In this deed, the Shepherdsville lots owned by Abraham Field were divided amongst his heirs as shown below.
The part deeded to Alfred J. Field was later sold to Thomas Joyce on 27 Feb 1866.
Bullitt County Deed Book O, Pages 552-553
This indenture and deed of partition made and entered into this 5th day of May in the year of Christ 1856 between R. H. Field and Kate his wife, A. J. Field and Ellen his wife, A. H. Field and Julia his wife, Henry Trunnell and Mary Jane his wife, and S. N. Brooks and Elizabeth his wife, heirs and devisees of Abraham Field dec'd.
Witnesseth that whereas the said A. Field died seized and the owner of certain real estate in the town of Shepherdsville which by his last will and testament he directed to be equally divided among the before named parties to this deed, and the said parties having by agreement divided said real estate into four shares and agreed to let the said Brooks and wife have theirs, the fifth share in money to arise from the sale of lots in the city of Louisville; and whereas also the said A. H. Field and wife have for a valuable consideration, to wit, the sum of $750, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, sold the share allotted to him to R. H. Field, now for and in consideration of the premises the said R. H. Field and wife, A. H. Field and wife, Henry Trunnell and wife, S. N. Brooks and wife hereby sell, alien, release and convey unto the said A. J. Field Lot #8 in the new plan of said town of Shepherdsville known as the clover lot and is opposite to the Jail lot, also frame house and lot on Main Street running back to School Alley conveyed to said A. Field by Elisha Simmons.
Also a fraction of lot laying west of the last described lot conveyed by __, being said A. J. Field's share of said real estate __ and the said A. H. Field and wife, Henry Trunnell and wife and S. N. Brooks and wife hereby sell, alien, release and convey unto R. H. Field the stone store house and brick office in said town together with following boundary of lot, to wit.
Beginning at the northeast corner of said store house running with the north line thereof to the west line of the carriage house, thence with the line of said house South far enough to intersect a line running from the southeast corner of the brick office and with the southern wall of same, thence with said last line to Main Street, thence with Main Street to the beginning, being his own and the share of A. H. Field in said real estate.
And the said A. H. Field and wife S. N. Brooks and wife and R. H. Field and wife hereby sell, alien, release and convey unto the said Mary Jane Trunnell all that part of lots Nos. 55 and 56 in said town on which the dwelling house of said A. Field stands and was owned by him except the portion of same heretofore conveyed to R. H. Field, being said Mary Jane Trunnell's share of said real estate. And the said R. H. Field and wife, A. H. Field and wife, S. N. Brooks and wife and Henry Trunnell and wife hereby convenant and agree to and with each other that they will and their heirs shall forever warrant and defend the title to said property to the parties to whom the same is conveyed against the claims of all persons whatever; the said A. J. Field and wife having conveyed by deed bearing date the 1st day of February 1855, the same is referred to and made part of this conveyance.
In testimony whereof the said parties have hereto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. [signed by all parties]
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The Bullitt County History Museum, a service of the Bullitt County Genealogical Society, is located in the county courthouse at 300 South Buckman Street (Highway 61) in Shepherdsville, Kentucky. The museum, along with its research room, is open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Saturday appointments are available by calling 502-921-0161 during our regular weekday hours. Admission is free. The museum, as part of the Bullitt County Genealogical Society, is a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization and is classified as a 509(a)2 public charity. Contributions and bequests are deductible under section 2055, 2106, or 2522 of the Internal Revenue Code. Page last modified: 15 Feb 2025 . Page URL: