The Bullitt County History Museum

Publications for Sale

The following items are available at the museum or by mail. Our mailing address is Bullitt County History Museum, P.O. Box 960, Shepherdsville, KY 40165. Make check payable to the Bullitt County Genealogical Society.
The Morrow Saga by Charles Hartley, 2025, softcover, 240 pages, with a names index and transcribed court documents [details] $12.95
Bullitt County Order Book H - 1849-1856 by Charles Hartley, 2024, softcover, 345 pages, a paraphrased transcription with a names index [details] $15.95
Bullitt County Circuit Court Order Book C - October 1803 - May 1806 by Charles Hartley, 2023, softcover, 194 pages, an abstracted transcription with a names index [details] $11.95
Glimpses of Bullitt County History - First Century by Charles Hartley, 2023, softcover, 345 pages including an abstracted transcription of County Court Order Book C, and a names index [details] $19.95
Bullitt County Order Book D (1813-1825) by Charles Hartley, 2022, softcover, 345 pages with names index [details] $15.95
The Browningtown Massacre by Charles Hartley, 2018, softcover, 343 pages [details] $15.95
Train Wreck, Shepherdsville, Kentucky, December 20, 1917, by Charles Hartley, 2017, softcover, 205 pages [details] $19.95
More Bullitt County Memories by David Strange and Charles Hartley, 2015. $20.00
Bullitt County Memories by David Strange and Charles Hartley, 2013. $20.00
Railroad Town (Lebanon Junction), a book of photographs, Stephen Masden and Burlyn Pike, 1991 $7.00
Bullitt County Court Order Book J, 1867-1873. Abstracted by Ed Lee, and indexed by Betty Darnell. $8.00
Bullitt County Court Order Book O, 1900-1908. Abstracted by Ed Lee, and indexed by Betty Darnell. $8.00
1925 Bullitt County Map (18" x 24" poster, mailed in tube) $10.00
Guardian Records, 1823-1905$23.00
Archaeological Excavations at the Old Bank Building, Shepherdsville, M. Jay Stottman, 1999$5.00
Bullitt County, Kentucky, Births, (1852-1859, 1894, 1907, 1909-10)$13.00
Five-Generation Family Charts$5.00

The following items are published by Betty Darnell. They may be picked up at the History Museum or ordered by mail from Betty. Her mailing address is Betty R. Darnell, 171 Anna Lee Drive, Taylorsville KY 40071. Make checks payable to Betty R. Darnell. The price includes required postage and packaging fees.
Archibald Magruder of Maryland and Kentucky, His Ancestors and His Descendants by Betty Darnell [details] $55.00
Bullitt County, Abstracts of Deed Book A, 1797-1805 $26.50
Bullitt County, Abstracts of Deed Book B, 1805-1813 $26.50
Bullitt County, Abstracts of Deed Book C, 1813-1818 $26.50
Bullitt County, Abstracts of Deed Book D, 1819-1822 $26.50
Bullitt County, Abstracts of Deed Book E, 1822-1825 $27.50
Bullitt County, Survey Plat Book $18.00
Bullitt County Tax Lists, 1797-1804 $38.50
Bullitt County, Court Order Book A, 1797-1800 $8.50
Bullitt County Marriage Records (Bonds, Licenses, Ministers' Returns, Registers)
  1797-1825 $45.00
  1826-1835 $34.00
  1836-1845 $34.00
  1846-1855 $34.00
Bullitt County Will Book A, 1796-1823 $26.50
Bullitt County Will Book B, 1823-1838 $26.50
Bullitt County Will Book C, 1837-1846 NEW! $35.00
Henry Crist/Crist Families - Digital Version $35.00
Shepherdsville Pioneer Graveyard, an annotated reading $5.00
Who Was Who in Bullitt County (extract of 1949-1950 news column, based on 1850 census) $18.00
Bullitt Circuit Court Deed Book A, 1820-1842 $18.00
Prepared by the Devil's Devil, J. R. Zimmerman 1931-32 series, about 1891 Shepherdsville-area residents) $23.50
St. Francis Xavier Parish History, 1846-1996 $12.00

The Bullitt County History Museum, a service of the Bullitt County Genealogical Society, is located in the county courthouse at 300 South Buckman Street (Highway 61) in Shepherdsville, Kentucky. The museum, along with its research room, is open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Saturday appointments are available by calling 502-921-0161 during our regular weekday hours. Admission is free. The museum, as part of the Bullitt County Genealogical Society, is a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization and is classified as a 509(a)2 public charity. Contributions and bequests are deductible under section 2055, 2106, or 2522 of the Internal Revenue Code. Page last modified: 24 Feb 2025 . Page URL: