Bullitt County History

Bullitt County Deed Books A-Q Index
Grantees - F

Local historian and researcher Betty Darnell has indexed Bullitt County deed books A-Q by grantors, grantees, and deed book pages, and allowed us to share her work here. You may find some of her other works on our publications for sale page.

Fanner, JamesSamuels, C. R.P 3961865
Farmer, J. R.Farmer, NancyQ 0761866
Farmer, NancyWebb, W'mQ 1071862
Fegley, J. L.Oxley, B. F.O 3621858
Felker, H.Joyce, R.L 4311848
Felker, H. J.Joyce, Thomas (By Com'r)K 4471845
Felker, H. J.Todd, Simps.L 4311849
Felker, H. J.Moore, R. L.M 4731852
Felker, Henry J.Chappel, JesseK 3211844
Felker, JacobMyers, John HrsL 2331847
Fell, RichardSamuels, Robt F.K 4331845
Feller & HughesField, A.D 3121817
Fellows, W'mCuster, J. P.I 0411837
Fergerson, JohnFergerson, RichI 4281841
Ferguson, JohnBoone, SamlB 3991810
Ferguson, RichardCollett HrsI 0821837
Fiddler, R.Fiddler, J. A. HrsP 1011862
Fidler, MartinRose, GeorgeA2 4191804
Fidler, MartinTaylor, JamesE 1071823
Fidler, Martin Jr.Fidler, MartinI 2111839
Fidler, R.Tyler, JohnO 3861854
Fidler, ReubenKing, MamesM 1231851
Fidler, ReubenTyler, D. E.N 5681853
Fidler, SquireEvans, W'm H.L 4841849
Fidler, SquireMarshall, Geo.L 4841849
Fidler, SquireSaunders, N. P.L 4841849
Fidler, SquireHamilton, H. C.M 5241853
Fidler, W'mHough, Jos. Hrs by DrakeD 0901818
Fidler, W'mHough, Jos. Hrs by DrakeD 0921818
FieldForeman, D. R.L 3751848
Field & BowmanTravis, FredG 4291832
Field & BowmanStraney, JamesI 2901840
Field & ThompsonFlood, W.Q 5131866
Field & YoungKinnison, A. C.P 5411862
Field, A.Brooks, W'm S. (allot land)L 4081848
Field, A. H.Green, A. J.O 2501854
Field, A. H.Wilson, M.O 3971854
Field, A. H.Tyler, E. A.Q 5601866
Field, A. H.Shepherdsville Iron CoQ 5611867
Field, A. H. & R. H.Brooks, S. N.O 5541855
Field, A. H. & R. H.Trunnell, HenryO 5541854
Field, A. H. & R. H.Trunnell, HenryO 5951854
Field, A. H. & R. H.Bunting, J. W.Q 0621865
Field, A. HrsField, A. Hrs (Deed of partition)O 5521854
Field, AbeBurks, JamesF 0381825
Field, AbeDunn, JohnF 1211825
Field, AbeWilson, E. K.F 2761827
Field, AbeSimmons, NicF 3781827
Field, AbeSummers, BenjG 0281828
Field, AbeMorgan, R. D. N.G 3111831
Field, AbePope, Geo. F.H 2611835
Field, AbeSimmons, E. W.I 2871840
Field, AbeBowman, JacobI 3901841
Field, AbeSheriffK 1281843
Field, Abe Jr.Thornsberry, Seth B.C 4321817
Field, Abe Jr.Houston, Jos.D 3241820
Field, Abe Jr.Thornsberry, DanielD 4221820
Field, Abe Jr.Wilson, Thos Q.D 4441820
Field, Abe Jr.Wilson, Thomas Q.F 0671825
Field, Abe Jr.Wilson, Thomas Q.F 0671825
Field, Abe Jr.Wilson, E. K.F 2761827
Field, Abe Jr.Jenkins, Geo. W.H 2831835
Field, AbrahamSummers, BenjaminC 1001809
Field, AbrahamReed, JohnF 0511825
Field, AbrahamBank Commonwealth KyG 4431832
Field, C. W.Sale, LewisI 2601839
Field, LewisGentry, NicholasD 3011820
Field, R. H.Simmons Hrs (by Com'r)L 0431846
Field, R. H.Thixton, John S.L 2901848
Field, R. H.Bodine, A.L 2921848
Field, R. H.Blandford, Geo.L 3551848
Field, R. H.Beam, P.L 4221848
Field, R. H.Maddox, R. W. (Mort)L 4261849
Field, R. H.Maddox, N. W.L 4561849
Field, R. H.Welch, John (Mort)L 5191849
Field, R. H.Evans. N.L 5331849
Field, R. H.Maraman, W. W. (Mort)M 0321850
Field, R. H.Beam, Philip (mort)M 0711850
Field, R. H.Lee, MilesM 2521850
Field, R. H.Beam, Philip (mort)M 2751851
Field, R. H.White, JamesM 3311850
Field, R. H.Porter, John (Mort)M 3901851
Field, R. H.Weller, J. P.N 3491855
Field, R. H.Beam, PhilipN 3961854
Field, R. H.Anderson, JohnN 4151854
Field, R. H.Field, A. H.O 6191854
Field, R. H.Phelps, W.P 2621862
