PollyGilmore HrsL 0921847
Gilpin, William E.Bunting, James W.R 0891868
Gist, JoshuaShepherd, AdamA2 1551800
Given, G.Hough, A.M 3941853
GivensMiller, AlexH 1641834
Givens, JosTyler, PrestonN 5711853
Givins, H. I.Taliaferro, RobertR 0841868
Glass, ElizabethGlass, Royal HrsN 4801854
Glass, RoyalShain, WilliamB 3061809
Glass, RoyalRay, WilliamB 3401809
Glass, RoyalShepherd, AdamB 5731812
Glass, RoyalShepherd, Adam HrsG 5341833
Glenn, Elizabeth E.Thomas, AnnR 6191870
Glenn, J. W.Crist, H. & H. S.I 3311840
Glenn, J. W.Brammell, N.O 0411857
Glenn, J. W.Greenwell, AmandaP 1161861
Glenn, J. W.Hardy, F. M.P 3331862
Glenn, James (apprentice)Glenn, John W.R 5631869
Glenn, James C.Foster, SanfordL 1651847
Glenn, John W.Chappell, J. W.O 3911854
Glenn, John W.Froman, J.V.P 5471864
Glenn, John W.Dawson, WilliamQ 5581867
Glenn, John W.Carpenter, CatharineR 3681869
Glenn, W. O.Glenn, A.M 3481851
Glenn, W'm O. & J. C.Harshfield, D. D.I 4771842
Goff, EdwardBayne, ThomasE 0641822
Goff, JesseBayne, ThomasE 0651822
Goheen, John W.Goldsmith, OwenI 2321839
Goheen, John W.Goldsmith, OwenI 5331842
Goheen, John W. & James ArnoldPope, NathanielK 4011845
GoldsmithChalfant [indexed in supplement]I 039[blank]
GoldsmithGoldsmith, N.O 2551855
Goldsmith HrsChappell, AbramN 438
Goldsmith, A. B.Goldsmith, AnnQ 1311862
Goldsmith, AnnEwing, A. C.P 1501862
Goldsmith, AnnGoldsmith, Amandes BlufordQ 2611864
Goldsmith, D. R. & J. D.Goldsmith, N.P 6981862
Goldsmith, JohnGoldsmith, SamlF 2181826
Goldsmith, MatildaGoldsmith, SamuelI 1111838
Goldsmith, MatildaGoldsmith, SamI 1801839
Goldsmith, NelsonSparks, John T.I 0711837
Goldsmith, NelsonYowell, MosesI 0711837
Goldsmith, NelsonHarrison, C. HrsM 0201850
Goldsmith, O. & S. R.Greenwell, J. J.O 1341854
Goldsmith, O. & S. R.Greenwell, RobtO 1371854
Goldsmith, OwenBrammel, NathanG 0651828
Goldsmith, OwenGoldsmith, SamI 2291839
Goldsmith, OwenJeffries, A.I 2311839
Goldsmith, OwenGasaway, SamI 3181840
Goldsmith, OwenDavis, TandyL 0481846
Goldsmith, OwenChappell, W'm F.N 197
Goldsmith, OwenFroman, J. V.O 6971854
Goldsmith, S. R.Froman, J. V.O 6971854
Goldsmith, SamStephens, HensonI 1581839
Goldsmith, SamShane, C. D.I 2281839
Goldsmith, SamlOrm, MorrisH 3731836
Goldsmith, SamlMorgan, R. D. N.I 0271837
Goldsmith, SamlMoore, Charles & JamesI 0391837
Goldsmith, SamuelLogan, JohnD 4751821
Goldsmith, SamuelGraham, JohnI 0271837
Goldsmith, SamuelGraham, JohnI 0911837
Gonterman, HenryKennedy, JohnA2 0331797
Gonterman, HenryWells, JesseA2 3251803
Gonterman, Henry Sr.Mosley, RobertA2 0671797
Gonterman, JacobGonterman, HenryA2 0611798
Goodman, E A.Durrett, R. T.N 2991853
Goodman, E. A.Tevis, L.O 2311854
Goodman, H. H.Durrett, R. T.N 1631854
Gore, AbnerGore, SaraO 4891855
Gore, E. W.Cartmell, H. C. M.H 0401833
Gore, E. W.Cartmell, H. C. M.H 3541836
Gore, HarrietSaunders, JosI 2991840
Gore, HarrietGore, Thomas S.N 4691854
Gore, HarrietGore, Thomas S.N 5991854
Gore, HarrietWells, JamesN 5991855
Gore, J.Wells, J.O 4921854
Gore, J. Jr.Kalfus, H. F.G 2121829
Gore, Jacob (bond)Shepherd, AdamB 3361785
Gore, Jacob HeirsShepherd, AdamB 3341809
Gore, JonathanHalbert, JamesC 4571817
Gore, JonathanGrigsby, W'm (Attorney for Shanks HrsF 1441826
Gore, JonathanCaldwell, W'mF 4021827
Gore, JonathanWilson, MatthewF 4091827
Gore, JonathanWilson, MatthewF 4091827
Gore, JonathanAlexander, S. S.G 0131828
Gore, JonathanAnderson, JohnG 0341828
Gore, JonathanWilson, Matthew & SamuelG 1031829
Gore, JonathanWilson, Matthew & SamuelG 1031829
Gore, Jonathan Jr.Jones, WilliamE 0421822
Gore, Jonathan Jr.Caldwell, W'm (Sheriff)F 0691825
Gore, Jonathan Jr.Kalfus, H. F.F 0721825
Gore, Jonathan Jr.Ssearinge, Geo W.F 3621827
Gore, Jonathan Jr.Shepherd, Sarah, Rachael & CharlotteF 3771827
Gore, Jonathan Jr.Summers, BenjF 3901827
Gore, Jonathan Jr.Morgan, R. D. N.G 1041828
Gore, JoshGore, Tom S.N 6111854
Gore, Tho. S.Crist, B. P.M 3471851
Gore, Thomas S.Gore, HarrietO 4781855
Gore, Thos. S.Gore, Geo.N 6091854
Gore, Tom S.White, JamesM 3291850
Grable, D.Brown, SamC 4791817
Grable, DavidRicketts, JonathanC 1781814
Grable, DavidShain, John & ThomasC 1791814
Grable, DavidCaldwell, W'mC 4791816
Grable, DavidHall, CliffC 4791817
Grable, DavidHedges, Jos.C 4791817
Grable, DavidMorrow,W'mC 4791817
Grable, DavidSimmons, SamlC 4791818
Grable, DavidCollins, IsaacC 4811818
Grable, LloydNapper, ElizabethN 2231853
Grable, P.Shain HrsK 0121842
Grable, PhilipGrable, DavidD 1471819
Grable, PhilipWilhoit, A.D 1471819
Grable, PhilipGrable, DavidD 2041819
Grable, PhilipShain, TemperanceG 2871831
Grable, PhilipCampbell HrsK 1861844
Grafton, GeorgeQuinn, WilliamE 3241824
Graham, AndrewMarquess, JamesA2 3501804
Graham, AndrewRoger, Andrew LewisB 5471812
Graham, AndrewRoger, Andrew LewisB 5491812
Graham, J. C.Trustees of ShepherdsvilleD 0461818
Graham, J. H.Weller, Jacob P.Q 2281865
Graham, J. H.Weller, Martha A.Q 2281865
Graham, J. H.Weller, Daniel J.Q 2281865
Graham, JohnGraham, AndrewB 6221813
Graham, JohnTrustees of ShepherdsvilleC 2901815
Graham, JohnGriffin, ElizzabethD 3401820
Graham, JohnGraham, James C.E 2071824
Graham, JohnTuley, JohnF 0421825
Graham, JohnTuley, WyattF 0441825
Graham, JohnCrist, Henry & Henry S.F 1801826
Graham, JohnLurton, T. R.G 0931829
Graham, JohnLurton, SallyG 1531829
Graham, JohnBurress, John H.G 1951829
Graham, JohnCrist, H. & H. S.K 3221844
Graham, JohnJones, P. H.L 1501847
Graham, John C.Shepherd, AdamD 0421819
Graham, OliverMarshall, Humphrey (Atty for Collett Hrs)I 0091837
Graham, OliverSmall HrsL 0021846
Graham, SamKilgore, HiramG 1751829
Graham, StephenGraham, SamlF 4751828
Graham, W'mTrustees of ShepherdsvilleC 1621814
Graham, W'mHall HrsI 3521840
Graham, W'mHall HrsK 0271842
Graham, W'mHall HrsK 0281842
Graham, W'mGentry HrsL 3151848
Grant, Ann C.Carpenter, W.P 2171860
Grant, ElzyGrant, W'mK 1381843
Grant, J. L.Grant, W'mN 0201853
Grant, J. L.Jones, P. H.N 0211853
Grant, J. L.Stallings, J.N 0361853
Grant, J. L.Grant, W'mN 2121854
Grant, JohnSmyser, LewisL 4071848
Grant, JohnSummers, R. K.O 0431854
Grant, JohnSummers, R. K.O 4221856
Grant, John L.Grant, W'm W.O 4901855
Grant, John L.Wheeler, John M.R 5341870
Grant, P. O.Wheeler, R. HrsO 1811854
Grant, P. O.Gentry, F. HrsP 1881861
Grant, PoseyRoby, L.H 1901835
Grant, PoseyClark, W'm & RobtN 185
Grant, Posey O.Gentry, Franklin T.R 6201869
Grant, Sarah J. & Ben F.Grant, Jesse M.K 1011843
Grant, W. Sr.Grant, W. Jr.I 4601841
Grant, W. W.Grant, J. L.N 2131854
Grant, W. W.Hall, CliftonN 2151854
Grant, W'mWhitledge,JohnE 2561824
