Bullitt County History

Establishment of Shepherdsville and Later Expansion

From The Statute Law of Kentucky, Volume I, by William Littell, Esq; Frankfort, 1809, pages 183-4.

An ACT for establishing a Town on the land of Adam Shepherd, in the County of Jefferson.

Approved December 11, 1793.

WHEREAS it is represented to the present general assembly, that it would be advantageous to many of the inhabitants of the counties of Nelson and Jefferson, if a town was established on the land of Adam Shepherd, lying on the north side of Salt river, at the lower end of the falls of said river, where the great road leading to Bullitt's lick crosses the same:

Sec. 1. Be it therefore enacted by the general assembly, That fifty acres of land, at the place aforesaid, be vested in Nacy Brashears, Samuel Crow, Michael Troutman, Frederick Pennybaker, Benjamin Stansberry, Joseph Brooks and John Essery, gentlemen, trustees, for the purpose of a town, and be established as such by the name of Shepherdsville; that the said trustees, or a majority of them, shall have full power and authority to lay off the said land into convenient lots and streets, and dispose of the same at public auction, for the best price that can be got, either in money or country produce, as shall be most agreeable to the said Shepherd, giving twelve months credit, and having previously advertised such sale for two months. The said trustees shall take bond with approved securities for the payment of the purchase money to the said Shepherd, and deliver such bond to him.

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted. That the purchaser of any lot in said town, shall within seven years after such purchase, build thereon a brick, stone, or log house, sixteen feet square at least, with a brick or stone chimney, otherwise such lot shall be forfeited for the use of the town, and may be disposed of by the said trustees, and the money applied in such manner as they may deem thereof, most advantageous for said town. The said trustees shall convey the lots sold to the purchasers in fee simple, subject to forfeiture in case of their non-compliance with the terms and conditions aforesaid; they shall have power to make regulations for the government of said town, to settle all disputes about the boundaries of lots, and shall be entitled to such immunities and privileges as towns in the commonwealth possess and enjoy. Provided always, That nothing in this act shall be so construed as to effect the right of any person or persons to the said fifty acres of land, or any part thereof; but any person or persons establishing his or their rights to the same, shall have full power to sue for and recover the purchase money with interest from the said Adam Shepherd.

Sec. 3. This act shall be in force from the passage thereof.

From The Statute Law of Kentucky, Volume IV, by William Littell, Esq; Frankfort, 1814, page 212.


An ACT to amend the act entitled "an act to amend an act establishing the Town of Shepherdsville, and for other purposes."

Approved January 15, 1811.

Sec. 1. BE it enacted by the general assembly, That a survey of Shepherdsville, made by James Shanks, surveyor of Bullitt, and the plan or plats thereof, made out by him, and dated the eighteenth day of July, in the year one thousand eight hundred and nine, be established as the true plan of said town, and of the situation and boundaries of lots, streets and alleys therein: and that all disputes or controversies that may arise, relative to their situation or extent, shall be determined by the aforesaid plan, or platt.

From Acts Passed at the First Session of the Thirty-Sixth General Assembly for the Commonwealth of Kentucky, 1828, page 57:

Chap. 57.--An act further to regulate the town of Shepherdsville.

Whereas, the trustees of Shepherdsville have purchased a slip of land eighty feet wide, adjoining the town on the west, and opened on said slip a street called West street, and a piece of ground adjoining West street for a grave yard, and for the purpose of paying for said slip, they have reduced Third street in said town from eighty feet in width to forty feet, and have laid off on the part taken from Third street, fifteen lots, part of which they have sold and conveyed: Therefore,

Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, That the purchase of said slip and grave yard by the trustees of Shepherdsville, be confirmed, and the same is hereby incorporated and included within the limits of said town and the powers of the trustees extended thereto, and they are authorized to receive conveyances for the same.

Sec. 2. Be it further enacted; That the reduction of Third street in Shepherdsville, from eighty to forty feet be, and the same is hereby confirmed, also the sale and conveyance of the lots laid off on the part taken from Third street, and the said trustees and their successors are authorized and empowered to sell and convey the residue of said lots.

Approved, January 30, 1828.

From Acts of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, December Session, 1849, pages 338-9:

An Act for the benefit of the Trustees of the town of Shepherdsville, in Bullitt county.

Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, That it shall and may be lawful for Frederick Travis to file a petition in the Bullitt Circuit Court, stating that he is the owner of a tract of land adjoining the town of Shepherdsville, and is willing to convey to the trustees of said town, for public purposes, a strip of ground forty feet wide, commencing at the termination of Plum street, at the northern boundary of said town, and running from thence to the Key's ferry road, provided the said Trustees will convey to him, the said Travis, so much of west street as lies between the southern line of second street and the northern extremity of west street. The Trustees, and all the persons owning property fronting on west street, shall be made parties to said petition, and if said Trustees and owners of property fronting on west street shall file their answers, consenting to the exchange aforesaid, and if the court, after hearing the case, shall be of opinion that it will be to the permanent advantage of the town of Shepherdsville, it shall and may be lawful for said court to decree a conveyance of so much of west street as lies between the said southern line of second and northern extremity of west street, to be made by a commissioner, to be appointed by said court, to said Travis, upon said Travis's executing and acknowledging for record, before the Clerk of the Bullitt County Court, a deed conveying the herein before described strip of land to the Trustees of said town. The deed, to be made by said commissioners, shall be approved by said Court, and certified to the Clerk of the County Court of Bullitt County for record.

Sec 2. Be it further enacted, That an act, entitled, and act for the benefit of the Trustees of the town of Shepherdsville, in Bullitt County, approved February the 16th, 1847, be and the same is hereby repealed. Approved March 4, 1850.

This was followed in 1854 with another act confirming the action taken to expand the city limits.

From Acts of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, (31 Dec 1853 - 10 Mar 1854), Volume 1, 1854, page 312.

AN ACT ta extend the limits of the town of Shepherdsville.

§ 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, That the corporate limits of the town of Shepherdsville, in Bullitt county, be and the same are so changed and extended as to include the four acre lot of Frederick Travis, lying on the west side of said town, also to include the residence of the late H. F. Kalfus, deceased; and that they shall be subject to the same rules and regulations as other lots in said town.

§ 2. This act shall take effect from its passage. Approved February 6, 1854.

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The Bullitt County History Museum, a service of the Bullitt County Genealogical Society, is located in the county courthouse at 300 South Buckman Street (Highway 61) in Shepherdsville, Kentucky. The museum, along with its research room, is open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Saturday appointments are available by calling 502-921-0161 during our regular weekday hours. Admission is free. The museum, as part of the Bullitt County Genealogical Society, is a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization and is classified as a 509(a)2 public charity. Contributions and bequests are deductible under section 2055, 2106, or 2522 of the Internal Revenue Code. Page last modified: 12 Sep 2024 . Page URL: bullittcountyhistory.org/bchistory/shepherdsvilleest.html