Field, R. H.Hornbeck, IkeP 2661862
Field, R. H.Chaddic, W'mP 3031862
Field, R. H.Congrove, R.P 3861862
Field, R. H.Hornbeck, I.P 3951865
Field, R. H.Hornbeck, I.P 3981865
Field, R. H.Caldwell, B. F.P 4541862
Field, R. H.Samuels, MalindaQ 3701867
Field, R. H.Clark, JamesQ 3791866
Field, R. H.Ross, DavidQ 3801864
Field, R. H.Maraman & ShawQ 3881866
Field, R. H.Shaw, W. J.Q 3881867
Field, R. H.Maraman, ArchQ 3901866
Field, R. H.Austin, IsaacQ 4741865
Field, R. H.Evans, J. R.Q 4841866
Field, R. H.Caldwell, Jas. H.Q 4951867
Field, R. H.Maraman, H. O.Q 5161866
Field, R. H.Caldwell, B. F.Q 5531867
Field, R. H.Greathouse, G. W. & NelsonQ 5771868
Field, R. H.Reariden, JeffQ 5801864
Field, R. H. & W. PhelpsForeman, D. R.L 5051848
Field, R. H., J. M. & G. S. ShanklinHornbeck, IsaacP 1481862
Field, R.H.Masterson, Greathouse & Co.Q 5761866
Field, RichRobinson, SamO 5171854
Field, W'mBirkhead, W. H.E 2191823
Field, W'm & Co.Caldwell, W'm (Sheriff)F 0351825
Field, Young & Co.Congrove, R. S.P 4791862
Figg, RobtLee, W'm T.N 1771853
Finley, GeorgeBeckwith, John W.B 5521811
Finley, GeorgeBeckwith, John W.B 5541811
Fisher, Geo.Harrison HrsM 1401851
Fisher, GeorgeHall, John HrsO 6711857
Fisher, John E.Barclay Wm S. & John H.I 1781839
Flaget, B. J. (Bishop)Smith, W'mK 3821845
Flaget, Benedict Joseph, Rev.Aud, JosephC 1411814
Fleming, PeterOxley, B. F.P 1651863
Flick, JohnCrist, HenryH 2741835
Flood, W.Swearingen, G. W.Q 0841864
Flood, WessMagruder, J. F.Q 0751866
Flood, WessWills, SamuelQ 6061866
Folwer, John W. HrsLeewright, JohnC 0991813
Fonda, FredBridwell, ColemanO 4951855
Fonda, FredBridwell, ColemanO 5951856
Fore, PeterPope, Benjamin & othersA2 1981800
Foreman, M.Burch, J. R. & E. R.N 0171853
Foreman, M.Hamilton, H. C.N 1701854
Foreman, M.Dent, M. L.N 1821853
Foreman, Mary M. & J. H.Maraman, H. O.O 6641856
Foreman, ThomasHedges, Joseph (Sheriff)D 5061821
Forker HrsCaldwell, W'm (Shff)G 3261832
Forman, D. R.McDowell, WoodfordL 2961847
Forman, M.Dent, AnnM 4181852
Foster, BartlettCrooks, WilliamA2 1821800
foster, C.Monroe, P. G.Q 0301866
Foster, C.Monroe, J. W.Q 0441866
Foster, CharlesShelton, W'm Hrs (Division of Land)I 0651837
Foster, CharlesMoore, NancyI 3971841
Foster, CharlesBrowning, SamuelK 3881845
Foster, ChasShelton HrsI 1191838
Foster, ChasLutes, MaryN 0721853
Foster, ChasMyers, John HrsN 1081853
Foster, ChasMonroe, J. H.Q 1041866
Foster, ChasMonroe, W'm HrsQ 5281866
Foster, J. L.Foster, J.P 4531864
Foster, JamesSmall, Henry HrsK 5041846
Foster, JamesSummers, R. K.N 1431853
Foster, JamesFoster, Chas.O 7161854
Foster, JamesDunbar HrsP 1081861
Foster, Mary A.Foster, Chas. (Agreement)O 7161854
Foster, S.Fidler, A. J.P 3371862
Foster, SandfordArnold, James F.K 4821845
Foster, SanfordGlenn, James C.K 3791845
Foster, SanfordGlenn, W'm O.L 3021848
Foster, William H.Oxley, B. F.O 1741857
Fowler, ElizabethCrist, HenryC 0921813
Fox, AllenDebo, HenryH 0011833
Fox, AllenSwearingen, JesseI 5021842
Fox, CharlesBell, Thompson & ThomasH 3421836
Fox, G. W.Jenkins, J. T.Q 3841866
Fox, JacobHardman, JosephE 2581824
Fox, JacobEvans, SamuelH 0151833
Fox, JacobOwen, John S.H 1601834
Fox, PhilipLeech, EnochE 0291822
Fraim, ArchibaldIrons, JonathanB 1091807
Frank, C.Welch, W'm HrsQ 2161862
French, AlexJohnson, E.N 5291855
French, AlexMasden, John S.O 5041856
French, B. & S.Huffman, NoahO 1411854
French, BenHowlett, JohnL 1781847
French, BenGoldsmith, W'mM 0261850
French, BenBayne, WalterM 2231851
French, BEnHuffman, E.M 3211853
French, BenGoldsmith, W'mM 4271852
French, BenHuffman, BenN 2981855
French, BenHuffman, BenN 3021855
French, BenHuffman, E.O 2981855
