Local historian and researcher Betty Darnell has indexed Bullitt County Deed Books A-Q by grantors, grantees, and deed book pages, and allowed us to share her work here. We have now added Deed Book R to the index. You may find some of her other works on our publications for sale page.
Links to
| A |
D-E |
F |
G |
I-K |
L |
M-ME |
MI- NU |
O-P |
Q-R |
T-V |
W-Z |
Grantor | Grantee | Deed | Date |
O'Brian, J. L. | Meyler, R. J. (mortgage) | R 137 | 1868 |
O'Bryan, T. H. | Wright, Joseph H. | R 071 | 1868 |
O'Bryant, James L. | Lutz, Susan C. | Q 161 | 1865 |
OBrian | [blank] | [blank] | [blank] |
OBrian, C. | Simmons, Jos. P. | N 007 | 1854 |
OBrian, C. | Corbit, Peter | N 008 | 1854 |
OBryan, C. | Robards, A. J. | L 381 | 1848 |
OBryan, Jas A. | Hamilton, John R. | L 515 | 1848 |
OBryant, C. Hrs | McCormick, E. H. | P 373 | 1863 |
OBryant, Zerilda T. & W. R. | Roby, J. C. | P 543 | 1863 |
Ogle, Mark Hrs | Crist, Henry | K 035 | 1842 |
Oldham Hrs | Wilson, W'm | L 222 | 1847 |
Oldham, Henry | Oldham, Samuel | D 195 | 1819 |
Oldham, Henry | Odlham, Samuel | D 197 | 1819 |
Oldham, Henry | Pryor, James | D 197 | 1819 |
Oldham, Henry | Miles, Nathan Jr. | D 523 | 1821 |
Oldham, J. W. | Wilson, H. | M 156 | 1850 |
Oldham, Presley Heirs | Field, R. H. | R 447 | 1869 |
Oldham, Presley Heirs | Phelps, Wesley | R 447 | 1869 |
Oldham, Presley Heirs | Phelps, William J. | R 447 | 1869 |
Oldham, Presley Heirs | Murry, Eliza Jane | R 447 | 1869 |
Oliver, John | Dawson, Simon | R 505 | 1870 |
ONeal, John | Hall, David | N 027 | 1854 |
ONeal, John | Carother, Sam | N 433 | 1854 |
ONeal, John | Snall, L. H. | O 211 | 1855 |
Orm W. R. Hrs. | Dent | M 466 | 1850 |
Orm, James T. (Mort) | Maraman, F. | L 225 | 1847 |
Orm, James T. (Mort) | Orm, Geo. W. | M 002 | 1850 |
Orm, James T. (Mort) | Maraman & Colbow | M 035 | 1850 |
Orm, M. | Kurtz, Jos. | I 514 | 1842 |
Orm, Morris | Goldsmith, Saml | H 373 | 1836 |
Orm, Nat. | Orm, Morris | I 476 | 1841 |
Orm, Ruth Ann | Stader, W'm | K 416 | 1843 |
Orm, W'm | Stader, W'm | L 119 | 1847 |
Orm, William | Heff, Henry | R 347 | 1869 |
Orme, W'm | Cole, James | N 052 | 1854 |
Orme, William | Brashear, Richard (land division) | R 116 | 1867 |
Osborn, Doug | Hamilton, W. B. | K 460 | 1843 |
Osburn, Benj. | Cox, Gabe | E 195 | 1824 |
Osburn, Benj. | Thornsberry, Daniel | E 241 | 1824 |
Osburn, Benj. | Grubb, Samuel C. | G 121 | 1829 |
Osburn, Benj. | Ramsey, Freman | G 256 | 1830 |
Osburn, Benj. | Bell, Thompson | I 023 | 1837 |
Osburn, Dory | Crist, H. S. | G 229 | 1830 |
Osburn, John | Yoder, Jacob | F 214 | 1826 |
Osburn, John | Osburn, Benj | F 451 | 1828 |
Osburn, Nicholas | Brown, Saml | C 408 | 1817 |
Osburn, Samuel | Osburn, Nicholas Jr. | C 172 | 1814 |
Overall (By Com'r) | Overall, John T. | I 423 | 1841 |
Overall, C., N., H., A. B. & C. S. | Overall, J. | P 071 | 1863 |
Overall, John T. | Stoner | K 353 | 1844 |
Overall, John T. | Wells, E. F. | P 358 | 1863 |
Overall, Perry T. | Overall, John T. | I 422 | 1841 |
Overall, Robt | Overall, W'm | E 323 | 1824 |
Overall, Thompson | Hilton, Stephen | A2 097 | 1799 |
Overall, Thompson | Hilton, Alexander | A2 426 | 1804 |
Overall, W. | Lee, Henry | F 260 | 1826 |
Overall, W. | Crist, Henry | F 268 | 1826 |
Overall, W. | Lee, Henry | F 282 | 1827 |
Overall, W. | Bullitt County Court | F 305 | 1827 |
Overall, W. | Withers, S. L. | F 457 | 1828 |
Overall, W. | Lee, W'm T. | G 187 | 1829 |
Overall, W'm | Overall, John | H 353 | 1836 |
Overall, W'm | Crenshaw, W'm | O 598 | 1855 |
Overall, Whit | [blank] | [blank] | [blank] |
Overall, Whit | Lee, Henry | F 146 | 1826 |
Overall, Whit | Neill, Thos. | G 487 | 1833 |
Overstreet, Thomas | Hall, Clifton (power of attorney) | A2 022 | 1797 |
Overton, Walter | Simmons, Robert | C 036 | 1811 |
Owen, Felix | Owen, G. | M 027 | 1850 |
Owen, Felix | Owen, Gideon | N 444 | 1854 |
Owen, G. | Hall, John Jr. | K 144 | 1842 |
Owen, G. | Owen, P. | P 342 | 1863 |
Owen, Gamaliel | Braithwaite, Sarah M. | R 029 | 1867 |
Owen, John S. | Fox, Jacob | H 160 | 1834 |
Owen, W. R. Hrs | Owen, J. S. Hrs. | N 180 | 1854 |
Owen, W'm | Kyle, E. & W'm, John, Thomas & Bluford Stringer | G 310 | 1831 |
Owen, William R. (children), William R. children | A2 070 | 1798 | |
Owens, Felix | Owen, Elizabeth | R 072 | 1868 |
Owens, Felix | Owen, Francis | R 072 | 1868 |
Owens, Felix | Owen, McKinzy | R 072 | 1868 |
Owens, Felix | Owen, Zarilda | R 072 | 1868 |
Owens, William | Stone, Davis | A2 184 | 1799 |
Owens, William | Paris, David Jr. | B 149 | 1798 |
Oxley, B. F. | Means, Preston | 28 442 | 1857 |
Oxley, B. F. | Foster, William H. | O 174 | 1857 |
Oxley, B. F. | Drees, John Bernard | O 245 | 1857 |
Oxley, B. F. | End, Jacob | O 246 | 1857 |
Oxley, B. F. | Schneider, Engelbed | O 247 | 1857 |
Oxley, B. F. | Hyman, Samuel | O 248 | 1858 |
Oxley, B. F. | James, John Jr. | O 261 | 1858 |
Oxley, B. F. | Drake, Thomas | O 266 | 1858 |
Oxley, B. F. | Schreiber, Charles | O 267 | 1857 |
Oxley, B. F. | Honsah, Theodore | O 268 | 1858 |
Oxley, B. F. | Block, M. | O 286 | 1858 |
Oxley, B. F. | Promice, Leopold M. | O 290 | 1858 |
Oxley, B. F. | Sellinger, Samuel | O 291 | 1858 |
Oxley, B. F. | Helmus, Jacob | O 300 | 1858 |
Oxley, B. F. | Bohn, Adam | O 301 | 1857 |
Oxley, B. F. | Weber, George C. A. | O 302 | 1857 |
Oxley, B. F. | Henderson, J. H. | O 303 | 1858 |
Oxley, B. F. | Drake, Thomas | O 304 | 1858 |
Oxley, B. F. | Berst, Henry | O 306 | 1858 |
Oxley, B. F. | Borrell, Elizabeth | O 347 | 1858 |
Oxley, B. F. | Wheat, C. M. | O 351 | 1858 |
Oxley, B. F. | Lewis, Emanuel | O 352 | 1858 |
Oxley, B. F. | McNaught, George W. | O 354 | 1858 |
Oxley, B. F. | Earl, Eben | O 355 | 1857 |
Oxley, B. F. | Campbell, James | O 356 | 1858 |
Oxley, B. F. | Bowlier, Madame C. | O 357 | 1858 |
Oxley, B. F. | Burke, John | O 359 | 1858 |
Oxley, B. F. | Cochran, James | O 360 | 1858 |
Oxley, B. F. | Rauth, Francis | O 361 | 1859 |
Oxley, B. F. | Fegley, J. L. | O 362 | 1858 |
Oxley, B. F. | Hoffman, Minna | O 430 | 1858 |
Oxley, B. F. | Gutzahr, Nicholas | O 431 | 1858 |
Oxley, B. F. | Lincoln, D. | O 471 | 1858 |
Oxley, B. F. | McElvoge, Barney | O 472 | 1858 |
Oxley, B. F. | Harris H. | O 480 | 1858 |
Oxley, B. F. | Cerf, Nathan | O 486 | 1858 |
Oxley, B. F. | Sarles, James | O 506 | 1858 |
Oxley, B. F. | Donahoe, Elizabeth | O 508 | 1858 |
Oxley, B. F. | Marking, Autone | O 509 | 1859 |
Oxley, B. F. | Kaufman, S. C. | O 712 | 1854 |
Oxley, B. F. | Fleming, Peter | P 165 | 1863 |
Oxley, B. F. | Fleming, Peter | P 165 | 1857 |
Oxley, B. F. | Yost, Jacob | R 432 | 1869 |
Oxley, B. F. | Armstrong, W. D. | R 613 | 1858 |
Oxley, B. F. | Bright, George W. Jr. | R 614 | 1858 |
Oxley, B. F. | L & N Railroad | S 22 | 1870 |
Oxley, B. F. | Vance, E. | S 129 | 1859 |
Oxley, B. F. | Danner, Jacob | S 253 | 1857 |
Page, William | Hieatt, Jonathan | A2 371 | 1803 |
Panabaker, William | Harris, Nathan | B 051 | 1806 |
Pancake, Jos. | Miller, Jos. | I 149 | 1838 |
Pancake, Joseph (orphan; apprentice) | Newkirk, Tunus | A2 068 | 1798 |
Panebaker, John | Panebaker, Frederick | A2 321 | 1803 |
Panebaker, Wiand | Wickcoff, Nicholas | B 091 | 1806 |
Panebaker, William | Cartmell, Jacob | B 053 | 1806 |
Panebaker, William | Tomlinson, Septimus (apprentice) | B 171 | 1807 |
Panebaker, William | Boone, Samuel | B 210 | 1807 |
Panebaker, William | Crist, Henry | B 418 | 1810 |
Parris, D. | Parris, D. Sr. | M 309 | 1851 |
Parris, David | Holsclaw, Betty (apprentice) | B 118 | 1807 |
Parris, David | Hall, John | M 310 | 1851 |
Parris, David Jr. | King, Nelson | B 494 | 1811 |
Parris, George | James, Julius C. | G 182 | 1829 |
Parris, James | Hall, Thos | I 102 | 1838 |
Parris, John | Stringer, Edmund | G 241 | 1830 |
Parris, John | Burdette, P. | H 180 | 1834 |
Parris, John | Rentch, M. | H 181 | 1834 |
Parris, John | Kerr, E. | H 193 | 1834 |
Parris, L. D. | Stuckey, Emanuel | H 199 | 1835 |
Parris, W. C. | Whitledge, O. K. | P 148 | 1862 |
Parris, W'm T. | Pigg, Robert | K 390 | 1845 |
Parris,David | Porter, Mary Ann | P 308 | 1862 |
Parrish, J. N. | Bohannon, W. C. | P 530 | 1862 |
Parrish, L. D. | Chick, S. M. | K 232 | 1844 |
Parrish, L. D. | Thurman, W'm | N 051 | 1853 |
Parrish, L. D.& E. | Roby, O. | I 250 | 1839 |
Parrish, Nelson | Parrish, L. D. & E. N. | H 022 | 1833 |
Patten, James | Merriwether, William | A2 206 | 1801 |
Patterson Moore & Co. | Alexander, J. B. | P 460 | 1862 |
Patterson Moore & Co. (2 Assignment) | Bell & Bullen | O 059-66 | 1854 |
Patterson, A. & James | Gray, Silas | I 015 | 1837 |
Patterson, A. & James | Rouse, W'm A. | I 148 | 1838 |
Patterson, James | Crist, Nicholas (attorney) | B 176 | 1807 |
Patterson, W'm | Hutchings, E. | O 607 | 1854 |
Patterson, W'm | Tolliver, Geo. | O 615 | 1854 |
Patterson, W'm | Alexander, J. B. | P 458 | 1862 |
Patterson, W'm (2 Assignment) | Riley & Muir | O 125 | 1854 |
Patton Exors & Hrs | Bowman, J. | I 441 | 1841 |
Patton Exors & Hrs | Crist, Henry | I 443 | 1841 |
Patton, Matt Ex | Cartmell, Jacob | F 486 | 1828 |
Patton, Matthew Hrs. | Brashear, Walter | D 232 | 1819 |
Patton, Matthew Hrs. | Speed, Thos | D 467 | 1821 |
Paul, Tom M. | Chappell, W'm F. | I 143 | 1838 |
Paulley | Harshfield, Henry | K 540 | 1845 |
Paulley, Thomas | Harshfield, C. | L 050 | 1846 |
Paulley, Tom | Moore, R. L. | L 259 | 1847 |
Paully, Joseph | Miller, Peter | R 034 | 1867 |
Payne, Edmond | Siegel, Frederick | Q 586 | 1867 |
Payne, G. A. | Snapp, Lewis | I 314 | 1840 |
Peacock, Alex | Tyler, Allison | K 476 | 1845 |
Peacock, J. D. S. | Polly, Thomas | H 338 | 1836 |
Peacock, J. D. S. | Peacock, J. D. S. | I 302 | 1840 |
Peacock, J. D. S. | Peacock, Jacob | I 494 | 1842 |
Peacock, J. D. S. | Halderman, David | I 497 | 1842 |
Peacock, J. D. S. | Burdette, Pey. | M 135 | 1850 |
Peacock, J. D. S. | Burdette, L. | M 227 | 1851 |
Peacock, J. D. S. | Showalter, J. | M 231 | 1853 |
Peacock, J. D. S. | Hamilton, W. B. | M 514 | 1851 |
Peacock, J. D. S. | Sanders, W. P. | O 143 | 1854 |
Peacock, Jacob | Lee, Henry | F 146 | 1826 |
Peacock, Jacob | Overall, W. | F 281 | 1827 |
Peacock, Jacob | Peacock, John | H 043 | 1833 |
Pendergrast, Garnett E. | Tyler, Isaac H. | E 297 | 1824 |
Pendergrast, Jesse | Pattie, John | A2 264 | 1802 |
Pendldeton, J. C | Ewing, A. C. | M 534 | 1851 |
Pendleton Hrs | Pendleton, J. C. | L 201 | 1847 |
Pendleton, J. C. | King, Henry | I 255 | 1839 |
Pendleton, J. C. | Phelps, W. | L 392 | 1848 |
Pendleton, James C. | Probst, John | L 301 | 1848 |
Pendleton, James C. | Brooks, W. B. M. | M 050 | 1850 |
Pendleton, W. D. | Doris, C. | P 186 | 1862 |
Pennebaker, F. | Lee, Wilford | I 461 | 1841 |
Pennebaker, Fred | Summers, Noah C. | F 032 | 1825 |
Pennebaker, Fred | Pennebaker, Sarah | F 131 | 1825 |
Pennebaker, Fred | Combs, James | F 462 | 1827 |
Pennebaker, Fred | Weller, Philip H. | G 173 | 1829 |
Pennebaker, Fred | Lee, Wilford | G 466 | 1833 |
Pennebaker, Fred | Matthis, Geo. W. & S. D. Wells | L 257 | 1847 |
Pennebaker, Fred Sr. | Pennebaker, Fred Jr. | D 260 | 1819 |
Pennebaker, Fred Sr. | Pennebaker, Noah | D 261 | 1819 |
Pennebaker, Frederick | Beckwith, John W. & Peter B. Ormsby | B 613 | 1812 |
Pennebaker, Frederick | Ormsby,Peter B. & John W. Beckwith | B 613 | 1812 |
Pennebaker, W'm | Crigler, Abe | C 002 | 1810 |
Pennebaker, W'm | Pennebaker, Peter | D 001 | 1814 |
Pennebaker, William | Pennebaker, Frederic | C 138 | 1814 |
Perkins, Ezekiel & others | Collings, Thomas | B 432 | 1810 |
Perkins, Ezekiel & William Hughes | Conder, Jacob | B 431 | 1810 |
Perryman, J. D. | Newman, J. | P 193 | 1862 |
Peter, B. | Boyle, E. | N 053 | 1853 |
Peter, S. L. | Maraman, H. O. | I 524 | 1842 |
Peyton, C. | Maynard, Joel | E 028 | 1822 |
Peyton, Craven | Snapp, Lewis | D 353 | 1820 |
Peyton, Craven | Osburn, Benjamin | E 177 | 1823 |
Peyton, Craven | Evans, John C. | E 178 | 1823 |
Peyton, Craven | Zellhart, Philip | F 130 | 1825 |
Peyton, Craven | Hedges, George & John Coyle | F 165 | 1826 |
Peyton, Harrison | Crist, Henry | C 237 | 1815 |
Peyton, William | Devore, Samuel & Daniel | A2 279 | 1801 |
Phebus, John | Wilson, Jesse | A2 329 | 1803 |
Phelps, Anthony | Phelps, Edwin | G 528 | 1833 |
Phelps, Anthony | Phelps, Guy | G 528 | 1833 |
Phelps, Anthony | Phelps, Guy | G 529 | 1833 |
Phelps, David | Sanders, Thomas (attorney) | A1 ex1 | 1803 |
Phelps, Edwin | Simmons, Humphrey | H 285 | 1835 |
Phelps, Guy | McKeever, James (mortgage) | A2 372 | 1804 |
Phelps, Guy | Burks, John | F 037 | 1825 |
Phelps, Guy | Simmons, Humphrey | H 304 | 1836 |
Phelps, Guy | McDowell, John | H 395 | 1837 |
Phelps, Guy | Smith, Susan | K 358 | 1845 |
Phelps, Jno B. Hrs | Phelps, Tom Hrs. | M 084 | 1850 |
Phelps, Sheriff Wesley | McKay, Samuel A. | R 057 | 1868 |
Phelps, Sheriff Wesley | English, J. B. | R 090 | 1868 |
Phelps, Sheriff Wesley | Crumbacker, John | R 226 | 1868 |
Phelps, Sheriff Wesley | Summers, Heirs of Rufus K. | R 301 | 1869 |
Phelps, Sheriff Wesley | Morris, E. | R 325 | 1869 |
Phelps, Thomas (Last Will) | Phelps, Thomas Heirs | A2 145 | 1797 |
Phelps, W. | Ritchie, Nelson | M 369 | 1853 |
Phelps, W. | Field, R. H. | P 262 | 1862 |
Phelps, W. | Shepherd, J. H. | P 269 | 1862 |
Phelps, W. | Travis, St. Clair | P 271 | 1862 |
Phelps, W. | Thompson, W. R. | P 381 | 1862 |
Phelps, W. | Younger, Harriet | P 570 | 1862 |
Phelps, W. (Com'r_ | Maraman, Martha A. | P 569 | 1862 |
Phelps, W'm | Markwell, Geo. | C 469 | 1817 |
Phelps, W'm | OBrian, C. | N 006 | 1853 |
Phelps, W'm (Mort) | Holsclaw, W. B., R. H. Field & Wess Phelps | L 377 | 1848 |
Phelps, Wesley | Miller, Peter | L 127 | 1847 |
Phelps, Wesley | Graven, Paulina | R 246 | 1868 |
Phelps, Wesley | Hubbard, Albert E. | R 323 | 1869 |
Phelps, Wesley | Whitesides, W. B. | R 343 | 1868 |
Phelps, Wesley | Collier, Joseph | R 354 | 1867 |
Phelps, Wesley | Bridges, James T. | R 363 | 1866 |
Phelps, Wesley | Field, A. H. (land division) | R 399 | 1869 |
Phelps, Wesley | Oliver, John | R 480 | 1869 |
Phelps, Wesley | McConathy, William J. | R 481 | 1869 |
Phelps, Wesley | Abbott, J. M. | R 491 | 1869 |
Phelps, Wess | Trustees Christian Church | M 118 | 1850 |
Phelps, Wess | Croan, James | M 124 | 1850 |
Phelps, Wess | Chappell, M. L. | M 129 | 1850 |
Phelps, Wess | Raymon, Geo. | M 130 | 1850 |
Phelps, William | Field, R. H. (mortgage) | R 428 | 1869 |
Phelps, William | Phelps, Wesley (mortgage) | R 428 | 1869 |
Phelps, William J. | Phelps, Wesley (mortgage) | R 340 | 1869 |
Phelps, William J. | Dewhurst, John | R 346 | 1869 |
Phelps, William J. | McConathy, W. J. | R 346 | 1869 |
Picquet, Martin | Martin, M. | D 529 | 1821 |
Pierce, John | Cundiff, R. | E 089 | 1822 |
Pierce, John | Snapp, Hardin | K 443 | 1845 |
Pierce, John | Pierce, J. A. | P 202 | 1862 |
Pierce, John | Antle, George W. | R 233 | 1868 |
Pierce, R. | Tucker, Caleb | O 045 | 1854 |
Pierce, Uriah | Pratt, W'm | L 300 | 1848 |
Pigg, Robt | Collings, B. F. | M 087 | 1850 |
Pindell, H. C. | Sales & Summers | O 238 | 1854 |
Pindell, H. C. | Kinkead, G. B. | P 083 | 1862 |
Pittman, J. P. | Thompson & Field | P 147 | 1862 |
Pittman, J. P. | Masden, J. E. | P 180 | 1862 |
Pittman, James P. | Howlett, John | L 112 | 1847 |
Pittman, Sally | Masden, J. E. | P 201 | 1862 |
Pitts Point Baptist Church (by Robert Davis & J. H. Hays, trustees | Moore, Lewis | Q 536 | 1867 |
Pittstown | [blank] | O 660 | 1854 |
Pohon, W'm | Samuels, James W. | K 034 | 1842 |
Poignard, D. R. | Porter, Reuben | N 009 | 1853 |
Polk, Edmund | Yoder, Jacob | F 306 | 1827 |
Polk, J. M. | McGee, W. T. | M 316 | 1853 |
Polk, W'm | Miller, Geo. S. | M 231 | 1851 |
Polk, W'm | Wright, Jos. & James | O 001 | 1854 |
Pollard Jos. | Newbolt, W'm | D 215 | 1819 |
Pollard, J. | Simmons, Joseph | D 047 | 1818 |
Pollard, J. | Caldwell, James | D 048 | 1818 |
Pollard, Joseph | Harris, Nathan | D 190 | 1818 |
Pollard, Joseph | Hall, Elizabeth | D 207,283 | 1818 |
Pollard, Joseph | Fuquay, Henry | D 210 | 1819 |
Pollard, Joseph | Buky, Rodolphus | D 212 | 1819 |
Pollard, Joseph | Harris, Nathan | D 213 | 1819 |
Pollard, Joseph | Carrico, James | D 214 | 1819 |
Pollard, Joseph | Crenshaw, Bluford | D 217 | 1819 |
Pollard, Joseph | Hall, Thomas | D 283 | 1819 |
Polle, J. H. | Ridgway, B. W. | M 496 | 1851 |
Polly, A. (2) | Stallings, Thos | I 345 | 1840 |
Pomroy, Isaac | Burks, James | A2 142 | 1800 |
Pope | Pope | H 227 | 1835 |
Pope | Pope | I 131 | 1838 |
Pope [indexed in supplement] | Smith | I 343 | [blank] |
Pope, Alexander | Pope, William Jr. | B 642 | 1807 |
Pope, Benj. Hrs (2) (Agreement) | Pope, Ben Hrs | O 055-6 | 1854 |
Pope, Benjamin | Shepherd, Adam | A1 022 | 1798 |
Pope, Benjamin | Essary, John | A1 022 | 1798 |
Pope, Benjamin | Shepherd, Adam | A2 071 | 1798 |
Pope, Benjamin | Essary, John | A2 071 | 1798 |
Pope, Benjamin | Pope, Worden | A2 104 | 1799 |
Pope, Benjamin | Pope, Worden | A2 178 | 1800 |
Pope, Benjamin | Fore (Ford), Peter & Joseph | A2 198 | 1800 |
Pope, Benjamin | Merriwether, William | A2 206 | 1801 |
Pope, Benjamin | Patton, James | A2 320 | 1803 |
Pope, Benjamin | Pope, Worden | B 143 | 1807 |
Pope, Benjamin | Troutman, Michael | B 157 | 1806 |
Pope, Benjamin (by sheriff) | Pope, Worden (slave sale) | B 049 | 1806 |
Pope, Benjamin (by sheriff) | Pope, Susanna (slave sale) | B 085 | 1806 |
Pope, Benjamin & others (by sheriff) | Jacob, John J. & Co. | B 234 | 1808 |
Pope, Benjamin Hrs | Irwin, Joseph | E 167 | 1823 |
Pope, Benjamin Jr. | Pope, Benjamin Sr. | A2 339 | 1803 |
Pope, Benjamin Sr. | Simmons, Richard Sr. | A2 342 | 1804 |
Pope, Benjamin Sr. (by sheriff) | Simmons, Richard Sr. | A2 341 | 1804 |
Pope, Francis & John | Brown, Richard J. | K 152 | 1843 |
Pope, Geo. F. | Field, Abe | H 261 | 1835 |
Pope, Geo. F. | Rawlings, John | H 267 | 1835 |
Pope, Geo. F. [indexed in supplement] | Brown, Sam | I 164 | [blank] |
Pope, George | Thomasson, John J. | G 022 | 1828 |
Pope, George F. | Jenkins, George W. | G 425 | 1832 |
Pope, George F. | Myers, John | I 030 | 1837 |
Pope, George F. | Pendleton, James C. | I 031 | 1837 |
Pope, J.Hrs | Smith, L. J. | P 086 | 1862 |
Pope, James P. | Shirley, J. & H. C. | O 436 | 1854 |
Pope, John | Crist, Henry | B 446 | 1811 |
Pope, John | Pope, William Jr. | C 262 | 1815 |
Pope, John | Snellenbarger, John | E 125 | 1822 |
Pope, John | Grundy, G. | F 293 | 1827 |
Pope, John | Cocke, John W. | G 085 | 1829 |
Pope, John | Caswell, David | G 436 | 1832 |
