Bullitt County History

Heirs of Rachel Coffee to William Walden -
Shepherdsville Lots 39-40 - Part 4

George W. Jenkins sold parts of two Shepherdsville lots (#39 & #40) to Henry I. Craycroft on 5 Sep 1844, and Craycroft sold it to Samuel N. Smith on 23 Apr 1849. Then Smith sold it to Andrew Shader on 1 Jan 1853.

It appears that Shader moved to Nelson County where his indebtedness resulted in a Circuit Court sale his his Shepherdsville lot which was purchased by Rachel Coffee.

Rachel Coffee died, leaving the town lot and additional land west of town. She left two heirs, William Walden and Mary L. Coffee. Mary married John H. Shepherd, son of James Shepherd. Both John and Mary were not yet 21 at the time. From the first deed shown below, it appears that on 23 Sep 1870, James Shepherd and William Walden came to an agreement that with an exchange of cash, Mary would get the land west of town and William would get the town lot. However, it could not be finalized until Mary became 21, so an additional deed was required on the 6th of November 1871 to finish the transaction.

Bullitt County Deed Book S, Pages 332-334

This indenture made and entered into this 23rd day of September 1870 by and between William Walden and Sarah his wife of the first part, and James Shepherd of the second part, all of Bullitt County, Kentucky.

Witnesseth that the first parties for and in consideration of the sum of $1400 of which sum is paid cash in hand and the receipt hereby acknowledged, $400 is to be paid on the 20th day of October 1871 with interest from this date and note therefore this dy executed and delivered, and $200 is to be paid as follows, to wit: the second party is guardian to John H. Shepherd, his son and Mary his wife, formerly Mary Coffee, brother to the first party William Walden, and said William Walden and Mary Shepherd own jointly by descent part of lots No. 39 & 40 in the town of Shepherdsville on Main Street known as the Coffee lot with house, stable and improvements thereon, and for the said last named sum the second party binds himself and his heirs to make and cause to be made by the said John H. and Mary Shepherd who are infants, a good and sufficient deed to the one half undivided part of said lot or parts of lots No. 39 & 40 aforesaid as soon as said John H. and Mary arrive at the age of 21 years, and has this day executed a bond for a conveyance thereof.

For the consideration herein recited the first parties hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto the second party the following property, to wit: one undivided half of the tracts of land owned by Rachel Coffee at her death lying west of and near the town of Shepherdsville known as the William Congrove tract of land, the respective deeds to the land herein conveyed, one from M. A. Weller recorded in Deed Book P, page 439, and one from M. A. Weller recorded in Deed Book P, page 440, and one from Rufus Congrove recorded in Deed Book Q, page 139, all to Rachel Coffee, and said several deeds are here referred to for more specific description of the land herein. And the first party transfers to the second party all the benefit of a mortgage executed by R. S. Congrove to Rachel Coffee on the 21st day of August 1865 and recorded in Deed Book Q, page 140 with full authority to enforce the same.

It is further agreed that the claim and demand of the first party against the estate of Rachel Coffee for loaned money amounting to the sum of $450 is settled and said claim and demand is hereby withdrawn from the suit in the Bullitt Circuit Court of Rachel Coffee's administratrix against her heirs and creditors, and cancelled and held satisfied in full. Possession by the first party of the land and by the second party of the house and lot to be given 10th of March 1871 without notice and no rents of either is to be counted to said date.

To have and to hold the same by special warranty against the said William Walden and Sarah his wife and their heirs only forever. Witness the hands of the first parties this 23rd day of September 1870. [signed by first parties]

Bullitt County Deed Book S, Pages 538-539

This indenture made November 6th 1871 between John H. Shepherd and Mary L. his wife, formerly Mary L. Coffee of the first part, and William Walden of the second part, all of Bullitt County, Kentucky.

Witnesseth whereas on the 23rd day of September 1870, James Shepherd by bond duly executed covenanted that the first parties herein on their arrival at age of 21 years each would in consideration of $200 paid to said James Shepherd in part consideration of a tract of land on that day sold to said James Shepherd by the second party herein convey to the second party one undivided half of the old Coffee house situated in Shepherdsville on Main Street and being part of lots No. 39 & 40 in the plan or map of said town, the deed aforesaid recorded in Bullitt County Court Clerk's office in Deed Book S, pages 332-333. And the first parties now both being 21 years of age therefore in compliance with siad obligation the first parties herein hereby sell, convey and deliver unto the second party one undivided half of lots or parts of lots No. 39 & 40 situated in Shepherdsville, Bullitt County, Kentucky on Main Street, together with the house, stables and improvements thereon. The said 1/2 of said lots owned by the said Mary L. Shepherd and inherited by her from her mother Rachel Coffee dec'd.

To have and to hold said lots 1/2 hereof unto the second party forever, and the first parties covenant to warrant the title to the lots herein conveyed the 1/2 undivided thereof against all claims by general warranty. Witness our hands November 6th 1871. [signed by John H. Shepherd and Mary L. Shepherd]

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The Bullitt County History Museum, a service of the Bullitt County Genealogical Society, is located in the county courthouse at 300 South Buckman Street (Highway 61) in Shepherdsville, Kentucky. The museum, along with its research room, is open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Saturday appointments are available by calling 502-921-0161 during our regular weekday hours. Admission is free. The museum, as part of the Bullitt County Genealogical Society, is a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization and is classified as a 509(a)2 public charity. Contributions and bequests are deductible under section 2055, 2106, or 2522 of the Internal Revenue Code. Page last modified: 13 Mar 2025 . Page URL: bullittcountyhistory.org/bchistory/coffee-walden.html