French, BenHuffman, J. & B.Q 5221867
French, Benj.Huffman, JamesO 5861855
French, OliverWells, RichardN 2231855
French, S. H.Porter, PatO 2601854
French, SamuelFrench, Benj.N 3651854
French, SamuelFrench, BenN 3661854
Friddle, J. & L.Spencer, JohnL 4771849
Friddle, JacobCrist, HenryC 4351816
Friddle, JacobWakefield, JohnG 731830
Friddle, JacobLee, WilfordG 2331830
Friddle, JacobWakefield, JohnG 2731830
Friddle, JacobSimmons, ElijahK 3761845
Froman, AbrahamFroman, JacobC 2251815
Froman, AbsalomCrist, HenryF 1321826
Froman, AbsalomMyers, JohnF 1321825
Froman, B. E.Woodridge, DanO 6981854
Froman, Bates E.Froman, AbeH 3061835
Froman, HarrisonBrooks, Jos. A. HrsM 4231852
Froman, IkeFroman, ChristianaI 5231842
Froman, IkeWarfield & DortchO 0231854
Froman, IsaacFroman, JacobB 4041810
Froman, IsaacGrayson, Fred W. S.B 6621813
Froman, IsaacFroman, JacobC 4911817
Froman, IsaacHuston, JosephE 2531824
Froman, IsaacCaldwell, W'mF 0781825
Froman, IsaacMulliken, SarahF 2521826
Froman, IsaacMoore, W'm C.F 3321827
Froman, IsaacCongrove, W'mF 3951827
Froman, IsaacJewell, Benj.F 4701828
Froman, IsaacGuthrie, JamesG 0561828
Froman, IsaacKinnison, A C.L 1691847
Froman, IsaacDertch, John B.O 0231854
Froman, J. V.Slaughter, P. F.N 4241856
Froman, J. V.Greenwell, C.O 1331854
Froman, J. V.Hardy, G. W.O 1381854
Froman, J. V.Froman, W. P.P 2801862
Froman, JacobBowman, JacobB 1891806
Froman, JacobMcDowell,JohnB 2061808
Froman, JosephMcGee, PatrickC 1661814
Froman, JosephFroman, AbsalomC 3531817
Froman, JosephMcGee, R.F 2941826
Froman, NancyFroman, AbeH 2501835
Froman, W. P. & J. P.Froman, J. F.L 5431848
Froman, W. P. & J. P.Froman, J. P.M 4291851
Froman, W'm H.Froman, J. V.Q 3611866
Frye, EdwardTrustees of ShepherdsvilleA2 0121797
Frye, EdwardSimpson, JamesA2 2281801
Frye, EdwardSwan, Justinian (By Atty)A2 2481800
Frye, EdwardMiles, NathanB 1861806
Frye, NathanieBoyd, GeorgeC 0431812
Frye, NathanielCrist, HenryC 3211816
Fryer & WilliamsWheeler, S. J.O 4141854
Fuller, A. J.Shiveley, A. S.P 2971865
Fundy, FredBodine, MartinI 2171839
Fundy, FredGood, James (By Com'r)K 4511845
Fundy, FredSwearingen, W. W.L 2831848
Funk, JamesVaughn, JohnL 3781848
Funk, JamesRay HrsL 5121849
Funk, JamesVaughn, JohnM 0541850
Funk, JamesWelsh, W'mM 4851850
Funk, JamesJohnson, ChasN 1101853
Funk, JamesRawlings, J.P 3891862
Funk, JamesMcNutt, RobtP 5741862
Funk, JamesClendenin, E.Q 0891866
Funk, JamesGarrett, J. O.Q 0901866
Fuquay, HenrySimmons, JonathanC 2661815
Fuquay, HenryPollard, JosephD 2101819
Fuquay, HenryHarris, NathanD 2231819
Fuquay, JosephLout, DanielA2 0941799
Fuquay, JosephLout, DanielA1 0301799
Furgerson, LevyBank Commonwealth KyI 1241838
Furgerson, MartinFoster, Chas.O 5251854
Furgerson, MartinFoster, Chas.P 5591864

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The Bullitt County History Museum, a service of the Bullitt County Genealogical Society, is located in the county courthouse at 300 South Buckman Street (Highway 61) in Shepherdsville, Kentucky. The museum, along with its research room, is open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Saturday appointments are available by calling 502-921-0161 during our regular weekday hours. Admission is free. The museum, as part of the Bullitt County Genealogical Society, is a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization and is classified as a 509(a)2 public charity. Contributions and bequests are deductible under section 2055, 2106, or 2522 of the Internal Revenue Code. Page last modified: 28 Jan 2025 . Page URL: bullittcountyhistory.org/bchistory/deed-index/grantee-f.html