Bullitt County History

Bullitt County Deed Books A-R Index
Grantors - A

Local historian and researcher Betty Darnell has indexed Bullitt County Deed Books A-Q by grantors, grantees, and deed book pages, and allowed us to share her work here. We have now added Deed Book R to the index. You may find some of her other works on our publications for sale page.

Abbott, J. M.Phelps, WesleyR 4051869
Abbott, J. M.Thompson, William R.R 4051869
Abbott, J. M.McConathy, W. J.R 4551869
Abbott, Joseph M.Isaacs, Amanda M.R 5591870
Abell, George (by sheriff)Dent, EleanorQ 2891864
Abell, George HeirsGrigsby, J. C.R 4511869
Abell, JesseSturgus, James A. (agreement)B 2481807
Abell, Jos. S.Hardman, Squire & D. H. PorterK 0161842
Adkins, W'mJones, Geo.C 4041817
Alcorn, JohnWilliams, ZeliaQ 3961866
Alcorn, JohnWoolfe, GodfreyR 0741867
Alcorn, JohnWeaver, RichardR 2301868
Alcorn, JosephSchamyhorn, HenryQ 2601864
Aldridge, J.Magruder, W. M.P 2081858
Aldridge, JamesLanders, S. F.P 3751858
Alexander, E.Rowland, JohnG 2451830
Alexander, F. G. HrsTroutman, L.P 1271858
Alexander, F. W. G.Jones, KatharineG 2481830
Alexander, J. B.Ridge, S. B.P 1631858
Alexander, J. B.Orm, W'mP 3601858
Alexander, J. B.Patterson, Mary L.R 3181868
Alexander, JamesSummers, Benjamin (mortgage)A2 1151799
Alexander, JamesCrist, HenryB 3001809
Alexander, JamesBank Com KyD 3841821
Alexander, JamesWilson, Matthew & John GrahamE 1601823
Alexander, JamesGeo. C. B. Hedges & John CoyleF 0971825
Alexander, JamesBrown, ArchibaldF 1041825
Alexander, James (Sheriff)Bowman, JacobF 0011825
Alexander, James (Sheriff)Guthrie, JamesF 0941825
Alexander, James & othersShepherd, AdamB 6661813
Alexander, James & others (by sheriff)Jacob, John J. & Co.B 2341808
Alexander, JohnWible, Benj. M.H 4261836
Alexander, JohnBurdette, PeytonI 0021837
Alexander, JohnKalfus, Henry F.K 5161846
Alexander, Junius B.McAfee, James P.Q 5101866
Alexander, Junius B.McAfee, James P. (power of attorney)R 1181867
Alexander, Junius B.Crigler, James H.R 2021868
Alexander, lJames (Sheriff)Hall, AustinF 0151825
Alexander, S. S.Wilson, Thomas Q.F 3541827
Alexander, S. S.Gore, JonathanG 0131828
Alexander, S. S.Craycroft, H. I.H 2241835
Alexander, S. S.Thixton, J. SI 3681840
Alexander, S. S. (Mort)Anderson, John & othersI 3751841
Alexander, Sam & L. [indexed in supplement]Rowland, J.G 441[blank]
Alexander, William (by Benjamin Helm)Shanks, JamesA2 4401805
All, A.Burdette, PeytonI 2551838
All, AquillaHall, AustinI 1831839
All, MarySnapp, L. H. & John LewisK 4741845
Allen, BenJones, HenryN 3301854
Allen, MartinPeacock, JacobH 1481834
Allen, MartinPeacock, JacobH 1491834
Allen, MartinHall, AustinH 2451835
Allen, ThomasHoward, GeorgeB 6401813
Allen, ThomasJohnson, EphriamC 0041813
Allen, ThomasStyles, ElizabethC 2821815
Allen, ThomasMasden, JohnE 0801822
Allen, ThomasGrosse, EveF 0111825
Allender HrsRowland, JohnG 2501830
Allender, G. J.Rowland, JohnG 2551830
Allender, JoshRobinson, JohnD 4941821
Allender, ThomasSimmons, JosephB 1391807
Allender, ThomasSimmons, LeviB 1411807
Allens HrsPeters, BenardL 0991847
Allens HrsBurdette, PeytonL 1011847
Allens HrsBuky, J. C.L 1021847
Allens HrsHough, AustinL 1031847
Allison, DanielSwearingen, E. N.D 1681819
Allison, SamlDoom, BenjaminF 3441827
Allison, SamlHarsfield, MartinF 3481827
Allison, SamlHarsfield, MartinF 3491827
Allison, Saml HrsYocum, EmeliaI 4641841
Allison, W. C. & H. J.Shepherd, JamesP 2861858
Allisons HrsMiller, JacobI 2771839
Allisons HrsYocum, AmeliaL 4201848
Allisons HrsHarshfield, JohnL 4381848
Allisons HrsMunroe, GeorgeL 4411848
Allisons HrsMiller, PeterL 4601848
Allisons HrsBeghtol, H.M 1671850
Allisons HrsMoore, IsaacM 2181850
Alloway siblingsWigginton, Henry H.Q 3891865
Alloway, JoelHall, John Jr.K 1431843
Alloway, William S.Jones, Columbus H.R 2781869
Allstin, B.Purcell, W. F.P 1711858
Ambrose, JacobMiles, NathanC 0101813
Ambrose, JacobSimmons, WilliamC 0121805
Anderson J. P., J. H. & S. J.Rickerson, J.P 1511858
Anderson, D. B.Stark, W'mN 4681854
Anderson, Geo. R.Hamilton, W. B.I 1031838
Anderson, Geo. R.Bishop, DanielK 3701845
Anderson, J. ExorArmstrong, C. Q. childrenP 1621858
Anderson, J. P.McKay, Sam A.N 5251854
Anderson, Jno.Hornback, I. & J. C.I 2421839
Anderson, JohnGore, JonathanG 0341828
Anderson, JohnArnold, W'mI 1641839
Anderson, JohnHornbeck, J.K 007[blank]
Anderson, JohnBrooks, Solomon N.K 4271845
Anderson, JohnHornback, John C. HrsL 1601847
Anderson, JohnPurdy, A. S.M 0251850
Anderson, JohnRogers, JohnM 2861850
Anderson, JohnField, R. H.N 4151854
Anderson, JohnShanklin, J. M. & J. C.N 4151854
Anderson, John (by Thomas W. Riley)Anderson, John's HeirsQ 2691863
Anderson, John ExorPindell, H. C.N 5671854
Anderson, John ExorBallard, B.O 0531857
Anderson, Margaret & othersRussell, ThomasB 3451809
Anderson, Thomas & othersRussell, ThomasB 3451809
Anderson, WilliamStandiford, EphriamA2 1201799
Anderson, WilliamStandiford, John WhitakerA2 1201799
Antle, JamesSanders, JamesP 5831858
Antle, JamesHall, Lewis Q.Q 1401865
Applegate J. H.Maraman, W. W.I 3261840
Applegate, W'm T.Griffin, G.P 5141858
Archer, PresleySimmons, George W.R 0791867
Armstrong, JohnWilhoit, MaryA2 400b1800
Armstrong, K. M.Smith, T. J.P 4131858
Arnold, J.Miles, Geo. W.M 0251850
Arnold, JamesStibbins, W'mK 4061845
Arnold, JamesChappell, BallardK 4261845
Arnold, JamesMiles, George W.L 0471846
Arnold, JamesHilton, SamuelO 2941857
Arnold, JamesMerker, CharlesQ 4761867
Arnold, James B.Martin, R. L.R 1941866
Arnold, James F.Pope, Mary E./Jas. Y.K 4811845
Arnold, James F.Foster, SandfordK 4821845
Arnold, Jas.Chappell, A.L 1971847
Arnold, Jas.Skinner, R.L 1991847
Arnold, W'mHogland, LorenzoL 1371847
Arnold, W'mMethodist ChurchL 1731847
Arnold, W'mArnold, JamesO 0191857
Arrasmith, WesleyReed, DanielG 5141833
Ash, Geo.Weatherford, H.M 3331850
Ash, JohnJohnson, S. C.P 3701858
Ash, MathiasBell, MalindaM 3001850
Ash, MathiasBridwell, Stephen P.Q 6021866
Ash, Nancy JaneMcHorney, JamesP 2871858
Ash, NichCrist, HarrisonO 6241857
Ash, Nich (2)McHoney, JamesN 530-11854
Ash, NicholasMcHorney, James F.Q 5171866
Ashbrook, LeviBartel, Lambert B.F 0861825
Ashbrook, LeviPendleton, Jas. C.F 0901825
Ashlock, SamWaters, J. M.P 4931858
Atcher, Geo. C.Masden, John S.K 2041844
Atcher, George C.Mobly, GabrielR 6101867
Atwell, Jos.Simmons, W'mE 1031823
Atwell, Jos.BuckmansL 5441848
Aud, JosephFlaget, Benedict Joseph, Rev.C 1411814
Auditor, StateMeyler, R. J. (receipt)R 1361868
Austin, IsaacField, R. H.Q 4741867

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The Bullitt County History Museum, a service of the Bullitt County Genealogical Society, is located in the county courthouse at 300 South Buckman Street (Highway 61) in Shepherdsville, Kentucky. The museum, along with its research room, is open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Saturday appointments are available by calling 502-921-0161 during our regular weekday hours. Admission is free. The museum, as part of the Bullitt County Genealogical Society, is a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization and is classified as a 509(a)2 public charity. Contributions and bequests are deductible under section 2055, 2106, or 2522 of the Internal Revenue Code. Page last modified: 20 Mar 2025 . Page URL: bullittcountyhistory.org/bchistory/deed-index/grantor-a.html