Local historian and researcher Betty Darnell has indexed Bullitt County deed books A-Q by grantors, grantees, and deed book pages, and allowed us to share her work here. You may find some of her other works on our publications for sale page.
Links to
| A |
D-E |
F |
G |
I-K |
L |
M-ME |
MI- NU |
O-P |
Q-R |
T-V |
W-Z |
Grantor | Grantee | Deed | Date |
Middleton Hrs | Newton, Ben | L 468 | 1849 |
Middleton, Ann N. | Middleton, Walter & John | H 407 | 1837 |
Middleton, John | Johnson, Felix | G 151 | 1828 |
Middleton, John | Middleton, John & Fielding | G 152 | 1828 |
Middleton, John | Patterson, A. | I 148 | 1838 |
Middleton, John | Patterson, A. | I 415 | 1841 |
Middleton, Thomas | Hoskins, Joseph | B 077 | 1806 |
Middleton, Thomas | Johnson, Greenberry | H 068 | 1834 |
Middleton, W. | Samuels, S. R. | L 179 | 1847 |
Middleton, Walter & Walton | Rouse, N. A. | I 050 | 1837 |
Milam, Elijah | Riley, Thomas W. | L 012 | 1846 |
Miles, G. W. | Shepherd, J. B. | L 428 | 1849 |
Miles, G. W. | Walden, W'm | P 332 | 1862 |
Miles, Geo. W. | Griffin, W'm | L 136 | 1847 |
Miles, Geo. W. | Chappell, Abe | L 197 | 1847 |
Miles, Geo. W. | Skinner, Rich | L 199 | 1847 |
Miles, Geo. W. | Shoptaw, Thomas | L 248 | 1848 |
Miles, Geo. W. | Rickerson, John | L 359 | 1848 |
Miles, Geo. W. | Merrifield, W. W. | L 414 | 1849 |
Miles, George | Stibbins, William | K 406 | 1845 |
Miles, George W. | Arnold, James | L 015 | 1846 |
Miles, Moses (By Com'r) | Simmons, Reason | K 080 | 1843 |
Miles, Nathan | Frye, Edward | B 186 | 1806 |
Miles, Nathan | Crutcher, James | B 271 | 1808 |
Miles, Nathan | Simmons, W'm | C 190 | 1814 |
Miles, Nathan | Miles, Moses | C 243 | 1815 |
Miles, Nathan | Williams, John | E 164 | 1823 |
Miles, Nathan | Wilson, Sam | F 396 | 1827 |
Miles, Nathan Sr. | Miles, Nathan Jr. | C 196 | 1814 |
Miller (3 Bonds) | Miller | K 062 | 1842 |
Miller, Abe | Brooks, Joseph | B 389 | 1809 |
Miller, Alex | Givens | H 164 | 1834 |
Miller, Alex | James, Julius C. | H 448 | 1837 |
Miller, G. S. | Birch, John R. | Q 457 | 1866 |
Miller, Geo. | Wrench, Mike | F 229 | 1826 |
Miller, Geo. | Doom, Benjamin | G 232 | 1830 |
Miller, George | Blandford, Walter | G 099 | 1828 |
Miller, J. J. | Simmons, Nic | P 268 | 1862 |
Miller, J. W. | Harshfield, Rich W. | O 707 | 1856 |
Miller, J. W. | Harshfield, R. M. | P 315 | 1862 |
Miller, J. W. | Hardy, F. M. | P 330 | 1862 |
Miller, J. W. (Agreement) | Harshfield, R. M. | O 710 | 1856 |
Miller, Jacob | Pohon, William | C 258 | 1815 |
Miller, Jacob | Miller, Peter | H 134 | 1834 |
Miller, Jacob | McMullen, M. | K 061 | 1842 |
Miller, Jacob | Waller, Peter Jr. | L 216 | 1847 |
Miller, Jacob | Miller, Levi | M 407 | 1851 |
Miller, John | Jobe, Abe | G 206 | 1830 |
Miller, John | Miller, Peter | K 277 | 1844 |
Miller, John | Myers, Henry | K 468 | 1845 |
Miller, Jos. | Lloyd, Jos. | L 183 | 1847 |
Miller, Joseph | Burdette, Peyton | K 467 | 1845 |
Miller, Levi | Samuels, Abigal | P 355 | 1862 |
Miller, M.J. | Chappell, J. D. | Q 283 | 1866 |
Miller, P. | Miller, W. H. | N 327 | 1855 |
Miller, P. | Hall, C. | P 418 | 1862 |
Miller, Peter | Munroe, George | G 288 | 1831 |
Miller, Peter | Miller, Jacob | H 132-3 | 1834 |
Miller, Peter | Harshfield, John | K 536 | 1846 |
Miller, Peter | Weaver, M. S. | P 591 | 1862 |
Miller, Peter Jr. | [blank] | [blank] | [blank] |
Miller, W'm | Peacock, Jacob | H 064 | 1834 |
Milles, Alex & Nathan | Shanks Hrs | G 360 | 1832 |
Milligan, J. | Masden, W. P. | P 037 | 1862 |
Milligan, J. | Thompson, J. L. | P 038 | 1862 |
Milligan, J. | Harned, J. B. | P 040 | 1862 |
Milton, Nancy | Milton, John | K 287 | 1844 |
Mitchell, Ben N. | Smith, Sam N. | L 051 | 1846 |
Mitchell, Dennis | Yenowine, P. H. | O 634 | 1856 |
Mitchell, Fred | Yoder, Jacob | C 320 | 1816 |
Mitchell, Robert | Mitchell, Judith | D 135 | 1817 |
Mitchell, S. J. | Williams, Zealey | K 505 | 1846 |
Mitchell, Sam | Anderson, John | L 205 | 1847 |
Mitchell, Sam | Hogland & Hurkamp | M 338 | 1851 |
Mitchell, Tom A. | Simmons, J. S. | M 372 | 1851 |
Mitchell, Warren | McAhron, A. M. | M 040 | 1850 |
Mjrry, J. D. | Crenshaw, W'm | Q 010 | 1866 |
Mockbee, W'm | Howell, George | C 318 | 1816 |
Mockbee, W'm | Beckwith, John W. | D 097 | 1817 |
Moller, lPeter | Doolin, Jacob | G 292 | 1831 |
Monroe, Geo. | Harshfield, John | O 326 | 1856 |
Monroe, J. H. | Foster, Chas | Q 104 | 1866 |
Monroe, J. W. | Foster, C. | Q 044 | 1866 |
Monroe, P. G. | foster, C. | Q 030 | 1866 |
Monroe, S. | Caldwell, H. | Q 049 | 1866 |
Monroe, W'm Hrs | Monroe, F. F. | Q 527 | 1866 |
Monroe, W'm Hrs | Foster, Chas | Q 528 | 1866 |
Monroe, W'm Hrs | Monroe, H. D. | Q 529 | 1866 |
Monroe, W'm Hrs | Monroe, W'm | Q 530 | 1866 |
Monroe, W'm Hrs | Monroe, Elizabeth | Q 531 | 1866 |
Monroe, W'm Hrs | Donaway, Mahala | Q 532 | 1866 |
Monroe, W'm Hrs | Litsey, Susan A. | Q 533 | 1866 |
Monroe, W'm Hrs | Monroe, Mary A. | Q 534 | 1866 |
Montomgery, William | Stansberry, Benjamin | B 116 | 1807 |
Mooney, John | Samuels, Malinda | Q 316 | 1866 |
Mooney, John | Carpenter, W. | Q 604 | 1866 |
Moore, C. H. | Moore, W'm S. | Q 425 | 1866 |
Moore, C. M. | Simmons, Nic | O 425 | 1856 |
Moore, Charles | Wilson, E. K. | F 059 | 1825 |
Moore, Charles & James | Goldsmith, Saml | I 039 | 1837 |
Moore, Elizabeth | Moore, W'm | N 370 | 1855 |
Moore, Emma | Graves, Jos. H. | N 505 | 1855 |
Moore, Evans | Teats, Michael | A2 444 | 1805 |
Moore, Evans | Brooks, Joseph | B 129 | 1807 |
Moore, Evans | Brooks, Squire | B 130 | 1806 |
Moore, Evans | Crawford, W'm | C 501 | 1817 |
Moore, G. W. | Gentry, David | L 089 | 1847 |
Moore, G. W. | Greenwell, John | N 128 | 1853 |
Moore, Geo. W. | Moore, Levi | L 476 | 1849 |
Moore, H. N. | Moore Hrs | L 399 | 1849 |
Moore, Isaac | McDaniel, W'm | M 425 | 1852 |
Moore, Isaac | Hamilton & others | P 575 | 1862 |
Moore, J. & J | Johnson, C. A. | Q 609 | 1866 |
Moore, J. & J | Jewell, Jno. | Q 610 | 1866 |
Moore, J. & J | Jewell, Jno. | Q 611 | 1866 |
Moore, J. & J | Johnson, C. A. | Q 612 | 1866 |
Moore, J. & J | Moore, James | Q 613 | 1866 |
Moore, James | Crenshaw, Cosby | I 024 | 1837 |
Moore, James F. | Pope, William Jr. | A2 407 | 1804 |
Moore, James F. | Brooks, Joseph | B 220 | 1808 |
Moore, James F. Executrix | Hutchinson, Hiram | G 347 | 1832 |
Moore, James W. | Lee, Wilford | G 312 | 1831 |
Moore, Janes N. (Executors) | Newkirk, Tunis | C 375 | 1817 |
Moore, Jas. L. | Wilson, Thos. Q. | G 409 | 1832 |
Moore, John | Styles, Elizabeth | C 255 | 1815 |
Moore, John | Dunn, John | G 058 | 1828 |
Moore, John | Moore, Isaac | K 360 | 1844 |
Moore, John E. | Kurtz, J. & M. | Q 592 | 1866 |
Moore, John H. | Grier, Jos. | I 013 | 1837 |
Moore, Johnnie | Sun, Billie | Q 846/646 | 1866 |
Moore, Levi | Moore, Geo. W. | L 228 | 1847 |
Moore, Levi | Johnson, John | M 414 | 1852 |
Moore, Levi | Skinner, J. C. & N. B. | O 699 | 1856 |
Moore, Levi | Harshfield, R. M. | P 411 | 1862 |
Moore, M. E. | Johnson, G. K. | M 490 | 1852 |
Moore, Moses & other Justices | Sanders, Joseph | A2 205 | 1800 |
Moore, N. & Howell | Small, J. T. | Q 555 | 1866 |
Moore, Nancy | Foster, Charles | I 397 | 1841 |
Moore, Nancy | Croan, John | O 528 | 1856 |
Moore, Nimrod B. Ex of J. F. Moore | Gentry, Martin | F 203 | 1826 |
Moore, R. L. | Green, W'm | L 527 | 1850 |
Moore, R. L. | Felker, H. J. | M 473 | 1852 |
Moore, W'm C. | Froman, Isaac | F 332 | 1827 |
Moore, W'm C. | Todd, Simpson | I 150 | 1839 |
Moore, W'm C. | Moore, D. | O 694 | 1856 |
Moore, Wm C. | Myers, Henry | O 635 | 1856 |
Morehead, Armstead | Bibb, Richard | A2 109 | 1799 |
Morehead, H. | Johnson, G. K. | N 545 | 1855 |
Morgan, C. W. | Thompson, J. L. | P 375 | 1862 |
Morgan, J. J. | Crist, H. Clay | N 501 | 1855 |
Morgan, John | Medley, Stephen | G 478 | 1832 |
Morgan, P. J. | Crist, H. C. | O 475 | 1856 |
Morgan, R. D. N. | Gore, Jonathan Jr. | G 104 | 1828 |
Morgan, R. D. N. | Field, Abe | G 311 | 1831 |
Morgan, R. D. N. | Peacock, John | G 435 | 1832 |
Morgan, R. D. N. | Goldsmith, Saml | I 027 | 1837 |
Morgan, R. D. N. | Craycroft, H. I. | K 222 | 1843 |
Morrison, W. M. | Wilson, W'm | O 168 | 1855 |
Morrow,W'm | Grable, David | C 479 | 1817 |
Mosby, Ben | Vaughn, W'm | L 100 | 1847 |
Mosby, Ben Hrs | Mosby, Morris | L 546 | 1850 |
Mosby, Maria | Merker, Chas | L 547 | 1850 |
Moseley, Robert | Gonterman, Henry | A2 067 | 1797 |
Mosley, Robert Jr. | Crist, Henry | B 538 | 1810 |
Mothershead, A. | Gentry, E. A. | O 452 | 1856 |
Mothershead, A. | Gentry, Squire | O 453 | 1856 |
Mothershead, Charles | Weaver, Richard | B 089 | 1806 |
Mothershead, Charles | Meeks, Samuel | B 090 | 1806 |
Mothershead, George | Brooks, Joseph | C 443 | 1817 |
Mothershead, minor | Peacock, J. D. S. | M 512 | 1852 |
Mothershead, W. | Harris, Lewis | Q 143 | 1866 |
Mozey, Duncan | Lee, Wilford | G 482 | 1832 |
Mt. Washington, Plan of | [blank] | L 151 | 1847 |
Mudd, J. A. | Bukey, J. W. | P 027 | 1862 |
Mudd, Jos | Thompson, E. F. | N 328 | 1855 |
Mudd, Matt (Mort) | Conley, John | M 316 | 1851 |
Mudd, Matt (Mort) | Mudd, Jos. | M 316 | 1851 |
Mudd, Matthew | Cecil, E. S. | K 459 | 1845 |
Muir, J. W. | Wise, R. A. | N 029 | 1853 |
Muir, P. B. | Simmons, Nich | O 504 | 1856 |
Mulliken, Sally | Mulliken, Thos. | F 465 | 1828 |
Mulliken, Sarah | Froman, Isaac | F 252 | 1826 |
Mulliken, Thomas | Guthrie, James | G 327 | 1831 |
Mumford, R. | Hill, J. A. | Q 080 | 1866 |
Mumford, Robinson | Lee, Orleans | O 500 | 1856 |
Munroe, Sidney | Reariden, Jeff | L 347 | 1848 |
Munroe, Sidney (Division land) | Reariden, Jeff | L 349 | 1848 |
Murphy, Amanda | Phelps, Wess | L 383 | 1849 |
Murphy, J. B. | Brashear, Robt | O 322 | 1856 |
Murray Ex'or | Simmons, Hump. & Thomas W. Riley | K 419 | 1845 |
Murray, John R. | Simmons, Elisha W. | G 363 | 1832 |
Murray, Julia | Thompson, John J. | L 160 | 1847 |
Murray, Julia | Samuels, Robt F. | L 266 | 1848 |
Murry & Jarbo | Easley & Murry | O 127 | 1855 |
Murry, Julia | Thomas, H. C. | I 366 | 1840 |
Musgrove, Henry | Hall, John | G 468 | 1832 |
Musgrove, Henry | King, Nelson | H 072 | 1834 |
Myers Hrs | Myers, John | C 139 | 1814 |
Myers Hrs | Westfall, John | I 291 | 1840 |
Myers Hrs | Joyce, Richard | I 293 | 1840 |
Myers Hrs | Malory, James | I 294 | 1840 |
Myers Hrs | Joyce, Deborah | I 305 | 1840 |
Myers Hrs | Myers, Mahala | I 306 | 1840 |
Myers Hrs | Yocum, Amelia | L 400 | 1849 |
Myers, Ben | McMahon, Abram | O 602 | 1856 |
Myers, Fred | Collings, B. & W. | P 041 | 1862 |
Myers, Fred | Beatty, W. G. | Q 598 | 1866 |
Myers, H. | Harshfield, C. | M 031 | 1850 |
Myers, H. | Todd, Simpson | Q 253 | 1866 |
Myers, Henry | Miller, Peter | M 407 | 1851 |
Myers, Henry | Stibbins, W'm | N 039 | 1853 |
Myers, Henry | Chick, W'm | N 145 | 1854 |
Myers, Henry | Todd, Simps | O 577 | 1856 |
Myers, Henry | Roney, J. R. M. | P 281 | 1862 |
Myers, Henry (Mort) | McMahan, J. & A. | M 277 | 1851 |
Myers, J. H. | Swearingen, Jos. | M 071 | 1850 |
Myers, J. R. (Mort) | Durrett, R. T. | N 056 | 1853 |
Myers, Jacob | Burks, John | A2 073 | 1798 |
Myers, Jacob | Shanks, James | A2 223 | 1801 |
Myers, Jacob | Myers, Lewis | C 407 | 1817 |
Myers, Jacob | Burks, John | A1 024 | 1798 |
Myers, Jacob (Power Atty) | Shepherd, Adam | A2 023 | 1797 |
Myers, John | Ambrose, Jacob | A2 447 | 1805 |
Myers, John | Crist, Henry | B 030 | 1805 |
Myers, John | Harshfield, John | B 428 | 1810 |
Myers, John | Williams, Henry | B 607 | 1811 |
Myers, John | Robb, Henry | C 014 | 1809 |
Myers, John | Grayson, W. F. S. | C 152 | 1814 |
Myers, John | Grayson, W. F. S. | C 153 | 1814 |
Myers, John | Greathouse, Jonathan | C 352 | 1816 |
Myers, John | Moore, William C. | C 355 | 1817 |
Myers, John | Lamb, Thomas | D 016 | 1817 |
Myers, John | Harshfield, Walter | D 026 | 1817 |
Myers, John | Westfall, John | D 262 | 1820 |
Myers, John | Hall, Shadrac | D 263 | 1820 |
Myers, John | Lee, Henry | D 281 | 1820 |
Myers, John | Myers, Joseph | D 368 | 1820 |
Myers, John | Lee, Henry | D 462 | 1820 |
Myers, John | Myers, Joseph | F 034 | 1825 |
Myers, John | Froman, Absalom | F 132 | 1825 |
Myers, John | Hall, Shadrac | F 136 | 1826 |
Myers, John | Croan, James | G 072 | 1828 |
Myers, John | Myers, Jos. | G 207 | 1830 |
Myers, John | Neill, Thomas | G 315 | 1831 |
Myers, John | Joyce, Richard | G 498 | 1832 |
Myers, John | Kinnison, Alonzo C. | H 012 | 1833 |
Myers, John | Craig, James D. | H 241 | 1835 |
Myers, John | Brooks, Jos. A. | H 246 | 1835 |
Myers, John | Harshfield, john | H 400 | 1836 |
Myers, John | Brooks, Jos. A. | H 452 | 1837 |
Myers, John | Lee, Wilford | I 264 | 1839 |
Myers, John | Hoglan, Moses | I 339 | 1840 |
Myers, John | Stark, W'm H. | N 442 | 1855 |
Myers, John & Joseph | Moore, Lewis | D 205 | 1819 |
Myers, John & Joseph | Harshfield, Martin | D 242 | 1819 |
Myers, John H. | Swearingen, Joseph | K 439 | 1845 |
Myers, John H. Hrs | Todd, Simpson | L 236 | 1848 |
Myers, John H. Hrs | Martin, Thomas J. | L 237 | 1848 |
Myers, John H. Hrs | Harshfield, Fred | L 238 | 1848 |
Myers, John H. Hrs | Harshfield, John | L 239 | 1848 |
Myers, John H. Hrs | Moore, Kate, Susan, Jane & Harriett | L 240 | 1848 |
Myers, John Hrs | Chappell, W'm | L 232 | 1847 |
Myers, John Hrs | Felker, Jacob | L 233 | 1847 |
Myers, John Hrs | Johnson, W'm P. | L 234 | 1847 |
Myers, John Hrs | Ewing, A. C. | N 107 | 1853 |
Myers, John Hrs | Foster, Chas | N 108 | 1853 |
Myers, John Hrs. | Moore, Nancy | N 610 | 1855 |
Myers, Jos. | Burkett, John | H 255 | 1835 |
Myers, Jos. | Brooks, Joseph A. | H 453 | 1837 |
Myers, Jos. | Harshfield, D. D. | I 479 | 1841 |
Myers, Lewis | Shelton, W'm | C 402 | 1817 |
Nall & Benthall | Hogland, L. | N 243 | 1853 |
Nall & Benthall | Maraman, H. O. | N 550 | 1853 |
