Bullitt County History

John Henry Huber Obituary

The following obituary was printed in The Courier-Journal, 28 Apr 1894, on page 12. It is transcribe below.


Instantly Killed By An L. and N. Train At Huber's Station.

Was Walking Along the Track Facing the Locomotive At the Time.

Supposed To Have Been Out of His Mind When the Accident Happened.

Cashier At the People's Bank of Kentucky For Thirty-Two Years - The Funeral.


James H. Huber, a well-known business man and cashier of the late People's Bank, met death in a sudden and tragic manner yesterday. While walking on the tracks of the L. and N. railroad near his home at Huber's Station, sixteen miles from this city, he was run down by a passenger train and instantly killed.

Mr. Huber had lately been attacked by softening of the brain. (encephalomalacia [en-sef-uh-loh-muh-LEY-shuh] It is thought by his family that he was not really himself yesterday morning when his death occurred. For several weeks he had been able to be about. He was in the habit of going every morning to the long railroad platform in front of his residence to take his daily exercise by walking up and down. Yesterday morning soon after 8 o'clock he went there as usual and alone. it was at just 8:40 o'clock when Engineer William Shallcross, the engineer of train No. 5, which leaves here at 8 o'clock, saw a figure walking on the track about one hundred feet south of the platform and in the direction the train was running. The man did not leave the track and the enginer blew the whistle of his engine. Then he applied the air brake but to little avail. The distance was too short to stop in, and while running at good speed the pilot of the engine struck the man. He was thrown aside and but little disfigured. He was dead, however, when the crew of the train hurried back to where he lay and discovered, to their horror, the man was Mr. Huber, whom they all knew very well.

The body was carried by the train men into the Huber residence, which is near the station, and the train went on its way. Death must have been instantaneous.

Mr. Huber was for thirty-two years Cashier of the People's Bank of Kentucky. The bank went into liquidation January 1 of this year. Mr. Huber, of course, closed up its affairs, completing the business about March 13. Immediately after this, he was confined to his bed by an attack of softening of the brain. He particularly recovered, but was evidently losing his mind. He wasa lucid at times, but was not able to manage his affairs. He seemed, however, capable of caring for himself and did not require contstant attendance.

James Henry Huber was sixty-three years of age. He was born in Shelby County. His father was a prominent Presbyterian divine of his day and the boy, James Henry, inherited from him strong religious predilections. He entered business as a clerk in the office of an iron furnace at Shepherdsville and became, after a few years, bookkeeper for the firm. He came to Louisville while a young man and in time became a partner in the music and instrument house of D. P. Faulds & Co. He sold out his interests there to enlist in the Mexican war. He served one year and received honorable mention for gallant service before Monterey. He never ceased to take a lively interest in military affairs and was one of the organizers of the Louisville Legion. Returning from the war he engaged in business with Lawton & Co., china ware dealers, and at the breaking out of the war was a clerk for Hamilton & Co., pork packers. He was a strong Southern partisan, but did not enlist. The firm with which he was connected established a banking house and Mr. Huber was placed in charge of the business. He continued to be Cashier after the bank of Hamilton & Co. became the People's Bank of Kentucky.

When the Baring Bros. failed the People's Bank felt the shock severely, but stood the storm and came through all right. Mr. Huber at that time advised a liquidation of the business, saying the day of small banks had gone. The institution weathered the financial storm of 1893, but made no money. Largely upon Mr. Huber's advice the directors wound up the business of the bank and retired.

Mr. Huber was twice married. In 1845 he married Miss Abby Mason. She died years ago, leaving five children. They were: Lewis Huber, now President of the Eureka Lighting Company; Bertha who married Mr. Will Casseday, and Abby, who became Mrs. Will Lewis, of Lexington, both of whom are dead; Hattie and J. H. Huber, Jr. who is the bookkeeper for Maury & Dodd, the architects. His second wife was Miss Henrietta Douglas, who survives him. She is the mother of five children, two of whom are dead. Those now living are Miss Mary, Etta and Emma Huber, all young ladies. Two sons, Will, who was at the time of his death a tutor in the Male High School, though but twenty years of age, and Paul are dead. Their deaths occurring two years and one year ago respectively, were blows to their father from which he never fully recovered, and which were in some part responsible for his recent decline.

Mr. Huber was a man of strong religious convictions. He was a Presbyterian, and was at various times an elder in the church. Ten years ago he founded a mission near his country home, which is to-day a flourishing country church. He was a fine business man, but owed his success mostly to honesty and perseverance and conservative methods. He was widely known and respected, and his sad taking off will be regretted by the whole business community.

No arrangements have been made for the funeral. Misses Etta and Emma Huber are now in Paducah, but have been called home. Mr. Lewis and Mr. J. H. Huber, Jr., and their sister, Miss Hattie were in town yesterday when the accident occurred, and were not able to leave for home until after 4 o'clock. It is probably the funeral will take place to-morrow.

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The Bullitt County History Museum, a service of the Bullitt County Genealogical Society, is located in the county courthouse at 300 South Buckman Street (Highway 61) in Shepherdsville, Kentucky. The museum, along with its research room, is open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Saturday appointments are available by calling 502-921-0161 during our regular weekday hours. Admission is free. The museum, as part of the Bullitt County Genealogical Society, is a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization and is classified as a 509(a)2 public charity. Contributions and bequests are deductible under section 2055, 2106, or 2522 of the Internal Revenue Code. Page last modified: 12 Sep 2024 . Page URL: bullittcountyhistory.org/bchistory/jh_huber_obit.html