Bullitt County History

Bullitt County Deed Books A-R Index
Grantors - Hart-Hy

Local historian and researcher Betty Darnell has indexed Bullitt County Deed Books A-Q by grantors, grantees, and deed book pages, and allowed us to share her work here. We have now added Deed Book R to the index. You may find some of her other works on our publications for sale page.

Hart HrsHart, JohnL 3511848
Hart, ChasCundiff, John B.M 2411852
Hart, ChasOrme, W'mN 1741854
Hart, Chas (Mort)Cundiff, John B.M 0341850
Hart, Chas (Mort)Deats, R. W.M 4741853
Hart, DollyYounger, HenryC 2691815
Hart, HenryShain, WilliamA2 3301803
Hart, HenryHart, RichardB 2751808
Hart, HenryYounger, HenryC 1061814
Hart, HenryTrustees of SchoolI 3481840
Hart, Henry H.French, Samuel H.R 5721870
Hart, Henry HeirsPatterson, WilliamQ 0061866
Hart, John & SquireMagruder, W. M.L 3521848
Hart, MaryBank Commonwealth KyD 3941821
Hart, RichardHart, Henry Sr.C 0551812
Hart, RichardYounger, HenryC 1171814
Hart, SquireHowlett, LukeM 2101852
Hart, SquireGarrett, G. S.R 5251869
Hart, SquireMount, James W.R 5691869
Hatfield, EliasMyers, HenryO 4641855
Hatfield, John HrsDawson, W'mM 5351853
Hatfield, N. HrsDawson, W'mM 5361853
Hawkins, DavidCrist, NicholasC 0761812
Hawkins, HenryBristow, GideonB 1131807
Hawkins, HenryHarris, ZedC 4051817
Hayden, Thos. S. (Assignment)Bell & BallewO 1251854
Hays, J. H.Masden, JamesR 1891867
Hays, Randall P.Hays, James H.M 3251853
Hays, Randall, P.Hays, W'm G.M 3241853
Hays, W. G.Hoskins, JosephQ 3501866
Hays, W'mPope, W'm Jr.F 1101825
Hays, WilliamPope, William Jr. (land bond)A2 3281803
Hays, WilliamSturgus, James A. (land bond)A2 3281803
Hazard, A. T.Cundiff, J. B.M 2941853
Hazel, W. W. HeirsSmith, WilliamR 4531869
Head, C.Deacon, J. W.O 3131855
Head, Isaac T.Fonday, FrederickR 3161869
Head, Richard L.Fonday, FrederickR 3161869
Heady, M. P.Hughes, W'mP 1331862
Hecker, GeorgeFlood, WestlyR 0211867
Hedges, Ben F.Chidsey, W'mH 4371837
Hedges, ElizabethChidsey, W'mH 1081834
Hedges, FranklinHamilton, W. B.I 0041837
Hedges, G. C. B.Jobe, AbeG 2171829
Hedges, Geo. C. B.Hedges, JohnH 0591833
Hedges, GeorgeChidsey, W'mG 3091831
Hedges, JohnChidsey, W'mH 2841835
Hedges, JohnStout, SimsonK 0791842
Hedges, Jos.Grable, DavidC 4791817
Hedges, Jos. (Sherif)Beckwith, JohnF 1191825
Hedges, Jos. (Sheriff)Crist, Henry S.E 2111824
Hedges, Jos. (Shff)Brooks, Jos. A.D 4301821
Hedges, Jos. HrsBodine, MartinH 3291836
Hedges, JosephBriscoe, ThomasC 3821817
Hedges, Josephthornsberry, DanielC 3901817
Hedges, Joseph (Sheriff)Foreman, ThomasD 5061821
Hedges, Joseph (Sheriff)Shanklin, RobtD 5091821
Hedges, Joseph (Sheriff)Morgan, R. D. N.D 5131822
