A recent inquiry to the museum regarding Jacob Hubbs has led us to gather the following information which we hope will be of service to others.
Jacob Hubbs was born on 30 Oct 1762 in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Soon thereafter his family moved to Maryland. From there his adventures began. We can best detail them by quoting from a letter written by A. D. Hiller on 8 Dec 1936 in which he summarized Jacob Hubbs' revolutionary war pension application.
"While residing at the foot of the Laurel Hill on the frontiers of Maryland, Jacob HUBBS volunteered in the spring of 1777 and served sis months as a ranger in Captain John HERRICK's company of Maryland militia, to protect the settlers from the deprecations of the Indians.
"He moved in the fall of 1779 to Kentucky and volunteered sometime in July, 1780 in Captain Peter A. Sturges' company, Colonel William Lynn's Virginia regiment in General George Rogers Clark's Expedition against the Shawnee Indiana, and had an engagement with them at the Piqua Towns. He served two months in 1781, spying and guarding the frontiers, under Captains Richard Chenowith, James Hogland, and Samuel Wells. He served in 1782, two months in Captain Andrew Hyne's company, Colonel John Floyd's regiment in General George Rogers Clark's Expedition against the Shawnee Indians and destroyed some of their towns on the Miami River. He was out in 1783 as a spy and a guard on the frontiers, at various times, length of service and names of officers not given. He volunteered in August or September, 1785 and served under Captain James A. Sturges, Jr., pursued the Indians to the Ohio River, and in a skirmish with the Indians, he was taken prisoner and carried to a town on the Wabash River, thence to the Maumee Towns, where he was tied and closely guarded for seventeen nights, then taken to Detroit and held about five months, when released. He served In 1786, three weeks in Captain George Powray's company, Colonel John Hardin's regiment, and was in an engagement with the Indians on the Wabash River. He was called out in 1787 by order of the County Lieutenant Alexander S. Bullock, and served three weeks as a spy in Captain Ballard Smith's company of horse. He was called out in 1795, by order of the same County Lieutenant, and served eight months as spy."
A complete transcript of the pension application may be found on another web page. Alternately, you may download and view a pdf file from here that contains images of the complete pension application itself.
Joan June Wright has written a brief sketch about Jacob Hubbs which you may read at Anthony Foster's site.
Jacob Hubbs married Asenath Williams on 18 Jan 1791 in what was then Jefferson County, Kentucky. Since the land were they are buried is in present-day northern Bullitt County (created in 1797), it is likely that they were there at the time of their marriage.
Jacob and Asenath are buried in the Smith-Hubbs cemetery, located in Zoneton. Pictures of their tombstones are shown below.
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Jacob Hubbs rested in his grave until 1982 when someone desecrated his burial plot. The story was told in The Pioneer News by Mike Daniel in the Thursday, 22 Jul 1982 issue. We have been granted permission by the newspaper to transcribe Mr. Daniel's article below.
Sheriff investigates the robbery of a 139 year old grave.
by Mike Daniel
Who robbed the grave of Jacob Hubbs? And what, if anything, did they find?
Bullitt County Sheriff Shot Dooley and Deputy Sheriff Charley Gentry pondered these questions last week after discovering through a telephone call that a gave had been mysteriously opened in a family plot on private property off Zoneton Rd.
According to Mrs. Pat Logsdon of Louisville, who owns the property, the grave is, or was, the final resting place of the man whose daughter was married to her great-great grandfather.
The tombstone over the grave had been shattered, apparently during the grave robbery. Information obtained from piecing the remaining sections of stone together together revealed that the person in the grave was a man, a soldier, who died in 1843 at the age of 79 years.
An investigation by the Sheriff's Department determined that the section of the tombstone containing the name of the person inside the grave was missing.
In a telephone interview, mrs. Logsdon revealed that the missing part of the tombstone contains the name of Jacob Hubbs, but she confessed to being confused as to why the grave of Jacob Hubbs had been disturbed.
"It is a mystery to me," she said. The grave itself is now completely open, approximately six feet deep with the width and height one could expect to fit a coffin. At the head of the grave is a small area dug approximately six inches deeper than the rest of the grave.
"That indicates to me that whoever did this was looking for something they did not find," says Gentry. "It looks like they got tired and gave up."
Local funeral directors say it is entirely possible after 139 years in the grave, the bodily remains could have disintegrated.
Mrs. Logsdon, however, disagrees. She reportedly has spoken to other funeral directors and received the impression that parts of the skeleton should have been found.
"There was nothing of value in there," she says of the grave. "But from what I was told, and the way the grave was dug with the name missing from the tombstone, it proves to me that whoever did this found something and took it."
The empty grave was initially discovered by neighbor Don Christman.
"My husband was all upset the day he found it," says Arlene Christman of her husband's reaction to finding the open grave. "He didn't understand how anyone could do such a thing."
At approximately the same time the grave of Jacob Hubbs was opened, a similar deed occurred at Penn Run Cemetery located in Fern Creek in Jefferson County.
According to Irene Gray, who operates the cemetery along with husband Buddy, the above ground vault containing the mortal remains of Thomas Stafford were disturbed on July 8.
"All they took was the skull," says Mrs. Gray, "the rest of it was skill a perfect skeleton."
According to Mrs. Gray, Stafford was buried in 1853 next to his wife Francis. Stafford and his wife were originally from Bedford, Pennsylvania.
Jefferson County police are investigating the incident at the Penn Run Cemetery.
This concludes what we have gathered regarding Jacob Hubbs.
The article transcribed from The Pioneer News is copyright by the newspaper, and all rights to the article are reserved. This web page is copyright 2010 by the Bullitt County History Museum, Shepherdsville KY. All rights are reserved.
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The Bullitt County History Museum, a service of the Bullitt County Genealogical Society, is located in the county courthouse at 300 South Buckman Street (Highway 61) in Shepherdsville, Kentucky. The museum, along with its research room, is open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Saturday appointments are available by calling 502-921-0161 during our regular weekday hours. Admission is free. The museum, as part of the Bullitt County Genealogical Society, is a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization and is classified as a 509(a)2 public charity. Contributions and bequests are deductible under section 2055, 2106, or 2522 of the Internal Revenue Code. Page last modified: 12 Sep 2024 . Page URL: bullittcountyhistory.org/bchistory/jacobhubbs.html