Bullitt County History

Bullitt County Deed Books A-R Index
Grantors - T-V

Local historian and researcher Betty Darnell has indexed Bullitt County Deed Books A-Q by grantors, grantees, and deed book pages, and allowed us to share her work here. We have now added Deed Book R to the index. You may find some of her other works on our publications for sale page.

TalbottHall, W. W.M 3931850
Talbott, James E.Summers, GabrielR 2891869
Taliaferro, EmmaHopkins, R. B. (release of dower; see p.302)R 3921869
Taliaferro, RobertHopkins, R. B. & James F. GambleQ 5751866
Taliaferro, RobertGamble, James F. & R. B. HopkinsQ 5751866
Taliaferro, RobertGivins, H. I.R 0841868
Taliaferro, RobertHopkins, Robert B. (mortgage)R 3021869
Tarr, J. C.Collings, HarrietN 6191853
Tarr, John C.Patterson, W'mN 0191853
Tarr, John C.Patterson, W'mN 3921853
Taylor, Chas M.Thruston, C. W.I 1841839
Taylor, Harrison & othersCrist, HenryB 5381811
Taylor, Isaac H.Trunnell, HenryR 0131867
Taylor, Isaac H.Trunnell, HenryR 0691867
Taylor, JamesHughes, JesseA2 1681800
Taylor, JamesDrake, Jesse (attorney)B 5571811
Taylor, JamesWright, ElijahC 2121814
Taylor, JamesHall, CliftonC 2521815
Taylor, JamesBryan, WilliamC 3571815
Taylor, JamesKing, W'mC 3741815
Taylor, JamesKing, NelsonC 3851817
Taylor, JamesCunningham, JamesC 4221817
Taylor, JamesBarker, A.C 4661817
Taylor, JamesSparks, SamlC 4681817
Taylor, JamesJones, JesseC 4731817
Taylor, JamesCoyle, Pat & James ClarkC 4931817
Taylor, JamesHall, AustinC 4951817
Taylor, JamesCoyle, PatC 4961817
Taylor, JamesDrake, David R.C 4981817
Taylor, JamesMetzell, M.D 0131818
Taylor, JamesJones, Philip H.D 0171818
Taylor, JamesSwearingen, JosephD 0311818
Taylor, JamesHatterman, DavidD 0861819
Taylor, JamesHall, CliftonD 1011819
Taylor, JamesParris, JohnD 2851819
Taylor, JamesStewart, HughD 2961816
Taylor, JamesGentry, HenryD 4981821
Taylor, JamesGentry, HenryD 4991821
Taylor, JamesWilcoxen, Thomas H.E 0081822
Taylor, JamesHubbard, Albert E.E 0771822
Taylor, JamesFidler, MartinE 1071823
Taylor, JamesPolk, EdmundF 1491826
Taylor, JamesHall, AsaF 1861826
Taylor, JamesSousley, HenryF 1871826
Taylor, JamesHall, CliftonF 1881825
Taylor, JamesHall, CliftonF 1891825
Taylor, JamesHarris, Simeon & John ClarkF 1901825
Taylor, JamesNorthern, ReubenF 1911825
Taylor, JamesSliger, DavidF 1921825
Taylor, JamesHall, JohnF 1951825
Taylor, JamesClark, JohnF 1961825
Taylor, JamesDebo, HenryF 1971825
Taylor, JamesCrist, HenryF 1981825
Taylor, JamesSwearingen, W. W.F 1981825
Taylor, JamesKennett, J. D.F 2621826
Taylor, JamesHall, DavidK 2251844
Taylor, JamesKing HrsK 3911845
Taylor, JamesTyler HrsK 3931845
Taylor, James (By Atty)King, John E.D 1821819
Taylor, JohnMetzell, FredC 2951815
Taylor, Jos F.Sanders, JosL 3021848
Taylor, K.Swearingen, JosL 3861848
Taylor, Keturah (Leitch)Hughes, JesseA2 1681800
Taylor, Richard & othersCrist, HenryB 5381811
Taylor, W'mMarkwell, JohnC 2831815
Taylor, W'mHornbeck, SolomonC 4271817
Taylor, WilliamWilliams, ZealeyC 1811814
Taylor, WilliamYates, JamesC 1831814
Taylor, WilliamCollins, BenjaminC 1851814
Taylor, WilliamCulber, Benjamin HrsC 3131815
Teel, IsaacRisley, David (attorney)B 0571806
Temple, J. T.Temple, W'mI 3491840
Temple, John F. (2)Temple ExorK 4891845
Temple, W'mLee, WilfordI 3501840
Temple, W'mNusz, JohnK 4561845
Temple, W'mWells, SamL 4691849
Terrell, SamuelLight, JacobB 3701795
Tevis, BenjMcCormick, T. J.P 1751862
Tevis, L.Goodman, E. A.O 2311854
Tewell, Saml Hrs (by Com'r)Hawkins, Henry & DavidC 3661815
Thickston, JosGentry, MartinC 0951812
Thixton HrsBirkhead, Jos F.L 3931848
Thixton, John S.Bowman, JacobI 1921839
Thixton, John S.Field, R. H.L 2901848
Thixton, Sarah F.Scott, William M. (attorney)Q 3981866
Thixton, Sarah F.Scott, William YQ 3991866
Thixton, W'mZellhart, JohnG 2701831
Thomas HrsHolmes, Martin G.I 1611839
Thomas, AnnGlenn, Elizabeth E.R 6191870
Thomas, Francis W.Benks, JohnC 3061815
Thomas, Francis W.Swearingen, E.C 3951817
Thomas, Francis W.Swearingen, EC 4001817
Thomas, H. C.Thomas, JuliaM 1581850
Thomas, H. C.Thomas & EvansO 0171854
Thomas, Henry C.Pope, J. Y.I 2881840
Thomas, W. K.Davis, James C.I 1601839
Thomasson, J. J.Kalfus, H. F.L 5351849
Thomasson, Jno. J.Moore, James W.G 2981831
Thomasson, John J.Oldham, HenryD 1171819
Thomasson, John J.Caldwell, Jos W.G 4261832
Thomasson, John J.Samuels, Robert F.G 4271831
Thomasson, John J.Stansberry, BenjG 4631832
Thomasson, John J.Murray, Joseph R.H 0141833
Thomasson, John J.Hoglan, LorenzoR 2591869
Thompson, BenaManning, JohnN 1191853
Thompson, E. F.Blandford, W. H.P 5381862
Thompson, E. F.Magruder, A. F.Q 1521866
Thompson, Earl B.Thompson, Lawrence R.R 3891869
Thompson, ElyHarris, ZachariahA2 2761802
Thompson, GraysonWithersF 4091828
Thompson, HenryBlandford, FrancisC 2081814
Thompson, J. H.Samuel, J. H.P 4431862
Thompson, J. L.Samuels, LukeP 2641862
Thompson, Jno J.Riley, Tom W.I 2331839
Thompson, John J.Summers, Ben F.L 1261847
Thompson, John L.Magruder, William M.Q 0311864
Thompson, John L.Purcell, William F. (LJ hotel lease)Q 3761866
Thompson, John L.Cockerell, Mathew J.Q 4701867
Thompson, John L.Chambers, Ahimaaz H.Q 6201867
Thompson, John L.McNeil, Mary D.Q 6211867
Thompson, John L.Mount, J. W.R 1171867
Thompson, John L.Smith, WilliamR 5011870
Thompson, John L.Samuels, James H.R 5021870
Thompson, W. R.Craycroft, H. I.I 2761839
Thompson, W. R. & R. H. Field (assignees of Westly Flood)Weller, George W.Q 6011867
Thompson, W'mBlandford, JosM 2721850
Thompson, W'm R.Coleman, D.P 2141862
Thompson, William R.Magruder, JosephR 0621867
Thompson, William R.Field, A. H. (land division)R 3991869
Thompson, William R.Oliver, JohnR 4801869
Thompson, William R.McConathy, William J.R 4811869
Thompson, William R.Abbott, J. M.R 4911869
Thompson, William R. & R. H. FieldRouse, James A. & Samuel WellsQ 6221867
Thompson, William R. & R. H. FieldWells, Samuel & James A. RouseQ 6221867
Thonrsberry, Alf & Seth B.Brown, D. O.K 1221843
Thornberry, FrancisBeckwith, John & James CaldwellB 3741809
Thornberry, FrancisCaldwell, James & John BeckwithB 3741809
Thornberry, SamuelThornberry, FrancisA2 3151803
Thornberry, SamuelBreckenridge, Robert & othersB 5911812
Thornberry, SamuelPope, Worden & othersB 5911812
Thornberry, SamuelPope, William Jr. & othersB 5911812
Thornberry, SamuelThornberry, Seth B.B 6501813
