Bullitt County History

E. B. Smith's Heirs & Assigns to Austin Speed - Two Tracts

E. B. Smith, a Bardstown merchant, purchased several tracts at auction in 1866, and by 1884 part of them was ordered auctioned to pay a debt owed by Charles M. Smith to Stephen E. Jones as shown in the Bullitt Circuit Court order transcribed below which shows that Jones purchased the land.

Then, as shown in the deed further down this page, Jones authorized the commissioner to convey a deed for the land to Austin Speed, a Louisville businessman. Speed held the land until 1889 when he sold it to Eckstein Norton University.

Bullitt Circuit Court Order Book A1, Pages 275-276

Stephen E. Jones, Assignee, plaintiff vs Charles M. Smith, defendant in equity.

This cause having been submitted upon the pleadings and exhibits and the court being sufficient advised, it is adjudged that plaintiff Stephen E. Jones, assignee &c cover of defendant C. M. Smith the sum of $675 with interest thereon at 6% from the 20th day of October 1879 until; and the further sum of $675 and interest thereon at 6% from the 20th of October 1879 until paid and his costs herein expended. It appearing that the plaintiff has a vendors lien on the property mentioned and described in the petition to secure the payment of the aforesaid sums. It is further adjudged that his said lien be enforced and that said land and enough thereof to pay the above mentioned debts, interest and costs be sold.

E. W. Hall, master commissioner of this court is directed to sell said property at the courthouse door in Shepherdsville on the 1st day of some county or circuit court after advertising the terms, time and place of sale at least 20 days by written or printed posters put up at the courthouse door in Shepherdsville and two other public places in the vicinity of the land. He shall sell on a credit of 6 and 12 months taking bonds with approved security for the purchase money, retaining a lien on the property.

Said property is situated in the county and contains about 70 acres of land upon which is situated the brick house known as the Doom residence, the main tract containing about 62 acres is bounded as follows.

Beginning at a white walnut stump in a sink on Stower's line, thence S 17° E 53 poles to a stake, thence N 80° W 165 to a stake in Overall's line, thence N 81 1/2° W 41 poles to an elm on the creek, thence up said creek West 31 poles to a stake, thence S 61 1/2° W 66 poles to a stake, thence S 74 1/2° W 20 poles to a hickory and beech stump, thence N 70° E 71 poles to the beginning.

Also a small tract of land adjoining the above mentioned tract containing about seven and a half acres bounded as follows on the north and east of the land above mentioned and on the south and west by the public road leading to Bardstown. E. W. Hall is allowed $10 for his services to be taxed as costs.

Bullitt County Deed Book Z, Pages 268-270

This indenture made this 21st day of November in the year 1884 between C. M. Smith and Stephen E. Jones, assignee of E. B. Smith Sr. and E. B. Smith Jr. by E. W. Hall, commissioner of the Bullitt Circuit Court of the one part and Austin Speed of the other part.

Witnesseth that whereas by a judgment of the Bullitt Circuit Court rendered at the November term 181 of said court in an action No. 737 pending in said court wherein Stephen E. Jones, assignee of E. B. Smith Sr. was plaintiff and C. M. Smith was defendant it was ordered and adjudged that the property hereinafter described be sold and E. W. Hall, master commissioner of said court was directed to make the sale which was accordingly made as directed in said judgment on the 16th day of January 1882 and Stephen E. Jones assignee of E. B. Smith Sr. became the purchaser of said property at his bid of $1560.50, and said commissioner having made his report of said sale at the May term 1882 of said court and the same having been confirmed a said terms by a further order of said court and the purchase money having been paid said E. W. Hall was at the November term 1884 of said court appointed commissioner to convey said property for and on behalf of the said parties of the first part to the said Austin Speed.

Now for and in consideration of the premises aforesaid the said C. M. Smith and Stephen E. Jones, assignee of E. B. Smith Sr. and E. B. Smith by said E. W. Hall, master commissioner, do hereby sell and convey to the said Austin Speed, his heirs and assigns the following described property situated and being in the county of Bullitt and State of Kentucky and bounded as follows, viz.

A tract of about 70 acres of land upon which is situated a brick house known as the old Doom residence, the main tract containing about 62 acres is bounded as follows.

Beginning at a white walnut stump in a sink on Stower's line, thence S 17° E 53 poles to a stake, thence N 80° W 165 poles to a stake in Overall's line, thence N 81 1/2° W 41 poles to an elm on the creek, thence up said creek West 31 poles to a stake, thence S 61 1/2° W 66 poles to a stake, thence S 74 1/2° W 20 poles to a hickory and beech stump, thence N 70° E 71 poles to the beginning.

Also a small tract adjoining the above mentioned tract containing about seven and a half acres bounded as follows on the north and east of the land above mentioned and on the south and west by the public road leading to Bardstown.

To have and to hold all the right, title, interest and claim of the parties of the first part in and to said property to the said Austin Speed, his heirs and assigns forever. In witness whereof the said E. W. Hall as commissioner aforesaid has affixed his signature the day and year first above written.

E. W . Hall, Commissioner
Bullitt Circuit Court

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The Bullitt County History Museum, a service of the Bullitt County Genealogical Society, is located in the county courthouse at 300 South Buckman Street (Highway 61) in Shepherdsville, Kentucky. The museum, along with its research room, is open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Saturday appointments are available by calling 502-921-0161 during our regular weekday hours. Admission is free. The museum, as part of the Bullitt County Genealogical Society, is a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization and is classified as a 509(a)2 public charity. Contributions and bequests are deductible under section 2055, 2106, or 2522 of the Internal Revenue Code. Page last modified: 12 Sep 2024 . Page URL: bullittcountyhistory.org/bchistory/smith-speed.html