By 15 Dec 1843, Robert F. Samuels was indebted to Richard P. Simmons for several sums of money, and was required to place much of his possessions and town lots in this mortgage to Simmons as described below.
Bullitt County Deed Book K, Pages 155-156
This indenture made and entered into this 15th day of December, 1843 between Robert F. Samuels of the County of Bullitt and State of Kentucky of the one part, and Richard P. Simmons of the same County and State of the other part.
Witnesseth that the said Robert F. Samuels for and in consideration of the sum of one dollar, cash in hand paid, and further considerations herein after named, hath sold and doth by these presents sell and convey unto the said Richard P. Simmons the following personal and real property, to wit: one side board, two secretarys, seven feather beds, bedsteads and furniture for the same, two bedstands, six matrapes and cots and furniture for same, one dozen pair sheets and pillow slips, extra one sugar chest, three dozen windsor chairs of various descriptions and colors, two round and dining tables, four square dining tables, six small writing tables, six wash stands, towels and pitchers, four other pitchers, two dozen towels, one wooden clock, twelve portrait and picture frames and likenesses, three dozen plates, and dishes, two and one half dozen knives and forks, two carving knives and forks, one dozen silver tablespoons, one large silver ladle, three small cream ditto, and two pair sugar tongs, two butter knives silver, two dozen silver teaspoons, one cupboard and ware for the same, two brass kettles, six ovens and skillets and lids for same, four water buckets, three large looking glasses, three smaller size ditto, one half dozen ink stands, two tavern bells, one shot gun and rigging, three pair shovels and tongs, two dozen cut and plain decanters and bitter bowls, two dozen cut and plain glass tumblers, eight brass candlesticks, half dozen glass jars, two writing desks, seven pair and irons, two pair steelyards.
Also two vacant lots in the town of Shepherdsville known by their numbers in the new plan thereof by number 49 and 50.
Also parts of lots known by their numbers 23 and 24, together with their appurtenances, being the same property for which said Samuels holds the bond of Henry Robb of Jefferson County.
It is understood that there is a balance of the purchase money due said Robb of $450 besides some interest which the property is bound for.
To have and to hold the same unto the said Richard P. Simmons, his heirs and assigns forever, against the claim of the said Samuels, his heirs and assigns, subject to the claim of the said Henry Robb. Nevertheless this indenture and sale upon the conditions herein after expressed, that the said Samuels is indebted to the said Richard P. Simmons in the sum of $180 for house rent which was due on the 27th day of August 1843 and for which the said Simmons has taken out a distress warrant which has been levied on the personal property named in this writing, and the said Samuels is further indebted to the said Simmons in the sum of $180 due and payable on the 27 day of August 1844, and in the further sum of $180 due the 27 day of August 1845, and in the further sum of $180 due the 27 day of August 1846, and the further sum of $60.52 due and payable the 16 day of September 1843.
Now if the said Samuels shall pay the first named debts of $180 due on 27 August 1843 and the last named debt of $60.52 due the 16 day of September 1843 within 12 months from this day, and the other three remaining debts as they shall hereafter become due together with all costs and charges upon the whole of said debts, then this indenture and sale to be void, else to remain in full force.
It is understood that said Samuels is not to remove any of said property out of the County of Bullitt, but may sell any of said property by applying the proceeds of said sales to the payment of said mortgage debts, he said Samuels first having the consent of said Simmons in writing to do so; said property is to remain in the possession of the said Samuels and at his risk. In testimony whereof the parties hath hereto set their hands the day and year first written. Interlined before signed. (signed) Robert F. Samuels, Richard P. Simmons.
State of Kentucky, Bullitt County, to wit. I Noah C. Summers, clerk of the County Court for said county, do hereby certify that this deed of mortgage from Robert F. Samuels to Richard P. Simmons was produced to me in my office on the 15th day of December 1843 and acknowledged by said Samuels to be his act and deed, and accepted by said Simmons and ordered to be recorded. Whereupon I have this 16 day of December 1843 truly recorded the same together with this certificate in my said office. (signed) Noah C. Summers, clerk, by William T. Samuels, deputy clerk.
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The Bullitt County History Museum, a service of the Bullitt County Genealogical Society, is located in the county courthouse at 300 South Buckman Street (Highway 61) in Shepherdsville, Kentucky. The museum, along with its research room, is open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Saturday appointments are available by calling 502-921-0161 during our regular weekday hours. Admission is free. The museum, as part of the Bullitt County Genealogical Society, is a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization and is classified as a 509(a)2 public charity. Contributions and bequests are deductible under section 2055, 2106, or 2522 of the Internal Revenue Code. Page last modified: 31 Jan 2025 . Page URL: