Bullitt County History

Charles Maraman to Samuel Peter - Contractual Arrangement

On 25 Jun 1839, Charles Maraman made this arrangement with his brother-in-law, Samuel Peter, putting Samuel in charge of his estate with the stipulation that it was to be managed for the sole benefit of Maraman's wife and children, as shown below.

It appears that Charles Maraman had married Levina Peters on 21 Jun 1821 in Spencer County, Indiana which lies along the Ohio River across from Owensboro, Kentucky.

According to Bullitt County Will Book C, page 161, the county court, on 9 Mar 1840 entered this order: "On the motion of Levina Maraman and Samuel Peter, administrators of the estate of Charles Maraman, dec'd, ordered that Enoch W. Gore, Jacob Troutman, James Combs and Joseph R. Murray, or any three of whom, being first sworn, be and they are hereby appointed appraisers to appraise in current money the personal estate and slaves, if any, of said decedent and make report thereof to court."

Thus we know that Charles died sometime before that date, but after he made this deed to Samuel Peter. We also know from a marriage record that Levina Maraman married Stephen Southern in Bullitt County on 26 Nov 1840. Then, according to Court Order Book H, page 449, Stephen Southern was granted administration of the estate of his deceased wife Lavina Southern on 19 Nov 1855.

Mary Antoinette Maraman, daughter of Charles and Levina, married John Porter on 23 Feb 1843; and Elizabeth Jane Maraman, her sister, married William R. Hoagland on 18 Aug 1847.

Bullitt County Deed Book I, Pages 188-189

This indenture made this 25th day of June 1839 between Charles Maraman of the county of Bullitt and state of Kentucky of the one part and Samuel Peters of the same county and state of the other part.

Witnesseth that the said Charles Maraman for an in consideration of the sum of one dollar to him in hand paid, and for other considerations hereafter stated, one of which is the love and affection he has for his wife and children, has this day bargained and sold, transferred and conveyed onto the said Samuel Peters the following tract or parcel of land containing about 311 acres, be the same more or less, the same tract upon which the said Maraman now lives, and the same tract bought by him of William Pope as is shown by deed bearing date in February 1832, recorded in Bullitt County Court and said tract lying in Bullitt County and South side of Salt River and bounded as follows to wit.

Beginning on the bank of the Rocky branch where the main road from Shepherdsville to Long Lick crosses said road, thence South 16° West 200 poles to a stake in Honey and Brend's line near the foot of the (?) knob where William Pope lived, and made salt, thence with Brend's and Honeys line North 30° West 210 poles to a stake, corner to the land purchased by Francis Maraman of Shepherd's heirs, thence with Maraman's line North 36° East 217 poles to said Maraman corner in the line of said Maraman's 10 acres bought by him of said William Pope, thence with said line South 48° East 30 poles to two beeches, corner to said Maraman's 23 1/2° acres bought by him of said Pope, thence with said line East 90 poles to three beeches, Maraman'scorner near the head of a gut at which the road from Shepherdsville to Long Lick Creek and Crist's mills forks, thence South 84° West 12 poles to said road on towards Long Lick, South 41° East 74 poles, South 11° East 100 poles, South 3° East 66 poles to the beginning, subject to a deduction for the amount of said tract sold by said Charles Maraman to Francis Maraman, being about 96 acres as will appear by reference to the deed from said Charles Maraman to said Francis Maraman.

To have and to hold the said tract of land, together with all and singular the appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in any wise appertaining to the said Samuel Peters, but it is expressly understood that hte said land is conveyed to said Peters only as trustee for the sole and exclusive benefit and use of the wife and children of the said Charles Maraman, and also of himself, said Maraman, are entitled to the sole use, benefit and profits of the said land and it is to be their home; the said Peters only holding it as their trustee and for their benefit, and for none of his own; and the said Charles Maraman for the consideration aforesaid, and also for the payment of his debts, doth hereby alien, sell, convey and confirm, transfer and release unto the said Samuel Peters the following property which was bought by him at public sale on the 15 day of June 1839, to wit: 8 head of horses, and all the cattle which he now owns or then owned, and all te sheep which he then owned or now owns, all his household and kitchen furniture, and all the property he owns; also all his notes and accounts, all his farming utensils, and every species of his personal property. The said Samuel Peters is to apply the last named property, to wit, the personal property of said Charles Maraman to the payment of his the said Maraman's debts, and the balance of the last named property, after the payment of the debts aforesaid, the said Samuel Peters is to hold in trust for the exclusive, sole and entire use and benefit of the said wife and children of the said Charles Maraman, and himself the said Maraman. And the said Peters is hereby constituted a trustee to hold all the property aforesaid for the sole use, benefit and behoof of the wife and children of the said Charles Maraman, and of himself the said Maraman, the personal property being first applied as aforesaid by the said Peters to the payment of the said Charles Maraman's debts and the balance to be held as trustee as aforesaid. Said Charles Maraman reserves and excepts from this conveyance his horse young six archie and his bridle and saddle. And it is expressly understood that any child of the said Maraman not now in being is to be entitled to the benefit of this conveyance.

In testimony whereof the said Charles Maraman has hereunto set his hand and seal this 25 of June 1839. (signed) Charles Maraman. Attest: William R. Thompson, Jacob Miller.

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The Bullitt County History Museum, a service of the Bullitt County Genealogical Society, is located in the county courthouse at 300 South Buckman Street (Highway 61) in Shepherdsville, Kentucky. The museum, along with its research room, is open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Saturday appointments are available by calling 502-921-0161 during our regular weekday hours. Admission is free. The museum, as part of the Bullitt County Genealogical Society, is a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization and is classified as a 509(a)2 public charity. Contributions and bequests are deductible under section 2055, 2106, or 2522 of the Internal Revenue Code. Page last modified: 12 Sep 2024 . Page URL: bullittcountyhistory.org/bchistory/cmaraman-peter.html