Hedges, Joseph (Sheriff)Shanklin, RobtD 5131822
Hedges, Joseph (Sheriff)Simmons, W'm W.E 0011822
Hedges, SamlHedges, ElizabethH 1081834
Hedges, SamuelChidsey, W'mG 3031831
Hedges, W. J.Hamilton W. B.I 1791839
Hedges, W. J.Jones, E.I 2481839
Heffley, H. R.Doom, J. M. & W. H.N 2831855
Heft, HenryOrms, WilliamR 2731869
Helm ExorsReed, Jos.H 0671833
Helm, BenChapeze, BenD 2351819
Helm, Benjamin & Philip ReedBrooks, JosephB 6641813
Helm, George & Squire LaruePope, Alexander & othersB 3631806
Helm, George & Squire LaruePope, William Jr. & othersB 3631806
Helm, George & Squire LaruePope, Worden & othersB 3631806
Helm, George & Squire LaruePope, Alexander & othersB 3951807
Helm, George & Squire LaruePope, William Jr. & othersB 3951807
Helm, George & Squire LaruePope, Worden & othersB 3951807
Helm, ThomasHelm, GeorgeD 3551820
Henderson, ElizabethMaraman, FrancisH 2521835
Henkemp, B. H.Smith, G. W.N 0331853
Henson, Benj.Stallings, SamuelG 4321832
Henson, VerlinderGriffin, W'mK 1831843
Herps, C.Landers, S. F.P 2721862
Herps, CasperRatliffe, ChasP 2411862
Herps, CasperMudd, Matthew Sr.Q 5491867
Herr, W'm S.Shanklin, JamesM 0411850
Hessey, EdCornell, W'mH 3101835
Hessey, EdHarris, L. & B.M 2281852
Hessey, EdwardGibson, HenryH 2791835
Hessey, EdwardHarris, SimeonH 3951837
Hessey, EdwardBurch, J. R.I 3541840
Hessey, EdwardKing, JamesK 3001844
Hessey, EdwardShowalter, JohnL 5071850
Hessy, EdwardHessy, Catharine (dower)Q 4131866
Hibbett (By Com'r)Wigginton, F.O 2791854
Hibbett (By Com'r)Bridwell, JohnO 2811854
Hibbett (By Com'r)Snapp, L.O 2821855
Hibbitt, JamesHibbitt, Hilda A.Q 0171865
Hibbitt, JamesHibbitt, Joseph E.Q 0171865
Hibbs, HendersonMagruder, LeviL 0771846
Hibbs, HendersonMasden, JohnL 0771846
Hibbs, HendersonMudd, M.N 3991855
Hibbs, IsaacHuffman, E.M 1591851
Hibbs, IsaacMagruder, Jos.O 1851854
Hibbs, IsaacWoodridge, JosephO 6541857
Hibbs, IsaacCompton, J. F.Q 5121867
Hibbs, W. M.Lee, W. J.R 2711867
Hibbs, William M.Roney, J. R. M.Q 4621867
Hibbs, William M.Carrico, Benedict A.R 5081869
Hickman, NelsonHefley, John R.L 2301847
Hickman, W. A.Hays, W. H.P 3991865
Higdon, ErasmusHayden, EdwardC 1561814
Higginbottom, AaronCrigler, James H.R 0491867
Hill, E. H. C.Preston, Geo.P 2991862
Hill, J. A.Carrico, James M.Q 4201866
Hill, John R.Lee, IgnatiiusK 1001843
Hill, John R.Hill, E. H. C.Q 3581866
Hill, Thomas A.Landers, NathanielK 3731845
Hill, Tom A.Hill, E. H. C.M 4281853
Hill, W'mLee, W'mG 3401832
Hill, W'mHill, E. Henry ClayM 0661850
Hill, W'mJohnston, Jno. C.M 0671850
Hilton, AlexOverall, RobertD 0181818
Hilton, SamJacobs, PeterP 6201865
Hilton, W. F.Magruder, L. B.K 3231844
Hilton, W'm F.Ratliff, ChasG 1571829
Hilton, W'm F.Couchman, John P.G 5271833
Hilton, W'm F.Brown, IgnatiusH 0111833
Hilton, W'm F.Overall, W'mH 0981834
Hinch, Jas. (Mort)Sears, AlexM 2841852
Hinderliter, MichaelHinderliter, MartinA2 2081801
Hinton, P. J.Shackelford, A. G.I 1671839
Hirsch, GeorgeCrandall, ThomasD 1751819
Hislop, Jos.Bank Commonwealth KyD 3991821
Hislop, Jos.Maraman, FrankE 0881822
Hite, A.Bell, J. F.O 4251855
Hite, John L.Pendleton, James C.I 5181842
Hite, JosephPendleton, James C.K 2681844
Hiubbard, A. E.Hall, AustinK 3471844
Hiughes, Benj.Riley, Tom W.E 0871822
Hobbs, B. H.Hobbs, S. M.N 5511855
Hobbs, JoshuaLee, JohnA2 2961802
Hobbs, NoahWigginton, F.M 0701851
Hobbs, S. M.Swearingen, W. T.O 4141855
Hobbs, VachaelDubree, WilliamB 2401808
Hobbs, VachaelCrigler, AbrahamB 4211810
Hock, PatsyConn, ThomasC 1661814
Hodgen, JamesHodgen, John & SamD 4351821
Hodgkins, R. F.Lockery, SquireR 2321868
Hoglan, ArterberyBarrall, Joseph A. (mortgage)R 2061868
Hoglan, LorenzoTroutman, B. F.Q 5561867
Hoglan, LorenzoSpalding, Rev. Benedict J.R 0501867
Hoglan, LorenzoBrown, GeorgeR 2451868
Hoglan, LorenzoTroutman, Children of RuthR 3581869
Hoglan, MartinBowman, J.I 4401841
Hoglan, NealRennison, John (mortgage)Q 5211867
Hoglan, NealAbbott, J. M. (mortgage)Q 5211867
Hoglan, NealShaw, Henr (mortgage)yQ 5211867
Hoglan, NeilWells, Thomas W.R 3531869
Hoglan, R. J.Bowman, Heirs of JohnR 1691868
Hoglan, R. J.Bowman, Heirs of Patrick H.R 1691868
Hoglan, R. J.Smith, James F.R 3961869
Hogland, A.Raymon, Geo.M 2561852
Hogland, J. D.Bowman, H. ClayR 6011870
Hogland, James C.Hill, Thos. A.I 4301841
Hogland, James C.Shirley, W'mI 4311841
Hogland, James C.Hughes, Benj.I 4331841
Hogland, James C.Briscoe, GerardO 5871855
Hogland, JohnPhelps, WesL 1651847
Hogland, L.Chaddic, J.L 1441847
Hogland, L.Raymon, Geo.L 2841848
Hogland, L.Chaddic, JohnM 3871853
Hogland, L.Craycroft, H. I.M 3881853
Hogland, L.Oxley, B. F.O 0341854
Hogland, L.Connahan, JamesO 6881857
Hogland, L.Briscoe, Geo. W.O 7011857
Hogland, L.Grigsby, W. R.P 1361862
Hogland, L.Moore, JamesP 1461862
Hogland, LorenzoL & N R R Co.O 5641855
Hogland, M.Shepherd, JamesL 4611849
Hogland, M.Crigler, A.M 2121852
Hogland, M. HrsHogland, LarenceO 4441855
Hogland, MartinHogland, LorenzoN 2231855
Hogland, MaryBriscoe, G. W.P 0281862
Hogland, MosesBrammell, NathanF 0231825
Hogland, MosesPhelps, WesM 1181851
Hogland, R.Phelps, WessL 2871848
Hogland, R.Phelps, W.M 0811851
Hogland, R.Croan, J.M 1841852
Hogland, S. M.Raymond, Geo.O 4431855
Hogland, Simp.Hogland, L.N 4721855
Hogland, Thomas L.Phelps, WesleyL 3471848
Hogland, W. R. (Mort)Troutman, MikeL 5481850
Hogland, W'm R. (Mort)Phelps, W.L 4311849
Hoke, CorneliusCarrithers, ChasL 3501848
Holmes, JamesBurks, SamlD 2541819
Holmes, JamesCarpenter, Saml & N. W. B. MillsE 1531823
Holmes, James HeirsTolbert, LucindaR 3841869
Holmes, M. G.Snapp, J. H.I 2861839
Holmes, M. G.Halderman, D. Jr.K 1951844
Holmes, M. G.Evans & ThomasO 1321854
Holmes, Martin G.Omer, DanielH 3161836
Holmes, Martin G.Welch, RobertH 3171836
Holmes, Martin G.Risley, JamesH 4101837
Holmes, Martin G.Halderman, DavidK 0201842
Holmes, Martin G.Burdette, Peyton & Charles HallK 2011844
Holmes, Martin G.Pound, JohnK 2271844
HolsclawAndersonH 1691834
Holsclaw HrsHolsclaw, W'm H.K 0541842
Holsclaw, James HeirsMasden, John S.R 3651869
Holsclaw, James Jr.Brown, SamuelD 3541820
Holsclaw, JohnHall, JohnH 1091834
Holsclaw, JohnKalfus, Henry F.H 2331835
Holsclaw, L.Clark, Chas J. & Robt TaliferoO 6221855
Holsclaw, L.Doom, James M. & James F. GambleO 6221855
Holsclaw, W. B.Summers, Rufus K.H 1391834
Holsclaw, W. B.Lee, CharlesL 0421846
Holsclaw, W. B.Cartmel, N. J.L 1461847
Holsclaw, W'm H.Welch, W'mO 5661855
Hopengarten, ConradBishop, LawrenceC 4481817
Hopengarten, ConradBrown, HughC 4491817
Hopengarten, ConradBrown, HughC 4501817
Hopewell, JohnColmesnil, John D.D 0581818
Hopewell, ThomasCrist, Henry & John MyersB 4511811
Hopewell, ThomasMyers, John & Henry CristB 4511811
Hopewell, ThomasBeckwith, John W.C 0201812
Hopewell, ThomasBeckwith, John W.D 3591820
Hopewell, W. J.Markwell,W'mP 0261862
Hopewell, W'mSmall, HenryE 1801823
Hopkins, JamesSamuels, James W.O 6381857
Hopkins, James W.Collings, James F.Q 0771865
Hopkins, James W.Hardy, James H.Q 4311866
Hopkins, James W.Collings, A. P. & Frank (mortgage)Q 5211867
Hopkins, James W.Froman, J. V.R 3721869
Hopkins, James WalterCarlisle, WalterQ 5371867
Horell, Tom R.Snellen, Z. P.N 1351854
Horine, George & HenrySamuels, James W.I 1801839
Horine, JacobMyers, JohnC 3631809
Horine, JacobSmith, PeterE 1931823
Horine, JacobBeghtol, HenryF 0241825
Horine, MikeBeghtol, HenryH 2951835
Horine, SamPhelps, WesleyH 2721835
Hornback, J. C. & P. N.Hornbeck, IkeI 2691839
HornbeckHornbeckI 2451839
Hornbeck (Deed of trust)HornbeckK 0071842
Hornbeck HrsHornbeck, Pres. N.I 2431839
Hornbeck HrsAndersonK 1891844
Hornbeck HrsAnderson, JohnL 3181848
Hornbeck, AbrahamHornbeck, Solomon (attorney)A2 1611800
Hornbeck, AbrahamPhelps, Guy (attorney)B 149b1807
Hornbeck, DeliaJohnston, Harris H.Q 4881866
Hornbeck, I.Arnold, W'mI 1641839
Hornbeck, I.Field, R. H.P 3951865
Hornbeck, I.Field, R. H.P 3981865
Hornbeck, I. (By Com'r)Anderson, JohnL 2061847
Hornbeck, IkeWilson, M.I 2731839
Hornbeck, IkeField, R. H.P 2661862
Hornbeck, Ike & J. C.Hornbeck, P. N.I 2701839
Hornbeck, Ike & PrestonHornbeck, Jno. C.I 2681839
Hornbeck, IsaacHornbeck, SamuelA2 0771799
Hornbeck, IsaacHornbeck, Elizabeth (renounce will)A2 1421800
Hornbeck, IsaacField, R. H., J. M. & G. S. ShanklinP 1481862
Hornbeck, Isaac (Last Will)Hornbeck Isaac (Heirs)A2 0791799
Hornbeck, Isaac HeirsField, R. H.q 1751865
Hornbeck, J. C.Wilson, M.I 2721839
Hornbeck, JamesHornbeck, Solomon (attorney)A2 1541799
Hornbeck, JohnAnderson, JohnE 0671822
Hornbeck, JohnHogland, L.L 1431847
Hornbeck, John (Com'r)McDowell, JohnF 0181825
Hornbeck, John (Coroner)Hill, W'mF 1661825
Hornbeck, John (Coroner)Pope, WordenG 1201829
Hornbeck, John & others (by sheriff)Caldwell, JamesB 5201811
Hornbeck, John & others (by sheriff)Caldwell, JamesB 5231811
Hornbeck, John & others (by sheriff)Caldwell, JamesB 5251810
Hornbeck, John & Solomon (by sheriff)McDowell, JohnB 3501809
Hornbeck, John C. HeirsHornbeck, SusanQ 2411864
Hornbeck, John C. HeirsMcDaniel, MelvinaQ 2421864
Hornbeck, John C. HeirsHornbeck, John C.Q 2431864
Hornbeck, John C. HeirsHornbeck, SarahQ 2441864
Hornbeck, John C. HeirsHornbeck, JessieQ 2451864
Hornbeck, John C. HeirsWalker, KateQ 2471864
Hornbeck, John C. HeirsHornbeck, DeliaQ 2481866
Hornbeck, John C. HeirsHornbeck, PrestonQ 2491864
Hornbeck, John C. HeirsHornbeck, Francis E.Q 2501864
Hornbeck, John C. HeirsRogers, Sydney J.Q 4881867
Hornbeck, MagdalenHornbeck, Solomon (attorney)A2 1611800
Hornbeck, NealeHornbeck, JohnA2 2011800
Hornbeck, NealeHornbeck, JohnA2 2021800
Hornbeck, P. N.Wilson, M.I 2741839
Hornbeck, Preston & others (Mort)Anderson, John & othersI 4911842
Hornbeck, Preston N.Bowman, JacobI 1921839
Hornbeck, Preston N.Johnston, Harris H.Q 4881866
Hornbeck, S. A.Carlisle, JamesR 0951868
Hornbeck, SolBeckwith, JohnC 4291817
Hornbeck, SolHornback, I.I 2421839
Hornbeck, SolomonTerebaugh, Daniel Sr. (attorney)A2 0811799
Hornbeck, Solomon & John (by sheriff)McDowell, JohnB 3501809
Hornbeck, Solomon & MaryAnderson, JohnL 5191850
Hornbeck, SusanHornbeckI 2441839
Horner, J. (Mort)Cundiff, J. B.O 0291854
Horrell, Thomas R.Smith, JamesO 6311857
Horrell, Thomas R.Lavall, PatrickQ 3921866
Horrell, Tom R.Baptist ChurchN 2721855
Horrell, Tom R.Magruder, W'mP 4961865
Horrell, Tom R., Dr.Greenwell, W'mP 3561862
Horton, H.Swearingen, W. W.L 2651848
Hoskins, A.Howlett, JohnK 1051843
Hoskins, A.Hoskins, JohnK 1071843
Hoskins, A. & M. HrsHowlett, LukeN 3411855
Hoskins, AquillaHogland, JamesG 1461829
Hoskins, Aquilla HrsHoskins, John Hrs.O 2381855
Hoskins, Aquilla HrsHowlett, L.O 3271855
Hoskins, JamesHoskins, A. HrsN 3031855
Hoskins, JohnHart, MaryC 2871815
Hoskins, JohnHoskins, A. HrsN 3401855
Hoskins, JohnShawler, W'mO 1401854
Hoskins, John (Mort)Shawler & DeatsN 2011854
Hoskins, John Sr.Hoskins, John Jr.N 0121853
Hoskins, Jos.Leeright, JohnE 2381824
Hoskins, Jos. R.Crist, HenryF 1141825
Hoskins, JosephHoskins, JohnC 1801814
Hoskins, JosephHart, MaryC 2861815
Hoskins, Joseph H.Samuels, Mary E.R 6241870
Hoskins, RobertMcDowell, John (wagon & horses)B 0821806
Hoskins, RobtNeille, SolomonC 4561817
Hoskins, RobtSmith, Robert M.L 1391847
Hoskins, W'mWaters, John M.N 4031855
Hough AustinCornwell, HardinQ 0551865
Hough AustinHall, JohnQ 0591865
Hough, A.Given, G.M 3941853
Hough, A.Harris, JohnM 3961853
Hough, A.King, JamesM 3971853
Hough, A.Newkirk, C. C.P 3681865
Hough, A.King, John W.P 5931865
Hough, Anna ( By Atty)Stallings, JohnE 2251824
Hough, Anna ( By Atty)Monroe, AndrewE 2271824
Hough, AustinChidsey, ElizaK 1771843
Hough, AustinHessey, EdwardL 0401846
Hough, AustinHall, AsaN 0311853
Hough, AustinHall, AsaN 0811853
Hough, AustinBoswell, J. N.N 2541855
Hough, AustinLux, RachaelN 6201855
Hough, AustinBirkhead, Ely B.Q 5481867
Hough, B.Burdette, PeytonP 2541862
Hough, Chris & others by GuardianHardman, JosephC 4831817
Hough, ElizabethSwearingen, H. H. (mortgage)R 1911868
Hough, John (Lease)Quick, TunisB 0021802
Hough, Jos.Brentlinger, PeterL 4361849
Hough, Jos.WilcoxenM 3341853
Hough, Jos.Buckner, M. V.N 4581855
Hough, Jos. Hrs by D. R. DrakeOwen, JohnD 1401818
Hough, Jos. Hrs by D. R. DrakeBishop, W'mD 1491818
Hough, Jos. Hrs by D. R. DrakeMcCaigne, S.D 2081819
Hough, Jos. Hrs by David R. DrakeNorthern, ReubenC 5051818
Hough, Jos. Hrs by DrakeBrown, SamlC 5071818
Hough, Jos. Hrs by DrakeMiller, JohnC 5091818
Hough, Jos. Hrs by DrakeSnapp, LewisC 5121818
Hough, Jos. Hrs by DrakeMcDade, EdwardC 5141818
Hough, Jos. Hrs by DrakePeyton, CravenC 5161818
Hough, Jos. Hrs by DrakeDrake, Chas.C 5181818
Hough, Jos. Hrs by DrakeHall, AustinD 0031818
Hough, Jos. Hrs by DrakeHall, CliftonD 0071818
Hough, Jos. Hrs by DrakeGreathouse, W'mD 0771818
Hough, Jos. Hrs by DrakeBlandford, Benj.D 0871818
Hough, Jos. Hrs by DrakeFidler, W'mD 0901818
Hough, Jos. Hrs by DrakeFidler, W'mD 0921818
Hough, Jos. Hrs by DrakeGentry, SamuelD 0991818
Hough, Jos. Hrs by DrakeBlandford, Benj.D 1031818
Hough, Jos. Hrs by DrakeThurman, B.D 1081818
Hough, Jos. Hrs by DrakeCoyle, JohnD 1121818
Hough, Jos. Hrs by DrakeNewbolt, CharlesD 1141818
Hough, Jos. Hrs by DrakeMetzel, Geo. F.D 1181818
Hough, Jos. Hrs by DrakeHubbard, E.D 1211818
Hough, Jos. Hrs by DrakeBurdett, PeytonD 1261818
Hough, Jos. Hrs by DrakeDebo, HenryD 1291818
Hough, Jos. Hrs by DrakeLusker, JacobD 1321818
Hough, Jos. Hrs by DrakeOsburn, Benj.D 1351818
Hough, Jos. Hrs by DrakeGentry, JamesD 2241819
Hough, Jos. Hrs by DrakeMcDade, EdwardD 2281819
Hough, JosephHough, NelsonN 0901853
Hough, Joseph HeirsHall, William W.R 4491869
Hough, Joseph HeirsGrigsby, J. C.R 4921869
Hough, Joseph Hrs by D. R. DrakeHough, Moses C.D 0211818
Hough, Joseph Hrs by D. R. DrakeCooper, JesseD 0491818
Hough, Joseph Hrs by D. R. DrakeParris, JohnD 0521818
Hough, Joseph Hrs by D. R. DrakeHall, John & Nicholas GentryD 0541818
Hough, Joseph Hrs by DrakeBirkhead, W'mD 0691818
Hough, Joseph Hrs by DrakeHughbarger, JacobD 0731818
Hough, Mos.Hall, ThomasN 5661855
Hough, Moses C.Wright, ElijahC 5031817
Hough, Moses C.Snapp, LewisC 5041818
Hough, Moses C.Zellhart, PhilipE 0111822
Hough, Moses C.Bevin, JamesE 2771824
Hough, Moses C.Hall, AustinF 1151825
Hough, Moses C.Hall, JohnF 1641825
Hough, Moses C.Coal, W'mF 4691828
Hough, NelsonHall, W'm W.O 6221855
Hough, R.Kendall, Weaver & Smith BridgesO 3631855
Hough, RobtHamilton, H. C.O 3391855
Hough, RobtBarnes, W. P.O 5011855
Hough, RobtHough, AustinO 5981855
Hough, TabithaStallings, Samuel & Ann's grandchildren (land division)R 4701869
Housley, RobtBrown, SamlC 4611817
Houston, Jos.Field, Abe Jr.D 3241820
Howard, GeorgeHowlett, John Jr.C 4371817
Howard, Raph.Thompson, J. L.P 2501862
Howard, W. H. (Mort)Hyatt & MoremanN 3711855
Howell, Alexander R.Small, Jessie T.Q 5551866
Howell, JohnHinman, AsahelA2 0751799
Howlett, IkeCundiff, James & JohnN 2961855
Howlett, Ike T. (Mort)Masden, F.N 3041855
Howlett, IsaacHowlett, W. M.O 1941854
Howlett, IsaacCundiff, John B.O 3081855
Howlett, JohnStark, AaronH 0801834
Howlett, JohnFrench, BenL 1781847
Howlett, JohnPittman, James P.L 4801849
Howlett, JohnHowlett, LukeM 0591850
Howlett, JohnPittman, James R.M 1831852
Howlett, JohnDeats, R. W.O 3301855
Howlett, John Jr.Boots, JohnD 2531819
Howlett, John Sr.Howlett, John Jr.L 3291848
Howsley, JohnMasden, TaylorK 4791845
Hubbard, A. C.Hamilton, H. C.L 3301848
Hubbard, A. E.Swearingen, Jos.K 2161844
Hubbard, A. E.Swearingen, Jos.L 4641849
Hubbard, A. E.Cunningham, M.P 0231862
Hubbard, A. E. (2)Lloyd, JosephK 4801845
Hubbard, Albert E.Maynard, JoelE 0791822
Hubbard, Albert E.Wright, JamesK 1781843
Hubbard, Albert E.Lloyd, J.K 1911844
Hubbard, Albert E.Graven, John J.R 3241869
Hubbard, HarveyBriscoe, GeraldQ 0881866
Huff, BarneyMasden, J. & F.M 4591853
Huffman,Hibbs, IkeM 1591851
Huffman, BenFrench, BenN 2981855
Huffman, BenHuffman, NoahN 2981855
Huffman, BenFrench, BenN 3021855
Huffman, E.French, BEnM 3211853
Huffman, E.French, BenO 2981855
Huffman, JacobShawler, JamesH 3821837
Huffman, JacobStark, W. & A.I 4451841
Huffman, JacobStark, AmonL 2971848
Huffman, JamesFrench, Benj.O 5861855
Huffman, James & BenFrench, BenjaminQ 5221867
Huffman, Martha & JacobNewton, BenP 1221862
Huffman, NoahFrench, B. & S.O 1411854
Hughes HrsShanklin, JohnF 2161826
Hughes, Ben HrsSamuels, R. F.M 0721851
Hughes, Benj.Beckwith, John W.D 3251820
Hughes, Benj.Dozier, James I.D 4401821
Hughes, JesseWright, ElijahA2 1241800
Hughes, JohnPope, William Jr.D 3601820
Hughes, NancyHughes, HenryM 0421850
Hughes, NancySamuels, R. F.M 0431850
Hughes, NancyBrashear, RobtO 3211855
Hughes, William & Ezekiel PerkinsConder, JacobB 4311810
Hughes, William & othersCollings, ThomasB 4321810
Humphrey, JohnNwebolt, WilliamC 1331814
Hundley, J. T.Brown, W'm J.L 3671848
Hundley, J. T.Scott, Jno. W.L 3801848
Hundley, John B.Hundley, Sherwood W.D 2871820
Hundley, John F.Hamilton, W'm B.K 1581843
Hundley, John T.Gilmore, PerryK 3131844
Hundley, John T.Gilmore, PerryK 3131844
Hundley, W. A.Wright, JamesM 2621852
Hundley, W. A.Burdette, PeyM 2631852
Hundley, W. A.Wright, JamesM 2641852
Hundley, W'm A.Bogard, C. K.K 2261844
Hundley, W'm A.Kellar, AbrahamK 5101846
Hundley, W'm A.Keller, W'mL 1681847
Hunt, John W.Hogland, W. R.L 5051850
Hunt, MaryEllaby, ElizabethN 0411853
Hunter, JohnPatterson, W'mN 0981854
Hunter, JohnTarr, John B.N 3341855
Hunter, John HrsChapeze, BEnE 0941822
Hurst, B.Borie, MaryP 3651862
Hurst, JohnShawler, A.N 4471855
Huston & GreathouseMyers, J. H.M 0571850
Huston, Jos.Kalfus, Henry F.E 0981822
Huston, Jos.Pope, W'm H.F 4431828
Huston, JosephPope, William Jr.B 4801811
Huston, JosephHuston, M.D 4801821
Huston, JosephFroman, IsaacE 2531824
Huston, L. & P.Brooks, W. B. M.M 0631850
Hynes, William R. (executor of Thomas Hynes)McGee, JohnB 6201806

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The Bullitt County History Museum, a service of the Bullitt County Genealogical Society, is located in the county courthouse at 300 South Buckman Street (Highway 61) in Shepherdsville, Kentucky. The museum, along with its research room, is open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Saturday appointments are available by calling 502-921-0161 during our regular weekday hours. Admission is free. The museum, as part of the Bullitt County Genealogical Society, is a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization and is classified as a 509(a)2 public charity. Contributions and bequests are deductible under section 2055, 2106, or 2522 of the Internal Revenue Code. Page last modified: 20 Mar 2025 . Page URL: bullittcountyhistory.org/bchistory/deed-index/grantor-hart-hy.html