The Bullitt County History Museum

Wilderness Road Quarterlies - Volumes 1-35 Index - K

We are now able to provide access to the first 35 volumes of the Genealogical Society's Wilderness Road Quarterlies in pdf format. In the alphabetical table below we provide buttons which serve as links to display the pages. The numbers on the buttons represent the volume and page number where the indexed name may be found. Finally, we have divided the list into surname sections as shown below to make it easier for you to jump to the part you need.

All of these Quarterly pages are copyrighted by the Bullitt County Genealogical Society. By downloading any of them, you agree that it is for your personal use. They may not be distributed in any way, electronic or otherwise, without the express written permission of the Bullitt County Genealogical Society.

Kachlein, Andrew |
Kachlein, Johann Andreas |
Kachlein, Margaret |
Kaelbli, Marti |
Kaelin, Victoria Caple |
Kafka, __ Dr. |
Kaggens, John |
Kaher, Lee, Dr. |
Kahlert, Clay |
Kahn, I. K. |
Kain, Bettie |
Kaise, Clarence |
Kaiser, Florence Cummins |
Kaiser, Regina |
Kaisor, Ira |
Kalewski, Doris |
Kalewski, Walter |
Kalfus, __ | | | |
Kalfus, __, Dr. |
Kalfus, Ann F. |
Kalfus, Ann Frederika |
Kalfus, Ann S. | |
Kalfus, Anna | |
Kalfus, Anna Frederika |
Kalfus, C. C. |
Kalfus, Columbus Clay | |
Kalfus, F. |
Kalfus, H. Clay |
Kalfus, H. F. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Kalfus, H. F. II |
Kalfus, H. F. III |
Kalfus, H. F., Dr. |
Kalfus, H. M. |
Kalfus, Henrietta |
Kalfus, Henry | | | | | | |
Kalfus, Henry F |
Kalfus, Henry F. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Kalfus, Henry F., Dr. | | | |
Kalfus, Henry Frederick |
Kalfus, Henry, Dr. | |
Kalfus, J. S. |
Kalfus, Jeremiah L. |
Kalfus, Josdph |
Kalfus, Joseph Leland |
Kalfus, Joseph S. |
Kalfus, Lillie Dale |
Kalfus, Lily Dale |
Kalfus, Matilda |
Kalfus, Matilda H. |
Kalfus, Matilda Harrison |
Kalfus, William | |
Kallam, Michael |
Kama, __ |
Kama, Manti |
Kama, Mantie | |
Kammeraad, Willamenia |
Kammerer, Tom T. |
Kamp, John |
Kanady, Thomas |
Kandie, __ | |
Kandie, W. A. |
Kandol, John |
Kane, Jackie | | | |
Kaninenberg, Mary |
Kappel, __ | | | | | | | |
Kappel, John, Mrs. |
Kappel, Lewis |
Kappell, __ |
Kappell, C. |
Kappell, J. |
Kappier, Noah |
Kapple, __ |
Kapple, Keith |
Karalfy, Edith |
Kare, __ |
Karr, George W. |
Karr, Jonathan | |
Karr, Joyce Kersey |
Karr, Loretta |
Karr, Thomas | | |
Kase, __ |
Kasey, __ | | |
Kasey, Ann |
Kash, Pres |
Kasniewski, __ |
Kassen, William Anton |
Kaster, George Ann |
Kaster, John |
Kaster, Kate |
Kaster, Mary E. |
Kaster, Susan |
Kaster, Susan Ermine |
Kastor, __ |
Kattman, Marie E. |
Katze, Engle Marie S. |
Katzman, E. F., Dr. |
Kauffman, __ | | |
Kauffman, Fanny |
Kaufman, A. L. | |
Kaufman, Chris |
Kaufman, Lorraine |
Kaufman, Lydia |
Kaufman, Ruth |
Kaufman, Sue |
Kaufman, William Earl |
Kaufmann, Aaron L. |
Kavanaugh, H. H. |
Kavipe, Mary |
Kay, Edward |
Kay, James | | | |
Kay, Linny |
Kay, Volinda |
Kay, W. E., Mrs. |
Kaye, Hattie | |
Kaye, James |
Kaye, W. E., Mrs. | |
Kaye, William Edward |
Kays, __ | | | | | |
Kays, Cora | |
Kays, Gabrella |
Kays, George |
Kays, George Wash. |
Kays, James Henry |
Kays, Mary Frances |
Kays, William |
Kazee, Margaret | |
KBrown, Mary J. |
Keady, M. P. |
Keaney, __ |
Keaney, J. M. |
Kearby, __ | | | | | | | | |
Kearby, Alexander Jr. |
Kearby, Alexander Sr. |
Kearby, Clara Morton |
Kearby, Francis |
Kearby, Hawkins |
Kearby, Mary |
Kearby, Richard |
Kearney, Randy |
Kearny, Phillip |
Keas, James L. |
Keas, W. C. |
Keck, __ |
Keel, Mariah |
Keele, Hazel M. | |
Keelin, Fannie |
Keelin, James |
Keeling, __ | | | | | |
Keeling, __, Dr. | |
Keeling, Catherine A. |
Keeling, James |
Keeling, John |
Keeling, Lucy Jane | |
Keeling, W. H., Dr. |
Keen, __ | |
Keen, Jane |
Keenan, __ |
Keenan, __, Dr. |
Keene, Ann |
Keene, Susan Jane |
Keenen, __ Coroner |
Keener, __ | |
Keener, Mary Ellen |
Keeney, __, Dr. |
Keenon, Uberto, Capt. |
Keenor, John |
Keeny, __, Coroner |
Keeny, __, Dr. |
Keer, Roscoe, Dr. |
Kefauver, Sheila |
Kegan, __ |
Keggan, Mena |
Kegley, Mary B. | | |
Keigwen, __, JP |
Keigwin, James S. |
Keinsley, Betty Ann |
Keith, __ | | | | | | |
Keith, Bruce G. |
Keith, Cornelius |
Keith, Della Bell |
Keith, Dock Green |
Keith, Doris Irene |
Keith, Elise E. Martin |
Keith, G. Ruth Taylor |
Keith, George |
Keith, Henrietta |
Keith, Jaspar Julius |
Keith, John | |
Keith, Lida Shepherd |
Keith, Lorena Esther |
Keith, Martha |
Keith, Marvin |
Keith, Minnie |
Keith, Ola Mae |
Keith, Patty |
Keith, Rhonda | |
Keith, Stonewall | |
Keith, Stonewell |
Keith, William |
Keith, William H. |
Keithly, __ | | | |
Keithly, Betty |
Keithly, Edwin Cantron |
Keithly, French F. |
Keithly, Jacob |
Keithly, James Alexander |
Keithly, Levi | |
Keithly, Rufus Edw., Dr. | |
Keithly, Samuel |
Kelin, Elizabeth |
Kellar, __ | | | |
Kellar, Abraham | | |
Kellar, George |
Kellar, Isaac | | | |
Kellar, Moses | |
Kellar, Nancy A. |
Kellar, Paulina |
Kellar, Tom, Rev. |
Kellebrew, __ |
Keller, __ |
Keller, A. |
Keller, Abraham |
Keller, Elizabeth R. |
Keller, Isaac | | |
Keller, J. B. |
Keller, J. H. |
Keller, John | | | | | | |
Keller, John Jr. |
Keller, John, Mrs. |
Keller, Margret |
Keller, Owens |
Keller, Will |
Keller, William |
Kelley, __, Miss |
Kelley, Alice P. | | |
Kelley, amily |
Kelley, Augustus |
Kelley, B. E. |
Kelley, Berneta |
Kelley, C. A. |
Kelley, Charles | | |
Kelley, Cloha |
Kelley, D. M. |
Kelley, Daniel |
Kelley, Edith |
Kelley, Edna | |
Kelley, Elmo |
Kelley, emetery |
Kelley, Frank |
Kelley, Giles |
Kelley, Grandison | | | | | | | |
Kelley, Hattie | |
Kelley, Isaac |
Kelley, J. L. |
Kelley, J. W. |
Kelley, John |
Kelley, John S. | | |
Kelley, Katie |
Kelley, Leo |
Kelley, Lewis | | |
Kelley, Lula |
Kelley, Lula Mary | |
Kelley, Mary | | | |
Kelley, Minerva | |
Kelley, Rebecca |
Kelley, Sarah | |
Kelley, W. C. |
Kelley, Will |
Kelley, William | |
Kellogg, Carleton, Willard |
Kellogg, Louise Phelps | |
Kellogg, Ruth |
Kelly, __ | | | | | | |
Kelly, __, Miss |
Kelly, __, Rev. Fr. |
Kelly, A. W. |
Kelly, A. Wiley |
Kelly, Alice P. | | | |
Kelly, Amanda |
Kelly, Andrew |
Kelly, Barbara |
Kelly, Bessie Catherine |
Kelly, Betsy |
Kelly, Carrie |
Kelly, Charles | |
Kelly, Cloha | | |
Kelly, D. M. |
Kelly, Eliza Fay |
Kelly, Elizabeth |
Kelly, George |
Kelly, Grandison | |
Kelly, Hattie |
Kelly, Henry | |
Kelly, Henry, Mrs. |
Kelly, Ida O. |
Kelly, J. L. |
Kelly, Jane | |
Kelly, Jim |
Kelly, John |
Kelly, John R. |
Kelly, John S. |
Kelly, Lewis |
Kelly, Lily |
Kelly, Lori | |
Kelly, Lou |
Kelly, Louis | | | |
Kelly, Lulie |
Kelly, Martha |
Kelly, Martha A. |
Kelly, Mary | |
Kelly, Mary Ann | |
Kelly, Minerva | |
Kelly, R. A. |
Kelly, Sallie |
Kelly, Sallie Eastham |
Kelly, Samuel | |
Kelly, Susan |
Kelly, W. C. | |
Kelly, Ward |
Kelly, Will |
Kelly, William |
Kelly, William L. | |
Kelly, William, Mrs. |
Kelsall, O. H., Dr. |
Kelsey, Mary |
Keltner, E. S., Mrs. |
Keltner, Eris S. |
Kelty, Can(?) |
Kelty, Cornelius |
Kemball, __ |
Kemball, Mary |
Kemp, __ | |
Kemp, Debra P. |
Kemp, Peter G. |
Kemp, Reuben |
Kemp, Thomas J. |
Kemp, Thomas Jay |
Kemper, __ | |
Kemper, Henry F. |
Kemper, Obediah |
Kempf, Gary | | | | | | | | |
Kempleman, William |
Kenason, A. C. |
Kendall, __ | | | | | | | | | | | |
Kendall, __, Mrs. |
Kendall, Benjamin F. | |
Kendall, Eugenia Lloyd |
Kendall, Florence |
Kendall, Georgiann | |
Kendall, Heli |
Kendall, Henry David |
Kendall, Holi |
Kendall, Jacob |
Kendall, James | | |
Kendall, James A. |
Kendall, James Henry |
Kendall, James S. | |
Kendall, John | | |
Kendall, Lawrence Wm. |
Kendall, Lucinda |
Kendall, Lucy Ann | |
Kendall, Margaret Rose | |
Kendall, Mary | | | |
Kendall, N. | | |
Kendall, Nannie Mae | | |
Kendall, Nelson S. |
Kendall, Permelia |
Kendall, Ruth |
Kendall, Samuel Taylor |
Kendall, Sarah J. | |
Kendall, Thompson |
Kendall, V. C. |
Kendall, Verna Izora |
Kendall, W. A. |
Kendall, William | |
Kendall, Willis | |
Kendrick, __ |
Kendrick, Ezell |
Kendrick, F. P. |
Kendrick, Francis P., Rev. |
Kenedy, Daniel |
Kenedy, John |
Kenidy, Moses |
Kennada, William |
Kennaday, George |
Kennady, __ | |
Kennady, Da__ |
Kennady, Elizabeth | |
Kennady, Henry | |
Kennady, James |
Kennady, John | | |
Kennady, Margaret S. |
Kennady, Mary Ann |
Kennady, Valentine |
Kennady, William |
Kennard, __ | | | |
Kennard, Sarah | |
Kennedy, __ | | | | | | | | | | |
Kennedy, Alex Ramsey |
Kennedy, Alexander |
Kennedy, Alfred Hines | |
Kennedy, Amelia L. |
Kennedy, Amelia L. Jones |
Kennedy, Amelia Louise | |
Kennedy, arah Jane |
Kennedy, Bert |
Kennedy, Betty |
Kennedy, Daniel | | | | | |
Kennedy, Daniel Boone | |
Kennedy, Dolores | | | | | | | | |
Kennedy, Dolores L. |
Kennedy, Edward Bader |
Kennedy, Elizabeth |
Kennedy, Henry | |
Kennedy, Howard |
Kennedy, Jackson |
Kennedy, John | | |
Kennedy, John G. | |
Kennedy, John W. |
Kennedy, John William |
Kennedy, Joseph M. |
Kennedy, K. C., Mrs. |
Kennedy, Lida Bell |
Kennedy, Linn L. |
Kennedy, Margaret |
Kennedy, Roberta R. |
Kennedy, Samuel |
Kennedy, Samuel E. | |
Kennedy, Samuel Edward |
Kennedy, Sarah Jane |
Kennedy, Sarah T. |
Kennedy, Susannah | |
Kennedy, Thomas | |
Kennedy, Thomas Jeff. |
Kennedy, Valentin |
Kennedy, Virginia Jane | |
Kennedy, Wathena |
Kennedy, William | |
Kennedy, William Cotton |
Kennet, Joseph |
Kennett, Blue |
Kennett, Joseph | |
Kennett, Joshua | | |
Kennett, Joshua D. | |
Kennett, Lucy |
Kenney, __ | |
Kenney, Mary Luch |
Kennick, Mary |
Kennison, Alonzo |
Kennison, Charlie |
Kennison, J. R., Mrs. |
Kennison, John R. |
Kennison, Mary Ann |
Kenny, Cooper |
Kenny, Josephine |
Kenny, Mupply |
Kenrick, F. P. | | |
Kenrick, Francis P., Rev. |
Kensinger, E. L. |
Kensinger, John | |
Kensinger, Nancy |
Kent, __ | |
Kent, George A. |
Kent, Gladys Irene |
Kenton, __ | |
Kenton, Simon | |
Kenton, Thomas | |
Keobke, Rose |
Kerbey, __ |
Kerbey, Jesse | |
Kerby, H. |
Kerchival, J. |
Kerghtly, George |
Kerlin, D. |
Kerlin, W. B. |
Kermickle, Peter |
Kern, Peter | | | |
Kerns, Bernard |
Kerns, Jacob |
Kerns, Peter | | | | | | |
Kerr, __ | | | |
Kerr, __, Dr. |
Kerr, Alexander | |
Kerr, Donald Henry | |
Kerr, E. |
Kerr, Enos | | | | | | | | | | |
Kerr, Enosmith, |
Kerr, Euphemia | |
Kerr, Findlay | |
Kerr, Flora Findlay | |
Kerr, Fred |
Kerr, Hugh | |
Kerr, James | |
Kerr, James C. |
Kerr, Margaret | |
Kerr, Margaret Moore | |
Kerr, R. D. |
Kerr, R. I., Dr. |
Kerr, Sandy |
Kerrick, J. |
Kerrick, John |
Kersey, __ | |
Kersey, James | | |
Kersey, Joyce |
Kersey, Mary | | |
Kersey, Moses |
Kerstens, Elizabeth Kelly |
Kerstner, Elizabeth |
Kerts, Thomas |
Kervat, Elendor |
Kesine, Sarah |
Kesl, Bessie |
Kesl, Florence |
Kesl, Nathan |
Kesl, Samuel |
Kessinger, Polly |
Kester, Riley A. |
Ketcham, __ | |
Ketcham, Jonathan |
Ketchum, __ |
Ketter, Cicero | |
Key, __ | | | | |
Key, C. M. |
Key, Corban Marion |
Key, Cordelia |
Key, Daniel |
Key, G. L. |
Key, George | |
Key, Green |
Key, Green L. | |
Key, Green S. |
Key, J. T. |
Key, James |
Key, Janet Ann |
Key, John T. | | |
Key, Marcus L. |
Key, Mary |
Key, Rachael |
Key, Thomas |
Key, Walter |
Key, William A. |
Keyer, J. B. | |
Keyes, Nancy |
Keylon, Sandy |
Keys, __ | | |
Keys, Janet |
Keys, John D. |
Keys, Walter | |
Keyser, __ |
Keyser, Arientje |
Kibby, Daniel |
Kibby, Isabelle |
Kibby, William H. |
Kichline, Thomas J. |
Kidd, W. C. |
Kiddle, George |
Kidmarquis, William |
Kidwell, __ | |
Kidwell, A. C. |
Kidwell, J. W. |
Kidwell, James |
Kidwell, Sarah |
Kiefer, John, Mrs. |
Kifer, Jacob |
Kiggins, Emanuel J. |
Kihnley, __ |
Kile, Patrick | | | |
Kilgore, Ben |
Kilgore, Benn |
Kilgore, Mary |
Kill, Marjorie |
Killam, __ |
Killam, Anne H. |
Killam, David T. | | |
Killam, David Thomas |
Killam, Douglas Lloyd |
Killam, Lloyd Randolph |
Killam, Winfield Scott |
Killan, John |
Killebrew, Geneva |
Killen, John | |
Killer, John |
Killey, __ | | |
Killey, Barbara |
Killey, Joshua |
Killian, John |
Killion, Roy |
Killsbrew, Geneva |
Kilton, Mada |
Kilty, Lille Jane |
Kim, Mary Elizabeth |
Kimball, __ |
Kimball, A. J. |
Kimball, Charles C. |
Kimball, Gertrude |
Kimball, M. E. |
Kimball, Mary Lieunnah |
Kimball, N. B. |
Kimball, Nathan | |
Kimball, Ora |
Kimball, Samuel | |
Kimball, William O. |
Kimberger, Eddie |
Kimberlain, George | |
Kimberland, H. |
Kimberlin, __ |
Kimberlin, Deborah | | | |
Kimberlin, Henry | | |
Kimberlin, Jacob | | |
Kimberlin, John |
Kimberlin, Mary C. |
Kimberlin, Sally |
Kimberline, __ | |
Kimble, Gertrude |
Kimbler, __ |
Kimbley, __ | | | |
Kimbrell, Luraney |
Kincaid, __ | |
Kincaid, Rebecca |
Kincaid, Robert |
Kincaid, Robert L. |
Kincaid, Sarah Ellen |
Kincaid, William |
Kincer, Mary Ann |
Kinchelay, M. B. |
Kincheloe, __ | |
Kincheloe, Lewis, Capt. |
Kinchloe, Anna |
Kindal, James |
Kindall, __ |
Kindall, W. A. |
Kinder, __ | |
Kinder, Elizabeth |
Kinder, Francis Marion |
Kinder, Frank | | | | |
Kinder, Jacob |
Kinder, Leon |
Kinder, Mary |
Kinder, William |
Kinder, William F. |
Kindlen, Lawrence |
Kindred, Elizabeth |
King, __ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
King, __, Capt. | | |
King, A. J. |
King, Abner | |
King, Albert | |
King, Albert T. |
King, Alexander | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
King, Alice |
King, Allen |
King, Allen A. |
King, Allie |
King, Alvin |
King, Andrew |
King, Anna Maud |
King, Annah |
King, Annie |
King, B. F. | |
King, Barbara | | | |
King, Bart |
King, Ben F. |
King, Benjamin | |
King, Benjamin F. | |
King, Betsy |
King, Bettie |
King, Betty |
King, Bunnie |
King, C. |
King, Catharine | |
King, Catherine | | |
King, Charity |
King, Charles | | |
King, Charles Jr. |
King, Charles, Mrs. |
King, Charlie |
King, Cynthia |
King, Dale | |
King, Daniel | | | | | | | | | |
King, Daniel E. |
King, Dorothy L. | |
King, Dorothy Lillian |
King, Ed |
King, Edgar T. |
King, Edward |
King, Edward T. |
King, Edwrd Thomas |
King, Elemeleck |
King, Elijah | | | |
King, Elinor |
King, Eliza |
King, Elizabeth | | | | | | | | | |
King, Elmer C. |
King, Emma Brooks |
King, Emma V. |
King, Estelle Stewart |
King, Fannie | |
King, Fanny | | | |
King, Frances |
King, Frances Neomia |
King, Francis | |
King, Franklin L. |
King, G. H. S. |
King, George | |
King, George W. | |
King, Gov. |
King, Henrietta |
King, Henry | | | | | | |
King, Henry B. | | | |
King, Henry C., Capt. |
King, Henry Sr. |
King, Herbert |
King, Ida |
King, Isaak |
King, Isabel | |
King, Isham |
King, Isiah |
King, Isom |
King, J. Estelle Stewart | |
King, J. W. | | |
King, Jackson |
King, James | | | | | | | | | |
King, James Y. |
King, Jane | |
King, Jessey |
King, Jim | |
King, John | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
King, John A. | | | |
King, John B. | |
King, John E. | | | | | | | | | | | | |
King, John H. | |
King, John H., Dr. |
King, John Henry, Dr. |
King, John T. |
King, John Thomas | |
King, John W. | | |
King, John, Mrs. |
King, Julia | |
King, Julia A. |
King, Julia Ann | |
King, Kathryn M. |
King, Katie |
King, Kenneth |
King, L. |
King, Laura |
King, Laura F. |
King, Lavacy | |
King, Lavinia |
King, Lelia |
King, Lem |
King, Lem C. |
King, Lemuel | | | | | | |
King, Lemuel C. | | |
King, Leora |
King, Lester |
King, Letice |
King, Lettice |
King, Levisa |
King, Lillian | |
King, Lillian C. |
King, Linda | | |
King, Lindsey |
King, Lizzie | | |
King, Louisa |
King, M. |
King, M. C. |
King, M. F. | |
King, Mable B. |
King, Margaret |
King, Maria |
King, Marilyn |
King, Martin Luther Jr. |
King, Mary | | | | | |
King, Mary A. | | | | |
King, Mary C. |
King, Mary E. | |
King, Mary Elizabeth | | |
King, Mary F. | | | | |
King, Matthew |
King, Milward |
King, Mollie |
King, Molly Hall |
King, N. Jr. |
King, Nancy | | |
King, Naythen |
King, Nellie |
King, Nelson | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
King, Nelson Jr. |
King, Noah |
King, Nora |
King, Pearl | | |
King, Pearl M. |
King, Philipina |
King, Polly | | | | | | | | | |
King, Poly |
King, Rose Lee |
King, Rowland |
King, Roy | |
King, Rudell | |
King, Rudell R. |
King, S. M. |
King, Sally | | | | |
King, Sara |
King, Sarah | | | | |
King, Sarah S. |
King, Seth | | | | | | | | | | |
King, Sola |
King, Sudie Mary |
King, Susan |
King, Susan E. |
King, T. M. |
King, Taylor | | |
King, Thomas |
King, Val |
King, Val. |
King, Valentine | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
King, Vallie | |
King, Virgie |
King, W. | | |
King, W. A |
King, W. A. | | |
King, Weathers | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