Nall, Sara | Samuels, R. F. | N 318 | 1853 |
Nalley Hrs | Cundiff Hrs | L 430 | 1849 |
Napper, A. | Napper, James | O 485 | 1854 |
Napper, Elizabeth | Grable, Lloyd | N 223 | 1853 |
Napper, J. | Shawler, W'm | P 036 | 1862 |
Napper, James | Troutman, P. | O 380 | 1854 |
Napper, Lloyd | Shawler, W'm | P 105 | 1862 |
Napper, Mary | Shain, Squire | O 234 | 1854 |
Napper, W. | Johnson, John | P 426 | 1862 |
Neale, Benjamin | Pope, William | A2 093 | 1799 |
Neale, Benjamin | Pope, William | A2 093 | 1799 |
Neale, Benjamin | George, Gabriel | B 071 | 1806 |
Neale, Benjamin | Mothershead, Charles | B 071 | 1806 |
Neale, Benjamin | Pope, William | A1 028 | 1799 |
Neale, Benjamin | Pope, William | A1 029 | 1799 |
Neill, J. W. | Shanklin, W. T. | M 540 | 1850 |
Neill, Lewis | Smith, James | M 413 | 1850 |
Neill, Matilda | Neill, Lewis | M 412 | 1850 |
Neill, Sam | Neill, Matilda | L 255 | 1847 |
Neill, Sam | Neill, Lewis | M 319 | 1850 |
Neill, Sam | Benthall | M 417 | 1850 |
Neill, Sam | Wilson, Julia | M 497 | 1850 |
Neill, Sam | Bowman & Chapeze | M 499 | 1850 |
Neill, Samuel | Wooldridge, Daniel | I 484 | 1842 |
Neill, Samuel | Read,Joseph | K 119 | 1843 |
Neill, Sol Ex of Jos. Brooks | Brooks, Jos. A. | G 198 | 1830 |
Neill, Sol Ex of Jos. Brooks | Summers, Benj. | G 239 | 1830 |
Neill, Sol Executor of Jos. Brooks | Beckwith, John W. | D 060 | 1818 |
Neill, Solomon | Quick, Thos | G 249 | 1830 |
Neill, Solomon | Congrove, William | G 289 | 1831 |
Neill, Solomon | Hornbeck, Solomon | G 388 | 1831 |
Nelson & Belmont Iron Co. | [blank] | P 607 | 1862 |
Newbolt, W'm | Carrico, James M. | D 279 | 1819 |
Newbolt, W'm | Bank of Commonwealth Ky. | D 368 | 1820 |
Newbolt, W'm | Cartmell, Elijah | D 425 | 1820 |
Newbolt, W'm | Crist, Henry | E 020 | 1822 |
Newbolt, W'm | Carrico, James | E 059 | 1822 |
Newbolt, W'm | Crist, Henry | G 307 | 1831 |
Newkirk | Lux, Rachael | N 620 | 1853 |
Newkirk, Ben | Newkirk, Ike | F 323 | 1827 |
Newkirk, Benjamin | Sligo, David | A2 062 | 1798 |
Newkirk, Benjamin | Newkirk, Peter | A2 063 | 1798 |
Newkirk, Benjamin | Newkirk, William, Richard & Isaac | B 020 | 1805 |
Newkirk, Benjamin | Simmons, Joseph | B 049 | 1806 |
Newkirk, Catharine | Shain, W'm | O 681 | 1854 |
Newkirk, Chas | Bowen, Thos. | E 289 | 1823 |
Newkirk, Chas | Snapp, Lewis | F 047 | 1825 |
Newkirk, Chas | Newkirk, Tunis | G 011 | 1828 |
Newkirk, Ike | Hall, David | F 325 | 1827 |
Newkirk, John H. | Newkirk, Asa S. & Chas. C. | O 548 | 1854 |
Newkirk, Louisa (Public School) | County Court | K 174 | 1843 |
Newkirk, Peter | Newkirk, Isaac | B 012 | 1805 |
Newkirk, Peter | Newkirk, Richard | B 012 | 1805 |
Newkirk, Peter | Newkirk, William | B 019 | 1805 |
Newkirk, R. | Hough, A. | L 133 | 1847 |
Newkirk, Richard | Grant, William | B 304 | 1808 |
Newkirk, S. H. | King, J. W. | Q 016 | 1864 |
Newkirk, Tunis | Newkirk, Isaac | B 083 | 1806 |
Newkirk, Tunis | Newkirk, William | B 084 | 1806 |
Newkirk, Tunis | Bogard, Cornelius | F 066 | 1825 |
Newkirk, Tunis | Dickey, William | G 453 | 1833 |
Newkirk, Tunis | Newkirk, William | G 454 | 1833 |
Newkirk, Tunis | Clark, John | G 455 | 1833 |
Newkirk, Tunos | Sliger, David | C 245 | 1815 |
Newkirk, Tunos | Bowen, Thomas | E 143 | 1823 |
Newkirk, W'm | Hall, Nathan & Lewis | G 479 | 1833 |
Newkirk, W'm | Hall, David | G 480 | 1833 |
Newkirk, W'm | Newkirk, A. H., C. C., C. H. | I 346 | 1840 |
Newkirk, W'm R. | King, J. W. | Q 393 | 1864 |
Newland, B. Al. | Davis, R. | I 343 | 1840 |
Newland, I. C. | Dwyer, James | O 441 | 1854 |
Newland, Jacob & others | Wills, Peachey | A2 084 | 1799 |
Newman, George (Deed partition) | [blank] | O 690 | 1854 |
Newman, J. | Perryman, J. D. | P 193 | 1862 |
Newton, Ben | Jenkins, I. | L 478 | 1849 |
Newton, Peter | Vandsall, Chris Hrs. | C 490 | 1818 |
Nichols Hrs | Chappell, S. | P 222 | 1862 |
Nichols, Delia | Chappell, S. | Q 396 | 1864 |
Nichols, S. | Nichols Hrs | I 225 | 1838 |
Nichols, Valentine | Crenshaw, Nelson | A2 351 | 1804 |
Niles, Jonathan S. | Riley, Tom W. | O 666 | 1854 |
North, H. B. | Rogers, John T. | O 718 | 1854 |
Northern, Reuben | Newkirk, L. | E 209 | 1823 |
Northern, Reuben | Greathouse, W'm | F 155 | 1825 |
Northern, Reuben | Bell, Robt & Sam | G 123 | 1828 |
Northern, Reuben | Gibson, Henry | H 018 | 1833 |
Northern, Reuben | Hessey, Edward | H 196 | 1835 |
Norton, W'm G. | Crenshaw, James | L 263 | 1848 |
Norvell, Joshua | McDowell, John | C 079 | 1813 |
Norvell, Joshua | Greenwell, William | C 112 | 1814 |
Norvell, Joshua | Norvell, Hamilton Davis | C 192 | 1814 |
Nusz, John | Crenshaw, J. V. | N 097 | 1853 |
Nutt, William | Guthrie, James | G 327 | 1831 |
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The Bullitt County History Museum, a service of the Bullitt County Genealogical Society, is located in the county courthouse at 300 South Buckman Street (Highway 61) in Shepherdsville, Kentucky. The museum, along with its research room, is open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Saturday appointments are available by calling 502-921-0161 during our regular weekday hours. Admission is free. The museum, as part of the Bullitt County Genealogical Society, is a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization and is classified as a 509(a)2 public charity. Contributions and bequests are deductible under section 2055, 2106, or 2522 of the Internal Revenue Code. Page last modified: 28 Jan 2025 . Page URL: bullittcountyhistory.org/bchistory/deed-index/grantor-mi-nu.html