Thornberry, William (by Thomas Thornberry)Thornberry, DanielB 4531811
Thornhill, Sara E.Anderson, JohnM 0641850
Thornsberry HrsSmith, PeterF 2531826
Thornsberry HrsThornsberry HrsF 2551826
Thornsberry, A.Peacock, J. D. S.I 4521841
Thornsberry, A.School District No. 1M 1571850
Thornsberry, A.Jones, A.M 3701850
Thornsberry, A.SmithM 4741852
Thornsberry, A.Quertermous, JosN 0431853
Thornsberry, AlfSmith, PeterI 4021841
Thornsberry, Alf (Mort)Jones, E.L 4701849
Thornsberry, Alfred (By Com'r)Bate, JohnL 1811847
Thornsberry, Benj W.Quinn, ArthurG 0361828
Thornsberry, DanSmith, Robt F.F 4401828
Thornsberry, Dan Hrs (Division Estate)Thornberry, Dan HrsG 3801832
Thornsberry, DanielHedges, ThomasC 3891817
Thornsberry, DanielBeeler, John C.D 1651819
Thornsberry, DanielField, Abe Jr.D 4221820
Thornsberry, DanielGentry, HenryD 5181822
Thornsberry, DanielGentry, MartinF 1051825
Thornsberry, DanielBrown, HughG 0161828
Thornsberry, DanielRench, MikeK 1501843
Thornsberry, FrancisBreckenridge, Robert & othersB 5991812
Thornsberry, FrancisPope, Worden & othersB 5991812
Thornsberry, FrancisPope, William Jr. & othersB 5991812
Thornsberry, JohnThornsberry, DanielA2 1001799
Thornsberry, R. K. W.Quinn, ArthurG 1191829
Thornsberry, R. K. W. [indexed in W section]Quinn, ArthurG 1191829
Thornsberry, S. B.Wallace, ThomasK 0881843
Thornsberry, S. B.Brown, O. O.M 4091852
Thornsberry, S. B. (Mort)Smith, W'mN 3231853
Thornsberry, SamuelThornsberry, DanielC 4521817
Thornsberry, SamuelSmith, Peter & Overall WhitledgeE 1121817
Thornsberry, Seth B.Beckwith, JohnC 3711815
Thornsberry, Seth B.Thornsberry, DanielC 3921817
Thornsberry, Seth B.Field, Abe Jr.C 4321817
Thornsberry, Seth B.Beckwith, JohnC 5001818
Thornsberry, Seth B.Quinn, ArthurF 1621826
Thornsberry, Seth B. & SamuelSmith, PeterC 4121817
Thornsberry, W.Smith, PeterC 4141817
Thornsberry, WinfieldQuinn, ArthurG 1181829
Thornsberry, Winfield [indexed in W section]Quinn, ArthurG 1181829
Thruston, C. M.Hamilton, W. B.M 4781852
Thruston, Chas M.Kerr, EnosL 1291847
Thurman, BaizeParks, Floyd & Martin AllenG 4811832
Thurman, H.MagruderO 3251854
Thurman, JamesSimmons, JosE 0921822
Thurman, M.Larken, JnoM 3811850
Thurman, PriorHowlett, JohnI 3861840
Thurman, S. J.Pusey, JohnP 5891862
Thurman, T. S.Blandford, JosO 2871854
Thurman, T. S.Swearingen, H. H.P 1431862
Thurman, W'mRodman, John B.H 4441837
Thurman, W'm (2)Wakefield, W'mO 645-61854
Thurman, WilliamBurditt, PaytonR 4151868
Tilfford, MarySwearingen, E.O 0201854
Tilford JosSimmons, G. W.M 4771852
Tilford, J. B.Simmons, N.P 0531862
Tilford, W.Jenkins, Geo W.F 3411827
Tilford, W'm & C.Blackstone, G. E.P 5851862
Tillett, JamesReed, DanielG 5151833
Tingle, A. B.Paul, ThosF 4081827
Todd, Simps.Felker, H. J.L 4311849
Todd, Simps.Barrall, C. H.O 5781854
Todd, SimpsonBarrall, C. H.O 4381854
Tolston, E.Barrell, S. F.P 0661862
Tomilson, SepReardon, JeffI 2591839
Tomlinson, BenjaminGreathouse, IsaacA2 3821801
Tomlinson, S.Davis, R.I 3351840
Toomes, JohnQuinn, ArthurG 0351828
Travis, F.Thomas, H. C.L 2191847
Travis, F.Rickerson, W. C.M 0381850
Travis, F.Maraman, F. W.M 2461850
Travis, F.Wade, M. O.M 2461850
Travis, FredBukey, RodolphusG 1631829
Travis, FredField & BowmanG 4291832
Travis, FredMaraman, F. W.L 1631847
Travis, Heirs of FrederickPhelps, WesleyR 2481868
Travis, Heirs of FrederickThompson, William R.R 2481868
Travis, St. ClairMiller, LeviP 3551862
Trent, JamesHall, CharlesK 2811844
Trimble, JennetTemple, John T.I 1021838
Triplett, G. H.Thompson, J. L.P 3761862
Triplett, H.Thom;son, J. L.P 1611862
Triplett, Mary E.Samuels, James H.R 2771868
Triplett, Mary E.Orms, CadR 4121869
Triplett, RobtHall, ChasF 1071825
Triplett, RobtPeacock, J. D. S.L 2561848
Triplett, WilliamThompson, John L.Q 0081865
Trouman, P. B.Magruder, LeviG 1851829
TroutmanGarvin, F.O 1661854
Troutman, AbeHarris, NathanD 2181819
Troutman, B. F.Deats, B. F.N 4641853
Troutman, B. F.Garvin, F.O 1641854
Troutman, E.Troutman, FredL 4111849
Troutman, F.Maraman, E. A.P 0681862
Troutman, FranklinMaraman, WilliamR 2951868
Troutman, HiramTroutman, FerdinanR 3441869
Troutman, IsaacTomlinson, John (apprentice)B 6621813
Troutman, JacobMcGruder, LeviD 3301820
Troutman, JacobMiddleton, JohnG 0421828
Troutman, JohnMaraman, WilliamR 2951868
Troutman, L. J.Jenkins, N.M 3371850
Troutman, L. J.Maraman, E.P 0491862
Troutman, LeonardWithers, S.I 2151839
Troutman, LeviCurd, H. T.N 5871853
Troutman, M.Cundiff, J. B.M 2511850
Troutman, MichaelCarrico, JosephA2 3531804
Troutman, MichaelMcKeever, James (mortgage)A2 3721804
Troutman, MichaelAcres, George (apprentice)B 0231805
Troutman, MichaelSimmons, Richard HeirsB 4651811
Troutman, MichaelMiles, Nathan & WalterC 0101813
Troutman, MichaelSimmons, WilliamC 0121805
Troutman, MichaelShanks, JamesC 0481812
Troutman, Michael L.Maraman, Francis W.Q 5421864
Troutman, PeterStarks, W'm & A.I 4341841
Troutman, PeterKalfus, Henry F.K 1471843
Troutman, Phil Heir of M. TroutmanSimmons, Jos. (ass'ee of J. R. Gaither)D 1991819
Troutman, Philip B.Harris, NathanC 5111818
Troutman, RuthParks, GeoP 5541862
Troutman, William B.Mount, J. W.R 5741870
Troutwine, VolMcCallum, G. N.P 6221862
Trunnell HrsTrunnell, HenryO 2691854
Trunnell, Eliza (Mort)Gray, JosL 3441848
Trunnell, H.Tilford, E.P 2301862
Trunnell, H.Collings, H. W.P 2491862
Trunnell, H.Kulp, S.P 5181862
Trunnell, HenryNapper, EphL 2091847
Trunnell, HenrySummers, R. K.O 1801854
Trunnell, HenryTrunnell, ElizaO 5121854
Trunnell, HenryField, A. H. & R. H.O 5541854
Trunnell, HenryField, A. H. & R. H.O 5951854
Trunnell, HenryChapeze, Adam S. & BenjaminQ 1881863
Trunnell, HenryWerker, CharlesQ 5831867
Trunnell, Henry & PhilipNewman, GeorgeQ 5771867
Trustees of S VilleShainI 3321840
Trustees of S-villeJoyce, TomG 4001832
Trustees of S-villeChaddic, JohnL 1611847
Trustees of ShepherdsvilleBrashear, Thomas C.A2 0031797
Trustees of ShepherdsvilleBrashear, Thomas C.A2 0041797
Trustees of ShepherdsvilleBrown, JamesA2 0121797
Trustees of ShepherdsvilleFrye, EdwardA2 0121797
Trustees of ShepherdsvilleMorehead, ArmsteadA2 0131797
Trustees of ShepherdsvilleLatham, JamesA2 0131797
Trustees of ShepherdsvilleDeRohan, WilliamA2 0141797
Trustees of ShepherdsvilleWilson, DanielA2 0141797
Trustees of ShepherdsvilleSummers, BenjaminA2 0151797
Trustees of ShepherdsvilleSimpson, JamesA2 0161797
Trustees of ShepherdsvilleHugh, JohnA2 0171797
Trustees of ShepherdsvilleCollin, John (heir to Jas Collin)A2 0181797
Trustees of ShepherdsvilleScott, JohnA2 0181797
Trustees of ShepherdsvilleMoore, JohnA2 0201797
Trustees of ShepherdsvilleBlundell, FrancisA2 0221797
Trustees of ShepherdsvilleGraham, W'mC 1621814
Trustees of ShepherdsvilleJewell, W'mC 1761814
Trustees of ShepherdsvilleCrow, SamuelC 1771814
Trustees of ShepherdsvilleGraham, JohnC 2901815
Trustees of ShepherdsvilleJones, W'mC 2901815
Trustees of ShepherdsvilleHalbert, JamesC 2911815
Trustees of ShepherdsvilleMcGee, TomC 4401817
Trustees of ShepherdsvilleSummers, BenjaminC 4411817
Trustees of ShepherdsvilleHalbert, JamesC 4591817
Trustees of ShepherdsvilleMagruder, E.C 4781817
Trustees of ShepherdsvilleHalbert, JamesD 0271818
Trustees of ShepherdsvilleGraham, J. C.D 0461818
Trustees of ShepherdsvilleRobinson, JamesD 0651819
Trustees of ShepherdsvilleRobinson, JamesD 0661819
Trustees of ShepherdsvilleStansberry, JoshD 0681819
Trustees of ShepherdsvilleStansberry, BenjD 1071819
Trustees of ShepherdsvilleSanders, C. J.D 1461819
Trustees of ShepherdsvilleCochran, NathanD 4851821
Trustees of ShepherdsvilleSummers, Rufus K.F 3031827
Trustees of ShepherdsvilleSummers, R. H.G 0401828
Trustees of ShepherdsvilleMurray, Jos R.G 1591828
Trustees of ShepherdsvilleOverall, W.G 1681829
Trustees of ShepherdsvilleJenkins, Geo W.G 2131829
Trustees of ShepherdsvilleBarker, BrookyG 2141830
Trustees of ShepherdsvilleShain, ThomasG 3691832
Trustees of ShepherdsvilleBeckwith, SarahG 4101831
Trustees of ShepherdsvilleSimmons, E. W.G 5061833
Trustess ofBullitt County CourtG 3741832
Tucker, CalebJackson, JohnM 5251852
Tucker, CalebHall, CliftonO 5141854
Tucker, CalebRidgway, BenO 5151854
Tucker, CalebWhitledge, John S.R 5051870
Tucker, JamesColeman, Jno L.H 3341836
Tucker, Joel H.Tucker, TheophalisR 2401868
Tucker, Joseph B.Tucker, TheophilusR 4831869
Tucker, William HeirsTucker, AnnaQ 1771865
Tucker, William HeirsSmith, RachelQ 1811864
Tucker, William HeirsTucker, JoelQ 1821864
Tucker, William HeirsTucker, James W.Q 1831864
Tucker, William HeirsTucker, Joseph T.Q 1841864
Tucker, William HeirsTucker, TheopholisQ 1851864
Tucker, William HeirsBridges, PurlinaQ 1941864
Tuley, E.Lawton, J.F 4851828
Tuley, JohnGraham, JohnF 0421825
Tuley, WyattGraham, JohnF 0441825
Tull, GeorgeTull, NicholasG 3591832
Tull, GeorgeMiller, Peter Jr.G 3661832
Turner & GrayHite, A.M 3441850
Turner, D. W.Leight, D. B.L 2671848
Turpin, GeoSummers, Noah C.G 2681831
Twyman, IsaacWilson, M. & S.F 2731826
Tydings, C. B.Morris, E.R 3251869
Tydings, Eliza VirginiaBarnes, Joshua (mortgage)Q 3121866
Tydings, Eliza VirginiaSkinner, John C. (mortgage)Q 3121866
Tydings, John W.Barnes, Joshua (mortgage)Q 3121866
Tydings, John W.Skinner, John C. (mortgage)Q 3121866
Tydings, John W.Skinner, John C. & Richard L. TydingsQ 5721867
Tydings, John W.Tydings, Richard L. & John C. SkinnerQ 5721867
Tydings, Joseph M.Chambers, William P.Q 0471866
Tydings, Joseph RobertSkinner, John C. & Richard L. TydingsQ 5731867
Tydings, Joseph RobertRichard L. Tydings & John C. SkinnerQ 5731867
Tydings, Rich.Colston, M. L.P 1841862
Tydings, Rich.Tydings, E. A. L.P 1851862
