Bullitt County History

Butler Lodge, No. 194, at Pitts Point

On 7 Mar 1867 the General Assembly approved an act to incorporate Butler Lodge of the "Free and Accepted Ancient York Masons" located at Pitts Point. We have transcribed this act below.

From Acts of the Commonwealth of Kentucky passed by the General Assembly, Volume II; Frankfort, KY: John H. Harney, public printer; 1867, page 318.


AN ACT to incorporate Butler Lodge, No. 194, at Pitts Point, Bullitt County.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky:

§ 1. That J. W. Nichols, T. J. Hargan, and H. J. Greenwell, the present Worshipful Master and Wardens of Butler Lodge, No. 194, of Free and Accepted Ancient York Masons, located at Pitts Point, Bullitt county, and their successors in office, be, and they are hereby, created a body politic and corporate, by the name and style of Butler Lodge, No. 194, of Free and Accepted Ancient York Masons, with perpetual succession; and they, by that name shall be known and called; and shall be capable of contracting and being contracted with, of suing and being sued, of pleading and being impleaded, of purchasing and holding and receiving, by gift or otherwise, all such real and personal estate as may be required for the use of said lodge; to receive all necessary deeds of conveyance; to sell, convey, and dispose of all such real and personal estate as they may now hold or hereafter acquire: Provided, The amount invested in real estate, exclusive of buildings thereon, shall at no time exceed ten thousand dollars.

§ 2. That the management of the concerns of said corporation shall be, and is hereby, confided to the master and wardens of the said lodge, and their successors in office, as trustees thereof, who shall have power to make all contracts pertaining to the real and personal estate of said lodge; and service of notice or process on the master of said lodge shall be sufficient notice to said corporation.

§ 3. That the trustees named shall hold their office until their successors are duly elected and installed in office; that any real or personal estate now owned by said lodge shall vest in the said trustees in the same way, and to the like extent, as if acquired after this act takes effect. They may have and use a common seal, and change the same at pleasure ; but in conveying real estate, it shall not pass the title unless agreed to by a majority of the members of said lodge, which shall be entered of record in their record book of proceedings; and when approved and signed by the master, shall be binding upon the lodge.

§ 4. The General Assembly reserves the right to change or repeal this charter at pleasure.

§ 5. This act to take effect from its passage. Approved March 7, 1867.

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The Bullitt County History Museum, a service of the Bullitt County Genealogical Society, is located in the county courthouse at 300 South Buckman Street (Highway 61) in Shepherdsville, Kentucky. The museum, along with its research room, is open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Saturday appointments are available by calling 502-921-0161 during our regular weekday hours. Admission is free. The museum, as part of the Bullitt County Genealogical Society, is a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization and is classified as a 509(a)2 public charity. Contributions and bequests are deductible under section 2055, 2106, or 2522 of the Internal Revenue Code. Page last modified: 12 Sep 2024 . Page URL: bullittcountyhistory.org/bchistory/butlerlodge.html