Bullitt County History

Paroquette Club Lease - 1871

A group known as the Paroquette Club signed a lease with the Paroquette Springs Company for a tract of land located on the west side of the Paroquet Branch where it flowed into the Salt River. It is transcribed below, along with images of the lease.

Bullitt County Deed Book S, pages 510-12

This lease made this 9th day of November 1871 between the Paroquette Springs Company of the first part, and the Paroquette Club of the second part, both of Bullitt Co. Ky. Witnesseth, that whereas the said party of the first part did agree in the month of June 1871 to lease for the term of ninety nine years with privilege of renewal for another like term unto the said party of the second part a certain lot of ground in its said Paroquette Springs property as herein after described upon the terms and conditions following, to wit:

1st. The said second party was to subscribe for five (5) shares of the capital stock of the Paroquette Springs Co. and pay for the same in like manner as other stockholders.

2nd. That upon the lot of ground to be leased to it as above the said Paroquette Club was to erect & furnish at its own cost a club house of such character, plan, dimensions & with such adjuncts in the way of boat & boat houses as it thought proper and suitable for its purposes, and was to have the right to keep and distribute to its members & guests its own supply of wines, liquors, cigars and other refreshments usual and necessary in the operations of such a club, according to the rules of said club.

3rd. The said Paroquette Springs Company was to furnish the service necessary for the cleaning of said club house & for the washing of the bed linen & toweling.

4th. That, while occupying their own club house and using their own furniture, the members of said Paroquette Club, being as such stockholders in said Paroquette Springs Co., were to have the same advantages as any other stockholder in said Company in any reduction made in the rate of board to those occupying their own cottages, and were to be in all respects upon the same footing as other stockholders.

5th. When this agreement was made and before the erection of any building, it was agreed that the buildings to be erected by said Paroquet Club should be the property of said club and not fixtures to the land.

Now, in consideration of the premises and the further consideration that the said Paroquette Club has subscribe for the five shares of the capital stock of said Paroquette Springs Co., and paid for the same in full, the receipt of which payment in full is hereby acknowledged, the said Paroquette Springs Co. doth hereby demise & to farm let to the said Paroquette Club, and to its successors or assigns a certain lot of ground in its Paroquet Springs property, bounded & described as follows, to wit:

Beginning in the middle of the mouth of the Paroquette Spring branch where it empties into Salt River; thence about ninety (90) feet up said Salt River; thence N15 W 135 feet (passing a white walnut 14 feet from the river) to the corner of a fence; thence N 45 W 66 feet to a sycamore in the bottom near said spring branch; thence S 2 E to a large gum tree 119 feet; thence with said Paroquet Spring branch in its meandering to the beginning, with free ingress & egress, through the Paroquette Springs Company's grounds, at all times, to & from said lot for the full term of ninety nine (99) years from the date above written, with the privilege to said Paroquette Club to renew its lease upon said lot of ground for another term of ninety nine (99) years should it elect to do so, and should it not desire to renew for another term after the expiration of its lease, then it is to have the right to remove such buildings or other improvements as it may have constructed on said lot of ground. In witness whereof the said Paroquette Springs Co. has hereunto set its hand by R. A. Johnson, its president & caused its seal to be hereunto affixed. (signed) Paroquet Springs Co. by R. A. Johnson, President.

State of Kentucky Jefferson County Sct I Ch M. Thruston, clerk of the county court of the county aforesaid, do certify that on this day the foregoing instrument of writing was produced to me in my office and acknowledged and delivered by R. A. Johnson as president to be the act & deed of the Paroquet Springs company, a party thereto. Witness my hand thhis 9th day of November 1871. (signed) Ch M. Thruston, clerk by S. F. Harlan, D.C.

State of Kentucky Bullitt County S.S. I R. J. Meyler, clerk of the Bullitt County court certify that on the 19th November 1871 the above lease wsa lodged in my office for record. It being duly acknowledge & I have recorded it this and the above certificate this 13th November 1871. (signed) R. J. Meyler, Clerk

Below are images of this lease.

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The Bullitt County History Museum, a service of the Bullitt County Genealogical Society, is located in the county courthouse at 300 South Buckman Street (Highway 61) in Shepherdsville, Kentucky. The museum, along with its research room, is open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Saturday appointments are available by calling 502-921-0161 during our regular weekday hours. Admission is free. The museum, as part of the Bullitt County Genealogical Society, is a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization and is classified as a 509(a)2 public charity. Contributions and bequests are deductible under section 2055, 2106, or 2522 of the Internal Revenue Code. Page last modified: 12 Jan 2024 . Page URL: bullittcountyhistory.org/bchistory/paroquet-club.html