Sheri Hatter: 2022 - Present
Sheri Hatter was born and reared in Bullitt County. Her parents, John and Teen Hatter played music around the county in the late 50s & early 60s, and her Dad built new houses almost yearly, moving the family all over Shepherdsville, but Cedar Grove Road was mainly her home. Sheri graduated from Bullitt Central, and then from Lindsey Wilson College in 1987. She has a daughter, Heather, and three grandchildren, Sydney, Treyton and Champ. While living for a time in Lexington, her Uncle Charles taught her about family research, and learning of an ancestor who served in the Civil War got her really interested in research which continues today. Sheri volunteered at the museum beginning in early 2021, and has served as its treasurer. She is grateful and excited about the opportunity to lead the museum's volunteers into the future.
Will Burden 2015 – 2019
Will Burden was born and reared in Bullitt County. He worked for Ford Motor Company until his retirement. After his retirement Will volunteered for many years at the Bardstown, Kentucky Civil War History Museum. During his tenure as Executive Director, Will worked to obtain a $5000 grant from Bullitt County Fiscal Court and was successful and able to maintain that grant on yearly basis. Will served the museum well during his time as Executive Director.
David Strange 2004 – 2014
David Strange was one of the founding fathers of the museum. David developed, wrote and instated all the procedures that still govern the museum today. David spent countless hours designing, developing and building many of the displays that are still in place today. David recruited and trained the great group of volunteers we have. Thanks to David’s hard work and vision the museum is the Great success it is today and he still volunteers today!