Bullitt County History

Heirs of Richard P. Simmons to Richard H. Field - 3 Tracts

In 1846, Richard H. Field, one of the heirs of Richard P. Simmons, purchased from Simmons' estate three lots of ground, two in Shepherdsville (lot 34, and part of lot 25), and a third containing three acres near town, called the meadow lot. He later sold lot 34 to John Rickerson.

Bullitt County Deed Book L, Pages 43-44

This indenture made this 12th day of October 1846 between Nicolas Simmons, Alfred Simmons, Jacob W. Bowman and Mary Jane his wife, Solomon N. Brooks and Elizabeth his wife, Richard H. Field, Alfred J. Field and Abraham Hamlet Field, heirs of Richard P. Summers, deceased, by Noah C. Summers, commissioner for them for that purpose of one part, and Richard Henry Field of the other part.

Witnesseth that whereas the said heirs of Richard P. Simmons dec'd filed their petition in the Bullitt Circuit Court praying a sale of the real estate of said Richard P. Simmons dec'd agreeably to law, and said court did by its order and decree in said cause of the 10th April 1846 direct and appoint Henry C. Thomas commissioner to make a sale of said land and estate of said decedent as therein named and report the sales to court, and said Commissioner Thomas did as by said decree directed sell said estate on the 18th May 1846, and amongst other sold said Richard Henry Field purchased half acre lot No. 34 in the new plan of the town of Shepherdsville in Bullitt County for $17.50, and said R. H. Field purchased the meadow lot so called of about three acres on the road to Louisville near Shepherdsville for $80, and said R. H. Field also purchased the lot next to the County Clerk's office fronting on Main Street for $156, said lot is part of lot No. 25 in the new plan of said town of Shepherdsville and adjoins the lot purchased of said estate by H. J. Craycroft and adjoins the office, and the lot of said Craycroft on which said Craycroft lives; and said commissioner returned to said report and sales to court at their October Term 1846, and said report and sales were confirmed by the order of said Bullitt Circuit Court made in said case. And said Norah C. Summers was appointed commissioner by said court to convey said estate so sold on the part of said R. P. Simmons' Heirs to the purchasers.

Now therefore in consideration of the premises, the said decree, sales and orders made in the case, they the said parties of the first part, heirs of said Richard P. Simmons dec'd by said Noah C. Summers, commissioner for them for that purpose, have sold, conveyed and confirmed and by these presnets do sell, convey and confirm unto him the said Richard Henry Field and to his heirs and assigns forever the said half acre lot No. 34 and appurtenances, said three acres and appurtenances (the meadow lot), and the said part of lot No. 25 and appurtenances.

To have and to hold the said lots and land here sold and conveyed unto him the said Richard H. Field and to his heirs and assigns forever against the claims of them the said Richard P. Simmons' Heirs, and their heirs and assigns, and against the claims of all other persons as fully as by law and the decree and sales aforesaid said commissioner can warrant and defend title without any individual responsibility on said commissioner. Witness the hands and seals of the grantors the date first herein written. (Signed by Summers for each of the grantors.)

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The Bullitt County History Museum, a service of the Bullitt County Genealogical Society, is located in the county courthouse at 300 South Buckman Street (Highway 61) in Shepherdsville, Kentucky. The museum, along with its research room, is open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Saturday appointments are available by calling 502-921-0161 during our regular weekday hours. Admission is free. The museum, as part of the Bullitt County Genealogical Society, is a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization and is classified as a 509(a)2 public charity. Contributions and bequests are deductible under section 2055, 2106, or 2522 of the Internal Revenue Code. Page last modified: 13 Mar 2025 . Page URL: bullittcountyhistory.org/bchistory/simmonsheirs-rhfield.html