Grant, W'm Jr.Grant, W'mE 3121825
Grant, W'm Jr.Hall, DavidK 2901844
Grant, W'm S. & AnnGrant, Jesse M.K 1011843
Grant, WilliamNewkirk, RichardB 3041808
Grant, WilliamSmith, Robt N.G 5251833
Grant, WilliamFundy, FredL 0041846
Grarrett, JamesJohnson, John (Mort)N 3561855
Graven, John J.Hubbard, Albert E.R 3241869
Graven, PaulinaPhelps, WesleyR 2461868
Gravens, J. J.Pratt, RichardI 0271837
Gravens, W'm A.Pratt, RichardI 0251837
Graves, J. P.Chick, W'mN 151
Graves, Jos. H.Moore, EmmaN 5051855
Gray, JosTrunnell, Eliza (Mort)L 3441848
Gray, SilasPatterson, A. & JamesI 0151837
Grayham, WilliamDeRohan, WilliamB 2121808
Grayson, __ (apprentice)Ridgeway, SamuelB 6191812
Grayson, F. W. S.Evans, Eliza W.C 1501814
Grayson, F. W. S.Waters, ElanorC 2921815
Grayson, F. W. S.Dunn, JohnE 3331825
Grayson, Frederic W. SShanks, JamesB 6291808
Grayson, Frederic W. S. (attorney)Winn, RichardB 0461805
Grayson, Frederic W. S. & John W. BeckwithShepherd, AdamB 6701813
Grayson, G. W.Beckwith, John W.E 2791824
Grayson, W. F. S.Myers, JohnC 1521814
Grayson, W. F. S.Myers, JohnC 1531814
Greathouse, HarmonStone, Elizabeth (apprentice)A2 1961800
Greathouse, HarmonGreathouse, IsaacA2 4101804
Greathouse, HarmonBuky, RodolphusC 3981817
Greathouse, IsaacTomlinson, BenjaminA2 3821801
Greathouse, JonathanMyers, JohnC 3521816
Greathouse, SamHall, W. W.N 0161853
Greathouse, W'mHough, Jos. Hrs by DrakeD 0771818
Greathouse, W'mNorthern, ReubenF 1551825
Greathouse, W'mCaldwell, W'm (shff)F 3981827
Greathouse, W'mLusher, JacobG 3251831
Greathouse, W'mHall, CliftonG 4021832
Greathouse, WilliamRose, LewisD 1431818
Green HrsGreen, Joseph (Will)K 0561842
Green, ElishaShock, GeorgeC 1101814
Green, GeorgeGreen, JoshuaE 2861824
Green, George W.Green, RobertH 3241836
Green, JohnCaldwell, W'm (Sheriff)F 1511826
Green, JoshuaCrist, HenryA2 1721800
Green, JoshuaCrist, HenryB 1141806
Green, LevenShepherd, AdamB 5591812
Green, S. H.Graves, J. P.O 2111854
Green, W'mMoore, R. L.L 5271850
Greenfield, Thomas G.Shockency, Richard Willis (apprentice)A2 1641797
Greenly, T. D.Harrison HrsM 0971851
Greenwell, C. & R.Casswell, D.P 2061860
Greenwell, CharlesGreenwell, RobertR 0261867
Greenwell, ChasFroman, AbramM 3071850
Greenwell, ChasCollings, AlfredO 4961854
Greenwell, Chas & JohnWooldridge, Dan.N 1271853
Greenwell, JohnCrenshaw, JamesA2 2101801
Greenwell, JohnFroman, AbeH 2621835
Greenwell, JohnGreenwell, RalphH 2951836
Greenwell, JohnMoore, G. W.N 1281853
Greenwell, JohnWarren, W. H.N 1281853
Greenwell, John J.Brewer, JohnK 5411846
Greenwell, Jos.Greenwell, JohnE 0061822
Greenwell, R.Brewer, J. ExorM 4921851
Greenwell, R.Collings, S. W.P 3651862
Greenwell, RichWells, JacobI 1421838
Greenwell, RobertHarmon, J. L.N 1331854
Greenwell, RobertGreenwell, CharlesR 1581867
Greenwell, RobtBrewer, F. X.N 1321853
Greenwell, RobtSnellen, Z. P.N 1321853
Greenwell, RobtGreenwell, JohnN 1341853
Greenwell, W'mLee, Robt ML 1841847
Greenwell, W'mHorrell, Tom R., Dr.P 3561862
Greenwell, W'mBurch, T. J.P 5241863
Greenwell, WilliamNorvell, JoshuaC 1121814
Grier, Jos.Harman, John T.H 2021835
Grier, Jos.Harman HrsH 2041835
Grier, Jos.Harman HrsH 2051835
Grier, Jos.Harman HrsH 2071835
Grier, Jos.Moore, John H.I 0131837
Grier, JosephHarman, LewisI 0141837
Griffin, G.Rader, S.P 1981862
Griffin, G.McAhron, F.P 2121862
Griffin, G.Applegate, W'm T.P 5141858
Griffin, GilbertChappell, J. D.P 5141862
Griffin, GilbertGriffin, MeritQ 3751866
Griffin, GilbertGriffin, Jesse H.Q 3751866
Griffin, GilbertGriffin, WilliamR 0861867
Griffin, GilbertLee, William H.R 1141867
Griffin, GilbertLee, William H.R 5851870
Griffin, JamesFuquay, HenryA2 1771799
Griffin, JohnScott, John Jr.B 3821810
Griffin, JohnSummers, BenjaminC 0471812
Griffin, MerrittJones, P. H.L 4761848
Griffin, Tho.Hall, ChasL 4191849
Griffin, W'mHenson, VerlinderK 1831843
Griffin, W'mSimmons, Hump.K 1831843
Griffin, W'mMiles, Geo. W.L 1361847
Griffin, W'mShackelford, G. D.N 1931853
Griffin, W'mMcAhron, J. L.N 4081853
Griffin, W'mStibbins, W'mO 3101856
Griffin, W'mPratt, R.O 4611854
Griffin, WilliamChappell, AbramQ 0481860
Griffin, William J.Riley, Seth W.Q 3911866
Griffin, William J. (guardianship ended)Griffin, JesseeR 4141869
Griffith, C.Shadburn, R. A.O 3661856
Griffith, W'mMcAhron HrsO 6851854
Grigsby, CalvinBraithwaite, JohnathanR 1651868
Grigsby, J. C.Swearingen, O. W. & W. T.P 0601862
Grigsby, J. C.Hall, Lewis Q.Q 2351866
Grigsby, J. C.Abell, George HeirsR 4511869
Grigsby, J. C.Hough, Joseph HeirsR 4921869
Grigsby, W. R.Crist, H. S. HrsM 0821850
Grigsby, W. R.Hogland, L.P 1361862
Grigsby, W. R.Field, R. H.P 2041862
Grosse, EveAllen, ThomasF 0111825
Grosse, JacobBailey, Randolph (by Atty)D 3351819
Grosse, JacobSwigert, Jacob (by atty)D 3351820
Grosse, JacobWigginton, W'm G.D 3351820
Grubb, Samuel C.Osburn, Benj.G 1211829
Grundy, FelixGrundy, G. [indexed in supplement]G 233[blank]
Grundy, G.Pope, JohnF 2931827
Grundy, G.Lowery (U. S. M.)G 2111829
Grundy, GardomBird, SamuelB 1501807
Grundy, GardomHarris, JohnC 0721812
Grundy, Gardom (slave sale)Wood, Mary & Thomas G.B 0571805
Grundy, T. B.Rawlings, DelilaP 5661862
Grundy, Thomas S.Cox, A. K.P 3571862
Grundy, Thomas S.Blackstone, Harry B.Q 5001867
Guthrie, J.Congrove, E.M 3551851
Guthrie, J. G.Hamilton, W. B.N 4771855
Guthrie, J. G.Swearingen, W. W.N 4771856
Guthrie, JamesAlexander, James (Sheriff)F 0941825
Guthrie, JamesShanklin, ThosF 3331827
Guthrie, JamesHall, Austin (Shff)G 1651829
Guthrie, JamesMulliken, ThomasG 3271831
Guthrie, JamesNutt, WilliamG 3271831
Guthrie, JamesSimmons, H.I 1081838
Gutzahr, NicholasOxley, B. F.O 4311858
GuyMcDowell, John[blank][blank]

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The Bullitt County History Museum, a service of the Bullitt County Genealogical Society, is located in the county courthouse at 300 South Buckman Street (Highway 61) in Shepherdsville, Kentucky. The museum, along with its research room, is open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Saturday appointments are available by calling 502-921-0161 during our regular weekday hours. Admission is free. The museum, as part of the Bullitt County Genealogical Society, is a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization and is classified as a 509(a)2 public charity. Contributions and bequests are deductible under section 2055, 2106, or 2522 of the Internal Revenue Code. Page last modified: 20 Mar 2025 . Page URL: bullittcountyhistory.org/bchistory/deed-index/grantee-g.html