King, Will | | | | |
King, Will, Mrs. | |
King, William | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
King, William A. | | |
King, William Dale |
King, William E. |
King, William E. Jr. |
King, William Felix |
King, William J. | |
King, William Samuel |
King, William T. |
King, William Valentine |
King, Willing |
King, Withers | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
King, Withers, |
King, Yelverton | | | |
King, Yelvington | | |
King, Zachary Taylor |
Kinge, Mary | |
Kingrey, Robena |
Kings, __ | |
Kingsford, Andrew |
Kinkead, __ | |
Kinkead, John, Capt. |
Kinkhead, Ludie |
Kinner, E. L., Dr. |
Kinnerson, John |
Kinneson, __ |
Kinneson, A. C. |
Kinnett, J. |
Kinnett, J. D. |
Kinnett, Joshua D. |
Kinney, Amory |
Kinney, E. L. |
Kinney, E. L., Dr. |
Kinney, E. L., M.D. | | | | | |
Kinney, Elvin L., M.D. |
Kinney, Evlin L. | |
Kinney, Evlin L., M.D. |
Kinney, Janet | |
Kinney, John |
Kinney, Lucy |
Kinnison, __ | | | | |
Kinnison, A. B. S. |
Kinnison, A. C. | | | | | | | | | |
Kinnison, Alonzo |
Kinnison, Alonzo B. |
Kinnison, Alonzo C. | |
Kinnison, Clarence | |
Kinnison, Hal, Mrs. |
Kinnison, Henry |
Kinnison, J. C. |
Kinnison, J. R. |
Kinnison, James |
Kinnison, John | | | | | | |
Kinnison, John R. | | | | | | | | | | | |
Kinnison, Milley |
Kinnison, R. |
Kinnison, Rachel |
Kinnison, Rebecca | |
Kinnison, Rowena | | | |
Kinnison, W. A. |
Kinnison, W. C. |
Kinnison, W. H. |
Kinnleigh, Francis |
Kinsey, __ |
Kinsey, Charles T. |
Kinsinger, __ |
Kinsinger, John |
Kinsinger, Louisa M. |
Kints, Eliza |
Kiper, __ |
Kiper, Jacob |
Kirbey, __ | |
Kirby, __ |
Kirby, __, Col. |
Kirby, Daniel |
Kirby, H. |
Kirby, Jesse |
Kirby, Virginia |
Kirchner, Harry | | |
Kirk, __ | | |
Kirk, __, Dr. | | |
Kirk, Edward M. |
Kirk, Edward M., Col. |
Kirk, G. W. | | | |
Kirk, G. W., Dr. | | | | | | |
Kirk, G. W., Mrs. |
Kirk, George W. | |
Kirk, George W., Dr. | | |
Kirk, George, Dr. | |
Kirk, George, Dr., Mrs. |
Kirk, Inez |
Kirk, Inez Hurr |
Kirk, J. A., Dr. |
Kirk, J. H., Dr. |
Kirk, James | |
Kirk, James C. |
Kirk, Jesse |
Kirk, Lewis | |
Kirk, Louis |
Kirk, Mary |
Kirk, Mary E. |
Kirk, Mattie |
Kirk, Polly |
Kirk, Susan | |
Kirk, William | | | | | | | |
Kirker, Thomas |
Kirkham, Robert | |
Kirkland, John Henry |
Kirkpatrick, James |
Kirkpatrick, Joseph |
Kirkpatrick, Mary J. |
Kirkpatrick, Mary Jane | |
Kirkpatrick, William |
Kirkscey, Bena | | | | |
Kirkscey, Bena T. |
Kirkscey, Bena Taylor | | | | | | | |
Kirkscey, Thomas D. |
Kirkscey, Thomas Dupree |
Kirksey, Bena T. |
Kirksey, Thomas Dupree |
Kirtley, W. E. |
Kirts, Matthew |
Kirts, Sarah J. |
Kirtz, William |
Kirves, Sue C. |
Kiser, Walter H. |
Kiskate, Eva Mae |
Kistler, __ | | |
Kistler, Susannah |
Kitchen, __ | | | |
Kitchen, Artemicia |
Kitchen, Benjamin |
Kitchen, John | | | | | | | | |
Kitchen, John L. |
Kitchen, Polly | | | |
Kitchins, R. A. |
Kitterman, George |
Kitterman, Martha E. |
Kizar, Fred | |
Kizar, Merobat |
Kizer, Mencebah |
Kizer, Menibah |
Kizer, Merrebah Cornell |
Kizer, Merribah |
Klaar, __ |
Klapper, Carl L. |
Klapper, J. William |
Klapper, Myrtle |
Klapper, Valta |
Klass, __ |
Kleber, John E. | | | |
Kleber, John L. |
Kleents, __ |
Kleesattel, Leota |
Klein, Anna |
Klein, Anna L. |
Klein, Ervin | |
Klein, Joannes Matthias |
Klein, Johann |
Klein, John |
Klein, John Matthias |
Klein, Lucille | | | |
Klein, Margaret |
Klein, Margret |
Klein, Maria Laura | |
Klein, Mary |
Klein, Mary Laura |
Klein, Peter |
Klein, Peter H. |
Klein, Walter Benedict |
Kleinhans, __ | |
Kleinhans, George |
Kleinhas, __ |
Kleinholder, __ | |
Kleinholter, __ |
Klements, __ | | | | | |
Klice, Douglas, Miss |
Kline, __ | |
Kline, Billie | | | | | | |
Klingaman, Joy Robey |
Klingenfus, Elisa |
Klinger, Lacy E. |
Klinhaus, __ |
Klipfel, __ | | | |
Klipfel, Anton |
Klipfel, Sophia R. |
Klippel, Denzil J. |
Klosterman, C. |
Klosterman, Sharon | |
Klosterman, Sharon L. |
Klotter, Alma C. |
Klotter, Evelyn C. |
Klotz, Erna Regina |
Klotz, Erna S. |
Klotz, Erwin | |
Knadler, John W. |
Knadler, Melissa |
Knaidler, John |
Knap, __, Miss |
Knapp, __ | | | | | | | | | | |
Knapp, Alfred R. |
Knapp, Diane L. |
Knapp, George |
Knapp, Joseph Hiner |
Knapp, Lois | | |
Knapp, Lois D. | | | | | | | |
Knapp, Lyman Beecher |
Knapp, Mary |
Knapp, Mary Ruth |
Knapp, Milton |
Knapp, Vadie E. |
Knapp, Veronica S. |
Knapper, E. |
Knapper, Eleanor |
Knapper, William |
Kneadler, __ |
Kneadler, John W. | | |
Knecht, __ | |
Kneisler, __ | |
Kneisler, Barbara |
Kneisler, Barbara Ann |
Kneisler, Charles | | |
Kneisler, Charles Eugene |
Kneisler, Charlie |
Kneisler, Ed |
Kneisler, Flora Irene |
Kneisler, Henry |
Kneisler, Ida |
Kneisler, Mary |
Kneisler, Mary Junita |
Kneisler, Posie |
Kneisler, Sadie |
Kneisler, Sadie, Mrs. |
Kneisler, Sarah |
Kneisler, Wallace | | |
Kneisler, Wallace, Mrs. |
Kniffen, __ |
Kniffin, __ |
Knight, __ | |
Knight, __ Rev. |
Knight, __, Mrs. |
Knight, __, Rev. |
Knight, Abraham |
Knight, America |
Knight, America L. |
Knight, America Louisa |
Knight, Baum & |
Knight, C. W. |
Knight, C. W., Rev. | |
Knight, Dorothy | | |
Knight, Eliza Ann |
Knight, Fanny |
Knight, George | | | | | | | |
Knight, Harry R. |
Knight, Isaac Abraham |
Knight, J. O., Dr. | | |
Knight, James | | | |
Knight, James W. | | |
Knight, Jane W. |
Knight, Jane Watts |
Knight, Mary | | | | |
Knight, Nancy J. |
Knight, R. W. |
Knight, Romina |
Knight, Rosa |
Knight, Rose L. |
Knight, Rumina A. |
Knight, Rumina Ann |
Knight, Sarah |
Knight, Sarah A. |
Knight, Sarah Abigail |
Knight, Susan |
Knight, Susan E. |
Knight, Susan Elizabeth |
Knipper, __ | |
Knoles, __ | |
Knoles, Florence Mae |
Knoles, Smith |
Knopf, Chris |
Knopf, Christine | | | |
Knopp, Louis L. |
Knott, __ |
Knott, Alvin H. |
Knott, Francis |
Knott, Ignatius |
Knott, Jemima Ann |
Knott, Lamar |
Knott, Mary McMahan |
Knott, Rebecca |
Knowlen, John |
Knox, __ | | | | |
Knox, Ann |
Knox, Art |
Knox, George C. |
Knox, James |
Knox, James, Col. |
Knox, Letitia |
Knudsen, Knute A. |
Knutson, Catherine | |
Knutson, H. A. |
Knutson, Howard | | | | |
Knutson, Howard A. |
Knutson, Kathryn | | | | | | | | | |
Knutson, Kathryn Dale |
Kobb, Louisa |
Koben, Amelia Adeline |
Koch, __ |
Koch, Elizabeth May |
Koch, Ernest H. |
Koch, Ida May |
Koch, Jacob F. |
Koch, W. B. |
Koche, George G. |
Kochenrath, Charles |
Kochenrath, George |
Koehler, Edward |
Koehler, Frank Joseph |
Koehler, Joseph |
Koehler, Nancy Ann |
Koehler, Otto A. |
Koertner, Carrie |
Kofens, Patsey |
Koglen, Cora |
Kohl, Josephine |
Konar, __, Father |
Konrad, J. |
Konvalinka, John |
Konwenhoven, __ |
Koontz, __ |
Kopf, __ |
Koph, __ | |
Koph, Dora |
Kophendoffer, Christ’r |
Kopp, __ |
Koppel, Jack |
Koppelger, Anna Elizabeth |
Koppelger, Elizabeth |
Koppelger, Michael |
Korfhage, __ | | |
Kornrumpts, Albert H. |
Kortrecht, __ | |
Kortrecht, Apollonia |
Kortrecht, Appollonia |
Kortrecht, Susanna |
Kortrecht, William |
Koss, Cathy |
Kossen, Martha Elizabeth |
Kossen, William Anton | |
Kotting, __ |
Kountz, Harry E. |
Kovach, Paul |
Kovenhoven, __ |
Kowenhoven, __ |
Kozee, William C. |
kPope, George |
Kraft, Christina |
Krage, Reuben C. |
Kramer, __ | |
Kramer, Arlin | | | |
Krantz, Michael |
Kratz, __ | |
Kratz, Catherine |
Kraus, Elmer Henry |
Kreigh, Caroline |
Krestin, Anna |
Kriebel, H. W. |
Krieger, Maria Anna |
Krieger, Maria Barbara |
Kriger, Mary |
Krodel, Louisa |
Krodel, Lula |
Kroll, Gretchen | | |
Kroll, Gretchen S. |
Kroll, Gretchen Staples |
Krome, Myer | |
Kronage, __ |
Kronauge, Vincent |
Kronlage, __ | | |
Kronlage, Elisabeth R. |
Kroschel, Stacy |
Kruckeberg, Warren F. |
Kruger, Laurene Owen |
Krull, John R. |
Kruml, Jeanette Louise | |
Kuby, Jesse |
Kuchner, Edwin J. |
Kuchner, Ethel |
Kuchner, Harry E. |
Kuchner, Millie |
Kugler, Constantine |
Kuhn, Evelyn Jesse |
Kuhns, Barbara |
Kuhns, Hampden |
Kuhns, James “Greg” |
Kuhns, James, Dr. |
Kuhns, Jim Jr. |
Kuhns, Nancy |
Kuhns, Sara |
Kuiper, Donna |
Kuiper, Ron |
Kulesza, __ |
Kulmer, __ | | |
Kulmer, Buddie |
Kulmer, Callie | |
Kulmer, Cora |
Kulmer, Eland |
Kulmer, Ella |
Kulmer, F. H. |
Kulmer, Fred | | | |
Kulmer, Fred H. |
Kulmer, G. R. |
Kulmer, George | | | | | |
Kulmer, George R. | |
Kulmer, Kittie |
Kulmer, lla |
Kulmer, Mary J. |
Kulmer, Morris | |
Kulmer, Myrtle |
Kulmer, Oliver | |
Kulmer, Peter | |
Kulmer, Philip T. |
Kulp, __ |
Kulp, Angeline | | |
Kulp, Stephen | | |
Kuns, Marin, Mrs. |
Kurts, Conrad |
Kurts, Sarah Jane |
Kurtsinger, Ken |
Kurtz, __ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Kurtz, Ann |
Kurtz, Anna |
Kurtz, Anna Mae | | |
Kurtz, Anne |
Kurtz, Cyrus | | | |
Kurtz, Edna |
Kurtz, G. E. |
Kurtz, J. W. |
Kurtz, Jacob | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Kurtz, Jesse Clay |
Kurtz, Jessie Clay | |
Kurtz, John Taylor |
Kurtz, John W. |
Kurtz, Joseph |
Kurtz, Lydia |
Kurtz, Martin J. |
Kurtz, Mary |
Kurtz, Monica |
Kurtz, Rachel | |
Kurtz, Sallie Ann |
Kurtz, Siras |
Kurtz, Will |
Kurtz, William | |
Kurtz, William J. | | | |
Kuykendall, M. |
Kuykendall, Moses |
Kuykendall, V. N. |
Kyle, __ | | |
Kyle, Bell |
Kyles, Mary M. |
Kyser, __ |
Kyser, ames B. |
Kyser, G. B. |
Kyser, Jesse |
Kyser, William |
Kyzar, J. R., Rev. |

The Bullitt County History Museum, a service of the Bullitt County Genealogical Society, is located in the county courthouse at 300 South Buckman Street (Highway 61) in Shepherdsville, Kentucky. The museum, along with its research room, is open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Saturday appointments are available by calling 502-921-0161 during our regular weekday hours. Admission is free. The museum, as part of the Bullitt County Genealogical Society, is a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization and is classified as a 509(a)2 public charity. Contributions and bequests are deductible under section 2055, 2106, or 2522 of the Internal Revenue Code. Page last modified: 30 Apr 2024 . Page URL: