The Bullitt County History Museum

Family Files at the Museum

Museum Volunteer Brenda Rittman made a list of our collection of family files in 2012, and Sheri Hatter updated the list recently. These are folders of information that have been collected over time. Some contain only an item or two, others have much information in them. We have added this list of names below. This is accurate as of 5 Sep 2024.

Keep in mind that we have many other resources as well at the museum.

Abel/Able/Abell - Achors - Adams - Akridge - Albright - Alcorn - Aldridge - Alford - Allen (African American) - Allen (Caucasian) - Allender - Allison - Alvey - Anderson - Applegate - Armstrong - Arnold - Ash - Ashbaugh - Ashby - Ashton - Aspol - Atcher - Atherton - Atwell - Ayers

Bailey - Baird - Baker - Ball - Barger - Barker - Barnes - Barnett - Barrall/Barrell - Basham - Bass/Bess/Best - Bates - Beal/Beall - Bealmear - Beam - Becker - Beckman - Beckwith - Beeler - Beghtol - Belcher - Bell - Bennett - Benningfield - Bentley - Berryman - Bethel - Bird - Birkhead/Burkhead - Black - Blakely - Blandford - Blatz - Bleemel - Blissett - Bobbitt - Boes - Bogard - Bollinger - Bolton - Boone - Bowen/Bowman - Bowles - Boyd - Bradbury - Brady - Bramel/Bramhall - Brandenburg - Brashear - Bray - Breeden - Brewer - Bridges - Bridwell - Brightwell - Briscoe (African American) - Briscoe (Caucasian) - Brooks - Brooks, David - Brooks, Joseph - Broughton - Brown - Browning - Brunton - Bryant - Buchanan - Buckman - Budd - Buky - Bullitt - Bullock - Burch - Burden - Burdett (African American) - Burdett (Caucasian) - Burke - Burks - Burns - Burton - Burwell - Bush - Buxton - Buzan

Cahill - Caldwell - Calhoun - Calveard - Calvert - Cameron - Campbell - Cardwell - Carlin - Carlisle - Carney - Carpenter - Carr/Karr - Carrico - Carrithers - Carroll - Carter - Cartmell - Case - Cash - Caswell - Cates - Caudill - Chaddic - Chalfant - Chambers - Chapeze - Chappell - Cheatham - Cherry - Chesdeldine - Cheshire - Childers - Childress - Christman - Cipolone - Clan - Clark - Clay - Clayton - Clements - Clevidence - Cline - Close - Coakley - Cochran - Coe - Cofer - Colbow - Coleman - Collier/Crelier - Collings - Collins - Colmesnil - Combest - Combs - Compton - Congrove - Conner - Conrad - Cook - Coomes - Cornell - Corum - Cox - Coy - Craddock - Crawford - Crenshaw - Crigler - Crist - Crist, George - Crist, Henry - Crist, Nicholas,Jr. - Critchlow - Croan - Crooks - Crow/Crowe - Cruise - Crumbacker - Cundiff - Curry - Curtsinger

Daley - Daniel/Daniels - Daugherty - Davidson/Davison - Davis - Dawson - Deacon - Deats - Dents - Dever - Dickey - Dillander - Dishon - Dodd - Dooley - Dozier - Dragoo - Drake - Druin - Duffield - Dunn - Duvall

Easton - Eddington - Edison - Ellaby - Elliott - Engle/Engles - English - Estes

Farmer - Farris - Faudere - Faulkner - Faust - Felker - Fenwick - Ferguson - Ferring - Fidler/Fiddler - Field/Fields - Figg - Flick - Floyd - Flynn - Foreman - Foster - Fox - Fraim - French - Frick - Friddle - Froman - Frye - Fulkerson - Fullenwider - Funk - Fuqua/Fuquay

Gaddie - Gaither - Galloway - Gardner - Garr - Garrett - Gatewood - Gentry - Gibbins - Gibson - Gilbert - Girtley - Gist - Givhan - Glass - Goldsmith - Good - Goodrich - Goodwin - Gore - Grable - Grafton - Graham - Grant - Graven/Gravens - Grayson - Greathouse - Greenwell - Griffin - Grigsby - Gwynn

Hackett - Hagan - Halderman - Haley - Hall - Ham - Hamilton - Hammond - Hardaway - Hardesty - Hardin - Hardman - Hardy - Harned - Harper - Harris - Harrison - Harshfield - Hart - Hartley - Hasting - Hasty - Hatfield - Hatter - Hatzell - Hawkins - Hayes/Hays - Head - Heath - Hecker - Hedges - Heffely - Helm - Henderson - Herbst/Herps - Herin - Hester - Hibbs - Hill - Hilton - Hite - Hoagland - Hobbs - Hocker - Hodge - Hoffman - Holmes - Holsclaw - Hopewell - Horine - Horn - Hornbeck - Hoskins - Houchens - Hough - Howell - Howlett - Hubbs - Huber - Huffaker - Huffman - Hume - Hunter - Hutchinson - Hynes

Ice - Ireland - Irons - Irvine - Irwin

Jackson - Jackson, Charles Lee - Jackson, George W. Civil War - Jackson, James Hewey Jr. - Jackson Lucille - Jackson, Mary Ruth - Jacobs - James - Jeffries - Jenkins - Johnson - Johnston - Jones - Joyce

Kalfus - Karr - Kaufman - Keith - Keller - Kelley (African American) - Kelly - Kemp - Key - Kidd - Kinder - King - Kinnison - Kitterman - Klapper - Knapp - Knight - Knopp - Knott - Koch - Korfhage - Krebs - Kulmer - Kurtsinger - Kurtz

LaFollette - Landers - Land/Lands - Lane - Langsford - Larimore - Lashbrook - Lasley - Laswell - Lavely - Lavine - Lawrence - Lawson - Leach - Lee - Lee (African American) - Lemmon - Lentsch - Leonard - Lesch - Leslie - Lewis - Litsey - Livers - Lloyd - Logsdon - Long - Losch - Lout - Lowe - Lutes - Lux - Lyninger

Mace - Maddox - Magruder - Mann - Manning - Maraman - Marcum - Markwell - Martin - Masden - Mash - Mason - Masters - Mathis - Mattingly - Mattingly, Henry B. - Mattingly, James Henry - Mauck - Maupin - May - McAfee - McAhron - McAllister - McCabe - McClellan - McClure - McConathy - McCormick - McCoy - McCree - McCrocklin - McCubbins - McDonald - McDowell - McDowell/Hudson - McElvain - McFarland - McGee - McGlasson - McGrew - McKay - McMahan - McNeil - McNulty - McNutt - McPherson - Medley - Meredith - Meyers/Myers - Middleton - Milam - Miles - Miller - Minks - Mitchell - Mittler - Mockbee - Mohr - Monroe - Montgomery - Mooney - Moore - Morehead - Moreman - Morgan - Morris - Morrison - Morrow - Morton - Moser - Motherhead - Mudd - Muir - Mullins - Mumford - Mundy - Muss

Nall - Neal - Neilson - Newbolt - Newkirk - Newman - Newton - Nichols - Niell - Noe - Northern - Nusz - Nute - Nutt

O’Brien - O’Bryan - Ogle - Orme/Ormes/Orms - Osborne - Overall - Owen/Owens

Pace - Pack - Paris - Parker - Parrish - Patterson - Patton - Paulley - Peacock - Pearl - Pendleton - Pennebaker - Perkins - Peyton - Phelps - Phillips - Philpot - Pigg - Pike - Plenge - Plummer - Polk - Pope - Porter - Pottinger - Powell - Pratt - Prewitt - Probus - Proctor - Pryor - Pugh - Pulliam - Purcell

Quartermouse - Quick

Radcliff/Ratliff - Rader - Raeber - Rairdon/Rarden/Rardon - Raley - Ramsey - Raymon/Raymond - Reasoner - Rector - Reid - Reynolds - Rhea - Rhodes - Rice - Richards - Richardson - Rickerson - Ricketts - Ridgeway - Ridgway - Riley, Golden Muir - Riley, John - Riley, Thomas W. - Risley - Ritchey - Robards - Robinson - Robison - Roby - Rodgers - Rogers - Rogers, Rev George - Roundtree - Rouse - Rouse, William - Royalty - Ruby - Rummage - Rush - Russell - Ryan

Sadler - Sale - Samuels - Sanders/Saunders - Schaefer - Schooling - Schuler - Schultz - Scott - Scrogham - Semmes/Sims/Simms - Settles - Shain - Shanklin - Shanks - Shasteen - Shaw - Shawler - Shelton - Shepherd - Shields - Shirley - Shoptaugh/Shoptaw - Showalter - Silkwood - Silliman - Silver - Simmons - Simmons, Levi - Simmons, William J. - Simms - Simon - Simpson - Sipes - Skaggs - Skinner - Sliger - Smith - Smothers - Snapp - Snawder - Sneed - Snellen - Snellenbarger - Snodgrass - Southern - Spalding - Sparks - Sparrow - Spears - Spurling - Stader - Stallard - Stallings - Stansbury - Staples - Stark - Steel - Stevens - Stevenson - Stibbens - Stickle - Stillwell - Stivers - Stoner - Stottman - Stout - Stovall - Strange - Stringer - Strother - Stultz - Stump - Styer - Sullivan - Summers - Sutton - Swanner - Swearingen - Sweat

Tanner - Taylor - Terry - Thixton - Thomas - Thompson - Thompson, Mary - Thorn - Thornberry/Thornsberry - Thornton - Thurman - Tichenor - Tinnell - Tinsley - Tomlinson - Toole - Travis - Trent - Triplett - Troll - Troutman - Trueman/Truman - Trunnell - Tucker - Tuell - Turner - Tyler


Vance - Vanfleet - VanMeter - VanVactor - Vaughn - Viers - Vincent - Vittitow

Waddell - Wade - Wagoner - Walker - Wallace - Walls - Walter - Warden - Waters - Wathen - Watkins - Watson - Weathers - Weaver - Webb - Weir - Weird - Welch - Welker - Weller - Wells - Westerfield - Wheatley - Wheeler - Whitaker - White - Whitehouse - Whitledge - Whitworth - Wiggington - Wilhite - Williams - Wilson - Wirth - Wise - Withers - Wolfe - Woods - Wooldridge - Worner - Worth - Wright

Yates - Yeast - Yenowine - Yoakam/Yocum - Young - Younger


The Bullitt County History Museum, a service of the Bullitt County Genealogical Society, is located in the county courthouse at 300 South Buckman Street (Highway 61) in Shepherdsville, Kentucky. The museum, along with its research room, is open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Saturday appointments are available by calling 502-921-0161 during our regular weekday hours. Admission is free. The museum, as part of the Bullitt County Genealogical Society, is a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization and is classified as a 509(a)2 public charity. Contributions and bequests are deductible under section 2055, 2106, or 2522 of the Internal Revenue Code. Page last modified: 12 Sep 2024 . Page URL: