The Bullitt County History Museum

It Happened in 1935

Over the years, Charles Hartley has shared glimpses of what was being printed in The Pioneer News in different months and years. This page includes what was taken from the January through July issues of 1935.

January 1935

The paper reported that the Shepherdsville High School class of 1932 had their annual reunion at Deacon's Restaurant. Present were Kathryn Harned, Rua Larimore, Sara Fay Lee, Beulah Richardson, Blanche Stansbury, Eva Maraman, Frances Cundiff, Frank R. Whitman, Burks Williams, Stanley Lee, David Rhea, Tommy Joyce, Victor Lee, Russell Wheatley, and Homer Myers.

David Rhea, Jack Gardner, Wallace Harned, and Cora Ney Hardy were part of a discussion at the annual Student's Night Program held at the Baptist Church in Shepherdsville.

County Court officials were named in the paper including County Judge C. P. Bradbury, County Attorney Lindsay Ridgway, County Clerk Tommy Wilson, Jailor Embra Deacon, Sheriff R. E. McAfee, and Deputies Hillary Hardy and Lee Booth.

The Personal Column reported that Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cundiff had as six o'clock dinner guests, Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Cundiff, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mathis, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lee and family, Mrs. Cecil Cundiff and son, Mr. and Mrs. Bates Crigler and son, Mr. and Mrs. Grover Lee and family, Mrs. Amanda Crigler and son, and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Cundiff and family.

J. W. Barrall, the paper's editor, wrote a thank you note to the community in which he said, "I wish to thank each and every Subscriber and all who have donated to the columns of the Pioneer News in 1934, and especially those who have been so kind and helped my daughter Anna Barrall make it a success for more than one year while I have been confined to my room. I am mighty glad to say I can sit up and hope that I can get out again."

Out at Belmont, members of the W.M.U., Mrs. Mattie Brown, Mary Bradbury, Fannie Powers, Mattie Easton, Mrs. Miriam Bradbury, and Minnie Coakley, gave a surprise party to Mrs. Napper.

The paper reported that Miss Margarita Crenshaw and Mr. Belvidere B. Dunaway were married on December 30th. Miss Crenshaw was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Crenshaw. Also, the personal column reported that Ben Crenshaw had returned from a visit with his daughter Mrs. Guy Bergen in Atlanta.

Mr. E. W. Hess of Chapeze was taken to a Louisville hospital where he died of pneumonia.

Mrs. Thelma and Miss Ethel Newman and Miss Evelyn Dawson spent the day in Louisville shopping.

Little Billie Ray Bridwell returned from the hospital to her home in the Mt. Washington area.

Mrs. O. D. Hill of Belmont was offering for sale one super-hatch incubator for $6; and Ed. C. Tyler of Shepherdsville would sell some home-grown "Korean Lespedeza seed."

The S.H.S. Debating Team of Millard Cundiff, Marie York, and Evelyn Masden defeated Fairdale High School in a close match.

A sign of the times, Master Commissioner T. C. Carroll sold nine farms at the Court House door on one day.

And Mrs. J. W. Foster of Bells Mill Road had a pair of heavy grey horses for sale. She described them as gentle and ready to work anywhere. Any takers?

February 1935

Do you have any idea just how many schools there were in Bullitt County in 1935? Here's a list of those with fewer than 50 pupils: Mt. Olivet, Bullitt Lick, Mt. Elmira, Sugar Valley, Cedar Glades, Pleasant Hill, Victory, Woodsdale, Hobbs, Pitts Point, Beech Grove, Hays, Cane Run, Harned, Mt. Carmel, Culver Springs, Bardstown Junction, and Sharps. And here are the ones with 50 or more pupils: Nichols, Sunny Side, Glen Meadows, Pleasant Grove, Hebron, Zoneton, Bethel, Mt. Washington, Cedar Grove, Clermont, Oak Grove, Belmont, and Bowman Valley. All of these schools were separate districts until they were merged into a County System that year. Only the independent districts of Shepherdsville and Lebanon Junction were not included in the County District.

Buster Rogers scored 16 and Millard Cundiff had 5 as the Shepherdsville basketball team defeated Fairdale 28-19.

C. L. Troutwine Jr. assisted the pastor in a trombone duet at the Baptist Church in Shepherdsville.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Lee entertained at a farewell party in honor of a group of young teachers who left recently for Bowling Green. Those present included Kathryn Harned, Sara Fay Lee, Marie Rodgers, Pauline Daugherty, Sarah Whitman, Rua Larimore, Woodrow Masden, A. J. Beeler III, Victor Lee, Richard Maraman, Homer Myers, Clifford Lee, Tommy Joyce, Wallace Harned and Freddie Sadler.

The Shepherdsville High School debating team of Lorraine Funk, Betty Jane Hardaway, and Tommy Carroll defeated Caneyville High School in a match.

The Cedar Grove correspondent reported that Robert Grant had whooping cough, and that Will Swearingen lost a good work mule.

The Mt. Washington correspondent shared that Miss Louise Porter and Mrs. J. T. Bridwell went shopping in the city last Monday.

I wonder if they saw Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Masden, Loyce Bergen, Minnie Maraman, and Eugenia Stansbury who were there too?

Eighth graders Lois W. Hardy, Robert Howlett, and Vernon Troutman were on the seventh month honor roll at the Glenn Meadow school.

Estill Ray Bridwell, Benita Hall, Eugene Hall, Adrain Jones and Gorden Armstrong received certificates to high school from the Pleasant Grove school.

Over in Salt River, Grandma Spears had been sick for several days, folks were glad that Mrs. Cundiff was able to be up, and Mrs. Marguerita Dunaway was given a shower at her parents' home before she left to join her husband in Bowling Green.

William Z. Coleman, who used to live at the Meadows near Gap-in-Knob, died on February 4th. He was the son of T. C. and Lilly Z. Coleman.

The County Agent, J. R. McCord was helping organize 4-H Clubs in a number of schools in the county.

Miss Evalena Bergen gave a birthday party with Agatha Dever, Florence Tinnell, Elnora Maraman, Ester Richardson, Terry Maraman, Nadine Richardson, and Lavenia Harris as guests.

T. W. Hoagland of Bardstown Junction had brine cucumber pickles for sale at 30 cents a gallon, or 4 gallons for a dollar.

And the Lebanon Junction correspondent reported "Many of our children are absent from their classes at school because of having measles." Sound familiar?

March 1935

Miss Jennie Carpenter was chosen by the State Department of Education to begin teaching an adult education class for those who cannot read or write.

Upon the recommendation of the State, the following schools were to be merged beginning with the 1935-36 school year: Sugar Valley to Mt. Washington; Zoneton to Hebron; Hobbs to Clermont; Harned to Cane Run; and Victory, Pleasant Hill, and Woodsdale to Cedar Grove.

J.D. Buckman, clerk of the Circuit Court, and a graduate of S.H.S., was attending the Jefferson Law School in Louisville. The paper reported that he had recently been appointed a Kentucky Colonel by the governor.

The Shepherdsville High School debating team defeated Male High School 2-1. Millard Cundiff, Evelyn Masden, and Tommy Carroll were the S.H.S. debaters.

John Brachey was offering a $20 reward for the arrest and conviction of the thieves who stole 27 hens and 3 roosters from his hen house.

The Victory correspondent reported that Ralph Greenwell and family had moved to Mr. Allie Greenwell's place on the Ridge Road; and that Oscar Hilton had moved to Mr. Allie's place at Pleasant Hill.

The Mt. Washington correspondent wrote that Rev. Raymond Cornell and wife and Miss Stuart Troutman were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Troutman at Smithville.

The Needmore Road correspondent shared that Adrain Jones, and Mr. and Mrs. George Clark were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harley Procter.

She also wrote of the death of Mrs. Ellen Clark Ridgway who was born 1 May 1856 and died 18 Feb 1935. She had married Warren Ridgway in 1876, and they had 8 children, 4 of whom were still living: Mrs. Jess Alcorn, Mrs. Alfred Gibson, Ambrose and Levy Ridgway.

The paper reported the deaths of a mother and daughter on the same day. Mrs. Mollie Dever, wife of Robert Dever, died at 3 A.M. on March 5th. Her mother, Mrs. Bettie Troutman Mathis, died at 8:30 the same morning at the home of another daughter, Mrs. John Boes. Mrs. Mathis had been living with her sister, Miss Annie Troutman for several years.

The Salt River correspondent wrote that Miss Evalena Bergen spent a day with Miss Florence Tinnell; and that Mrs. Dee Bergen visited with Mrs. Cleve Masden.

In the personals column we read that Mrs. Fred Sipes of Gap-in-knob spent a day with Mrs. Minnie Pulliam; and that Mrs. Delbert Waggoner was ill with appendicitis at the home of her parents.

Also, Professor Russell, principal of the Shepherdsville School, had developed pneumonia.

Allard Armstrong was advertising his fine Black Percheron Stallion named Dude to stand stud at his place on the Shepherdsville-Mt. Washington road.

Lots of music going on at the Baptist Church in Shepherdsville. They reported four additions to their orchestra: Mrs. Eugenia Stansbury (pianist), Eloise Hardy (eb alto saxophone), Howard Holsclaw (cornet), and Harold Hardy (drums). Also, Emma Philpot, Eva and Ida Maraman, and Martha Jane and Helen Croan have joined the choir. They also have a young saxophone quartet composed of Eloise Hardy, Charles Magruder, Dortha Holton, and H. Evan McKinley Jr.

The Lebanon Junction correspondent reported that Miss Mary Quin Harned, who is taking nurse's training in Louisville, spent time visiting with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Fisher Harned, and her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Smith. She also reported that many children were still sick with the measles.

The Belmont correspondent wrote that Miss Estelle Bradbury spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Bradbury. Estelle was attending school in Campbellsville.

Principal Russell reported that while the 29th district basketball tournament held at Shepherdsville was a financial success, unfortunately the local teams were eliminated in the first round.

And once again, fire claimed a building in Shepherdsville. It was an old two-story frame building in back of the Bullitt County Bank. The fire damaged parts of the bank and of the residence of T.C. Carroll as well. The destroyed building was owned by Jim Collings who had rented it to Harry Ashe who was operating a beer joint and restaurant there.

April 1935

The James B. Beam distilling plant at Clermont was completed and made its first run in the last of March with a current mash at 600 bushels per day. It was located on the site of the old Murphy, Barber Company.

Children from the Mt. Washington school performed for the the faculty members of the Western Kentucky State Teacher's College and were well received. Participating were Stanford Harris, Demetra Fisher, Loraine and Geraldine Forman, Mary Coyle, Opal Mae Owens, Elizabeth Lloyd, Alma Dean Fisher, Anna Ruth and Kathleen Harris, Zara Jane Hall, and Lindsay Wigginton. Edna McGee was their teacher.

The Board of Education filled all county teaching positions for the coming school term. Here is the list. J. C. Brashear (principal), Mary Holsclaw and Beatrice Lutes, Nichols; Dorothy Hedges, Mt. Olivet; Francis K. Beeler, Sunny Side; A. J. Beeler (principal), Pauline Daughterty and Ethel Mae Cochran, Glen Meadows; Sarah D. Whitman, Bullitt Lick; Fronia Crenshaw, Mt. Elmira; Myrtle Stansbury, Pleasant Grove; Ruth Weller (principal) and Cora Ney Hardy, Hebron; Junie Ash, Brooks; Quinn Pearl (principal) and Catherine Triplett, Bethel; H. N. Ockerman, Mt. Washington principal;Louella McFarland and Lindsay Jones, Mt. Washington High; Clyde E. Roby, Mary B. Hill, Virginia Gardner, Katherine Williams, and Myrtle Shake, Mt. Washington; Dale Carrithers, Cedar Glade; Jack Gardner (principal) and Martha Weller, Cedar Grove; Ruby C. Masden, Pitts Point; Mae Mathis, Beech Grove; Zardetti Dawson, Hayes; Johnnie Cruise (principal) and Evelyn Adams, Clermont; Woodrow Masden, Cane Run; Ida Lee Ball, Mt. Carmel; Clifton Hall, Culver Springs; Mildred Hall (principal) and Louise Cochran, Oak Grove; Kathryn Harned, Bardstown Junction; Ray Masden, Belmont; Sara Fay Lee, Sharps; Henry Owens and Mattie Owens, Bowmans Valley; Wilma Crenshaw, Woodsdale, and Willard Wright, Zoneton.

William F. Russell

Professor William F. Russell was given a four year contract as principal of the Shepherdsville School. The school's teachers were Virginia Thomas, George Yates, Hallie K. Griffin, Mary B. Smith, Lynwood Crenshaw, Maudean Mitchell, and Mary Alta Hudson. Roy L. Maraman, John H. Lee, Ralph C. Henderson, Gilbert S. Daugherty, and William N. Griffin were the members of the school board.

Erwin Funk was witness to the death of J. T. Melton on April 23rd when Melton was struck by a train on the Salt River bridge. Funk was driving over the wagon bridge when he saw the accident.

The Jack Sanders Family performed at the Masonic Temple with 25 musical numbers, and 15 different instruments.

Miss Mary Holsclaw attended service at the Walnut Street Baptist Church in Louisville to hear a Spaniard speak on religious conditions in his country.

And in the personal column we learned that Eva and Ida Maraman were guests of Evelyn and Virginia Dawson; and that Guy and Thelma Bergen and their little son Gerald of Atlanta were home visiting their parents.

May 1935

The S.H.S. Senior Class play, "Here Comes Charlie," was well received. Seniors taking part included Millard Cundiff, Charlotte Froman, Marshal Welsh, Lou Alice Spears, Martha Croan, Harry Baldwin, Emma Philpott, Charles Lee, William Lee Hatfield, and Betty Hibbs.

The Shepherdsville Town Board signed a contract with Henry Bickel Co. of Louisville for the construction of the Municipal Water Works. According to the paper, "After the Plant is complete, the community will have a pure dependable supply of water for all domestic use as well as for the prevention of the fire hazard."

Bro. McKinley, G. L. Troutwine Jr., Charles Magruder, and Lounette Stansbury went to Glendale and presented music and music at the Baptist Church there. The service was well received.

The paper reported that Raymond and Marie Arnold were the proud parents of twin boys, Carroll and Calvin.

Clyde E. Roby, a teacher in the Mt. Washington school, secured a summer position in Long's Cash Store in Mt. Washington.

Miss Elelia Holsclaw of Hebron was mourning the death of her parrot that had been her pet for 21 years.

Out Needmore Road way (wherever that was), Thomas Gentry and his wife moved to the farm of Mr. Vonderhide; J. O. Smith spent a Saturday with Adrian Jones; and then Adrian spent a Friday with Millard and Gordon Proctor.

In Cedar Grove, Mrs. Henry Crenshaw had been real sick, and Mrs. George Bolton paid her a visit. Also, Howell Young and his son Ernest were doing some painting for Henry Maraman.

In Court News, Mrs. Gertie Heffley was granted a divorce from her husband William in the April term of Circuit Court.

In the Personal Column we learned that Miss Jennie Carpenter and Mrs. Hallie Armstrong visited their sister, Mrs. Elsa Whitledge. Also, Mr. Minnow and his family all have the measles.

Burton Johnson had a new ground plow for sale or trade. He wanted $7.00 or 10 bushels of corn or one BIG iron kettle.

The Woman's Club of Bullitt County sponsored the restoration of the Old Shepherdsville Cemetery. Anyone interested in helping could show up on May 15th.

Stanford Harris, a senior at the Mt. Washington High School, traveled to Madison, Wisconsin to enter the National Musical contest as Kentucky's representative on the trombone.

Mr. and Mrs P. H. Henderson celebrated 50 years of marriage on May 6th. They were life-long residents of Bullitt County.

And Homer Meyers of Brooks Station lost his wagon and team of mules when they were hit by the train. Meyers failed to see the oncoming locomotive until Harry Farmer got his attention just in time. The mules were killed and the wagon cut in half, but Homer survived unharmed.

June 1935

Edward Kneisler qualified as administrator for the estate of his late father, Charles K. Kneisler. The latter served as school trustee in this county for more than 30 years.

Many teachers in the county were heading back to college for the summer since the state would be requiring each one to have at least 64 college hours to be certified to teach in the fall.

The Methodist Church in Shepherdsville was in the midst of a revival led by their pastor Bro. Skelton and Mr. Gillespie.

The Coys and Thornhills who lived near Mt. Eden had a "friendly" falling out that resulted in the Thornhill men being "pretty badly shot which kept Dr. Kirk some time picking out shot." Sheriff McAfee and Jailor Deacon spent the night looking for Coy and captured him the next day.

Allie Greenwell lost a fine mule when lightning picked it out of the herd, leaving the rest unharmed.

Miss Eva Maraman joined the Baptist Church orchestra, playing her saxophone.

Frye Haley of Lebanon Junction was the proud owner of a new Dodge car.

Emmett Lee Raney received a scholarship to attend Georgetown College. He was attending the University School of Music in Louisville during the summer.

The Victory correspondent reported sadness at the death of Louis Fields. Mr. Fields had been a paper hanger when younger, and had lived on Ridge Road for years.

The Belmont correspondent reported that Rev. E. C. Masden filled his regular appointment Sunday at the local church. A good number were present.

In the personals column we learned that Ruth Card Strange spent a week in Louisville with her aunt, Bertha Trunnell, and attended the closing exercises of Miss Trunnell's school. Also, Wilbur Strange spent a week with his parents at Hebron.

We also learned that Betty Hibbs, Virginia Dawson, and Ida Maraman attended Spencerian Business College during the summer.

The paper reprinted an article from The Courier-Journal about a youngster from Brooks, Kentucky who "talked at 8 month, walked at 11 months, and at 20 months had a vocabulary of three and four-syllable words. Wonder what became of young Kenneth Merten Bailey Jr.?

Miss Ruth Wheatley, first and second grade teacher at the Shepherdsville school, received her A.B. degree from Eastern Teachers College.

The paper reported the death of Robinson E. Lee, a former jailor of Bullitt County.

B. B. Dunaway purchased an interest in the drug store in Shepherdsville formerly run by Edgar Crenshaw and his father.

Lee Parrish of Mt. Washington won the grocery contest at Long's Cash Market.

Adam Carrithers, a Mt. Washington school graduate, was visiting his parents during a Navy furlough.

Elizabeth McGinnis Maraman died on 13 Jun 1935. She and Mack Maraman were married on 11 Feb 1874. Their children included Mrs. H. L. Formhals, Mrs. L. R. Burks, Mrs. Oscar Underwood, Ehrman Maraman, and Jim Maraman according to the paper.

And the paper complained of the condition of the road bridges at Brooks Run, Blue Lick, Gap-in-Knob, and Salt River, and called for improvements to be made to encourage business in Shepherdsville and Lebanon Junction.

July 1935

Two of Mrs. Louella McFarland's brothers, Eugene and Windsor Cravens were graduated with distinction from the University of Kentucky in the college of Agriculture. Eugene accepted a four-year scholarship from Cornell University in Utica, N.Y., and Windsor has accepted one from Iowa State University.

The Baptist Church in Shepherdsville reported 182 in Sunday School; and that Dr. Sam P. Martin, a former pastor, would be in their pulpit in a special Friday night service.

Rex Garr was plowing on the old Croan place when he met up with Mr. Rattlesnake. When Rex stretched him out, he measured about three and a half feet, and had seven rattlers.

Happy Chandler's folks ran a front page ad announcing that he would speak at the Shepherdsville Court House. Other parts of the paper left the impression that many folks were not going to be impressed.

In news from Mt. Washington, Mr. Clifford McClure motored to Mannoth Cave Sunday with 40 guests. Royce Swearingen and family, Louis Roby and family were Sunday guests of Mrs. James Swearingen. And Mrs. Crissie Briscoe had returned from a visit with her brother, Dr. Wells of Bardstown.

An ice cream supper was served by Mrs. Arthur Burns in honor of her daughter, Cathryne Burns' sixteenth birthday. Present at the girl's grandparents' home for the event were Mr. and Mrs. Will Burns, Mrs. Willie May Cundiff, Mrs. Frank Carter, her two sons Frank and Ray Carter, he niece Elizabeth Birckle, Clarice Royalty, all of Louisville, and Monzell Burns.

Edgar Croan was offering a $5 reward for the finder of his lost dog. It was half bulldog and half hound. Anyone seen it?

The McKinley Trio and Miss Lounetta Stansbury gave a sacred concert at the Mill Creek Baptist Church out past Bardstown. Ask Lounetta if she remembers it.

T. W. Longacre of Louisville spent a day with J. W. Barrall and family.

Mrs. Guy Bergen and her litte son were in town to visit Mr. and Mrs. Ben Crenshaw and other relatives here.

The Woman's Club proposed building a playground in Shepherdsville, and C. F. Troutman offered a vacant lot for the purpose. A committee including Mrs. W. F. Russell, Mrs. T. C. Carroll, and Mrs. James Hardaway were appointed to collect funds for its construction.

Down at Lebanon Junction, John Samuels was home from the hospital, Dan Abbot and wife had moved to Frankfort, and Dr. T. P. Sloan and Miss Lillian Whitehead motored to the "land of Goshen Gardens" on Sunday.

Jim Ed Magruder of Salt River bought the Simmons lot next to The Pioneer News building. Know where that was?

Joe Passafiume of Brooks Station had 20 goats for sale.

Out at Hebron, Mary Frances Hedges and Mary Dell Robards were sent to the summer camp for girls at Kavanaugh, and enjoyed every minute of their stay.

On a sad note, Ben Atherton was struck and killed by a passing automobile in front of his home in Belmont. He was 60 years old.

And Dan Rummage of Shepherdsville will deliver 300 pounds of first quality ice to your home for just $1.05. Just call him at 22 (yep, that's the whole phone number).

Copyright 2025 by Charles Hartley, Shepherdsville KY. All rights are reserved. No part of the content of this page may be included in any format in any place without the written permission of the copyright holder.

The Bullitt County History Museum, a service of the Bullitt County Genealogical Society, is located in the county courthouse at 300 South Buckman Street (Highway 61) in Shepherdsville, Kentucky. The museum, along with its research room, is open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Saturday appointments are available by calling 502-921-0161 during our regular weekday hours. Admission is free. The museum, as part of the Bullitt County Genealogical Society, is a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization and is classified as a 509(a)2 public charity. Contributions and bequests are deductible under section 2055, 2106, or 2522 of the Internal Revenue Code. Page last modified: 03 Mar 2025 . Page URL: