Bullitt County History

William N. Griffin - Estate Settlement

William Newton "Bill" Griffin was a local lumber dealer, and strong supporter of the local school. He wrote his will in 1921, leaving his estate to his children. When he died in February 1924, The Pioneer News printed the obituary you will find along with his will.

To settle his estate, his heirs petitioned the Circuit Court to appoint a commissioner to sell his real estate and divide the proceeds amongst his heirs. The court order is provided below.

Bullitt Circuit Court Order Book 11, Pages 549-552, July 18, 1924

V. H. Rouse, etc., plaintiff vs Katherine Bealmear, etc., defendant

This cause being submitted and it appearing that each of the defendants, having filed their answers and the court being advised, it is adjudged by the court that Ruth Rouse whose husband is V. H. Rouse, Grace Howerton whose husband is O. G. Howerton, Marie Maraman whose husband is R. L. Maraman, Katherine Bealmear whose husband is G. K. Bealmear, and W. N. Griffin, Jr., an infant, are the owners of and in possession of the following described lots:

First: A lot on Abbott Street in Shepherdsville, Kentucky:

Beginning at a stake in the west line of Abbott Street, northeast corner to lot conveyed by J. I. Rickerson to Ira Griffin, and running thence with Griffin's line North 77° West 196 feet to a stake, Griffin's corner, thence North 7 3/4° East 60 feet to a stake, thence South 77° East 196 feet to a stake in the west line of Abbott Street and with the line of said street, South 7 3/4° West 60 feet to the beginning.

Being same property that was conveyed to W. N. Griffin by deed from Chrissie A. Daugherty, etc. dated August 23, 1922, and recorded in Deed Book 49, page 426 in office of clerk of Bullitt County Court.

Second: Lots 133-134-135-136-137-138-139-140-141 in Oxley's addition and which lots lay north of the school property in Shepherdsville and constitute the home place of said W. N. Griffin, and are all fenced in one boundary. Each of said lots being 40 feet by 110 feet.

Lots 133-134-135-136-137-138-139 and 140 being same that were conveyed to W. N. Griffin by deed from J. F. Collings dated July 11, 1908, and recorded in Deed Book 40, page 411 in office of clerk of Bullitt County Court, and lot 141 conveyed to him by Rhoda McCarthy by deed dated May 8, 1911, recorded in Deed Book 43, page 186.

Third: Lots 87-88-89-90-91-92-93-94-95-96-97-98-111-112-113 in Oxley's addition to town of Shepherdsville, Kentucky: Lot 87 conveyed W. N. Griffin by deed dated July 22, 1919, recorded in Deed Book 47, page 404; Lot 88 by deed from Fred Saddler recorded in Deed Book 47, page 578; Lots 89-90-91-92 and 93 by deed from J. H. Younger recorded in Deed Book 47, page 405, and Lots 95-96-97-98-111-112 and 113 by deed from Emma Blankenship recorded in Deed Book 47, page 499.

Fourth: A lot beginning at northwest of Bettie Johnson fence and running thence in a westwardly direction 128 feet, thence nearly south 60 feet, thence nearly east 128 feet to Bettie Johnson line, thence with her line 60 feet to the beginning, being lot conveyed W. N. Griffin by Pius Clayton by deed dated October 24, 1908, recorded in Deed Book 40 page 412 in office of clerk of Bullitt County Court.

It is further adjudged that said Ruth Rouse, Grace Howerton, Marie Maraman, Katherine Bealmear and W. N. Griffin, Jr. own jointly an undivided interest and Ada B. Troutman owns the other undivided one-half interest in the following described lots:

Lots 14-15-84-85-86-94-102-103-120-121-122 and 130 and 142 in Oxley's addition to town of Shepherdsville, Kentucky. Lot 130 being 40 by 50 feet; lots 86-121 and 122 being trianglar shaped, and lots 14-15-84-85-94-102-103-120 being 40 feet by 110 feet.

Being same lots conveyed to W. N. Griffin by deed from C. L. Croan recorded in Deed Book 42, page 31 in office of clerk of Bullitt County Court, and C. F. Troutman and C. L. Croan by deeds recorded in Deed Books 42, page 40; 38, page 51; and 41, page 293; and which lots have been in the open, continuous, peaceable adverse possession of said Troutman and Griffin for more than 15 years.

It is further adjudged by the court that neither the first set of lots or the second set of lots described herein cannot be divided among the owners thereof without materially impairing their value or the value of the interest of each owners therein and that a sale of said lots will be best for the owners thereof and especially the infant defendant W. N. Griffin, Jr.

It is adjudged by the court that said lots be sold, and the master commissioner of this court is directed to offer same for sale on said lots at public outcry to the highest and best bidder on the first day of a regular term of this court or the Bullitt County Court upon a credit of 6, 12 and 18 months and the purchasers shall be required to execute three bonds each with approved surety and said bonds shall be due in 6, 12 and 18 months, shall bear interest from date of sale at rate of 6% per annum and shall be secured by a lien on the lot for which same are executed as purchase price.

The bonds executed for purchase price of the first set of lots herein shall be payable to V. H. Rouse and C. L. Croan, executors of estate of W. N. Griffin, and the bonds for purchase price of second set of lots shall be payable to the master commissioner. The purchaser of any of said lots shall be permitted to pay cash for the property bought.

Before offering, same for sale, the commissioner will advertise the time, terms and place of sale with description of lots to be sold in the Pioneer News, a weekly paper published in Bullitt County, Kentucky, for three weeks next preceding day of sale, and also by posting written or printed notices of time, terms and place of sale with description of property to be sold for at least 15 days preceding date of sale, one at courthouse door in Shepherdsville, Kentucky and three or more in the vicinity of the lots to be sold.

The interest of the infant defendant, W. N. Griffin, Jr., in the proceeds of sale of said lots after payment of costs shall remain as a lien against the property sold until he becomes 21 years of age or his guardians execute bond as required by law.

The commissioner shall sell lots in the manner he deems necessary, subject to the conditions of this judgment, to realize the best sale for same.

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The Bullitt County History Museum, a service of the Bullitt County Genealogical Society, is located in the county courthouse at 300 South Buckman Street (Highway 61) in Shepherdsville, Kentucky. The museum, along with its research room, is open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Saturday appointments are available by calling 502-921-0161 during our regular weekday hours. Admission is free. The museum, as part of the Bullitt County Genealogical Society, is a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization and is classified as a 509(a)2 public charity. Contributions and bequests are deductible under section 2055, 2106, or 2522 of the Internal Revenue Code. Page last modified: 18 Oct 2024 . Page URL: bullittcountyhistory.org/bchistory/griffin-circuitcourt.html