Bullitt County History

Bullitt County Deed Books A-R Index
Grantors - G

Local historian and researcher Betty Darnell has indexed Bullitt County Deed Books A-Q by grantors, grantees, and deed book pages, and allowed us to share her work here. We have now added Deed Book R to the index. You may find some of her other works on our publications for sale page.

Gafford, B.Smith, JamesP 3581862
Gaither, Edward B.Pope, John & FrancisE 2651824
Gaither, John R.Davis, GilesA1 0131797
Gaither, John R.Davis, GilesA2 0451797
Gaither, John R.Simmons, RichardA2 2681801
Gaither, John R.Troutman, MichaelA2 4421804
Gaither, John R.Eads, Robert (slave sale)B 0471806
Gaither, John RogersRidgway, JosephA1 0151797
Gaither, John RogersButler, ThomasA1 0161797
Gaither, John RogersRidgway, JosephA2 0461797
Gaither, John RogersButler, ThomasA2 0471797
Gaither, John RogersCrow, Samuel (mortgage)A2 1461799
Gamble, J. F.Smith, J. H.P 2611862
Ganote, JacobJones, J.M 0291850
Ganote, JacobDavis, LucyM 0301850
Garr, AlvinCarpenter, W.O 5891855
Garr, EdwardSmith, James F. & W. CarpenterP 0011861
Garrard, JamesPhelps, Anthony Edward & GuyF 0401825
Garrett, C.Arnold, JamesQ 0981866
Garrett, G. S.Cotter, EllisonR 2641869
Garrett, G. S.Cockerell, M. J.R 5251870
Garrett, G. S.Gailbreath, J. P.R 5281870
Garrett, G. S.Hill, JamesR 5611870
Garrett, JamesTydings, E. A. L.N 5721854
Garrett, James M. C.Heady, StillwellL 2141847
Garrett, James O.Funk, JamesQ 0901866
Gasaway, SamBrooks, Jos. A.H 2281835
Gasaway, SamGoldsmith, OwenI 3181840
Gatewood, JohnAtkins, WilliamC 2941816
Gatewood, JohnHall, John S.H 0061833
Gatten, N. W.Meyler, R. J.P 5431862
Gatten, N. W.Myers, Mary J.Q 4321866
Gatten, Susan C. & childrenMyer, MaryQ 4621866
Gay, JohnGay, Ben P.D 4651821
Gentry HrsGraham, W'mL 3151848
Gentry, B.Swearingen, Jos.N 4321854
Gentry, BlackstoneStephens, WilliamG 1601829
Gentry, BlackstoneHall, JohnG 2431830
Gentry, BlackstoneHough. AustinQ 1411863
Gentry, BlaxGentry, W. T.M 4691852
Gentry, BlaxtonHall, JohnG 4131832
Gentry, D.Burdette, HenryO 1951854
Gentry, D.Stansberry, Z.P 2301862
Gentry, D.Simpson, F. L.P 3261862
Gentry, DavidRaymon, F. & J. B.M 1621850
Gentry, DavidDowns, John H.N 2791854
Gentry, DavidBogard, H. H.N 2811854
Gentry, DavidCrumbaugh, G. W.N 2821854
Gentry, DavidWigginton, SamN 5831854
Gentry, DavidHall, W'mN 6141854
Gentry, DavidBirkhead, E. B.P 2931862
Gentry, DavidBirkhead, E. B.Q 5501859
Gentry, E. A.Mothershead, A.O 4351855
Gentry, E. A.Harris, JohnP 0541861
Gentry, ElishaHarris, TomP 3141862
Gentry, ElishaField, A. H. (mortgage)R 2851869
Gentry, F. HrsGrant, P. O.P 1881861
Gentry, Franklin T.Grant, Posey O.R 6201869
Gentry, HenryQuinn, ArthurD 1551819
Gentry, HenryPeyton, CravenD 3231820
Gentry, HenryTyler, DavidD 5021821
Gentry, HenryTyler, DavidD 5041821
Gentry, HenryHall, AustinE 3111825
Gentry, J. B.Stephens, W'mM 5161852
Gentry, JamesJones, Thos.E 1161823
Gentry, JamesHalderman, DavidI 4871842
Gentry, JamesStevens, WilliamK 3651845
Gentry, James B.Coxen, AdkinR 5621866
Gentry, James B.Dayton, WilliamR 5621866
Gentry, JohnLeech, EnochF 0091825
Gentry, JohnJones, GeorgeF 2131826
Gentry, JohnGentry, W'mN 2831854
Gentry, LewisHall, W. W.M 4391852
Gentry, LewisHall, W. W.N 0881853
Gentry, NancyRidgway, Ben W.H 3491836
Gentry, NicholasField, LewisD 3011820
Gentry, NicholasScott, PleasantD 3011819
Gentry, NicholasMaynard, JoelE 0271822
Gentry, S. S.gentry, W.M 3231851
Gentry, S. S.Newkirk, A.O 4211855
Gentry, SamuelNewkirk, Rebecca & John S. HallK 3091844
Gentry, SamuelLux, RachaelN 6201854
Gentry, SamuelBeard, Alex J. (trustee)R 1521868
Gentry, SamuelRisley, CarolineR 1521868
Gentry, W.Gentry, JosephK 2631844
Gentry, W. & F.Hall, CharlesI 4841842
Gentry, W. & F.Gentry, JosephK 0681842
Gentry, W. & F.Gentry, JosephK 2061844
Gentry, W. & F.MothersheadM 3421851
Gentry, W. & FountainHamilton, W. B.I 5211842
Gentry, WakeMothershead, MinorK 2231844
Gentry, William T.Gentry, BlackstoneR 0161867
Gentry, WyattMothershead, M.H 0121833
Gentry, Wyatt & NicholasGentry, MartinF 3081827
George, GabrielBristow, GideonB 0721806
George, GabrielMothershead, CharlesB 6761806
Gerard, John (Mort)Dawson, W'mN 2551854
Gibson, HenryNorthern, ReubenH 0181833
Gibson, HenryHall, AsaK 3251844
Gilliland, DanielSwearingen, JosephK 4751845
Gilliland, L.King, YelvertonP 4081862
Gilmore HrsGilmore, PollyL 0921847
Gilmore, J. J.Huston, L.L 4511849
Gilmore, J. J.Hudson, L. R.M 3071851
Gilmore, PerryShirley, GeorgeL 1961847
Gilmore, PerryBrown, W. J.M 1331850
Gilmore, PollyGilmore, James J.L 0911847
Gipson, HenryBuzan, JohnI 3651840
Gipson, HenryHall, AsaK 0171842
Givens, GeorgeHarris, JohnO 3771855
Givens, Jos.Candacy, H.O 5301855
Glass, RoyalYounger, HenryB 3071809
Glass, Royal HrsGlass, ElizabethN 4801854
GlennBrammell, Z.L 5501850
Glenn, A.Glenn, W. O.M 3481851
Glenn, ElizabethWilson, Thomas Q.E 0611822
Glenn, J. W.Smith, B. F.O 2341854
Glenn, J. W.Lee, W. H.P 3251862
Glenn, James C.Foster, SanfordK 3791845
Glenn, James C.Mosby, Benj.L 1691847
Glenn, John W.Chappell, J. W.O 3891855
Glenn, John W.Collings, AbsolemQ 0421865
Glenn, John W.Glenn, James (apprentice)R 5631869
Glenn, W. O.Craycroft, H. I.L 1261847
Glenn, W. O.Brammell, Z.M 3321851
Glenn, W. O. HeirsLee, William H.R 3691869
Glenn, W'm O.Holsclaw, W'm H.L 2241847
Glenn, W'm O.Foster, SanfordL 3021848
Goff, E.Hibbs, IsaacL 5421850
Goff, JesseJohnson, GreenberryG 4921832
Goheen, J. W.Chappell, Ab.L 1971848
Goheen, J. W.Skinner, RichL 1991847
Goheen, John W.Miles, G. W.K 0091842
Goheen, John W.Miles, George W.L 0471846
Goheen,John W.Arnold, JamesL 0151846
GoldsmithChappell, W. F.M 1921850
GoldsmithMoore, LewisP 3271862
Goldsmith (Mort)Skinner, Isaac B.L 5151849
Goldsmith, Amandes BlufordGoldsmith, AnnQ 2611864
Goldsmith, AnnHibbs, IsaacN 0621853
Goldsmith, AnnMonroe, SidneyQ 1031866
Goldsmith, AnnGoldsmith, A. B.Q 1311862
Goldsmith, B.Hibbs, I.P 1791861
Goldsmith, HenryMasden, JamesR 3481869
Goldsmith, J. D.Hibbs, IsaacO 2571855
Goldsmith, J. D.Smith, Jos.P 3801862
Goldsmith, J. M.Hibbs, IkeP 2171861
Goldsmith, James D.Armstrong, V. P.Q 1261865
Goldsmith, JohnChappell, AbeF 4651828
Goldsmith, JohnChappell, A.N 4271854
Goldsmith, John H.Hibbs, IsaacO 3341855
Goldsmith, John R.Myers, H.O 4171855
Goldsmith, M. L.Samuels, James W.O 6341855
Goldsmith, N.GoldsmithO 2551855
Goldsmith, N.Masden, J.P 2281862
Goldsmith, N.Goldsmith, D. R. & J. D.P 6981862
Goldsmith, NelsonBeard, James M.M 2701851
Goldsmith, O.Rouse, G.L 371-21848
Goldsmith, O. C.Horrell, Tom R., Dr.P 6171862
Goldsmith, OwenJeffries, AndersonI 2301839
Goldsmith, OwenGoheen, John W.I 2321839
Goldsmith, OwenGoheen, John W.I 5331842
Goldsmith, OwenRaridan, JeffP 3031862
Goldsmith, S.Hibbs, IsaacO 2841855
Goldsmith, SamChappell, A.D 5221821
Goldsmith, SamChappell, JamesF 4211827
Goldsmith, SamStibbins, W'mF 4221827
Goldsmith, SamBrammel, NathanF 4771828
Goldsmith, SamWestfallH 0951834
Goldsmith, SamGoldsmith, MatildaI 1801839
Goldsmith, SamDavid, RobtI 1831839
Goldsmith, SamShain, C. D.I 2021839
Goldsmith, SamGoldsmith, OwenI 2291839
Goldsmith, Sam (2)ChappellH 0951834
Goldsmith, SamlTingle, Augustus B.F 1231825
Goldsmith, SamlGoldsmith, JohnF 2181826
Goldsmith, SamuelChappell, BallardD 4961821
Goldsmith, SamuelWestfall, JohnF 2261826
Goldsmith, SamuelGoldsmith, MatildaI 1111838
Goldsmith, SamuelMitchell, WarrenK 3721845
Goldsmith, W'mFrench, BenM 0261850
Goldsmith, W'mFrench, BenM 4271852
Gonter, G., Ex of H. GontermanStarke, DanielE 1271823
Gonterman, G., Ex of H. GontermanStark, DanF 0411825
Gonterman, GeorgeSamuels, Henry H.F 2191826
Gonterman, HenryGonterman, JacobA2 0611798
Gonterman, Henry & B.Chaddic, JohnC 1771819
Gonterman, JacobMiddleton, ThomasA2 2221801
Good, James (By Com'r)Fundy, FredK 4511845
Goodman H. H.Moore, E.N 2451854
Goodman, E. A.Niles, J. S.O 0511854
Goodman, E. A.Tevis, LloydO 2321854
Goodwin, ThomasGarrett, S.D 1591819
Gore, AbnerCaldwell, WilliamG 3291831
Gore, AbnerPurcell, JohnG 3381831
Gore, AbnerSwearingne, William W.G 3781832
Gore, AbnerSanders, HarrietH 1411834
Gore, Abner (Sheriff)Crist, Briscoe P.G 1811829
Gore, Abner (Shff)Stansbury, Benj.G 0481828
Gore, Abner (Shff)Littlejohn, JohnG 3021831
Gore, Enoch W. G.Cissell, Eleazer S.I 0281837
Gore, Geo.Gore, Thos. S.N 6091854
Gore, H.Sanders, Jos.O 1791854
Gore, HarrietSanders, Jos.I 3001840
Gore, HarrietGore, Thomas S.O 4781855
Gore, HarrietBell, James F.P 0971861
Gore, HarrietRogers, Geo. L.P 4241862
Gore, JonathanBank Com KyD 3821821
Gore, JonathanWilson, MattF 3821827
Gore, JonathanCaldwell, Jos. W.F 3831827
Gore, JonathanThomison, John J.F 3941827
Gore, JonathanKalfus, H. F.F 4251827
Gore, JonathanWakefield, JohnF 4481827
Gore, JonathanSummers, N. C.F 4491828
Gore, JonathanSaunders, Robt J.G 0621828
Gore, JonathanMurry, Jos. R.G 0631828
Gore, JonathanSummers, Rufus K.G 0661828
Gore, JonathanHolsclaw, John & H. F. KalfusG 2121830
Gore, JonathanMurray, John R. & Geo. W. JenkinsG 2121830
Gore, JonathanJenkins, Geo. W.G 2531830
Gore, JonathanLee, WilfordG 5081833
Gore, JonathanBeckwith, SarahH 1781834
Gore, JonathanMaraman, FrancisL 1281847
Gore, Jonathan Jr.Simpson, JamesE 2771824
Gore, Jonathan Jr.Beckwith, JohnF 0211825
Gore, Jonathan Jr.Summers, Rufus K.F 1181825
Gore, Jonathan, Henry & AbnerLee, WilfordG 4501832
Gore, JoshBell, James F.O 6561855
Gore, M. D.Bank Com KyD 4021821
Gore, SaraGore, AbnerO 4891855
Gore, Thomas S.Purcell, TheodociaN 0731853
Gore, Thomas S.Gore, HarrietN 4691854
Gore, Thomas S.Gore, HarrietN 5991854
Gore, Tom S.Gore, JoshN 6111854
Gorrin, FranklinCurd, Heirs of Martha A.R 3201869
Grable, DavidBrown, Samuel & W'm CaldwellC 3971816
Grable, DavidHedge, Jos. & W'm MorrowC 3971816
Grable, DavidSimmons, Sam & Clifton HallC 3971816
Grable, DavidCollins, IsaacC 4801816
Grable, DavidGrable, PhilipD 1471819
Grable, DavidGrable, PhilipD 2041819
Grable, DavidCollins, IsaacD 2471819
Grable, L.McDowell, J. P.P 2101861
Grable, LloydVogel, TheodoreQ 4421867
Grable, Lloyd (Deed of partition)[blank]O 6901855
Graff, HenryWilson, W'mM 4141851
Graham W. P.McKaig, MosesP 2991862
Graham, AndrewWaters, ElenorB 6101812
Graham, AndrewGraham, JohnB 6221813
Graham, AnnSimmons, George W.R 0791867
Graham, J. C.Maraman, CharlesD 0441818
Graham, James C.Graham, JohnE 2071824
Graham, JohnChaddic, JohnC 3621817
Graham, JohnWilson, Thos. Q.E 1901823
Graham, JohnBrooks, Joseph A.F 0141825
Graham, JohnSimmons, NicholasF 1451826
Graham, JohnCongrove, W'mF 1791826
Graham, JohnMorgan, R. D. N.G 1921829
Graham, JohnGoldsmith, SamuelI 0271837
Graham, JohnGoldsmith, SamuelI 0911837
Graham, JohnThomas, Henry C. & W. W. SwearingenL 1551847
Graham, JohnMyers, HenryL 4521849
Graham, JohnAlexander, JohnM 2421851
Graham, JohnSimmons, George W.R 0791867
Graham, O.Brooks, W. B. M.P 0521861
Graham, OliverHolsclaw, William H.R 2701869
Graham, P. & JohnMorgan, E. G.P 5451862
Graham, PriceSimmons, George W.R 0791867
Graham, SamlGraham, StephenF 4751828
Graham, Samuel, Stephen & JohnAnderson, JohnG 0711828
Graham, W'mBurdette, PeytonK 0751842
Graham, W'mBuzan, W'mL 2931847
Graham, W'mGentry, M. HrsL 4601849
Graham, WilliamOldham, HenryB 2381808
Graham, WilliamBeckwith, Jno. W. & W'm T. SmithC 1641814
Graham, WmHall, John & Gabe OwenK 0301842
Grant, J. L.Grant, W. W.N 2131854
Grant, J. L.Whitledge, S. E.N 2141854
Grant, Jesse M.Grant, Sarah J. & Ben F.K 1011843
Grant, Jesse M.Grant, W'm S. & AnnK 1011843
Grant, PoseyBurditt, PaytonR 4151868
Grant, Posey D.Ritchie, JesseK 0761842
Grant, Posey D.Birkhead, E. B.Q 5481867
Grant, Posy D. (by R. H. Lansdale)Thurman, WilliamR 4501869
Grant, W. Jr.Grant, W. Sr.I 4601841
Grant, W'mWhitledge, JohnE 2561824
Grant, W'mGrant, W'm Jr.E 3121825
Grant, W'mGrant, ElzyK 1381843
Grant, W'mGrant, J. L.N 0201853
Grant, W'mGrant, J. L.N 2121854
Grant, W'm W.Grant, John L.O 4901855
Grapevine, JohnJoyce, BilphaP 3871862
Grasham, JohnChaddic, JohnL 1491847
Graven, John A.Beaty, John S.O 0211854
Graven, John J.Lloyd, JosephR 2821869
Graven, John J.Alcorn, JohnR 3311869
Graves, A. C.Sanders, S.P 3901862
Graves, Anna C. (relinquishes dower)Beatty, James S.R 6311870
Graves, J. P.Green, S. H.O 2111854
Graves, Jos. A.Sanders, StephenN 5851854
Gray, John T.Brooks, Josph A.K 0971843
Gray, Mary EllenBrooks, Shepherd W.Q 4311866
Gray, Silas & QuinceHite, A.M 3441851
Grayson ExorsNeill, SolomonG 0941828
Grayson, F. W. G.Jones, KathrineG 2481830
Grayson, F. W. S.Hornbeck, John C.C 2001814
Grayson, F. W. S.Sanders, GeorgeC 2071815
Grayson, F. W. S.Wilson, Thomas Q.F 0811825
Grayson, Frederic W. S.Young, Joseph (attorney)B 5331812
Greathouse HarmonCrist, HenryB 2911809
Greathouse, H.Buky, RodolphusD 4331821
Greathouse, H. (Ex of W'm. Cofer)Ruby, W'mC 1601814
Greathouse, HarmonJones, HenryC 2931816
Greathouse, IsaacGreathouse, HarmonA2 4101804
Greathouse, JonathanMyers, JohnC 4741816
Greathouse, S.McGee, R. D.N 6171854
Greathouse, SamlBallard, W. H.M 4351851
Greathouse, Sarah's ChildrenField, R. H.Q 5761867
Greathouse, W'mHalderman, DavidG 5121833
Greathouse, W'mPeacock, JacobH 1261834
Greathouse, W'mParrish, N.I 3831840
Greathouse, W'm & H.Myers, J. H.M 0571850
Green, A. J.Field, A. H.O 2501854
Green, A. J.Head, CarolineO 3441855
Green, ElishaLane, DavidA2 3351803
Green, Geo. W.Head, R. L.L 4271849
Green, HenryHead, R. L.L 1491847
Green, John & George W.Crenshaw, NelsonF 0541825
Green, Joseph (Will)Green HrsK 0561842
Green, JoshuaGreen, GeorgeE 2861824
Green, LevenShawler, JacobC 2051814
Green, RobertGreen, George W.H 3241836
Green, RobtHardin & GrigsbyK 0721842
Green, RobtLeech, EnochK 0851842
Green, RobtMudd, MattK 2051844
Green, S. H.Key, J. L.P 3471862
Green, S. S.Welsh, W'mI 4371841
Green, W'mJoyce, Jos.L 4541855
Green, w'mMethodist E. ChurchL 4861849
Green, W'mMoore, R. L.L 5231849
Green, W'mWelsh, W'mN 1881854
Green, W'mJoyce, Jos.N 1891854
Green, W'mMartin, T. J.N 1901854
Green, W'mMartin, R. L.P 0111861
Green, WilliamHall, George H.Q 5741866
Green, WilliamWelch, BasilR 0541866
Green, WilliamFroman, Jeremiah V.R 0931866
Greenfield, Thomas G.Crow, Samuel (mortgage)A2 2211801
Greenfield, Thomas G.Hayden, EdwardA2 2491802
Greenley, T. B.Armstrong, V. P.Q 1141865
Greenly, T. B.Smith, JamesR 5761870
Greenwell, AmandaGlenn, J. W.P 1161861
Greenwell, C.Froman, J. V.O 1331854
Greenwell, C.Shiveley, A. S. & J. B. SwanP 0771861
Greenwell, CharlesDawson, WilliamR 0681867
Greenwell, CharlesHargan, Daniel P.R 1271866
Greenwell, CharlesGreenwell, RobertR 1581867
Greenwell, CharlesCarrico, BenedictR 3421869
Greenwell, CharlesHargan, D. T. J.R 3591869
Greenwell, CharlesDawson, WilliamR 5071869
Greenwell, ChasSlaughter, F. P.N 1351853
Greenwell, ChasHardy, F. M.P 3071862
Greenwell, J. J.Miller, J. W.N 4661854
Greenwell, J. J.Goldsmith, O. & S. R.O 1341854
Greenwell, J. J.Levy, Nathan & AbramO 5651855
Greenwell, JohnGreenwell, Jos.E 0061822
Greenwell, JohnGreenwell, RobtN 1341853
Greenwell, Jos.Wise, R. A. & C.M 0461850
Greenwell, JosephSimmons, ElishaG 2991831
Greenwell, R.Rouse, W. A.I 2401839
Greenwell, R.Scott, RobtP 4301862
Greenwell, RalphGreenwell, JohnH 2951836
Greenwell, RobertHardesty, MaryQ 0281865
Greenwell, RobertRaymond, GeorgeQ 1621865
Greenwell, RobertDawson, WilliamQ 2881865
Greenwell, RobertGreenwell, CharlesR 0261867
Greenwell, RobertHargan, Daniel P.R 1271866
Greenwell, RobtGoldsmith, O. & S. R.O 1371854
Greenwell, RobtCollings, S. W.O 5441855
Greenwell, RobtHolloway, J. A.O 5641855
Greenwell, RobtSnelling, Z. P.P 5111862
Greenwell, W.Landers, J. H.O 3911855
Greenwell, W'mStallions, JohnC 2031814
Greer ExorSmyserI 4091841
Gretch, Fred & BenShawler, JacobC 2801815
Grier, JosephPeacock, J. D. S.H 2091835
Griffin, ElijahCrenshaw, NelsonE 0661822
Griffin, ElizzabethGraham, JohnD 3401820
Griffin, ElizzabethBeckwith, John W.D 3411820
Griffin, G.Skinner, J. C. & N. B.P 2711862
Griffin, GilbertWelch, BasilR 0531865
Griffin, Jesse H.Griffin, GilbertQ 3751866
Griffin, JesseeGriffin, William J. (guardianship ended)R 4141869
Griffin, M.Trunnell, H.L 4751849
Griffin, M.Jones, P. H.L 4761849
Griffin, M.Welch, BasilN 5481854
Griffin, MeritGriffin, GilbertQ 3751866
Griffin, ThomasSwearingen, A.O 2881855
Griffin, W'mPorter, NichK 3121844
Griffin, W'mResor, W'mL 1141847
Griffin, WilliamGriffin, GilbertR 0861867
Griffin, WilliamSwearingen, DavidR 4221869
Griffin, William J.Pratt, RichardR 3881869
Griffith, Catharine & D. J.Collings, Geo. F.O 6931855
Griffith, J. D.Hobbs, S. M.O 3491855
Grigsby, J. C.Braithwait, JonathanR 1631868
Grigsby, W. R.Cox, Gabe E.K 1181843
Grigsby, W. R. [indexed in supplement]Lloyd, JosI 187[blank]
Grigsby, W'm (Attorney for Shanks HrsGore, JonathanF 1441826
Grigsby, W'm R.Dunn, JohnG 0581828
Grigsby, W'm R.Peacock, J. D. S.H 3061836
Gross, EveTroutman, PeterL 2251847
Grosse, JacobAllen, ThomasE 0411822
Grundy, FelixCundiff, RichG 3891832
Grundy, Felix G. & SamCochrane, Henry S.H 2861836
Grundy, G.Bank Com KyD 3771821
Grundy, G.Bank Com KyD 3901821
Grundy, G.Lee, WilfordF 3001827
Grundy, G.Cundiff, John B.G 0571828
Grundy, G.Cundiff, R. B.G 1351828
Grundy, G.Villiers, MatthewG 2161830
Grundy, G.Cundiff, John B.G 4971832
Grundy, G.Cundiff, RichH 2891836
Grundy, G. [indexed in supplement]Grundy, FelixG 233[blank]
Grundy, Gordom & othersPope, William Jr.B 5141811
Grundy, Thomas S.Hoglan, R. J.R 0371867
Grundy, Thomas S.Bowman, A. H.R 3031869
Gunterman HrsBurch, EliL 2781847
Guthrie & AspenwallL & N R R Co.O 1491854
Guthrie, Elizabeth (by attorney)McKeever, JamesB 0041805
Guthrie, J. D.Dickerson, JamesO 7041855
Guthrie, JamesFroman, IsaacG 0561828
Guthrie, JamesOwen, FelixH 3051836
Guthrie, JamesWilson, Thomas Q.H 4511837
Guthrie, JamesGentry, NancyK 1711843
Guthrie, JamesDeLaureal, A. C.L 1871847
Guthrie, JamesJohnston, J. C.L 4531849
Guthrie, JamesMoore, JamesO 3131855
Guthrie, Jas.Congrove, E.M 3521851
Guthrie, Jas.Congrove HrsM 3541851
Guthry, ElizabethShepherd, AdamA2 4131805

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The Bullitt County History Museum, a service of the Bullitt County Genealogical Society, is located in the county courthouse at 300 South Buckman Street (Highway 61) in Shepherdsville, Kentucky. The museum, along with its research room, is open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Saturday appointments are available by calling 502-921-0161 during our regular weekday hours. Admission is free. The museum, as part of the Bullitt County Genealogical Society, is a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization and is classified as a 509(a)2 public charity. Contributions and bequests are deductible under section 2055, 2106, or 2522 of the Internal Revenue Code. Page last modified: 20 Mar 2025 . Page URL: bullittcountyhistory.org/bchistory/deed-index/grantor-g.html