Pope, John | Lee, Henry | H 188 | 1834 |
Pope, John | Smith, L. J. | N 543 | 1856 |
Pope, John | Lee, Elizabeth | N 551 | 1856 |
Pope, John (2) | Mayfield, W. J. | O 157-8 | 1854 |
Pope, John & Francis | Gaither, Edward B. | E 264 | 1823 |
Pope, John & Francis | Baker, John H. & Thos Joyce | L 294 | 1848 |
Pope, John & Geo. F. | Hill, W'm | H 350 | 1836 |
Pope, John H. | Dawson, W'm | O 343 | 1854 |
Pope, John Hrs | Lee, R. M. | N 603-4 | 1856 |
Pope, John Hrs | Hill, J. R. | N 605 | 1856 |
Pope, John Hrs | Hill, Edward Henry Clay | N 606 | 1856 |
Pope, John Hrs | Lee, Sarah | N 608 | 1856 |
Pope, Margaret | Pope, James Y. | L 479 | 1849 |
Pope, Nathaniel | Rawlings, John | I 362 | 1840 |
Pope, Nathaniel | Chappell, Abraham & W'm F. | K 401 | 1845 |
Pope, Nathaniel | Goheen, John W. & James Arnold | K 401 | 1845 |
Pope, Nathaniel | Stibbins, William & Richard Skinner | K 401 | 1845 |
Pope, P. H., E. P., C. & H. | Underwood, Jos. | I 162 | 1839 |
Pope, W'm | Shepherd, Adam | C 462 | 1817 |
Pope, W'm | Shepherd, Sally & Charlotte | F 290 | 1827 |
Pope, W'm | Maraman, Francis | G 091 | 1829 |
Pope, W'm | Crigler, Nicholas | G 345 | 1832 |
Pope, W'm | Maraman, Charles | G 364 | 1832 |
Pope, W'm | Joyce, Thos | G 418 | 1832 |
Pope, W'm | Chaddic, John | G 419 | 1832 |
Pope, W'm | Maraman, Francis | G 420 | 1832 |
Pope, W'm | Pope, Geo. F. | G 424 | 1832 |
Pope, W'm | Jones, Henry C. | H 242 | 1835 |
Pope, W'm | Pope, Geo. F. | H 260 | 1835 |
Pope, W'm | Jones, W., A. C. Kinnson, & W. Congrove | I 382 | 1840 |
Pope, W'm & Worden | Gentry, Joseph | C 197 | 1814 |
Pope, W'm & Worden | Smith, Peter | C 240 | 1815 |
Pope, W'm & Worden | Summers, Benj. | C 497 | 1817 |
Pope, W'm & Worden | Smith, Peter | D 306 | 1819 |
Pope, W'm & Worden | Smith, Peter | D 306 | 1819 |
Pope, W'm & Worden | Anderson, John | E 067 | 1822 |
Pope, W'm & Worden | Saunders, Jos. | F 463 | 1828 |
Pope, W'm & Worden | Smith, Peter | G 411 | 1832 |
Pope, W'm & Worden | Summers, Benjamin | G 414 | 1832 |
Pope, W'm & Worden | Crandall, Ann M. | H 030 | 1833 |
Pope, W'm Jr. | Jones, Chas | C 273 | 1815 |
Pope, W'm Jr. | Dozier, Jas. I. | D 057 | 1818 |
Pope, W'm Jr. | Robards, George L. | d 057 | 1818 |
Pope, W'm Jr. | Halbert, James | D 063 | 1818 |
Pope, W'm Jr. | Beckwith, John | D 124 | 1818 |
Pope, W'm Jr. | Lashbrook, Samuel | D 125 | 1818 |
Pope, W'm Jr. | Maraman, Francis | D 134 | 1818 |
Pope, W'm Jr. | Beckwith, John W. | D 184 | 1818 |
Pope, W'm Jr. | Simmons, W'm | D 525 | 1821 |
Pope, W'm Jr. & Worden | Sanders, Thomas | D 388 | 1821 |
Pope, William | Newland, Jacob | A2 209 | 1799 |
Pope, William | Price, William | A2 209 | 1799 |
Pope, William | Lemon, Robert | A2 209 | 1799 |
Pope, William | Sanders, Christian James | B 383 | 1805 |
Pope, William | Myers, Isaac | B 482 | 1811 |
Pope, William & Worden | Thornsberry, Winney | C 005 | 1813 |
Pope, William & Worden | Scott, Plesant | C 022 | 1813 |
Pope, William & Worden | Gentry, Nicholas | C 025 | 1813 |
Pope, William & Worden | Hall, John | C 027 | 1813 |
Pope, William & Worden | Rogers, Eward | C 045 | 1812 |
Pope, William & Worden | Sanders, Joseph | C 045 | 1812 |
Pope, William & Worden | Whitledge, William | C 049 | 1812 |
Pope, William & Worden | Smith, Peter | C 066 | 1813 |
Pope, William & Worden | Summers, Benjamin | C 084 | 1813 |
Pope, William & Worden | Whitledge, Overall | C 130 | 1813 |
Pope, William & Worden | Brooks, William | C 270 | 1815 |
Pope, William & Worden | Wells, Thos | C 271 | 1815 |
Pope, William & Worden | Wheeler, John C. | C 372 | 1817 |
Pope, William & Worden | Rowland, Jonathan | C 373 | 1817 |
Pope, William & Worden | Wheeler, John C. | C 403 | 1817 |
Pope, William Jr. | Bibb, Richard Sr. | A2 360 | 1804 |
Pope, William Jr. | Caldwell, William | B 516 | 1811 |
Pope, William Jr. & others | Brooks, Joseph | B 484 | 1811 |
Pope, William Jr. & others | Saunders, Thomas | B 488 | 1811 |
Pope, William Jr. & others | Shanklin, Robert | B 499 | 1811 |
Pope, William Jr. & others | Lashbrook, William | B 567 | 1812 |
Pope, William Jr. & others | Summers, Benjamin | B 575 | 1811 |
Pope, William Jr. & others | Wheeler, John C. | B 594 | 1812 |
Pope, William Jr. & others | Summers, Benjamin | B 615 | 1812 |
Pope, William Jr. & others | Summers, Benjamin | B 616 | 1812 |
Pope, William Jr. & others | Thornberry, Samuel | B 637 | 1812 |
Pope, William Jr. & others | Whitledge, Thomas | B 639 | 1812 |
Pope, William Jr. & others | Pumroy, William | B 644 | 1812 |
Pope, Worden | Troutman, Michael | B 159 | 1807 |
Pope, Worden | Pope, Benjamin | C 458 | 1817 |
Pope, Worden & others | Brooks, Joseph | B 484 | 1811 |
Pope, Worden & others | Saunders, Thomas | B 488 | 1811 |
Pope, Worden & others | Shanklin, Robert | B 499 | 1811 |
Pope, Worden & others | Lashbrook, William | B 567 | 1812 |
Pope, Worden & others | Summers, Benjamin | B 575 | 1811 |
Pope, Worden & others | Wheeler, John C. | B 594 | 1812 |
Pope, Worden & others | Summers, Benjamin | B 615 | 1812 |
Pope, Worden & others | Summers, Benjamin | B 616 | 1812 |
Pope, Worden & others | Thornberry, Samuel | B 637 | 1812 |
Pope, Worden & others | Whitledge, Thomas | B 639 | 1812 |
Pope, Worden & others | Pumroy, William | B 644 | 1812 |
Porter, David H. | Hough, Austin | K 179 | 1843 |
Porter, I. | Simmons, N. | L 140 | 1847 |
Porter, J. | Tilford, J. M. | P 045 | 1862 |
Porter, J. | Lampton, Geo. W. | P 233 | 1862 |
Porter, J. N. | Evans, W. A. | P 167 | 1862 |
Porter, James | Thurman, W'm | K 021 | 1842 |
Porter, James | Parrish, L. D. | K 231 | 1843 |
Porter, John | Maraman, H. O. | L 272 | 1847 |
Porter, John | Summers, N. C. | N 015 | 1853 |
Porter, John | L & N R R Co. | O 481 | 1854 |
Porter, John | Hogland, J. D. | P 539 | 1862 |
Porter, John | Mathis, George | R 380 | 1869 |
Porter, John | Field, A. H. (mortgage) | R 458 | 1869 |
Porter, John (Mort) | Field, R. H. | M 390 | 1851 |
Porter, Josiah | Hall, David | G 509 | 1833 |
Porter, Josiah | Collier, Charles | H 156 | 1834 |
Porter, Josiah | Wilson, David | I 473 | 1842 |
Porter, M. | Curd, H. F. | O 399 | 1854 |
Porter, Mary | Caldwell, James | N 588 | 1856 |
Porter, Mary | Field, R. H. | R 009 | 1867 |
Porter, Mary | Hoglan, J. D. | R 009 | 1867 |
Porter, N. | Burch, R. E. | L 108 | 1847 |
Porter, Nicholas B. | King, Seth | B 281 | 1808 |
Porter, Pat | French, S. H. | O 260 | 1854 |
Poter, John | Curd, H. F. Hrs | O 400 | 1854 |
Potts, Andrew | Orm, Morris | D 337 | 1820 |
Pound, Jonathan | Conn, John | F 321 | 1827 |
Powell, L. | Richardson, S. B. | M 540 | 1851 |
Powell, L. | McGarrett, James | M 542 | 1851 |
Powell, L. | Richardson, S. B. | N 187 | 1853 |
Powell, L. | Huline, John | O 064 | 1854 |
Powell, L. | Bergman, G. T. | P 312 | 1862 |
Prather, John | Thompson, Henry | B 492 | 1811 |
Prather, Thomas | Anderson, John | E 067 | 1822 |
Pratt, Heirs of James | Pratt, Richard | R 132 | 1868 |
Pratt, James | Croan, W'm | O 644 | 1854 |
Pratt, James | Birch, Thomas J. | Q 137 | 1865 |
Pratt, Nancy | Wright, J. H. | P 447 | 1862 |
Pratt, Nancy Heirs | Pratt, R. M. | R 388 | 1869 |
Pratt, R. | Tyler, C. A. | O 457 | 1854 |
Pratt, R. | Swearingen, A. | O 458 | 1854 |
Pratt, R. | Pratt, M. A. | O 459 | 1854 |
Pratt, R. | Griffin, W'm | O 461 | 1854 |
Pratt, R. | Croan, Emily | O 462 | 1854 |
Pratt, R. | Pratt, W. Hrs | O 463 | 1854 |
Pratt, R. Hrs | Pratt, Rich | O 455 | 1854 |
Pratt, R. Hrs. | Pratt, James | O 456 | 1854 |
Pratt, Richard | Gravens, W'm A. | I 025 | 1837 |
Pratt, Richard | Gravens, J. J. | I 027 | 1837 |
Pratt, Richard | Brentlinger, Peter | K 349 | 1845 |
Pratt, Richard | Brentlinger, Peter | L 465 | 1849 |
Pratt, Richard | Lloyd, Jos. | M 277 | 1851 |
Pratt, Richard | Snapp, Linton | M 321 | 1853 |
Pratt, Richard | Nutt, Robert | R 122 | 1868 |
Pratt, Richard | Wigginton, Emily | R 125 | 1868 |
Pratt, Richard | Lloyd, Joseph | R 126 | 1868 |
Pratt, Richard & Nancy's Heirs | Wigginton, Emily | R 554 | 1870 |
Pratt, Richard & Nancy's Heirs | Nutt, Ella W. | R 555 | 1870 |
Pratt, Richard & Nancy's Heirs | Pratt, Richard | R 556 | 1870 |
Pratt, Richard & Nancy's Heirs | Swearingen, Angeline | R 558 | 1870 |
Pratt, Thomas G. | Swearingen, Angeline | R 422 | 1869 |
Pratt, W'm | Stringer, Ed. | M 093 | 1850 |
Pratt, William C. | Swearingen, David E. | R 431 | 1869 |
Prentis, James (Trustee for Mary Bannister &c) | Pierce, John | G 322 | 1831 |
Prewitt, J. B. | Skinner, John C. | P 606 | 1862 |
Prewitt, Sarah R. | Skinner, John C. | R 514 | 1868 |
Price, Pugh | Eads, Mary Ann | L 340 | 1848 |
Price, Pugh | Harshfield, R. M. & F. | M 235 | 1851 |
Price, William | Wills, Peachey | A2 084 | 1799 |
Propst, John | Vaughn, J. | M 153 | 1850 |
Pryor, Elizabeth | Chapeze, Benjamin | H 041 | 1833 |
Pryor, James | Lee, Henry | F 146 | 1826 |
Pryor, Jane & Elizabeth | Lee, Henry | F 260 | 1826 |
Pryor, Simon & James Shanks & Evans Moore (by sheriff) | Panebaker, Peter | B 232 | 1807 |
Pumroy, George A. K. | Gentry, Joseph | C 337 | 1816 |
Pumroy, George K. | Gentry, Joseph | C 217 | 1815 |
Pumroy, William | Breckenridge, Robert & others | B 646 | 1813 |
Pumroy, William | Pope, Worden & others | B 646 | 1813 |
Pumroy, William | Pope, William Jr. & others | B 646 | 1813 |
Purcell, George W. | Cundiff, James B. (mortgage) | R 095 | 1868 |
Purcell, George W. | Smith, William | R 129 | 1868 |
Purcell, George W. | Samuels, Isaac | R 140 | 1868 |
Purcell, George W. | Samuels, James H. | R 140 | 1868 |
Purcell, George W. | Magruder, B. F. | R 172 | 1868 |
Purcell, George W. | Magruder, William M. | R 172 | 1868 |
Purcell, Theo | Samuels, C. R. | O 434 | 1854 |
Purcell, Thomas | Purcell, John | B 183 | 1805 |
Purcell, Thomas | Purcell, Isaac | B 184 | 1805 |
Purcell, W. F. | Stark, M. E. | P 036 | 1862 |
Purcell, W. T. | Samuels, Luke | P 263 | 1862 |
Purcell, William F. | Mayfield, William H. | Q 099 | 1864 |
Purcell, William F. | Troutman, W. L. W. | Q 450 | 1867 |
Purcell, William F. | Troutman, F. Mac | Q 450 | 1867 |
Purcell, William F. | Smith, William | Q 625 | 1867 |
Purdy, A. S. | Wilson, W'm | M 266 | 1851 |
Purdy, A. S. | Deats, B. F. & R. W. | M 363 | 1851 |
Purdy, Presley | Sheckles, Amon | F 381 | 1827 |
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The Bullitt County History Museum, a service of the Bullitt County Genealogical Society, is located in the county courthouse at 300 South Buckman Street (Highway 61) in Shepherdsville, Kentucky. The museum, along with its research room, is open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Saturday appointments are available by calling 502-921-0161 during our regular weekday hours. Admission is free. The museum, as part of the Bullitt County Genealogical Society, is a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization and is classified as a 509(a)2 public charity. Contributions and bequests are deductible under section 2055, 2106, or 2522 of the Internal Revenue Code. Page last modified: 20 Mar 2025 . Page URL: bullittcountyhistory.org/bchistory/deed-index/grantor-o-p.html