Tydings, Richard & Eliza A. L.Needham, EdgarQ 5901867
Tydings, Richard L.Barnes, Joshua (mortgage)Q 3121866
Tydings, Richard L.Skinner, John C. (mortgage)Q 3121866
Tyler & QuerryStewart, V.L 3531848
Tyler & QuerryMauzey, D.L 3601848
Tyler, A. D.Tyler, HarrisonM 3131850
Tyler, A. D. (Mort)Tyler, HarrisonM 3141850
Tyler, D. E.Fidler, ReubenN 5681853
Tyler, D. E. HrsGentry, A. T.O 2571854
Tyler, David E.Sparks, WalterG 5301833
Tyler, Elenor A. (dower relinquishment)Field, A. H. & Shepherdsville Iron Manufacturing Co.Q 5601866
Tyler, Elenor A. (dower relinquishment)Shepherdsville Iron Manufacturing Co. & A. H. FieldQ 5601866
Tyler, George A.King, Mary M.R 4301869
Tyler, H.Tyler, PresleyN 4461853
Tyler, H.Coe, DavidP 2451862
Tyler, HenryKing, John E.I 3911840
Tyler, HenryHarris, J.K 1111843
Tyler, HenryHaws, C.O 5451854
Tyler, HenryTyler, George A. (guardianship ended)R 4141869
Tyler, James E.Shepherdsville Iron Co.L 1351847
Tyler, JohnFidler, R.O 3861854
Tyler, John M.Stansberry, Z.P 2821862
Tyler, PrestonGivens, JosN 5711853
Tyler, W'm N.King, Y.P 2851862
Tyler, WillisTyler, HenryM 2191850
Ulen, H. C.Lee, WilfK 5261846
Underwood Jos (error)Breckenrdige, RobtI 1621839
Underwood, JosPope, P. H., E. P., C.& H.I 1621893
Underwood, M. HrsBrown, W. J.M 3171852
Underwood, M. HrsBrown, W. J.M 3281852
Underwood, SamBell, SaraI 3191840
Underwood, SamRiley, Jacob & Sam SchwingI 4201841
United States (Patent on plough)Harris, HezekiahB 2781808
Unsel, A. A. C.Chapeze, A. & B.O 3241856
Vance, Elizabeth C.Miller, PeterK 5151846
VannortHamiltonH 1941835
Vanvactor, B. F.Collings, B. F.P 6111862
VaughnSmall, J. T.L 0451846
Vaughn, Henry LewisFoster, CharlesR 3761869
Vaughn, JacobVaughn, W'mL 4481848
Vaughn, JoelVaughn, W'mK 0011842
Vaughn, JoelWelch, W'mK 3361844
Vaughn, JohnFunk, JamesL 3781848
Vaughn, JohnFunk, JamesM 0541850
Vaughn, JohnPendleton, J. C.M 1521850
Vaughn, JosephHall, JohnD 1451818
Vaughn, W'mPendleton, J. C.L 4561848
Vaughn, W'mMiller, W'm H.P 1841862
Vaughn, W'mMiller, P. & W. H.P 5261862
Vaughn, WilliamArmstrong, V. P.Q 1121865
Viers, NathanSimmons, Richard P.A2 4231804
Villers, CharlotteVillers, EllenP 4751862
Villers, CharlotteMasden, JohnathanQ 5521867
Villers, CharlotteHeth, HenryR 1971868
Villiers, M. P.Villiers, M.L 2891848
Vinning, A.Vinning, A.P 1741862
Vinning, A.Sanders, H.P 1781862

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The Bullitt County History Museum, a service of the Bullitt County Genealogical Society, is located in the county courthouse at 300 South Buckman Street (Highway 61) in Shepherdsville, Kentucky. The museum, along with its research room, is open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Saturday appointments are available by calling 502-921-0161 during our regular weekday hours. Admission is free. The museum, as part of the Bullitt County Genealogical Society, is a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization and is classified as a 509(a)2 public charity. Contributions and bequests are deductible under section 2055, 2106, or 2522 of the Internal Revenue Code. Page last modified: 20 Mar 2025 . Page URL: bullittcountyhistory.org/bchistory/deed-index/grantor-t-v.html